コード例 #1
		if ($rightDisplay == 1) {
			// Test if we have information about category - if we are displaying items by e.g. search outcomes - tags
			// we don't have any ID of category so we need to load it for each file.
			$this->catitem[$v->id]			= new StdClass();
			$this->catitem[$v->id]->id 		= 0;
			$this->catitem[$v->id]->alias 	= '';
			if (isset($this->category[0]->id) && isset($this->category[0]->alias)) {
				$this->catitem[$v->id]->id 		= (int)$this->category[0]->id;
				$this->catitem[$v->id]->alias 	= $this->category[0]->alias;
			} else {
				$catDb = PhocaDownloadCategory::getCategoryByFile($v->id);
				if (isset($catDb->id) && isset($catDb->alias)) {
					$this->catitem[$v->id]->id 		= (int)$catDb->id;
					$this->catitem[$v->id]->alias 	= $catDb->alias;	
				$categorySetTemp = 1;
			// General
			$linkDownloadB = '';
			$linkDownloadE = '';
			if ((int)$v->confirm_license > 0 || $this->t['display_file_view'] == 1) {
				$linkDownloadB = '<a class="" href="'. JRoute::_(PhocaDownloadRoute::getFileRoute($v->id, $v->catid,$v->alias, $v->categoryalias, $v->sectionid). $this->t['limitstarturl']).'" >';	// we need pagination to go back			
				$linkDownloadE ='</a>';
			} else {