public function get_templates($path = false, $include_hidden = false, $initial_path = false) { $Perch = Perch::fetch(); if ($path === false) { $path = PERCH_TEMPLATE_PATH . '/categories'; } if ($initial_path === false) { $initial_path = $path; } $a = array(); if (is_dir($path)) { if ($dh = opendir($path)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (substr($file, 0, 1) != '.' && ($include_hidden || substr($file, 0, 1) != '_') && !preg_match($Perch->ignore_pattern, $file)) { $extension = PerchUtil::file_extension($file); if ($extension == 'html' || $extension == 'htm') { $p = str_replace($initial_path, '', $path); if (!$p) { $a[PerchLang::get('Categories')][] = array('filename' => $file, 'path' => $file, 'label' => $this->template_display_name($file)); } else { $a[] = array('filename' => $file, 'path' => ltrim($p, '/') . '/' . $file, 'label' => $this->template_display_name($file)); } } else { $a[$this->template_display_name($file)] = $this->get_templates($path . '/' . $file, $include_hidden, $initial_path); } } } closedir($dh); } if (PerchUtil::count($a)) { $a = PerchUtil::array_sort($a, 'label'); } } return $a; }
public static function get_lang_options() { $Lang = PerchLang::fetch(); $out = array(); // Addons folder if (is_dir(PerchUtil::file_path(PERCH_PATH . '/addons/lang'))) { $lang_dir = PerchUtil::file_path(PERCH_PATH . '/addons/lang'); $files = PerchUtil::get_dir_contents($lang_dir, false); if (is_array($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { $out[] = PerchUtil::strip_file_extension($file); } } } // Core folder $lang_dir = PerchUtil::file_path(PERCH_CORE . '/lang'); if (is_dir($lang_dir)) { $files = PerchUtil::get_dir_contents($lang_dir, false); if (is_array($files)) { foreach ($files as $file) { $f = PerchUtil::strip_file_extension($file); if (!in_array($f, $out)) { $out[] = $f; } } } } if (PerchUtil::count($out)) { sort($out); return $out; } return false; }
public function get_templates($template_ids = false) { $a = array(); $templates = $this->get_filtered($template_ids); if (PerchUtil::count($templates)) { foreach ($templates as $Template) { $segments = explode('/', $Template->templatePath()); if (count($segments) == 1) { $a[PerchLang::get('General')][] = array('id' => $Template->id(), 'label' => $Template->templateTitle()); } else { $file = array_pop($segments); $tmp = array('id' => $Template->id(), 'label' => $Template->templateTitle()); $target =& $a; for ($i = 0; $i < count($segments); $i++) { $label = $this->template_display_name($segments[$i]); if (!isset($a[$label])) { $a[$label] = array(); } $target =& $a[$label]; } $target[] = $tmp; } } } return $a; }
function __construct($version = 1.0, $app_id) { $this->app_id = $app_id; $this->version = $version; if (!defined('PERCH_APPS_EDITOR_PLUGIN')) { define('PERCH_APPS_EDITOR_PLUGIN', 'markitup'); } if (!defined('PERCH_APPS_EDITOR_MARKUP_LANGUAGE')) { define('PERCH_APPS_EDITOR_MARKUP_LANGUAGE', 'textile'); } if (strpos($app_id, '_') === false) { $this->Lang = PerchLang::fetch(); } }
/** * Get an array of templates in the content folder. * * @param string $path * @return void * @author Drew McLellan */ public function get_templates($path = false, $include_hidden = false, $initial_path = false) { $Perch = Perch::fetch(); if ($path === false) { $path = PERCH_TEMPLATE_PATH . '/forms/emails'; } if ($initial_path === false) { $initial_path = $path; } $a = array(); $groups = array(); $p = false; if (is_dir($path)) { if ($dh = opendir($path)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (substr($file, 0, 1) != '.' && ($include_hidden || substr($file, 0, 1) != '_') && !preg_match($Perch->ignore_pattern, $file)) { $extension = PerchUtil::file_extension($file); if ($extension == 'html' || $extension == 'htm') { $p = str_replace($initial_path, '', $path); if (!