コード例 #1
 public function loadPermissionDurationObject($pdID)
     if ($pdID > 0) {
         $pd = PermissionDuration::getByID($pdID);
         $this->duration = $pd;
コード例 #2
ファイル: page.php プロジェクト: Zyqsempai/amanet
    public function getAllTimedAssignmentsForPage()
        $db = Loader::db();
        $assignments = array();
        $r = $db->Execute('select peID, pkID, pdID from PagePermissionAssignments ppa inner join PermissionAccessList pal on ppa.paID = pal.paID where pdID > 0 and cID = ?', array($this->object->getCollectionID()));
        while ($row = $r->FetchRow()) {
            $pk = PagePermissionKey::getByID($row['pkID']);
            $pae = PermissionAccessEntity::getByID($row['peID']);
            $pd = PermissionDuration::getByID($row['pdID']);
            $ppc = new PageContentPermissionTimedAssignment();
            $assignments[] = $ppc;
        $r = $db->Execute('select arHandle from Areas where cID = ? and arOverrideCollectionPermissions = 1', array($this->object->getCollectionID()));
        while ($row = $r->FetchRow()) {
            $r2 = $db->Execute('select peID, pdID, pkID from AreaPermissionAssignments apa inner join PermissionAccessList pal on apa.paID = pal.paID where pdID > 0 and cID = ? and arHandle = ?', array($this->object->getCollectionID(), $row['arHandle']));
            while ($row2 = $r2->FetchRow()) {
                $pk = AreaPermissionKey::getByID($row2['pkID']);
                $pae = PermissionAccessEntity::getByID($row2['peID']);
                $area = Area::get($this->getPermissionObject(), $row['arHandle']);
                $pd = PermissionDuration::getByID($row2['pdID']);
                $ppc = new PageContentPermissionTimedAssignment();
                $assignments[] = $ppc;
        $r = $db->Execute('select peID, cvb.cvID, cvb.bID, pdID, pkID from BlockPermissionAssignments bpa
		inner join PermissionAccessList pal on bpa.paID = pal.paID inner join CollectionVersionBlocks cvb on cvb.cID = bpa.cID and cvb.cvID = bpa.cvID and cvb.bID = bpa.bID
		where pdID > 0 and cvb.cID = ? and cvb.cvID = ? and cvb.cbOverrideAreaPermissions = 1', array($this->object->getCollectionID(), $this->object->getVersionID()));
        while ($row = $r->FetchRow()) {
            $pk = BlockPermissionKey::getByID($row['pkID']);
            $pae = PermissionAccessEntity::getByID($row['peID']);
            $arHandle = $db->GetOne('select arHandle from CollectionVersionBlocks where bID = ? and cvID = ? and cID = ?', array($row['bID'], $row['cvID'], $this->object->getCollectionID()));
            $b = Block::getByID($row['bID'], $this->object, $arHandle);
            $pd = PermissionDuration::getByID($row['pdID']);
            $ppc = new PageContentPermissionTimedAssignment();
            $assignments[] = $ppc;
        return $assignments;
コード例 #3
ファイル: block_type.php プロジェクト: Zyqsempai/amanet

defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
$p = new Permissions();
if ($p->canAccessTaskPermissions()) {
    if ($_REQUEST['task'] == 'add_access_entity' && Loader::helper("validation/token")->validate('add_access_entity')) {
        $pk = PermissionKey::getByID($_REQUEST['pkID']);
        $pa = PermissionAccess::getByID($_REQUEST['paID'], $pk);
        $pe = PermissionAccessEntity::getByID($_REQUEST['peID']);
        $pd = PermissionDuration::getByID($_REQUEST['pdID']);
        $pa->addListITem($pe, $pd, $_REQUEST['accessType']);
    if ($_REQUEST['task'] == 'remove_access_entity' && Loader::helper("validation/token")->validate('remove_access_entity')) {
        $pk = PermissionKey::getByID($_REQUEST['pkID']);
        $pa = PermissionAccess::getByID($_REQUEST['paID'], $pk);
        $pe = PermissionAccessEntity::getByID($_REQUEST['peID']);
    if ($_REQUEST['task'] == 'save_permission' && Loader::helper("validation/token")->validate('save_permission')) {
        $pk = PermissionKey::getByID($_REQUEST['pkID']);
        $pa = PermissionAccess::getByID($_REQUEST['paID'], $pk);
