$smarty->assign('title', TTi18n::gettext($title = 'Employee Pay Stub')); // See index.php BreadCrumb::setCrumb($title); /* * Get FORM variables */ extract(FormVariables::GetVariables(array('action', 'page', 'sort_column', 'sort_order', 'hide_employer_rows', 'id', 'ids', 'export_type'))); $export_type = strtolower($export_type); switch ($action) { default: if (isset($id) and !isset($ids)) { $ids = array($id); } if (count($ids) > 0) { $pslf = new PayStubListFactory(); if ($permission->Check('pay_stub', 'view')) { $pslf->getByCompanyIdAndId($current_company->getId(), $ids); } else { $pslf->getByUserIdAndId($current_user->getId(), $ids); $hide_employer_rows = TRUE; } $output = $pslf->exportPayStub($pslf, $export_type); if (Debug::getVerbosity() < 11) { Misc::FileDownloadHeader('checks_' . str_replace(array('/', ',', ' '), '_', TTDate::getDate('DATE', time())) . '.pdf', 'application/pdf', strlen($output)); echo $output; exit; } } break; } //Debug::Display();
$filter_data['hide_employer_rows'] = FALSE; } $output = $pslf->getPayStub($pslf, (bool) $filter_data['hide_employer_rows']); if (Debug::getVerbosity() < 11) { Misc::FileDownloadHeader('pay_stub.pdf', 'application/pdf', strlen($output)); echo $output; exit; } } } elseif ($action == 'export' and $filter_data['export_type'] != 'csv') { Debug::Text('Export NON-CSV', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $pslf = new PayStubListFactory(); //$pslf->getByUserIdAndCompanyIdAndPayPeriodId( $filter_data['user_ids'], $current_company->getId(), $filter_data['pay_period_ids']); $pslf->getSearchByCompanyIdAndArrayCriteria($current_company->getId(), $filter_data); if ($pslf->getRecordCount() > 0 and strlen($filter_data['export_type']) >= 3) { $output = $pslf->exportPayStub($pslf, $filter_data['export_type']); if (Debug::getVerbosity() < 11) { if (stristr($filter_data['export_type'], 'cheque')) { Misc::FileDownloadHeader('checks_' . str_replace(array('/', ',', ' '), '_', TTDate::getDate('DATE', time())) . '.pdf', 'application/pdf', strlen($output)); } else { Misc::FileDownloadHeader('eft_' . str_replace(array('/', ',', ' '), '_', TTDate::getDate('DATE', time())) . '.txt', 'application/text', strlen($output)); } if ($output != FALSE) { echo $output; } else { echo TTi18n::gettext('No data to export.') . "<br>\n"; } exit; } } else { echo TTi18n::gettext('No data to export or export format is invalid.') . "<br>\n";