public function renderDefault() { $files = $this->files->order($this->order . " " . $this->sort); // vyhledavani if ($this->q) { $files->where(" LIKE ?", "%" . $this->q . "%"); $this['search']['q']->setDefaultValue($this->q); $this->template->search = TRUE; } else { $this->template->search = FALSE; } $this->pagerFiles->itemCount = $files->count(); $this->template->files = $files->limit($this->pagerFiles->getLimit(), $this->pagerFiles->getOffset()); }
public function testCalc() { $pager = new Pager(27); $pager->setPageSize(4)->setCurrentPage(7); $this->assertEquals(4, $pager->getLimit()); $this->assertEquals(24, $pager->getOffset()); $this->assertEquals(7, $pager->getPageCount()); $pager->setCurrentPage(1); $this->assertEquals(0, $pager->getOffset()); }
public function renderDefault() { // vyhledavani if ($this->q) { $this->places->where(" LIKE ? OR LIKE ?", "%" . $this->q . "%", "%" . $this->q . "%"); $this['search']['q']->setDefaultValue($this->q); $this->template->search = TRUE; } else { $this->template->search = FALSE; } switch ($this->what) { case self::UPDATED: $this->places->group('')->having('DATEDIFF(NOW(), subject.changed) < ' . self::TIME_UPDATED); $this->template->what = self::UPDATED; break; case self::RECENT: $this->places->group('')->having('DATEDIFF(NOW(), subject.created) < ' . self::TIME_RECENT); $this->template->what = self::RECENT; break; case self::TOREVIEW: $this->places->group('')->having('subject.reviewed = 0 && subject.deleted = 0 '); $this->template->what = self::TOREVIEW; break; case self::DELETED: $this->template->what = self::DELETED; $this->places->fetchDeleted(); break; default: $this->template->what = self::ALL; } if (!$this->what == self::DELETED) { $this->places->fetchUnDeleted(); } if ($this->orderBy == '' && $this->user->isInRole('administrator')) { $this->orderBy = self::MODIFICATION; } switch ($this->orderBy) { case self::MODIFICATION: $this->places->order('changed DESC, created DESC'); $this->template->orderBy = self::MODIFICATION; break; case self::ALPHABET: default: $this->places->order('name'); $this->template->orderBy = self::ALPHABET; break; } // strankovani $this->pagerPlaces->itemCount = $this->places->count(); $this->places->limit($this->pagerPlaces->getLimit(), $this->pagerPlaces->getOffset()); // vypis $this->template->places = $this->places; }
<h1 class="title"><?php echo $category_title; ?> </h1> <p><?php echo $category_content; ?> </p> </header> <?php $getPage = (int) (!empty($Link->getLocal()[2]) ? $Link->getLocal()[2] : 1); $Pager = new Pager(HOME . '/categoria/' . $category_name . '/'); $Pager->ExePager($getPage, 3); $readCat = new WsPosts(); $readCat->Execute()->Query("post_status = 1 AND (post_category = :cat OR post_cat_parent = :cat) ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", "cat={$category_id}&limit={$Pager->getLimit()}&offset={$Pager->getOffset()}", true); if (!$readCat->Execute()->getResult()) { $Pager->ReturnPage(); WSErro("Desculpe, a categoria <b>{$category_title}</b> ainda não tem artigos publicados, favor volte mais tarde!", WS_INFOR); } else { $cc = 1; $View = new View(); $tpl_m = $View->Load('article_m'); foreach ($readCat->Execute()->getResult() as $cat) { echo "\n<div class='col-md-4'>\n"; $class = $cc % 3 == 0 ? ' class="right"' : null; $cat->post_title = Check::Words($cat->post_title, 8); $cat->post_content = Check::Words($cat->post_content, 20); $cat->datetime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($cat->post_date)); $cat->pubdate = date('d/m/Y H:i', strtotime($cat->post_date)); $View->Show((array) $cat, $tpl_m);
WSErro("O status da empresa foi atualizado para <b>inativo</b>. Empresa agora é um rascunho!", WS_ALERT); break; case 'delete': $empUpdate->ExeDelete($empAction); WSErro($empUpdate->getError()[0], $empUpdate->getError()[1]); break; default: WSErro("Ação não foi identifica pelo sistema, favor utilize os botões!", WS_ALERT); } } $empi = 0; $getPage = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); $Pager = new Pager('painel.php?exe=empresas/index&page='); $Pager->ExePager($getPage, 10); $readEmp = new Controle(); $readEmp->FullRead("SELECT * FROM app_empresas ORDER BY empresa_status ASC, empresa_title ASC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", "limit={$Pager->getLimit()}&offset={$Pager->getOffset()}", true); if ($readEmp->getResult()) { foreach ($readEmp->getResult() as $emp) { $empi++; extract((array) $emp); $status = !$empresa_status ? 'style="background: #fffed8"' : ''; $stateObj = new Controle('app_estados'); $stateObj->Query("estado_id = :est", "est={$empresa_uf}"); $state = $stateObj->getResult() ? $stateObj->getResult()[0]->estado_uf : 'NULL'; $cityObj = new Controle('app_cidades'); $cityObj->Query("cidade_id = :city", "city={$empresa_cidade}"); $city = $cityObj->getResult() ? $cityObj->getResult()[0]->cidade_nome : 'NULL'; ?> <article<?php if ($empi % 2 == 0) { echo ' class="right"';
