function Template($title = null) { global $vbin; $this->Smarty(); $this->template_dir = TEMPLATE_DIR; $this->compile_dir = CACHE_DIR . "/smarty/compiled/"; $this->config_dir = TEMPLATE_DIR . "/configs/"; $this->cache_dir = CACHE_DIR . "/smarty/cached/"; $this->caching = false; $myLang = al2gt(array("en_CA.utf-8", "en_GB.utf-8", "en_US.utf-8", "fr_FR.utf-8", "fr_CA.utf-8", "de_DE.utf-8", "es_ES.utf-8", "ja_JP.utf-8"), "text/html"); $myLangShort = substr($myLang, 0, 2); setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, $myLang); bindtextdomain("pastebin", "/web/"); textdomain("pastebin"); bind_textdomain_codeset("pastebin", "utf-8"); if (empty($title)) { $title = _("General Pastebin"); } $this->vbin =& $vbin; if (isset($this->vbin->id)) { $this->isVirtual = true; } else { $this->isVirtual = false; $this->vbin->setDefaultHost(isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] : $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]); } $this->assign('virtual', $this->isVirtual); if (isset($this->vbin->private) && $this->vbin->private) { $this->isPrivate = true; } else { $this->isPrivate = false; } $this->assign('private', $this->isPrivate); $proto = isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on" ? 'https' : 'http'; $this->assign('url', array('root' => $proto . '://' . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"], 'host' => isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] : $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"], 'css' => '', 'imgs' => '')); $this->assign('ssl', $proto == 'http' ? false : true); $this->assign('proto', $proto); $this->assign('lang', array('short' => $myLangShort, 'long' => $myLang)); $this->assign('charset', 'UTF-8'); $this->assign('recent', PasteUtil::getRecent()); $this->assign('expiryOptions', array("" => _("Never"), "5 minutes" => _("5 minutes"), "10 minutes" => _("10 minutes"), "15 minutes" => _("15 minutes"), "30 minutes" => _("30 minutes"), "45 minutes" => _("45 minutes"), "1 hour" => _("1 hour"), "2 hours" => _("2 hours"), "4 hours" => _("4 hours"), "8 hours" => _("8 hours"), "12 hours" => _("12 hours"), "1 day" => _("1 day"), "2 days" => _("2 days"), "3 days" => _("3 days"), "1 week" => _("1 week"), "2 weeks" => _("2 weeks"), "3 weeks" => _("3 weeks"), "1 month" => _("1 month"), "2 months" => _("2 months"), "3 months" => _("3 months"), "4 months" => _("4 months"), "5 months" => _("5 months"), "6 months" => _("6 months"), "1 year" => _("1 year"))); $this->assign('vbin', &$this->vbin); $this->assign('title', $title); if (isset($_SESSION) && isset($_SESSION['user']) && $_SESSION['user']['authed']) { $this->assign('user', array('authed' => true, 'id' => $_SESSION['user']['id'], 'username' => htmlentities($_SESSION['user']['username']), 'fullname' => htmlentities($_SESSION['user']['fullname']), 'nick' => htmlentities($_SESSION['user']['nick']), 'apikey' => htmlentities($_SESSION['user']['apikey']), 'prefs' => $_SESSION['user']['prefs'], 'adminLevel' => $_SESSION['user']['adminLevel'], 'timezone' => $_SESSION['user']['timezone'])); putenv('TZ=' . $_SESSION['user']['timezone']); } $this->register_function('when', 'simpleDate', false, array('time')); $this->register_function('age', 'age', false, array('time', 'steps')); $this->register_block('dynamic', 'smarty_block_dynamic', false); $this->register_function('postkey', 'smarty_function_postkey', false); $this->register_function('postkeysig', 'smarty_function_postkeysig', false); }
<?php /* This file is part of the Pastebin package. Copyright (c) 2003-2008, Stephen Olesen All rights reserved. More information is available at */ require "include/"; $newest = PasteUtil::mostRecent(); $t = new Template(); header("Location: " . $t->_tpl_vars['url']['root'] . "/{$newest}"); Template::Simple("Going to Newest Paste", "You are now being redirected to the newest paste, " . $t->_tpl_vars['url']['root'] . "/{$newest}");