コード例 #1

// load 'PAN Configurator' library
require_once "../lib/panconfigurator.php";
// input and ouput xml files
$inputfile = 'sample-configs/panorama-example.xml';
$outputfile = 'output.xml';
// Create a new PanoramaConf object
$p = new PanoramaConf();
// and load it from a XML file
print "\n***********************************************\n\n";
// display some statiscs for debug and exit program!
print "\n\n***********************************************\n";
// load PAN-Configurator library
require_once "../lib/panconfigurator.php";
// input and output files
$origfile = "sample-configs/panorama-example.xml";
$outputfile = "output.xml";
$targetDG = 'Perimeter-FWs';
$targetProfile = 'Shared Production Profile';
// We're going to load a PANConf object (PANConf is for PANOS Firewall,
//	PanoramaConf is obviously for Panorama which is covered in another example)
$panc = new PanoramaConf();
// Did we find VSYS1 ?
$dg = $panc->findDeviceGroup($targetDG);
if (is_null($dg)) {
    derr("DeviceGroup {$targetDV} was not found ? Exit\n");
print "\n***********************************************\n\n";
// Going after each pre-Security rules to add a profile
foreach ($dg->securityRules->rules() as $rule) {
    print "Rule '" . $rule->name() . "' modified\n";
print "\n***********************************************\n";
//display some statistics
//more debugging infos