echo $Cat; ?> </h2> <p class="tagline">Conheça as empresas cadastradas no seu guia online. Encontre aqui empresas <?php echo $Cat; ?> </p> </header> <?php $getPage = !empty($Link->getLocal()[2]) ? $Link->getLocal()[2] : 1; $Pager = new Pager(HOME . '/empresas/' . $EmpLink . '/'); $Pager->ExePager($getPage, 5); $readEmp = new Controle(); $readEmp->setTable('app_empresas'); $readEmp->Query("empresa_status = 1 AND empresa_categoria = :cat ORDER BY empresa_date DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", "cat={$EmpLink}&limit={$Pager->getLimit()}&offset={$Pager->getOffset()}", true); if (!$readEmp->getResult()) { $Pager->ReturnPage(); WSErro("Desculpe, ainda não existem empresas cadastradas {$Cat}, favor volte depois", WS_INFOR); } else { $View = new View(); $tpl = $View->Load('empresa_list'); foreach ($readEmp->getResult() as $emp) { //encontra cidade $readEmp->setTable('app_cidades'); $readEmp->find("cidade_id={$emp->empresa_cidade}"); $cidade = $readEmp->getResult()->cidade_nome; $emp->empresa_cidade = $cidade; //encontra estado $readEmp->setTable('app_estados'); $readEmp->find("estado_id={$emp->empresa_uf}");
break; case 'delete': $postUpdate->ExeDelete($postAction); WSErro('O membro ' . $postUpdate->getError()[0], $postUpdate->getError()[1]); break; default: WSErro("Ação não foi identificada pelo sistema, favor utilize os botões", WS_ERROR); break; } } $posti = 0; $getPage = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); $Pager = new Pager("painel.php?exe=membros/index&page="); $Pager->ExePager($getPage, 5); $Read = new Controle(); $Read->FullRead("SELECT * FROM ws_posts WHERE post_type = 'membros' ORDER by post_status ASC, post_date DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", "limit={$Pager->getLimit()}&offset={$Pager->getOffset()}", true); if (!$Read->getResult()) { $Pager->ReturnPage(); WSErro("Desculpa, ainda não temos membros cadastrados", WS_INFOR); } else { foreach ($Read->getResult() as $post) { $posti++; extract((array) $post); $status = !$post_status ? 'style="background: #fffed8"' : ''; ?> <article<?php if ($posti % 2 == 0) { echo ' class="right" '; } ?> <?php
"</h2> <p class="tagline">Sua pesquisa por <?php echo $search; ?> retornou <?php echo $count; ?> resultados:</p> </header> <?php $getPage = (int) (!empty($Link->getLocal()[2]) ? $Link->getLocal()[2] : 1); $Pager = new Pager(HOME . '/pesquisa/' . $search . '/'); $Pager->ExePager($getPage, 4); $readArt = new WsPosts(); $readArt->Execute()->Query("post_status = 1 AND (post_title LIKE '%' :link '%' OR post_content LIKE '%' :link '%') ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", "link={$search}&limit={$Pager->getLimit()}&offset={$Pager->getOffset()}", true); if (!$readArt->Execute()->getResult()) { $Pager->ReturnPage(); WSErro("Desculpe, sua pesquisa não retornou resultados. Você pode resulmir sua pesquisa ou tentar outros termos!", WS_INFOR); } else { $cc = 0; foreach ($readArt->Execute()->getResult() as $cat) { $cc++; $View = new View(); $tpl_cat = $View->Load('article_m'); $class = $cc % 3 == 0 ? ' class="right"' : null; echo "<span{$class}>"; $cat->post_title = Check::Words($cat->post_title, 8); $cat->post_content = Check::Words($cat->post_content, 20); $cat->datetime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($cat->post_date)); $cat->pubdate = date('d/m/Y H:i', strtotime($cat->post_date));