    if ($_REQUEST['task'] == 'display_access_cell' && Loader::helper("validation/token")->validate('display_access_cell')) {
        $pk = PermissionKey::getByID($_REQUEST['pkID']);
        $pa = PermissionAccess::getByID($_REQUEST['paID'], $pk);
        Loader::element('permission/labels', array('pk' => $pk, 'pa' => $pa));
コード例 #4
ファイル: duration.php プロジェクト: ronlobo/concrete5-de
 public static function translateFromRequest()
     $dt = Loader::helper('form/date_time');
     $dateStart = $dt->translate('pdStartDate');
     $dateEnd = $dt->translate('pdEndDate');
     if ($dateStart || $dateEnd) {
         // create a PermissionDuration object
         if ($_REQUEST['pdID']) {
             $pd = PermissionDuration::getByID($_REQUEST['pdID']);
         } else {
             $pd = new PermissionDuration();
         if ($_REQUEST['pdStartDateAllDayActivate']) {
             $dateStart = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime($dateStart));
         } else {
         if ($_REQUEST['pdEndDateAllDayActivate']) {
             $dateEnd = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime($dateEnd));
         } else {
         if ($_POST['pdRepeatPeriod'] && $_POST['pdRepeat']) {
             if ($_POST['pdRepeatPeriod'] == 'daily') {
             } else {
                 if ($_POST['pdRepeatPeriod'] == 'weekly') {
                 } else {
                     if ($_POST['pdRepeatPeriod'] == 'monthly') {
         } else {
     } else {
     return $pd;
コード例 #5
ファイル: file_list.php プロジェクト: ronlobo/concrete5
 protected function setupFilePermissions()
     $u = new User();
     if ($this->permissionLevel == false || $u->isSuperUser()) {
         return false;
     $accessEntities = $u->getUserAccessEntityObjects();
     foreach ($accessEntities as $pae) {
         $peIDs[] = $pae->getAccessEntityID();
     $db = Loader::db();
     // figure out which sets can read files in, not read files in, and read only my files in.
     $fsIDs = $db->GetCol('select fsID from FileSets where fsOverrideGlobalPermissions = 1');
     $viewableSets = array(-1);
     $nonviewableSets = array(-1);
     $myviewableSets = array(-1);
     $owpae = FileUploaderPermissionAccessEntity::getOrCreate();
     if (count($fsIDs) > 0) {
         $pk = PermissionKey::getByHandle($this->permissionLevel);
         foreach ($fsIDs as $fsID) {
             $fs = FileSet::getByID($fsID);
             $list = $pk->getAccessListItems(PermissionKey::ACCESS_TYPE_ALL, $accessEntities);
             $list = PermissionDuration::filterByActive($list);
             if (count($list) > 0) {
                 foreach ($list as $l) {
                     $pae = $l->getAccessEntityObject();
                     if ($pae->getAccessEntityID() == $owpae->getAccessEntityID()) {
                         $myviewableSets[] = $fs->getFileSetID();
                     } else {
                         if ($l->getAccessType() == PermissionKey::ACCESS_TYPE_INCLUDE) {
                             $viewableSets[] = $fs->getFileSetID();
                         if ($l->getAccessType() == PermissionKey::ACCESS_TYPE_EXCLUDE) {
                             $nonviewableSets[] = $fs->getFileSetID();
             } else {
                 $nonviewableSets[] = $fs->getFileSetID();
     $fs = FileSet::getGlobal();
     $fk = PermissionKey::getByHandle('search_file_set');
     $accessEntities[] = $owpae;
     $list = $fk->getAccessListItems(PermissionKey::ACCESS_TYPE_ALL, $accessEntities);
     $list = PermissionDuration::filterByActive($list);
     foreach ($list as $l) {
         $pae = $l->getAccessEntityObject();
         if ($pae->getAccessEntityID() == $owpae->getAccessEntityID()) {
             $valid = 'mine';
         } else {
             if ($l->getAccessType() == PermissionKey::ACCESS_TYPE_INCLUDE) {
                 $valid = PermissionKey::ACCESS_TYPE_INCLUDE;
             if ($l->getAccessType() == PermissionKey::ACCESS_TYPE_EXCLUDE) {
                 $valid = PermissionKey::ACCESS_TYPE_EXCLUDE;