$p) { $a[PerchLang::get('Templates')][] = array('filename' => $file, 'value' => $file, 'path' => $file, 'label' => $this->template_display_name($file)); } else { $a[] = array('filename' => $file, 'value' => ltrim($p, '/') . '/' . $file, 'path' => ltrim($p, '/') . '/' . $file, 'label' => $this->template_display_name($file)); } } else { // Use this one of infinite recursive nesting. Group stuff below normalised for HTML select optgroups that only do one level //$a[$this->template_display_name($file)] = $this->get_templates($path.'/'.$file, $include_hidden, $initial_path); if ($p) { $group_name = $this->template_display_name(trim($p, '/\\') . '/' . $file); } else { $group_name = $this->template_display_name($file); } $groups[$group_name] = $this->get_templates($path . '/' . $file, $include_hidden, $initial_path); } } } closedir($dh); } if (PerchUtil::count($a)) { $a = PerchUtil::array_sort($a, 'label'); } } return $a + $groups; }
</form> <?php } // token_expired if ($mode == 'password_set') { ?> <form action="<?php echo PerchUtil::html(PERCH_LOGINPATH); ?> /" method="post" class="reset"> <p class="instructions"><?php echo PerchLang::get('Thank you. Your new password has been set and you can now log in using it.'); ?> </p> <p class="instructions"><?php echo PerchLang::get('%sLog in%s', '<a href="' . PerchUtil::html(PERCH_LOGINPATH) . '" class="button">', '</a>'); ?> </p> </form> <?php } // password_set ?> </div> </div> <?php include PERCH_CORE . '/inc/btm.php';
<h2> <?php echo PerchLang::get('Pages'); if ($CurrentUser->has_priv('content.pages.create')) { echo '<a href="' . PerchUtil::html(PERCH_LOGINPATH . '/core/apps/content/page/add/') . '" class="add button">' . PerchLang::get('Add Page') . '</a>'; } ?> </h2> <div class="bd"> <?php if (PerchUtil::count($pages)) { echo '<ul>'; if (PerchUtil::count($shared)) { echo '<li>'; echo '<a href="' . PerchUtil::html(PERCH_LOGINPATH) . '/core/apps/content/page/?id=-1">'; echo PerchUtil::html(PerchLang::get('Shared')); echo '</a>'; echo '</li>'; } foreach ($pages as $Page) { echo '<li>'; echo '<a href="' . PerchUtil::html(PERCH_LOGINPATH . '/core/apps/content/page/?id=' . $Page->id()) . '">'; echo PerchUtil::html($Page->pageNavText()); echo '</a>'; echo '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } ?> </div>
$Resources = new PerchResources(); $ids = $Resources->get_logged_ids(); $assetID = array_shift($ids); $Asset = $Assets->find($assetID); $created = true; } if ($Asset) { if ($data['resourceInLibrary'] == '1') { $Asset->mark_as_library(); } $Asset->update($data); $Asset->reindex(); // Tags if (isset($_POST['tags']) && trim($_POST['tags']) != '') { $tag_string = trim($_POST['tags']); $Tags->assign_tag_string($Asset->id(), $tag_string, true); } if ($created) { //PerchUtil::redirect(PERCH_LOGINPATH.'/core/apps/assets/edit/?id='.$Asset->id().'&created=1'); } $Alert->set('success', PerchLang::get('Successfully updated')); } } if (isset($_GET['created'])) { $Alert->set('success', PerchLang::get('Successfully created')); } if ($Asset) { $details = $Asset->to_array(); } else { $details = new ArrayObject(); }
//$opts[PerchLang::get('General')][] = array('label'=>PerchLang::get('Local file'), 'value'=>''); echo $Form->grouped_select('templateID', $opts, $Form->get($details, 'templateID')); } else { echo '<a href="' . PERCH_LOGINPATH . '/core/apps/content/page/templates/">' . PerchLang::get('Manage templates') . '</a>'; } } else { $templates = $Templates->all(); $opts = array(); if (PerchUtil::count($templates)) { foreach ($templates as $Template) { $opts[] = array('label' => $Template->templateTitle(), 'value' => $Template->id()); } $opts[] = array('label' => PerchLang::get('Page already exists, or is a link only'), 'value' => ''); echo $Form->select('templateID', $opts, $Form->get($details, 'templateID')); } else { echo '<a href="' . PERCH_LOGINPATH . '/core/apps/content/page/templates/">' . PerchLang::get('Manage templates') . '</a>'; } } ?> </div> <?php if (!PERCH_RUNWAY) { ?> <div class="field checkboxes labelless"> <div class="checkbox"> <?php echo $Form->checkbox('create_folder', '1', $Form->get($details, 'create_folder')); ?> <?php echo $Form->label('create_folder', 'This page will have more pages below it'); ?>
