コード例 #1
  * Called from do_transaction() in order to be able to deal with transactions that had
  * recoverable errors but that do require the entire transaction to be repeated.
  * This function has the following extension hooks:
  *  * pre_process_<strtolower($transaction)>
  *    Called before the transaction is processed; intended to call setValidationAction()
  *    if the transaction should not be performed. Anti-fraud can be performed in this
  *    hook by calling $this->runAntifraudFilters().
  *  * post_process_<strtolower($transaction)>
  * @param string    $transaction Name of the transaction being performed
  * @param &string() $retryVars Reference to an array of variables that caused the
  *                  transaction to fail.
  * @return PaymentTransactionResponse
  * @throws UnexpectedValueException
 private final function do_transaction_internal($transaction, &$retryVars = null)
     $this->debugarray[] = __FUNCTION__ . " is doing a {$transaction}.";
     //reset, in case this isn't our first time.
     $this->transaction_response = new PaymentTransactionResponse();
     $this->final_status = false;
     $this->setValidationAction('process', true);
     $errCode = null;
     /* --- Build the transaction string for cURL --- */
     try {
         $this->executeIfFunctionExists('pre_process_' . $transaction);
         if ($this->getValidationAction() != 'process') {
             $this->logger->info("Failed pre-process checks for transaction type {$transaction}.");
             $this->transaction_response->setErrors(array('internal-0000' => array('debugInfo' => "Failed pre-process checks for transaction type {$transaction}.", 'message' => $this->getErrorMapByCodeAndTranslate('internal-0000'), 'logLevel' => LogLevel::INFO)));
             return $this->transaction_response;
         if (!$this->isBatchProcessor()) {
             // TODO: Maybe move this to the pre_process functions?
         $commType = $this->getCommunicationType();
         if ($commType === 'redirect') {
             //in the event that we have a redirect transaction that never displays the form,
             //save this most recent one before we leave.
             // Build the redirect URL.
             $redirectUrl = $this->getProcessorUrl();
             $redirectParams = $this->buildRequestParams();
             if ($redirectParams) {
                 // Add GET parameters, if provided.
                 $redirectUrl .= '?' . http_build_query($redirectParams);
             return $this->transaction_response;
         } elseif ($commType === 'xml') {
             $this->profiler->getStopwatch("buildRequestXML", true);
             // begin profiling
             $curlme = $this->buildRequestXML();
             // build the XML
             $this->profiler->saveCommunicationStats("buildRequestXML", $transaction);
             // save profiling data
         } elseif ($commType === 'namevalue') {
             $this->profiler->getStopwatch("buildRequestNameValueString", true);
             // begin profiling
             $curlme = $this->buildRequestNameValueString();
             // build the name/value pairs
             $this->profiler->saveCommunicationStats("buildRequestNameValueString", $transaction);
             // save profiling data
         } else {
             throw new UnexpectedValueException("Communication type of '{$commType}' unknown");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->logger->critical('Malformed gateway definition. Cannot continue: Aborting.\\n' . $e->getMessage());
         $this->transaction_response->setErrors(array('internal-0001' => array('debugInfo' => 'Malformed gateway definition. Cannot continue: Aborting.\\n' . $e->getMessage(), 'message' => $this->getErrorMapByCodeAndTranslate('internal-0001'), 'logLevel' => LogLevel::CRITICAL)));
         return $this->transaction_response;
     /* --- Do the cURL request --- */
     $this->profiler->getStopwatch(__FUNCTION__, true);
     $txn_ok = $this->curl_transaction($curlme);
     if ($txn_ok === true) {
         // We have something to slice and dice.
         $this->logger->info("RETURNED FROM CURL:" . print_r($this->transaction_response->getRawResponse(), true));
         // Decode the response according to $this->getResponseType
         $formatted = $this->getFormattedResponse($this->transaction_response->getRawResponse());
         // Process the formatted response. This will then drive the result action
         try {
         } catch (ResponseProcessingException $ex) {
             $errCode = $ex->getErrorCode();
             $retryVars = $ex->getRetryVars();
             $this->transaction_response->addError($errCode, array('message' => $this->getErrorMapByCodeAndTranslate('internal-0001'), 'debugInfo' => $ex->getMessage(), 'logLevel' => LogLevel::ERROR));
     } elseif ($txn_ok === false) {
         // nothing to process, so we have to build it manually
         $logMessage = 'Transaction Communication failed' . print_r($this->transaction_response, true);
         $this->transaction_response->setErrors(array('internal-0002' => array('debugInfo' => $logMessage, 'message' => $this->getErrorMapByCodeAndTranslate('internal-0002'), 'logLevel' => LogLevel::ERROR)));
     // Log out how much time it took for the cURL request
     $this->profiler->saveCommunicationStats(__FUNCTION__, $transaction);
     if (!empty($retryVars)) {
         $this->logger->critical("{$transaction} Communication failed (errcode {$errCode}), will reattempt!");
         // Set this by key so that the result object still has all the cURL data
         $this->transaction_response->setErrors(array($errCode => array('debugInfo' => "{$transaction} Communication failed (errcode {$errCode}), will reattempt!", 'message' => $this->getErrorMapByCodeAndTranslate($errCode), 'logLevel' => LogLevel::CRITICAL)));
     //if we have set errors by this point, the transaction is not okay
     $errors = $this->getTransactionErrors();
     if (!empty($errors)) {
         $txn_ok = false;
     // If we have any special post-process instructions for this
     // transaction, do 'em.
     // NOTE: If you want your transaction to fire off the post-process
     // logic, you need to run $this->postProcessDonation in a function
     // called
     //	'post_process' . strtolower($transaction)
     // in the appropriate gateway object.
     if ($txn_ok && empty($retryVars)) {
         $this->executeIfFunctionExists('post_process_' . $transaction);
         if ($this->getValidationAction() != 'process') {
             $this->logger->info("Failed post-process checks for transaction type {$transaction}.");
             $this->transaction_response->setErrors(array('internal-0000' => array('debugInfo' => "Failed post-process checks for transaction type {$transaction}.", 'message' => $this->getErrorMapByCodeAndTranslate('internal-0000'), 'logLevel' => LogLevel::INFO)));
             return $this->transaction_response;
     // log that the transaction is essentially complete
     $this->logger->info('Transaction complete.');
     if (!$this->isBatchProcessor()) {
         $this->debugarray[] = 'numAttempt = ' . $this->session_getData('numAttempt');
     return $this->transaction_response;