     $uID = $u->isRegistered() ? $u->getUserID() : 0;
     // This excludes all files found in sets where I may only read mine, and I did not upload the file
     $this->filter(false, '(f.uID = ' . $uID . ' or (select count(fID) from FileSetFiles where FileSetFiles.fID = f.fID and fsID in (' . implode(',', $myviewableSets) . ')) = 0)');
     if ($valid == 'mine') {
         // this means that we're only allowed to read files we've uploaded (unless, of course, those files are in previously covered sets)
         $this->filter(false, '(f.uID = ' . $uID . ' or (select count(fID) from FileSetFiles where FileSetFiles.fID = f.fID and fsID in (' . implode(',', $viewableSets) . ')) > 0)');
     // this excludes all file that are found in sets that I can't find
     $this->filter(false, '((select count(fID) from FileSetFiles where FileSetFiles.fID = f.fID and fsID in (' . implode(',', $nonviewableSets) . ')) = 0)');
     $uID = $u->isRegistered() ? $u->getUserID() : 0;
     // This excludes all files found in sets where I may only read mine, and I did not upload the file
     $this->filter(false, '(f.uID = ' . $uID . ' or (select count(fID) from FileSetFiles where FileSetFiles.fID = f.fID and fsID in (' . implode(',', $myviewableSets) . ')) = 0)');
     $db = Loader::db();
     $vpvPKID = $db->GetOne('select pkID from PermissionKeys where pkHandle = \'view_file\'');
     if ($this->permissionLevel == 'search_file_set') {
         $vpPKID = $db->GetOne('select pkID from PermissionKeys where pkHandle = \'view_file_in_file_manager\'');
     } else {
         $vpPKID = $vpvPKID;
     $pdIDs = $db->GetCol("select distinct pdID from FilePermissionAssignments fpa inner join PermissionAccessList pal on fpa.paID = pal.paID where pkID in (?, ?) and pdID > 0", array($vpPKID, $vpvPKID));
     $activePDIDs = array();
     if (count($pdIDs) > 0) {
         // then we iterate through all of them and find any that are active RIGHT NOW
         foreach ($pdIDs as $pdID) {
             $pd = PermissionDuration::getByID($pdID);
             if ($pd->isActive()) {
                 $activePDIDs[] = $pd->getPermissionDurationID();
     $activePDIDs[] = 0;
     // exclude files where its overridden but I don't have the ability to read
     $this->filter(false, "(f.fOverrideSetPermissions = 0 or (select count(fID) from FilePermissionAssignments fpa inner join PermissionAccessList fpal on fpa.paID = fpal.paID where fpa.fID = f.fID and fpal.accessType = " . PermissionKey::ACCESS_TYPE_INCLUDE . " and fpal.pdID in (" . implode(',', $activePDIDs) . ") and fpal.peID in (" . implode(',', $peIDs) . ") and (if(fpal.peID = " . $owpae->getAccessEntityID() . " and f.uID <> " . $uID . ", false, true)) and (fpa.pkID = " . $vpPKID . ")) > 0)");
     // exclude detail files where read is excluded
     $this->filter(false, "f.fID not in (select ff.fID from Files ff inner join FilePermissionAssignments fpaExclude on ff.fID = fpaExclude.fID inner join PermissionAccessList palExclude on fpaExclude.paID = palExclude.paID where fOverrideSetPermissions = 1 and palExclude.accessType = " . PermissionKey::ACCESS_TYPE_EXCLUDE . " and palExclude.pdID in (" . implode(',', $activePDIDs) . ")\n\t\t\tand palExclude.peID in (" . implode(',', $peIDs) . ") and fpaExclude.pkID in (" . $vpPKID . "," . $vpvPKID . "))");
コード例 #6
ファイル: page_list.php プロジェクト: ronlobo/concrete5-de
  * Sets up a list to only return items the proper user can access 
 public function setupPermissions()
     $u = new User();
     if ($u->isSuperUser() || $this->ignorePermissions) {
         // super user always sees everything. no need to limit
     $accessEntities = $u->getUserAccessEntityObjects();
     foreach ($accessEntities as $pae) {
         $peIDs[] = $pae->getAccessEntityID();
     $owpae = PageOwnerPermissionAccessEntity::getOrCreate();
     // now we retrieve a list of permission duration object IDs that are attached view_page or view_page_version
     // against any of these access entity objects. We just get'em all.