public function renderDefault() { $this->template->subjects = $this->places->order('name')->where(' != 1')->group('')->having('COUNT( > 0'); $this->template->approvedPlacesCount = $this->approvedPlacesCount; $this->template->subject_id = $this->subject_id; if ($this->subject_id != 'all') { $this->events->where('subject_id', $this->subject_id)->group('')->having('COUNT( = 0'); } // vyhledavani if ($this->q) { $this->events->where(" LIKE ? OR LIKE ? OR LIKE ?", "%" . $this->q . "%", "%" . $this->q . "%", "%" . $this->q . "%"); $this->places->where(" LIKE ?", "%" . $this->q . "%"); $this['search']['q']->setDefaultValue($this->q); $this->template->search = TRUE; } else { $this->template->search = FALSE; } if ($this->order == '' && $this->user->isInRole('administrator')) { $this->order = 'updated DESC'; } switch ($this->what) { case self::ANONYMOUS: $this->events->where('subject_id', '1'); $this->template->what = self::ANONYMOUS; break; case self::NOTERM: $this->events->group('')->having('COUNT( = 0'); $this->template->what = self::NOTERM; break; case self::UPDATED: $this->events->group('')->having('DATEDIFF(NOW(), event.changed) < ' . self::TIME_UPDATED); $this->template->what = self::UPDATED; break; case self::RECENT: $this->events->group('')->having('DATEDIFF(NOW(), event.created) < ' . self::TIME_RECENT); $this->template->what = self::UPDATED; break; case self::TOREVIEW: $this->events->group('')->having('event.reviewed = 0'); $this->template->what = self::TOREVIEW; break; case self::NOTAPPROVED: $this->events->group('')->having('event.approved = 0'); $this->template->what = self::NOTAPPROVED; break; case self::PREFERED: $this->events->group('')->having('event.prefered = 1'); $this->template->what = self::PREFERED; break; default: $this->template->what = self::ALL; } if ($this->orderBy == '' && $this->user->isInRole('administrator')) { $this->orderBy = self::MODIFICATION; } switch ($this->orderBy) { case self::MODIFICATION: $this->events->order('changed DESC, created DESC'); $this->template->orderBy = self::MODIFICATION; break; case self::ALPHABET: default: $this->events->order('name'); $this->template->orderBy = self::ALPHABET; break; } $this->pagerEvents->itemCount = $this->events->count(); $this->template->events = $this->events->limit($this->pagerEvents->getLimit(), $this->pagerEvents->getOffset()); if ($this->user->isInRole('administrator')) { $this->template->nonaproved = $this->context->createServiceEvents()->where('approved', '0'); } }
public function renderDefault() { $this->items->fetchVisible(); $this->template->page = $this->page; $this->offset = $this->limit * ($this->page - 1); // omezeni na lokalitu $this->template->locality = false; if ($this->locality) { //$this->items->where('(locality.code = ? OR scope_all = 1)',$this->locality); $this->items->where('(locality.code = ?)', $this->locality); if ($this->shire === null) { $this->template->locality = true; } } // omezeni na kraje if ($this->shire) { $this->items->where('(locality.shire.code = ? OR = 99 OR scope_all = 1)', $this->shire); $this->template->shire = $this->context->createServiceShires()->where('code', $this->shire)->fetch(); } //omezeni na kategorie if ($this->category || count($this->categories) > 0) { $this->items->where(':subject_x_category.category_id', array_keys($this->categories)); if (count($this->categories) == 1) { $this->template->category = $this->context->createService('categories')->get(key($this->categories)); } else { $this->template->categories = $this->context->createService('categories'); } } else { // $this['categories']['categories']['all']->setValue(1); } //omezeni na deti if ($this->kids) { $this->items->kids($this->kids); } // omezeni na kocarek if ($this->stroller) { $this->items->where('subject.stroller', $this->stroller); } // omezeni na kocarek if ($this->nonsmoking) { $this->items->where('subject.nonsmoking', $this->nonsmoking); } // omezeni na kocarek if ($this->wheelchair_access) { $this->items->where('subject.wheelchair_access', $this->wheelchair_access); } //nastavi razeni a pripadna dalsi omezeni switch ($this->order) { case 'likes': $res = $this->context->database->table('subject_rating')->select('subject_id, sum(thumb_up) thumb_up, sum(thumb_down) thumb_down')->order('thumb_up DESC, thumb_down')->group('subject_id'); $ids = array(); foreach ($res as $key => $row) { $ids[] = $row['subject_id']; } $this->items->where('', $ids); $this->items->order('FIND_IN_SET(,"' . implode(",", $ids) . '")'); break; case 'recommended': $this->items->fetchAd(null, true)->order('created DESC'); break; default: $this->items->order($this->order); break; } // pocet polozek s omezenimi $items = clone $this->items; $count = $items->count(); $this->template->count = $count; // strankovani $this->pagerPlaces->itemCount = $count; if ($this->page * $this->limit > $count - $this->limit) { //zkontroluje, zda se jedna o posledni stranku vypisu $this->limit = 99; // nastavi limit na hodne velky cislo, aby se vypsalo vse zbyvajici } elseif (($this->page + 1) * $this->limit > $count - $this->limit) { // zkontroluje, zda se jedna o predposledni stranku vypisu $this->limit = 99; } $this->template->limit = $this->limit; $this->pagerPlaces->itemsPerPage = $this->limit; $this->template->page = $this->page; if ($this->isAjax()) { $this->template->newEntry = $this->items->limit($this->pagerPlaces->getLimit(), $this->pagerPlaces->getOffset()); $this->redrawControl('paging'); } else { $this->template->subjects = $this->items->limit($this->pagerPlaces->getLimit(), $this->pagerPlaces->getOffset()); } }
WSErro("O status da empresa foi atualizado para <b>inativo</b>. Empresa agora é um rascunho!", WS_ALERT); break; case 'delete': $empUpdate->ExeDelete($empAction); WSErro($empUpdate->getError()[0], $empUpdate->getError()[1]); break; default: WSErro("Ação não foi identifica pelo sistema, favor utilize os botões!", WS_ALERT); } } $empi = 0; $getPage = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); $Pager = new Pager('painel.php?exe=empresas/index&page='); $Pager->ExePager($getPage, 10); $readEmp = new Read('app_empresas'); $readEmp->Query("ORDER BY empresa_status ASC, empresa_title ASC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", "limit={$Pager->getLimit()}&offset={$Pager->getOffset()}"); if ($readEmp->getResult()) { foreach ($readEmp->getResult() as $emp) { $empi++; extract((array) $emp); $status = !$empresa_status ? 'style="background: #fffed8"' : ''; $stateObj = new Read('app_estados'); $stateObj->Query("WHERE estado_id = :est", "est={$empresa_uf}"); $state = $stateObj->getResult() ? $stateObj->getResult()[0]->estado_uf : 'NULL'; $cityObj = new Read('app_cidades'); $cityObj->Query("WHERE cidade_id = :city", "city={$empresa_cidade}"); $city = $cityObj->getResult() ? $cityObj->getResult()[0]->cidade_nome : 'NULL'; ?> <article<?php if ($empi % 2 == 0) { echo ' class="right"';
break; case 'delete': $postUpdate->ExeDelete($postAction); WSErro($postUpdate->getError()[0], $postUpdate->getError()[1]); break; default: WSErro("Ação não foi identificada pelo sistema, favor utilize os botões", WS_ERROR); break; } } $posti = 0; $getPage = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); $Pager = new Pager("painel.php?exe=posts/index&page="); $Pager->ExePager($getPage, 5); $Read = new Read("ws_posts"); $Read->Query("ORDER by post_status ASC, post_date DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", "limit={$Pager->getLimit()}&offset={$Pager->getOffset()}"); if ($Read->getResult()) { foreach ($Read->getResult() as $post) { $posti++; extract((array) $post); $status = !$post_status ? 'style="background: #fffed8"' : ''; ?> <article<?php if ($posti % 2 == 0) { echo ' class="right" '; } ?> <?php echo $status; ?> >
retornou <?php echo $count; ?> resultados:</p> </header> </section> <?php // //POSTs // $getPage = (int) (!empty($Link->getLocal()[2]) ? $Link->getLocal()[2] : 1); $Pager = new Pager(HOME . '/pesquisa/' . $search . '/'); $Pager->ExePager($getPage, 8); $readArt = new WsPosts(); $readArt->Execute()->Query("post_status = 1 AND (post_title LIKE '%' :link '%' OR post_content LIKE '%' :link '%') ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", "link={$search}&limit={$Pager->getLimit()}&offset={$Pager->getOffset()}", true); if (!$readArt->Execute()->getResult()) { $Pager->ReturnPage(); WSErro("Desculpe, sua pesquisa não encontrou posts. Você pode resulmir sua pesquisa ou tentar outros termos!", WS_INFOR); } else { $cc = 0; echo "<div class='row'>\n"; foreach ($readArt->Execute()->getResult() as $cat) { $cat->post_title = Check::Words($cat->post_title, 8); $cat->post_content = Check::Words($cat->post_content, 20); $cat->datetime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($cat->post_date)); $cat->pubdate = date('d/m/Y H:i', strtotime($cat->post_date)); echo $cc % 4 == 0 ? "<div class='row'>\n</div>\n" : ""; echo "<div class='col-md-3'>"; $View->Show((array) $cat, $tpl_cat); echo "</div>\n";
