$password = "******"; // Test data $contactId; // Received after creating the contact. $firstname = "John"; $lastname = "Doe"; $phonenumber = "4712345678"; // Modify to a valid mobile number. $description = "This info was input with a REST PUT request"; $messagetext = "Hello! This message was sent by posting to the Intouch REST API."; $sendernumber = "IntouchAPI"; // Must be a valid sendernumber set up for your account // Setting up Pest with URL for the Intouch API and basic HTTP authentication require_once '../Pest.php'; $pest = new Pest('http://intouchapi.pswin.com/1/'); $pest->setupAuth($user . "@" . $logindomain, $password); $pest->curl_opts[CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION] = false; // Not supported on hosts running safe_mode! echo "<h1>1. Creating a contact in the address book</h1>"; try { $contactdata = array('Firstname' => $firstname, 'Lastname' => $lastname, 'PhoneNumber' => $phonenumber); $contactjson = $pest->post('/contacts', $contactdata); $contactarray = json_decode($contactjson, true); $contactId = $contactarray[ContactId]; echo "<br>Created contact with id: " . $contactId; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "<br>Caught exception when creating contact : " . $e->getMessage() . "<br>"; } echo "<h1>2. Getting the contact by its phonenumber and updating it.</h1>"; try { $contactjson = $pest->get('/contacts/phonenumber/' . $phonenumber);
public function ajaxHandler() { switch ($_REQUEST['command']) { case 'getJSON': switch ($_REQUEST['jdata']) { case 'grid': $data = array_values($this->getAllUsers()); if ($data) { return $data; } else { return array(); } break; default: return false; break; } break; case 'listApps': $ariuser = $this->Conf->get_conf_setting('FPBX_ARI_USER'); $aripass = $this->Conf->get_conf_setting('FPBX_ARI_PASSWORD'); $pest = new \Pest('http://localhost:8088/ari/'); $pest->setupAuth($ariuser, $aripass); $apps = $pest->get('/applications'); return json_decode($apps); break; default: return false; break; } }