public function output($conf = null) { $t =& peTheme(); if (empty($conf)) { $conf = $t->meta->getDefaultMboxValues(array("settings" => $this->mbox())); $conf->id = ""; } parent::output($conf); $content =& $t->content; $settings =& $conf->settings; $custom = !empty($conf->data); $loop = $custom ? $t->data->customLoop($conf->data) : $t->content->have_posts(); if ($loop) { $t->template->data($conf); $boxed = empty($conf->settings->layout) || $conf->settings->layout === "boxed"; if ($loadMore = !empty($conf->settings->loadMore) && $conf->settings->loadMore === "yes") { add_filter("pe_theme_pager_load_more", array(&$this, "pe_theme_pager_load_more_filter")); } $bID = empty($conf->id) ? "" : sprintf('id="pe-load-more-blog-%s"', $conf->id); printf('<div class="%s" %s>', $boxed ? "pe-container pe-block" : "pe-block", $bID); $this->template(empty($settings->layout) ? "" : $settings->layout); printf('</div>'); if ($loadMore) { remove_filter("pe_theme_pager_load_more", array(&$this, "pe_theme_pager_load_more_filter")); } if ($custom) { // if custom, reset the loop $content->resetLoop(); } } else { $this->template("empty"); } }
public function output($conf = null) { $t =& peTheme(); if (empty($conf)) { $conf = $t->meta->getDefaultMboxValues(array("settings" => $this->mbox())); $conf->id = ""; } parent::output($conf); $content =& $t->content; $settings =& $conf->settings; $custom = !empty($conf->data); $loop = $custom ? $t->data->customLoop($conf->data) : $t->content->have_posts(); if ($loop) { $t->template->data($conf); $boxed = empty($conf->settings->layout) || $conf->settings->layout === "boxed"; printf('<div class="%s">', $boxed ? "pe-container pe-block" : "pe-block"); $this->template(empty($settings->layout) ? "" : $settings->layout); printf('</div>'); if ($custom) { // if custom, reset the loop $content->resetLoop(); } } else { $this->template("empty"); } }
public function output($conf) { parent::output($conf); $t =& peTheme(); $loop = $t->view->getViewLoop($conf); if ($loop) { $t->template->data($conf, $loop); $this->template(); } }
public function output($conf) { parent::output($conf); $t =& peTheme(); $loop = $t->view->getViewLoop($conf); if ($loop) { $t->template->data($conf, $loop); $boxed = empty($conf->settings->layout) || $conf->settings->layout === "boxed"; printf('<div class="%s">', $boxed ? "pe-container pe-block" : "pe-block"); $this->template(); printf('</div>'); } }
public function mbox() { $mbox = parent::mbox(); $mbox["content"] = array("delay" => array("label" => __("Delay", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "type" => "Select", "description" => __("Time in seconds before the slider rotates to next slide", 'Pixelentity Theme/Plugin'), "options" => PeGlobal::$const->data->delay, "default" => 0)); return $mbox; }