<?php $Roles = new PerchUserRoles(); $roles = $Roles->all(); /* --------- New User Form ----------- */ $fCreateUser = new PerchForm('createuser', false); $req = array(); $req['userUsername'] = "******"; $req['userGivenName'] = "Required"; $req['userFamilyName'] = "Required"; $req['userEmail'] = "Required"; $req['userPassword'] = "******"; $req['roleID'] = "Required"; $fCreateUser->set_required($req); $validation = array(); $validation['userUsername'] = array("username", PerchLang::get("Username not available, try another.")); $validation['userEmail'] = array("email", PerchLang::get("Email incomplete or already in use.")); $fCreateUser->set_validation($validation); if ($fCreateUser->posted() && $fCreateUser->validate()) { $data = array(); $postvars = array('userUsername', 'userGivenName', 'userFamilyName', 'userEmail', 'userPassword', 'roleID'); $data = $fCreateUser->receive($postvars); $sendEmail = false; if (isset($_POST['sendEmail']) && $_POST['sendEmail'] == '1') { $sendEmail = true; } $Users->create($data, $sendEmail); $Alert->set('success', PerchLang::get('User successfully created.')); $fCreateUser->clear(); }
"> <?php echo $Form->label('userPassword', 'New password'); ?> <?php echo $Form->password('userPassword', ''); ?> </div> <div class="field <?php echo $Form->error('userPassword2', false); ?> "> <?php echo $Form->label('userPassword2', 'Repeat new password'); ?> <?php echo $Form->password('userPassword2', ''); ?> </div> </fieldset> <p class="submit"> <?php echo $Form->submit('submit', 'Save changes', 'button'); echo ' ' . PerchLang::get('or') . ' <a href="' . PERCH_LOGINPATH . '">' . PerchLang::get('Cancel') . '</a>'; ?> </p> </form> <?php include PERCH_PATH . '/core/inc/main_end.php';
include '_app_settings.pre.php'; $data = $Form->receive($postvars); foreach ($checkboxes as $checkbox) { if (!isset($data[$checkbox])) { $data[$checkbox] = '0'; } } if (isset($_POST['logo_remove']) && $_POST['logo_remove'] == '1') { $data['logoPath'] = ''; } foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $Settings->set($key, $value); } $Lang = PerchLang::fetch(); $Lang->reload(); $Alert->set('success', PerchLang::get("Your settings have been updated.")); // image upload if (isset($_FILES['customlogo']) && (int) $_FILES['customlogo']['size'] > 0) { if (is_array(getimagesize($_FILES['customlogo']['tmp_name']))) { $filename = $_FILES['customlogo']['name']; if (strpos($filename, '.php') !== false) { $filename .= '.txt'; } // diffuse PHP files $target = PERCH_RESFILEPATH . '/' . $filename; if (file_exists($target)) { $filename = time() . '_' . $_FILES['customlogo']['name']; $target = PERCH_RESFILEPATH . '/' . $filename; } PerchUtil::move_uploaded_file($_FILES['customlogo']['tmp_name'], $target); $Settings->set('logoPath', PERCH_RESPATH . '/' . $filename);
?> </div> <div class="checkbox"> <?php echo $Form->radio('pages-grant', 'pages', 'grant', false); ?> <?php echo $Form->label('pages-grant', 'Grant role permission create new subpages of all current pages'); ?> </div> <div class="checkbox"> <?php echo $Form->radio('pages-revoke', 'pages', 'revoke', false); ?> <?php echo $Form->label('pages-revoke', 'Revoke role permission to create new subpages'); ?> </div> </fieldset> <p class="submit"> <?php echo $Form->submit('submit', 'Make changes', 'button'); echo ' ' . PerchLang::get('or') . ' <a href="' . PERCH_LOGINPATH . '/core/users/roles/">' . PerchLang::get('Cancel') . '</a>'; ?> </p> </form> <?php include PERCH_PATH . '/core/inc/main_end.php';