public function __toString() { $dbo =& $this->dbo; $meta = $dbo->meta(); $table = $meta->getTable(); $key = $meta->getKey(); $sql = "{$this->type} "; $meat = ''; if ($this->type == 'SELECT') { if ($this->fields) { $sql .= "{$this->fields} "; } else { $sql .= "`{$table}`.`{$key}`," . $meta->getColumnsSQL() . ' '; } } elseif ($this->fields) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('field specification is incompatible with non-select queries'); } elseif ($this->pager) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('pager is not compatible with non-select queries'); } if ($this->pager && $this->limit) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('pager is mutually exclusive with limit'); } $meat = "FROM `{$table}` "; foreach ($this->joins as $join) { $meat .= "{$join} "; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->wheres); $i++) { $where = $this->wheres[$i]; if (!$i) { $where = "WHERE {$where}"; } else { $where = "AND {$where} "; } $meat .= "{$where} "; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->groupBys); $i++) { $group = $this->groupBys[$i]; if (!$i) { $group = "GROUP BY {$group}"; } else { $group = ",{$group}"; } $meat .= "{$group} "; } if ($this->pager && null === $this->pager->results) { $database = Site::getModule('Database'); $lsql = "SELECT COUNT(*) {$meat}"; $sth = $database->query($lsql); $this->pager->setResults($sth->fetchColumn()); } $sql .= $meat; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->orders); $i++) { $order = $this->orders[$i]; if (!$i) { $order = "ORDER BY {$order}"; } else { $order = ",{$order}"; } $sql .= "{$order} "; } if ($this->pager) { $sql .= $this->pager->getLimit(); } elseif ($this->limit) { $sql .= "LIMIT {$this->limit}"; } return $sql; }
WSErro("Erro ao deletar", WS_ERROR); } break; default: WSErro("Opss! opção invalida.", WS_ERROR); break; } } else { WSErro("O posto informado não pode ser encontrado!", WS_INFOR); } } $getPage = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); $Pager = new Pager(IMP_INCLUDE . "admin/&exe=postos/index&page="); $Pager->ExePager($getPage, 15); $Read = new ImpPostos(); $Read->Execute()->FullRead("SELECT * FROM imp_postos ORDER BY postos_ativo LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", "limit={$Pager->getLimit()}&offset={$Pager->getOffset()}", true); ?> <article> <?php if (!$Read->Execute()->getResult()) { $Pager->ReturnPage(); WSErro("Desculpa, ainda não temos postos cadastrados", WS_INFOR); } else { ?> <table class="table table-striped text-center"> <thead> <tr> <th class="text-center">#</th> <th class="text-center">Nome</th> <th class="text-center">Numero</th> <th class="text-center">Impressoras</th>
WSErro("Erro ao deletar", WS_ERROR); } break; default: WSErro("Opss! opção invalida.", WS_ERROR); break; } } else { WSErro("O material informada não pode ser encontrado!", WS_INFOR); } } $getPage = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); $Pager = new Pager(FAST_INCLUDE . "admin/&exe=exames/index&page="); $Pager->ExePager($getPage, 15); $FeExames = new FeExames(); $FeExames->Execute()->FullRead("SELECT * FROM fe_exames WHERE ex_cancelado = 0 ORDER BY ex_status, ex_data_fechamento DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", "limit={$Pager->getLimit()}&offset={$Pager->getOffset()}", true); if (!$FeExames->Execute()->getResult()) { $Pager->ReturnPage(); WSErro("Nenhum solicitação de alteraçao de exame encontrado!", WS_INFOR); } else { ?> <table class="table table-striped text-center" id="form" style="font-size: 0.9em;"> <thead> <tr> <th class="text-center">Descrição</th> <th class="text-center">Mnemônico</th> <th class="text-center">Setor Exec.</th> <th class="text-center">Ações</th> <th class="text-center">Solicitado em.</th> <th class="text-center">Concluido em.</th> <th class="text-center">Setor Soli.</th>
public function renderDefault() { $httpRequest = $this->context->getService('httpRequest'); $this->template->hash = $hash = $httpRequest->getUrl()->path; $cache = new \Nette\Caching\Cache($this->context->getService('cacheStorage')); $key = $hash . "count"; dump($key); $count = $cache->load($key); if ($count === NULL) { $count = $this->context->createServiceTimes()->fetchPublic()->group('event_time.event_id')->count(); $cache->save($key, $count, array(\Nette\Caching\Cache::EXPIRE => '2 hours', \Nette\Caching\Cache::TAGS => array('events', 'event'), \Nette\Caching\Cache::SLIDING => TRUE)); } $this->template->eventsCount = $count; $this->template->events = $this->items; $this->template->page = $this->page; // omezeni na lokalitu $this->template->locality = false; if ($this->locality) { $this->items->where('event_time.event.subject.locality.code', $this->locality); $this->template->locality = true; } // omezeni na kraje if ($this->shire) { $this->items->where('(event_time.event.shire.code = "' . $this->shire . '") OR (event_time.event.shire_id = 99)'); } // omezeni na kategorie if ($this->category || count($this->categories) > 0) { $this->items->where('event_time.event:event_x_category.category_id', array_keys($this->categories)); if (count($this->categories) == 1) { $this->template->category = $this->context->createServiceCategories()->get(key($this->categories)); } else { $this->template->categories = $this->context->createServiceCategories(); } } else { //$this['categories']['category']['all']->setValue(1); } // nastavi casovy ramec if ($this->timeframe) { $this->items->setTimeframe($this->timeframe); $this->template->timeframe = $this->timeframe; } $this->template->dates = array(); for ($i = 2; $i < 13; $i++) { $ts = time() + $i * 86400; if (strftime("%u", $ts) == 6 || strftime("%u", $ts) == 7) { $this->template->dates[date("Y-m-d", $ts)]['time'] = strftime("%a %e. %m.", $ts); $this->template->dates[date("Y-m-d", $ts)]['day'] = 'weekend'; //$this->template->dates[date("Y-m-d", $ts)] = strftime("%A", $ts); } else { $this->template->dates[date("Y-m-d", $ts)]['time'] = strftime("%a %e. %m.", $ts); $this->template->dates[date("Y-m-d", $ts)]['day'] = 'weekday'; } } // pocet polozek s omezenimi $key = $hash . $this->timeframe . "/page-" . $this->pagerPlaces->getPage() . "/" . serialize($this->categories); $this->template->pagingHash = $key; dump($key); $count = $cache->load($key); if ($count === NULL) { $count = $this->items->count(); $cache->save($key, $count, array(\Nette\Caching\Cache::EXPIRE => '2 hours', \Nette\Caching\Cache::TAGS => array('events', 'event'), \Nette\Caching\Cache::SLIDING => TRUE)); } $this->template->count = $count; if ($this->page * $this->limit > $count - $this->limit) { //zkontroluje, zda se jedna o posledni stranku vypisu $this->limit = 9999; // nastavi limi na hodne velky cislo, aby se vypsalo vse zbyvajici $this->template->limit = $this->limit; } elseif (($this->page + 1) * $this->limit > $count - $this->limit) { // zkontroluje, zda se jedna o predposledni stranku vypisu $this->template->limit = 9998; } else { $this->template->limit = $this->limit; } //nastavi razeni if ($this->order == "created DESC") { $this->items->order($this->order); } else { // ostatni razeni se resi v modelu dle timeframe } // strankovani $this->pagerPlaces->itemsPerPage = $this->limit; $this->pagerPlaces->itemCount = $count; if ($this->pagerPlaces->getOffset() == 9999 && $this->pagerPlaces->getPage() > 1) { $this->redirect('this', array('pagingPlaces-page' => 1)); } if ($this->isAjax()) { $this->template->newEntry = $this->items->limit($this->pagerPlaces->getLimit(), $this->pagerPlaces->getOffset()); } else { $this->template->events = $this->items->limit($this->pagerPlaces->getLimit(), $this->pagerPlaces->getOffset()); } }
break; case 'delete': $postUpdate->ExeDelete($postAction); WSErro($postUpdate->getError()[0], $postUpdate->getError()[1]); break; default: WSErro("Ação não foi identificada pelo sistema, favor utilize os botões", WS_ERROR); break; } } $posti = 0; $getPage = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); $Pager = new Pager("painel.php?exe=area_trabalho/index&page="); $Pager->ExePager($getPage, 6); $Read = new Controle(); $Read->FullRead("SELECT * FROM ws_area_trabalho ORDER by area_status ASC, area_date DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", "limit={$Pager->getLimit()}&offset={$Pager->getOffset()}", true); if (!$Read->getResult()) { $Pager->ReturnPage(); WSErro("Desculpa, ainda não temos áreas cadastrados", WS_INFOR); } else { foreach ($Read->getResult() as $setor) { $posti++; extract((array) $setor); $status = !$area_status ? 'style="background: #fffed8"' : ''; ?> <article<?php if ($posti % 2 == 0) { echo ' class="right" '; } ?> <?php
