コード例 #1
ファイル: BelongsTo.php プロジェクト: lox/pheasant
 public function get($object, $key, $cache = null)
     if ($cache) {
         $schema = \Pheasant::instance()->schema($this->class);
         if ($cached = $cache->get($schema->hash($object, array(array($this->local, $this->foreign))))) {
             return $cached;
     if (($localValue = $object->{$this->local}) === null) {
         if ($this->_allowEmpty) {
             return null;
         } else {
             throw new \Pheasant\Exception("Local value is null while not allowed");
     $result = $this->query("{$this->foreign}=?", $localValue)->execute();
     if (!count($result)) {
         if ($this->_allowEmpty) {
             return null;
         } else {
             throw new \Pheasant\Exception("Failed to find a {$key} (via {$this->foreign}={$localValue})");
     return $this->hydrate($result->row());
コード例 #2
ファイル: MysqlTestCase.php プロジェクト: lox/pheasant
 public function setUp()
     $dsn = getenv('PHEASANT_TEST_DSN') ?: 'mysql://root@localhost/pheasanttest?charset=utf8';
     // initialize a new pheasant
     $this->pheasant = \Pheasant::setup($dsn);
     // wipe sequence pool
コード例 #3
ファイル: PessimisticLock.php プロジェクト: lox/pheasant
  * Acquire the lock on the object
  * @return object the reloaded object
 public function acquire()
     if (!$this->_object->isSaved()) {
         throw new LockingException("Can't lock unsaved objects");
     $finder = \Pheasant::instance()->finderFor($this->_object);
     return $freshObject = $finder->find($this->_object->className(), $this->_object->identity()->toCriteria())->lock($this->_clause)->one();
コード例 #4
ファイル: Includer.php プロジェクト: lox/pheasant
 public function loadCache()
     $this->_cache = new ArrayCache();
     $ids = iterator_to_array($this->_query->select('DISTINCT ' . $this->_rel->local)->execute()->column());
     $relatedObjects = \Pheasant::instance()->finderFor($this->_rel->class)->find($this->_rel->class, new Criteria($this->_rel->foreign . '=?', array($ids)))->includes($this->_nested);
     foreach ($relatedObjects as $obj) {
コード例 #5
ファイル: DomainObjectTest.php プロジェクト: lox/pheasant
 public function testObjectTransactionNotExecuting()
     $this->assertCount(0, Animal::findByType('llama'));
     $t = \Pheasant::transaction(function () {
         $animal = new Animal(array('type' => 'llama'));
     }, false);
     $this->assertCount(0, Animal::findByType('llama'));
     $this->assertCount(1, Animal::findByType('llama'));
コード例 #6
ファイル: Relationship.php プロジェクト: lox/pheasant
  * Adds a join clause to the given query for the given schema and relationship. Optionally
  * takes a nested list of relationships that will be recursively joined as needed.
  * @return void
 public static function addJoin($query, $parentAlias, $schema, $relName, $nested = array(), $joinType = 'inner')
     if (!in_array($joinType, array('inner', 'left', 'right'))) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unsupported join type: {$joinType}");
     list($relName, $alias) = self::parseRelName($relName);
     $rel = $schema->relationship($relName);
     // look up schema and table for both sides of join
     $instance = \Pheasant::instance();
     $localTable = $instance->mapperFor($schema->className())->table();
     $remoteSchema = $instance->schema($rel->class);
     $remoteTable = $instance->mapperFor($rel->class)->table();
     $joinMethod = $joinType . 'Join';
     $query->{$joinMethod}($remoteTable->name()->table, sprintf('ON `%s`.`%s`=`%s`.`%s`', $parentAlias, $rel->local, $alias, $rel->foreign), $alias);
     foreach (self::normalizeMap($nested) as $relName => $nested) {
         self::addJoin($query, $alias, $remoteSchema, $relName, $nested, $joinType);
コード例 #7
ファイル: setup.php プロジェクト: lox/pheasant

require_once __DIR__ . '/common.php';
// set up the database
$migrator = new \Pheasant\Migrate\Migrator();
$migrator->create('testobject', TestObject::schema());
$migrator->create('testrelationship', TestRelationship::schema());
$connection = \Pheasant::instance()->connection();
コード例 #8
ファイル: DomainObject.php プロジェクト: lox/pheasant
  * Reloads the contents of the object
 public function reload()
     $fresh = \Pheasant::instance()->finderFor($this)->find($this->className(), $this->identity()->toCriteria())->one();
     $this->_data = $fresh->_data;
     return $this;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Wizard.php プロジェクト: lox/pheasant
  * Helper to build Wizard
  * @return Wizard
 public static function fromClass($className)
     return new self(\Pheasant::instance()->schema($className), \Pheasant::instance()->finderFor($className));
コード例 #10
ファイル: Transaction.php プロジェクト: lox/pheasant
  * Constructor
 public function __construct($connection = null)
     $this->_connection = $connection ?: \Pheasant::instance()->connection();
     $this->_events = new \Pheasant\Events();
コード例 #11
ファイル: common.php プロジェクト: lox/pheasant

require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use Pheasant\Types;
$memory_peak = 0;
declare (ticks=35);
 * Log peak memory usage
function log_peak_memory()
    global $memory_peak;
    if (($usage = memory_get_usage()) > $memory_peak) {
        $memory_peak = $usage;
 * Generic benchmarking function
function benchmark($times, $callback)
    global $memory_peak;
    $counts = array();
    $memory = array();
    $params = array_slice(func_get_args(), 2);
    // warm-up the benchmark
    for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
        call_user_func_array($callback, $params);
コード例 #12
ファイル: Pheasant.php プロジェクト: lox/pheasant
  * Resets the default static Pheasant instance
 public static function reset($instance)
     return self::$_instance = $instance;
コード例 #13
ファイル: Migrator.php プロジェクト: lox/pheasant
 public function __construct($pheasant = null)
     $this->_pheasant = $pheasant ?: \Pheasant::instance();