include PERCH_PATH . '/core/inc/sidebar_start.php'; echo $HTML->para('Update your category set.'); include PERCH_PATH . '/core/inc/sidebar_end.php'; include PERCH_PATH . '/core/inc/main_start.php'; include '_subnav.php'; if ($Set) { echo $HTML->heading1('Editing ‘%s’ Category Set', $Set->setTitle()); } else { echo $HTML->heading1('Adding a New Category Set'); } // Set up a smartbar if ($Set) { echo $HTML->smartbar($HTML->smartbar_breadcrumb(false, array('link' => PERCH_LOGINPATH . '/core/apps/categories/sets/?id=' . $Set->id(), 'label' => $Set->setTitle())), $HTML->smartbar_link(true, array('link' => PERCH_LOGINPATH . '/core/apps/categories/sets/edit?id=' . $Set->id(), 'label' => PerchLang::get('Set Options'))), $HTML->smartbar_link(false, array('link' => PERCH_LOGINPATH . '/core/apps/categories/reorder/?id=' . $Set->id(), 'label' => PerchLang::get('Reorder Categories'), 'class' => 'icon reorder'), true)); } else { echo $HTML->smartbar($HTML->smartbar_breadcrumb(true, array('link' => PERCH_LOGINPATH . '/core/apps/categories/sets/', 'label' => PerchLang::get('New Set')))); } // If a success or failure message has been set, output that here echo $message; // Sub head echo $HTML->heading2('Details'); // Output the edit form echo $Form->form_start(); $details = array(); if (is_object($Set)) { $details = $Set->to_array(); } echo $Form->fields_from_template($Template, $details, array(), false); $opts = array(); $templates = $Sets->get_templates(); if (PerchUtil::count($templates)) {
} $c = ''; $next_item = next($settings_copy); if ($next_item) { if ($next_item['app_id'] != $setting['app_id']) { $c = ' last'; } } ?> <div class="field <?php echo $Form->error($id, false); echo $c; ?> "> <?php echo $Form->label($id, $app['id'] == 'content' ? PerchLang::get($setting['label']) : $Lang->get($setting['label']), false, false, false); ?> <?php switch ($setting['type']) { case 'text': echo $Form->text($id, $Form->get($details, $id, $setting['default'])); break; case 'checkbox': echo $Form->checkbox($id, true, $Form->get($details, $id)); break; case 'textarea': echo $Form->textarea($id, $Form->get($details, $id, $setting['default'])); break; case 'select': if (PerchUtil::count($setting['opts'])) { foreach ($setting['opts'] as &$opt) {
<?php include __DIR__ . '/../../../inc/pre_config.php'; include __DIR__ . '/../../../../config/config.php'; include PERCH_CORE . '/inc/loader.php'; $Perch = PerchAdmin::fetch(); include PERCH_CORE . '/inc/auth.php'; if (!$CurrentUser->has_priv('perch.users.manage')) { PerchUtil::redirect(PERCH_LOGINPATH); } $Perch->page_title = PerchLang::get('Manage Roles'); $Alert = new PerchAlert(); include PERCH_CORE . '/users/modes/roles.edit.pre.php'; include PERCH_CORE . '/inc/top.php'; include PERCH_CORE . '/users/modes/'; include PERCH_CORE . '/inc/btm.php';
</thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($cats as $Cat) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td id="cat' . $Cat->id() . '" class="level' . ((int) $Cat->catDepth() - 2) . ' primary">'; echo ' <a class="icon category" href="' . PerchUtil::html(PERCH_LOGINPATH) . '/core/apps/categories/edit/?id=' . PerchUtil::html($Cat->id()) . '"><span>' . PerchUtil::html($Cat->catTitle()) . '</span></a>'; if ($CurrentUser->has_priv('categories.create')) { echo '<a href="' . PerchUtil::html(PERCH_LOGINPATH . '/core/apps/categories/edit/?pid=' . $Cat->id()) . '" class="create-subpage">' . PerchLang::get('New subcategory') . '</a>'; } echo '</td>'; echo '<td>' . PerchUtil::html($Cat->catPath()) . '</td>'; // Delete echo '<td>'; if ($CurrentUser->has_priv('categories.delete')) { echo '<a href="' . PerchUtil::html(PERCH_LOGINPATH) . '/core/apps/categories/delete/?id=' . PerchUtil::html($Cat->id()) . '" class="delete inline-delete">' . PerchLang::get('Delete') . '</a>'; } echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php } ?> <?php include PERCH_PATH . '/core/inc/main_end.php'; ?>