break; case 'delete': $perfilUpdate->ExeDelete($perfilAction); WSErro('O perfil ' . $perfilUpdate->getError()[0], $perfilUpdate->getError()[1]); break; default: WSErro("Ação não foi identificada pelo sistema, favor utilize os botões", WS_ERROR); break; } } $posti = 0; $getPage = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); $Pager = new Pager("painel.php?exe=perfil/index&page="); $Pager->ExePager($getPage, 6); $Read = new Controle(); $Read->FullRead("SELECT * FROM ws_perfil ORDER by perfil_status ASC, perfil_date DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", "limit={$Pager->getLimit()}&offset={$Pager->getOffset()}", true); if (!$Read->getResult()) { $Pager->ReturnPage(); WSErro("Desculpa, ainda não temos perfis cadastrados", WS_INFOR); } else { foreach ($Read->getResult() as $post) { $posti++; extract((array) $post); $status = !$perfil_status ? 'style="background: #fffed8"' : ''; ?> <article<?php if ($posti % 2 == 0) { echo ' class="right" '; } ?> <?php
break; case 'delete': $tubeUpdate->ExeDelete($tubeAction); WSErro($tubeUpdate->getError()[0], $tubeUpdate->getError()[1]); break; default: WSErro("Ação não foi identificada pelo sistema, favor utilize os botões", WS_ERROR); break; } } $posti = 0; $getPage = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); $Pager = new Pager("painel.php?exe=youtube/index&page="); $Pager->ExePager($getPage, 6); $Read = new Controle(); $Read->FullRead("SELECT * FROM app_youtube ORDER by youtube_status ASC, youtube_date DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", "limit={$Pager->getLimit()}&offset={$Pager->getOffset()}", true); if ($Read->getResult()) { foreach ($Read->getResult() as $post) { $posti++; extract((array) $post); $status = !$youtube_status ? 'style="background: #fffed8"' : ''; ?> <article<?php if ($posti % 2 == 0) { echo ' class="right" '; } ?> <?php echo $status; ?> >
/** * Prints out list of current additional resources * @param Pager $pager pager object * @param mixed $resources array of resource data * @param string $err last database error */ function print_manage_additional_resources($pager, $resources, $err) { global $link; $util = new Utility(); ?> <form name="manageAdditionalResource" method="post" action="admin_update.php" onsubmit="return checkAdminForm();"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" align="center"> <tr> <td class="tableBorder"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td colspan="4" class="tableTitle">› <?php echo translate('All Accessories'); ?> </td> </tr> <?php echo "\r\n <tr class=\"rowHeaders\">\r\n <td>" . $link->getLink($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . $util->getSortingUrl($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'name'), translate('Accessory Name')) . "</td>\r\n <td width=\"15%\">" . translate('Number Available') . "</td>\r\n <td width=\"7%\">" . translate('Edit') . "</td>\r\n\t\t <td width=\"7%\">" . translate('Delete') . "</td>\r\n </tr>"; if (!$resources) { echo '<tr class="cellColor0"><td colspan="4" style="text-align: center;">' . $err . '</td></tr>' . "\n"; } for ($i = 0; is_array($resources) && $i < count($resources); $i++) { $cur = $resources[$i]; if ($cur['number_available'] == -1) { $cur['number_available'] = translate('Unlimited'); } echo "<tr class=\"cellColor" . $i % 2 . "\" align=\"center\" id=\"tr{$i}\">\n" . '<td style="text-align:left">' . $cur['name'] . "</td>\n" . '<td>' . $cur['number_available'] . "</td>\n" . "</td>\n" . '<td>' . $link->getLink($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . preg_replace("/&resourceid=[\\d\\w]*/", "", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) . '&resourceid=' . $cur['resourceid'] . (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $pager->getLimitVar()) === false ? '&' . $pager->getLimitVar() . '=' . $pager->getLimit() : ''), translate('Edit'), '', '', translate('Edit data for', array($cur['name']))) . "</td>\n" . "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"resourceid[]\" value=\"" . $cur['resourceid'] . "\" onclick=\"adminRowClick(this,'tr{$i}',{$i});\" /></td>\n" . "</tr>\n"; } // Close table ?> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <?php echo submit_button(translate('Delete'), 'resourceid') . hidden_fn('delAddResource') . '</form>'; }
WSErro("Erro ao deletar", WS_ERROR); } break; default: WSErro("Opss! opção invalida.", WS_ERROR); break; } } else { WSErro("O modelo informado não pode ser encontrado!", WS_INFOR); } } $getPage = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); $Pager = new Pager(IMP_INCLUDE . "admin/&exe=modelo/index&page="); $Pager->ExePager($getPage, 15); $Read = new ImpPostos(); $Read->Execute()->FullRead("SELECT * FROM imp_modelo ORDER BY modelo_status LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", "limit={$Pager->getLimit()}&offset={$Pager->getOffset()}", true); ?> <article> <?php if (!$Read->Execute()->getResult()) { $Pager->ReturnPage(); WSErro("Desculpa, ainda não temos modelo cadastrados", WS_INFOR); } else { ?> <table class="table table-striped text-center"> <thead> <tr> <th class="text-center">#</th> <th class="text-center">Nome</th> <th class="text-center">Status</th> <th>Actions</th>
