echo $groupsRequest->getGroupsUsersId('10000000-1000-3000-1111-100000000023', '8dd06446-1179-e511-bf01-a1bb68598c42'); echo $groupsRequest->postGroups('phpGroup2', 'a group from php', '8be2a9c6-2c83-e511-bf05-9c4e36b08790'); echo $groupsRequest->putGroups('22dbf0ca-c783-e511-bf05-9c4e36b08790', 'Python Group 2', 'python2'); // INDEX FIELDS echo $indexFieldsRequest->getIndexFields(); echo $indexFieldsRequest->postIndexFields('favorite foods2', 'a list of favorite foods', 2, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', '390A1704-B481-E511-BF03-008CFA482110', true, 'pakistani'); echo $indexFieldsRequest->putIndexFields('0ca8c2ae-3778-e511-bf00-bfff3cb84a46', 'departments list', 'new description', 2, 'd19af16a-3678-e511-bf00-bfff3cb84a46', 'd19af16a-3678-e511-bf00-bfff3cb84a46', true, 'default'); echo $indexFieldsRequest->relateIndexFields('0ca8c2ae-3778-e511-bf00-bfff3cb84a46', '40ac2b37-9a72-e511-befe-98991b71acc0'); // META echo $metaRequest->getMeta(); echo $metaRequest->getMetaData('PersistedData'); // PARSE $r = $docRequest->getDocIndexFields('3c7168e7-4b82-e511-bf04-008cfa482110'); $s = $docRequest->getDocIndexFieldsId('3c7168e7-4b82-e511-bf04-008cfa482110', '6684bdbe-4f82-e511-bf04-008cfa482110'); echo $parseRequest->parseResponse($r, 'label'); $a = $parseRequest->parseListResponse($r, 'label', '5'); // PERSISTED DATA echo $pdataRequest->deletePdata('7832c856-7467-4356-a56e-968f9db56f48'); echo $pdataRequest->getPdata(); echo $pdataRequest->getPdataId('17bd31bb-6cd6-43b0-be65-55e2002d91a6'); echo $pdataRequest->postPdata('phpPDATA4', 1, "{\"DataField2\":\"claro que si\",\"DataField4\":\"oh no no no\"}", 'text/JSON', '', 0, null); echo $pdataRequest->postFormPdata('9d4d2408-1183-e511-bf05-9c4e36b08790', 'c054e3bb-bd4c-4185-8d45-cf062d369a66', '6ccf5264-4f8d-e511-bf05-9c4e36b08790'); // SITES echo $sitesRequest->getSites(); echo $sitesRequest->getSitesId('2e2fbf9c-1079-e511-bf01-a1bb68598c42'); echo $sitesRequest->getSitesGroups('2e2fbf9c-1079-e511-bf01-a1bb68598c42'); echo $sitesRequest->getSitesGroupsId('2e2fbf9c-1079-e511-bf01-a1bb68598c42', 'b9a66abf-2b83-e511-bf05-9c4e36b08790'); echo $sitesRequest->getSitesUsers('2e2fbf9c-1079-e511-bf01-a1bb68598c42'); echo $sitesRequest->getSitesUsersId('2e2fbf9c-1079-e511-bf01-a1bb68598c42', '8dd06446-1179-e511-bf01-a1bb68598c42'); echo $sitesRequest->postSites('phpFUN2', 'a new php site'); echo $sitesRequest->postSitesGroups('4d35d7ea-e383-e511-bf05-9c4e36b08790', 'phpFUN2 Group', 'a description');
// now we have the folderId. we can display it or pass it into another method. // lets create a document and pass in the folderId $b. echo $docRequest->postDoc($b, 1, 'phpParseFile', 'a test file', 'parse.txt', '{}'); // parseListResponse() (list of field values returned) // for the parseListResponse method an array is returned. // we write a sample function here to display the results. function echoList($array, $itemCount) { for ($i = 0; $i < $itemCount; $i++) { echo $array[$i] . "\n"; } } // now the getUsers() method is called and the response is stored as a variable $c. $c = $usersRequest->getUsers(); // now we pass in the response from the getUsers() call and request a list of 10 userId's // stored as an array $d. $d = $parseRequest->parseListResponse($c, 'name', '10'); // now we call echoList to display the users in the array returned by parseListResponse(). echoList($d, '10'); // EMBED A FORM FROM VISUALVAULT // first method call requests and stores the users WebToken (userId is passed in here). $userToken = $u->getUsersToken('5eefec33-ca71-e511-befe-98991b71acc0'); // now a URL is returned by the formTemplateId of the form you want returned, and the userToken // passed in from the previous method call. echo $f->embedForm('9d4d2408-1183-e511-bf05-9c4e36b08790', $userToken); // EMBED A FORM WITH PERSISTED DATA FROM VISUALVAULT // first method call requests and stores the users WebToken (userId is passed in here). $userToken = $u->getUsersToken('5eefec33-ca71-e511-befe-98991b71acc0'); // now a URL is returned by the formTemplateId of the form you want returned, the persistedDataId // you want to fill out the form fields and the userToken passed in from the previous method call. echo $p->postFormPdata('9d4d2408-1183-e511-bf05-9c4e36b08790', 'c054e3bb-bd4c-4185-8d45-cf062d369a66', $userToken);