"><?php echo PerchLang::get('Reorder Pages'); ?> </a></li><?php } ?> </ul> <?php /* ----------------------------------------- /SMART BAR ----------------------------------------- */ ?> <h2><?php echo PerchLang::get('Details'); ?> </h2> <form method="post" action="<?php echo PerchUtil::html($Form->action()); ?> " class="sectioned"> <div class="field"> <?php echo $Form->label('groupTitle', 'Title'); ?> <?php echo $Form->text('groupTitle', $Form->get($details, 'groupTitle')); ?> </div>
PerchUtil::redirect(PERCH_LOGINPATH . '/users'); } $Roles = new PerchUserRoles(); $roles = $Roles->all(); /* --------- Edit User Form ----------- */ $Form = new PerchForm('user', false); $req = array(); $req['userUsername'] = "******"; $req['userGivenName'] = "Required"; $req['userFamilyName'] = "Required"; $req['userEmail'] = "Required"; if ($User->id() != $CurrentUser->id()) { $req['roleID'] = "Required"; } $Form->set_required($req); $validation = array(); $validation['userUsername'] = array("username", PerchLang::get("Username not available, try another."), array('userID' => $User->id())); $validation['userEmail'] = array("email", PerchLang::get("Email incomplete or already in use."), array('userID' => $User->id())); $Form->set_validation($validation); if ($Form->posted() && $Form->validate()) { $data = array(); $postvars = array('userUsername', 'userGivenName', 'userFamilyName', 'userEmail', 'roleID'); $data = $Form->receive($postvars); $User->update($data); $Alert->set('success', PerchLang::get('User successfully updated.')); } if (isset($_POST['resetPwd']) && $_POST['resetPwd'] == '1') { $User->reset_pwd_and_notify(); $Alert->set('success', PerchLang::get('A new password has been sent by email.')); } $details = $User->to_array();
<?php include __DIR__ . '/../../../inc/pre_config.php'; include __DIR__ . '/../../../../config/config.php'; include PERCH_CORE . '/inc/loader.php'; if (!PERCH_RUNWAY) { PerchUtil::redirect(PERCH_LOGINPATH . '/core/settings/'); } $Perch = PerchAdmin::fetch(); include PERCH_CORE . '/inc/auth.php'; if (!$CurrentUser->has_priv('perch.settings')) { PerchUtil::redirect(PERCH_LOGINPATH); } $Perch->page_title = PerchLang::get('Backup Settings'); $Alert = new PerchAlert(); $app_path = __DIR__ . '/../..'; include PERCH_CORE . '/runway/settings/inc/backup.php'; include PERCH_CORE . '/runway/settings/modes/backup.plans.edit.pre.php'; include PERCH_CORE . '/inc/top.php'; include PERCH_CORE . '/runway/settings/modes/'; include PERCH_CORE . '/inc/btm.php';
<?php include realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../..') . '/inc/pre_config.php'; include realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../..') . '/config/config.php'; include PERCH_CORE . '/inc/loader.php'; $Perch = PerchAdmin::fetch(); include PERCH_CORE . '/inc/auth_light.php'; $Perch->page_title = PerchLang::get('Manage Assets'); include __DIR__ . '/../PerchAssets_Asset.class.php'; include __DIR__ . '/../PerchAssets_Assets.class.php'; include __DIR__ . '/../PerchAssets_Tags.class.php'; include __DIR__ . '/../PerchAssets_Tag.class.php'; $Paging = new PerchPaging(); $Paging->set_per_page(32); $Assets = new PerchAssets_Assets(); $view = 'grid'; $filters = array(); if (isset($_GET['filter']) && $_GET['filter'] == 'new') { $filters['new'] = true; } if (isset($_GET['app']) && $_GET['app'] != '') { $filters['app'] = $_GET['app']; } if (isset($_GET['type']) && $_GET['type'] != '') { $filters['type'] = $_GET['type']; } if (isset($_GET['bucket']) && $_GET['bucket'] != '') { $filters['bucket'] = $_GET['bucket']; } if (isset($_GET['date']) && $_GET['date'] != '') { $filters['date'] = $_GET['date'];