WSErro("Erro ao deletar", WS_ERROR); } break; default: WSErro("Opss! opção invalida.", WS_ERROR); break; } } else { WSErro("O material informada não pode ser encontrado!", WS_INFOR); } } $getPage = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); $Pager = new Pager(FAST_INCLUDE . "admin/&exe=materiais/index&page="); $Pager->ExePager($getPage, 15); $FeMaterial = new FeMaterial(); $FeMaterial->Execute()->FullRead("SELECT * FROM fe_material ORDER BY mat_status LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", "limit={$Pager->getLimit()}&offset={$Pager->getOffset()}", true); if (!$FeMaterial->Execute()->getResult()) { $Pager->ReturnPage(); WSErro("Nenhum material cadastrado!", WS_INFOR); } else { ?> <table class="table table-striped"> <thead> <tr> <th>#</th> <th>Descrição</th> <th>Ação</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php
WSErro("Erro ao deletar", WS_ERROR); } break; default: WSErro("Opss! opção invalida.", WS_ERROR); break; } } else { WSErro("A ação informada não pode ser encontrado!", WS_INFOR); } } $getPage = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); $Pager = new Pager(FAST_INCLUDE . "admin/&exe=acoes/index&page="); $Pager->ExePager($getPage, 15); $FeAcoes = new FeAcoes(); $FeAcoes->Execute()->FullRead("SELECT * FROM fe_acoes ORDER BY acao_status LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", "limit={$Pager->getLimit()}&offset={$Pager->getOffset()}", true); if (!$FeAcoes->Execute()->getResult()) { $Pager->ReturnPage(); WSErro("Nenhum ação cadastrado!", WS_INFOR); } else { ?> <table class="table table-striped"> <thead> <tr> <th>#</th> <th>Descrição</th> <th>Ação</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php
break; case 'delete': $postUpdate->ExeDelete($postAction); WSErro('O Tipo <b>' . $postUpdate->getError()[0] . "</b>, foi deletado com sucesso!", $postUpdate->getError()[1]); break; default: WSErro("Ação não foi identificada pelo sistema, favor utilize os botões", WS_ERROR); break; } } $posti = 0; $getPage = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); $Pager = new Pager("painel.php?exe=setor_type/index&page="); $Pager->ExePager($getPage, 6); $Read = new Controle(); $Read->FullRead("SELECT * FROM ws_setor_type ORDER by type_status ASC, type_content DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", "limit={$Pager->getLimit()}&offset={$Pager->getOffset()}", true); if (!$Read->getResult()) { $Pager->ReturnPage(); WSErro("Desculpa, ainda não temos tipos cadastrados", WS_INFOR); } else { foreach ($Read->getResult() as $tipo) { $posti++; extract((array) $tipo); $status = !$type_status ? 'style="background: #fffed8"' : ''; ?> <article<?php if ($posti % 2 == 0) { echo ' class="right" '; } ?> <?php
<div class="col-md-12"> <h1 class="text-center title"><?php echo $titulo; ?> </h1> </div> </div> <?php $View = new View(); $membro = $View->Load("noticias_m"); $getPage = (int) (!empty($Link->getLocal()[2]) ? $Link->getLocal()[2] : 1); $Pager = new Pager(HOME . '/noticias/' . $post_type . '/'); $Pager->ExePager($getPage, 6); $Read = new WsPosts(); $Read->setPost_type($post_type); $Read->Execute()->Query("post_status = 1 AND post_type = :type ORDER BY post_date DESC, post_category DESC LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", "type={$post_type}&limit={$Pager->getLimit()}&offset={$Pager->getOffset()}", true); if (!$Read->Execute()->getResult()) { $Pager->ReturnPage(); WSErro("Desculpe não temos noticias no momento, favor volte mais tarde!", WS_INFOR); } else { $i = 0; echo "<div class='row'>\n"; foreach ($Read->Execute()->getResult() as $item) { if ($i % 3 == 0 && $i != 0) { echo "</div>\n"; echo "<div class='row'>\n"; } $item->post_title = Check::Words($item->post_title, 4); $item->post_content = Check::Words($item->post_content, 10); $item->datetime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($item->post_date)); $item->pubdate = date("d/m/Y H:i", strtotime($item->post_date));