コード例 #1
ファイル: restore_case.php プロジェクト: componavt/piwidict
$count_exec_time = 1;
include "../../../config.php";
include LIB_DIR . "header.php";
$mask_word = "Пей";
$word = "ПИТЬ";
print "<p>{$word}, {$mask_word}, " . PWString::restoreCase($word, $mask_word);
$mask_word = "пей";
$word = "ПИТЬ";
print "<p>{$word}, {$mask_word}, " . PWString::restoreCase($word, $mask_word);
$mask_word = "Санкт-Петербургом";
print "<p>{$word}, {$mask_word}, " . PWString::restoreCase($word, $mask_word);
$mask_word = "Saint-Petersburgs";
print "<p>{$word}, {$mask_word}, " . PWString::restoreCase($word, $mask_word);
include LIB_DIR . "footer.php";
コード例 #2
ファイル: PWInit.php プロジェクト: stasonmokoron/nerpa
 /** Counts frequency of occurance of lemmas in meanings and writes to field `pw_lemma_LANG_CODE.frequency`,
  *  if this lemma does not exist in table, that it added there with origin=2 and meaning_id where it has be found.
 public static function count_frequency_lemma_in_meaning()
     global $LINK_DB;
     // set some options
     $opts = array('storage' => PHPMORPHY_STORAGE_FILE, 'predict_by_suffix' => true, 'predict_by_db' => true, 'graminfo_as_text' => true);
     // Path to directory where dictionaries located
     $dir = SITE_ROOT . 'phpmorphy/dicts';
     $lang = 'ru_RU';
     // Create phpMorphy instance
     try {
         $morphy = new phpMorphy($dir, $lang, $opts);
     } catch (phpMorphy_Exception $e) {
         die('Error occured while creating phpMorphy instance: ' . PHP_EOL . $e);
     try {
         $lang_id = (int) TLang::getIDByLangCode(PWLemma::getLangCode());
         $l_table = PWLemma::getTableName();
         $query = "SELECT meaning.id as meaning_id, wiki_text.text as text FROM wiki_text, meaning, lang_pos WHERE  " . "wiki_text.id=meaning.wiki_text_id and meaning.lang_pos_id=lang_pos.id and lang_pos.lang_id={$lang_id}";
         $res_meaning = $LINK_DB->query_e($query, "Query failed in file <b>" . __FILE__ . "</b>, string <b>" . __LINE__ . "</b>");
         while ($row_meaning = $res_meaning->fetch_object()) {
             //print "<p>".$row_meaning->text;
             $words = preg_split('/((^\\p{P}+)|(\\p{P}*\\s+\\p{P}*)|(\\p{P}+$))/u', $row_meaning->text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             $words = array_count_values($words);
             foreach ($words as $word => $count) {
                 $lemma = PWLemma::getPhpMorphyLemma($word, $morphy);
                 if (!$lemma) {
                 $lemma = PWString::restoreCase($lemma, $word);
                 $lemma = str_replace("'", "\\'", $lemma);
                 $cond = "WHERE lemma like '{$lemma}'";
                 $res_lemma = $LINK_DB->query_e("SELECT id,frequency FROM {$l_table} {$cond}", "Query failed in file <b>" . __FILE__ . "</b>, string <b>" . __LINE__ . "</b>");
                 if ($LINK_DB->query_count($res_lemma) == 0) {
                     $query = "INSERT INTO `{$l_table}` (`lemma`,`origin`,`frequency`,`meaning_id`) VALUES ('{$lemma}',2,{$count}," . $row_meaning->meaning_id . ")";
                     //print "<p>$query";
                     $LINK_DB->query_e($query, "Query failed in file <b>" . __FILE__ . "</b>, string <b>" . __LINE__ . "</b>");
                 } else {
                     $row_lemma = $res_lemma->fetch_object();
                     $query = "UPDATE `{$l_table}` SET `frequency`=" . (int) ($count + $row_lemma->frequency) . " {$cond}";
                     //print "<p>$query";
                     $LINK_DB->query_e($query, "Query failed in file <b>" . __FILE__ . "</b>, string <b>" . __LINE__ . "</b>");
     } catch (phpMorphy_Exception $e) {
         die('Error occured while text processing: ' . $e->getMessage());