<?php include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../config/config.php'; include PERCH_PATH . '/inc/loader.php'; $Perch = PerchAdmin::fetch(); include PERCH_PATH . '/inc/auth.php'; $Perch->find_installed_apps(); $Perch->page_title = PerchLang::get('Add Page'); include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../PerchPages.class.php'; include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../PerchPagesItem.class.php'; $PerchPage = new PerchPage(); include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../modes/add.pre.php'; include PERCH_PATH . '/inc/top.php'; include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../modes/'; include PERCH_PATH . '/inc/btm.php';
$groupID = false; $NavGroup = false; } $Form = new PerchForm('editpage'); $req = array(); $req['groupTitle'] = "Required"; $Form->set_required($req); if ($Form->posted() && $Form->validate()) { $postvars = array('groupTitle'); $data = $Form->receive($postvars); if (is_object($NavGroup)) { $NavGroup->update($data); $Alert->set('success', PerchLang::get('Your navigation group has been successfully updated.')); } else { $data['groupSlug'] = PerchUtil::urlify($data['groupTitle']); $NavGroup = $NavGroups->create($data); if (is_object($NavGroup)) { PerchUtil::redirect(PERCH_LOGINPATH . '/core/apps/content/navigation/edit/?id=' . $NavGroup->id() . '&created=1'); } else { $Alert->set('failure', PerchLang::get('There was a problem creating the navigation group.')); } } } if (isset($_GET['created'])) { $Alert->set('success', PerchLang::get('Your navigation group has been successfully created.')); } if (is_object($NavGroup)) { $details = $NavGroup->to_array(); } else { $details = array(); }
public function submit($id, $value, $class = false, $translate = true, $use_button = false) { $Perch = PerchAdmin::fetch(); if ($this->display_only) { if ($this->allow_edits) { $segments = str_replace('/editform=' . $this->name, '', split('/', $Perch->get_page(true))); $segments[] = 'editform=' . $this->name; $url = implode('/', $segments); $url = str_replace('//', '/', $url); return '<a href="' . $url . '" class="button" id="' . $this->html($id, true) . '">Edit</a>'; } return ''; } if ($translate) { $value = PerchLang::get($value); } if ($use_button) { $s = '<button type="submit" name="' . $this->html($id, true) . '" id="' . $this->html($id, true) . '" value="' . $this->html($value, true) . '" class="' . $this->html($class, true) . '"><span></span>' . $this->html($value, true) . '</button>'; } else { $s = '<input type="submit" name="' . $this->html($id, true) . '" id="' . $this->html($id, true) . '" value="' . $this->html($value, true) . '" class="' . $this->html($class, true) . '" />'; } $s .= '<input type="hidden" name="formaction" value="' . $this->html($this->name, true) . '" />'; $s .= '<input type="hidden" name="token" value="' . $this->html(PerchSession::get('csrf_token'), true) . '" />'; return $s; }
<?php if ($filter == 'all') { ?> <p class="alert filter"><?php echo PerchLang::get('No content yet?'); ?> <?php echo PerchLang::get('Make sure you have added some editable regions into your page, and then visited that page in your browser. Once you have, the regions should show up here.'); ?> <a href=""><?php echo PerchLang::get('Read the getting started guide to find out more'); ?> …</a></p> <?php } else { ?> <p class="alert filter"><?php echo PerchLang::get('Sorry, there\'s currently no content available based on that filter'); ?> - <a href="?by=all"><?php echo PerchLang::get('View all'); ?> </a></p> <?php } ?> <?php } include PERCH_PATH . '/core/inc/main_end.php';
<?php include __DIR__ . '/../../inc/pre_config.php'; include __DIR__ . '/../../../config/config.php'; include PERCH_CORE . '/inc/loader.php'; $Perch = PerchAdmin::fetch(); include PERCH_CORE . '/inc/auth.php'; if (!$CurrentUser->has_priv('perch.settings')) { PerchUtil::redirect(PERCH_LOGINPATH); } $Perch->page_title = PerchLang::get('Settings'); $Alert = new PerchAlert(); if (isset($_GET['extended'])) { include __DIR__ . '/../modes/diagnostics.extended.pre.php'; } else { include __DIR__ . '/../modes/diagnostics.pre.php'; } include __DIR__ . '/../modes/diagnostics.pre.php'; include PERCH_CORE . '/inc/top.php'; if (isset($_GET['extended'])) { include __DIR__ . '/../modes/'; } else { include __DIR__ . '/../modes/'; } include PERCH_CORE . '/inc/btm.php';