     $db = Loader::db();
     $activePDIDs = array();
     $vpPKID = $db->GetOne('select pkID from PermissionKeys where pkHandle = \'view_page\'');
     $vpvPKID = $db->GetOne('select pkID from PermissionKeys where pkHandle = \'view_page_versions\'');
     $pdIDs = $db->GetCol("select distinct pdID from PagePermissionAssignments ppa inner join PermissionAccessList pa on ppa.paID = pa.paID where pkID in (?, ?) and pdID > 0", array($vpPKID, $vpvPKID));
     if (count($pdIDs) > 0) {
         // then we iterate through all of them and find any that are active RIGHT NOW
         foreach ($pdIDs as $pdID) {
             $pd = PermissionDuration::getByID($pdID);
             if ($pd->isActive()) {
                 $activePDIDs[] = $pd->getPermissionDurationID();
     $activePDIDs[] = 0;
     if ($this->includeAliases) {
         $cInheritPermissionsFromCID = 'if(p2.cID is null, p1.cInheritPermissionsFromCID, p2.cInheritPermissionsFromCID)';
     } else {
         $cInheritPermissionsFromCID = 'p1.cInheritPermissionsFromCID';
     if ($this->displayOnlyApprovedPages) {
         $cvIsApproved = ' and cv.cvIsApproved = 1';
     $uID = 0;
     if ($u->isRegistered()) {
         $uID = $u->getUserID();
     $this->filter(false, "((select count(cID) from PagePermissionAssignments ppa1 inner join PermissionAccessList pa1 on ppa1.paID = pa1.paID where ppa1.cID = {$cInheritPermissionsFromCID} and pa1.accessType = " . PermissionKey::ACCESS_TYPE_INCLUDE . " and pa1.pdID in (" . implode(',', $activePDIDs) . ")\n\t\t\tand pa1.peID in (" . implode(',', $peIDs) . ") and (if(pa1.peID = " . $owpae->getAccessEntityID() . " and p1.uID <>" . $uID . ", false, true)) and (ppa1.pkID = " . $vpPKID . $cvIsApproved . " or ppa1.pkID = " . $vpvPKID . ")) > 0\n\t\t\tor (p1.cPointerExternalLink !='' AND p1.cPointerExternalLink IS NOT NULL))");
     $this->filter(false, "((select count(cID) from PagePermissionAssignments ppaExclude inner join PermissionAccessList paExclude on ppaExclude.paID = paExclude.paID where ppaExclude.cID = {$cInheritPermissionsFromCID} and accessType = " . PermissionKey::ACCESS_TYPE_EXCLUDE . " and pdID in (" . implode(',', $activePDIDs) . ")\n\t\t\tand paExclude.peID in (" . implode(',', $peIDs) . ") and (if(paExclude.peID = " . $owpae->getAccessEntityID() . " and p1.uID <>" . $uID . ", false, true)) and (ppaExclude.pkID = " . $vpPKID . $cvIsApproved . " or ppaExclude.pkID = " . $vpvPKID . ")) = 0)");