<?php include realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../../..') . '/inc/pre_config.php'; include realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../../../..') . '/config/config.php'; include PERCH_CORE . '/inc/loader.php'; $Perch = PerchAdmin::fetch(); include PERCH_CORE . '/inc/auth.php'; if (!PERCH_RUNWAY) { exit; } $Perch->page_title = PerchLang::get('Collection'); $app_path = PERCH_CORE . '/apps/content'; include $app_path . '/PerchContent_Item.class.php'; include $app_path . '/PerchContent_Items.class.php'; include $app_path . '/PerchContent_Page.class.php'; include $app_path . '/PerchContent_Pages.class.php'; include $app_path . '/PerchContent_Region.class.php'; include $app_path . '/PerchContent_Regions.class.php'; include PERCH_CORE . '/runway/apps/content/PerchContent_Collections.class.php'; include PERCH_CORE . '/runway/apps/content/PerchContent_Collection.class.php'; include PERCH_CORE . '/runway/apps/content/PerchContent_CollectionItems.class.php'; include PERCH_CORE . '/runway/apps/content/PerchContent_CollectionItem.class.php'; include PERCH_CORE . '/runway/apps/content/modes/collection.edit.pre.php'; include PERCH_CORE . '/inc/top.php'; include PERCH_CORE . '/runway/apps/content/modes/'; include PERCH_CORE . '/inc/btm.php';
} echo $Form->text('tags', $Form->get(array('tags' => $edit_str), 'tags'), '', false, 'text', 'data-tags="/core/apps/assets/async/tags.php"'); ?> <?php echo $Form->hint(PerchLang::get('Complete each tag with a comma.')); ?> </div> <div class="field checkboxes"> <?php echo $Form->label('resourceInLibrary', 'Mark as a library asset'); ?> <?php echo $Form->checkbox('resourceInLibrary', '1', $Form->get($details, 'resourceInLibrary')); ?> <?php echo $Form->hint(PerchLang::get('Library assets are kept, even if unused.')); ?> </div> <p class="submit"> <?php echo $Form->submit('btnsubmit', 'Submit', 'button'); ?> </p> </form> <?php include PERCH_PATH . '/core/inc/main_end.php';
<li class="<?php echo $filter == 'type' && $type == 'favorites' ? 'selected' : ''; ?> "><a href="<?php echo PerchUtil::html($API->app_path() . '?type=favorites'); ?> "><?php echo PerchLang::get('Favorites'); ?> </a></li> <?php if ($filter == 'type' && $type == 'mine') { $Alert->set('filter', PerchLang::get('You are viewing tweets from your own account.') . ' <a href="' . $API->app_path() . '" class="action">' . PerchLang::get('Clear Filter') . '</a>'); } if ($filter == 'type' && $type == 'favorites') { $Alert->set('filter', PerchLang::get('You are viewing tweets marked as favorites.') . ' <a href="' . $API->app_path() . '" class="action">' . PerchLang::get('Clear Filter') . '</a>'); } ?> </ul> <?php } ?> <?php echo $Alert->output(); ?> <?php /* ----------------------------------------- /SMART BAR ----------------------------------------- */
<?php include __DIR__ . '/../../../../inc/pre_config.php'; include __DIR__ . '/../../../../../config/config.php'; include PERCH_CORE . '/inc/loader.php'; if (!PERCH_RUNWAY) { PerchUtil::redirect(PERCH_LOGINPATH . '/core/settings/'); } $Perch = PerchAdmin::fetch(); include PERCH_CORE . '/inc/auth.php'; if (!$CurrentUser->has_priv('perch.settings')) { PerchUtil::redirect(PERCH_LOGINPATH); } $Perch->page_title = PerchLang::get('Restore Backup'); $Alert = new PerchAlert(); $app_path = __DIR__ . '/../../..'; include PERCH_CORE . '/runway/settings/inc/backup.php'; include PERCH_CORE . '/runway/settings/modes/backup.general.restore.pre.php'; include PERCH_CORE . '/inc/top.php'; include PERCH_CORE . '/runway/settings/modes/'; include PERCH_CORE . '/inc/btm.php';