throw new Exception("You cannot administer the {$role['attribute']} attribute"); } $GLOBALS['BannerIDM']->removeAttribute($person->pidm, $id); list($type_id, $type) = $GLOBALS['BannerIDM']->any2type($role['type_id']); $log_attribute = $role['attribute']; $response['status'] = 'success'; $response['message'] = sprintf('%s "%s" has been removed.', ucfirst($type), $role['attribute']); $GLOBALS['ape']->log($person->pidm, $action, $action_status, $type, $log_attribute); } else { $GLOBALS['ape']->log($person->pidm, $action, $action_status, $type, $log_attribute); } } catch (Exception $e) { $response['message'] = $e->GetMessage() . ($e->GetCode() ? '(' . $e->GetCode() . ')' : ''); $GLOBALS['ape']->log($person->pidm, $action, $action_status, $type, $log_attribute); } // bail here if request was javascript if (isset($_GET['method']) && $_GET['method'] == 'js') { header('Content-type: text/javascript'); $response['pidm'] = $person->pidm; $response['type'] = $type; $response['attribute'] = $log_attribute; die(json_encode($response)); } // pass along our message if ($response['status'] == 'success') { $_SESSION['messages'][] = $response['message']; } else { $_SESSION['errors'][] = $response['message']; } PSUHTML::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/user/' . $person->pidm);
<?php PSU::db('banner')->debug = true; $filename = $_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name']; $datafile = fopen($filename, "r"); if ($datafile) { while (!feof($datafile)) { $items[] = fgetcsv($datafile, 8192); } fclose($datafile); } if (!CommonAppCountries::deleteOldCountryCodes()) { $_SESSION['errors'][] = 'Unable to clear the country table before processing.'; } elseif (!CommonAppCountries::insertCountryCodes($items)) { $_SESSION['errors'][] = 'Unable to insert all countries.'; } elseif (!CommonAppCountries::updateCountryCodes()) { $_SESSION['errors'][] = 'Unable to link country tables.'; } else { $_SESSION['messages'][] = 'Country code file was successfully uploaded.'; } PSUHTML::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/countries.html');
<?php $_SESSION = array(); session_destroy(); PSUHTML::redirect('');
PSUHTML::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/' . $GLOBALS['SSH_HOST'] . ':browse' . $parent); } else { jsonAndExit($json); } } $result = $GLOBALS['SCP']->unlink($path); if ($result === null) { $log_data['result'] = 'failure'; $json['error'] = true; $json['message'] = 'File did not exist.'; } elseif ($result === false) { $log_data['result'] = 'failure'; $json['error'] = true; $json['message'] = 'File could not be deleted.'; } else { $log_data['result'] = 'success'; $json['success'] = true; $json['row_id'] = $_GET['row_id']; } rf_log($log_data); if ($redirect) { if ($json['success']) { $_SESSION['messages'][] = 'File ' . htmlentities(basename($path)) . ' was deleted.'; } else { $_SESSION['errors'][] = $json['message']; } PSUHTML::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/' . $GLOBALS['SSH_HOST'] . ':browse' . $parent); } else { jsonAndExit($json); } // vim:ts=2:sw=2:noet:
/** * checks for an invalid person object and redirects if there is a problem */ public static function validate_person($identifier, &$person) { // if this pidm is bogus, display an error if (!$person->wp_id && !$person->pidm) { if ($person->identifier_type) { $_SESSION['errors'][] = sprintf('"%s" is not a recognized ' . $person->identifier_type . '.', htmlentities($person->initial_identifier)); } else { $_SESSION['errors'][] = sprintf('"%s" is not a unique identifier. A skilled and helpful APE has executed a search on your behalf. Rejoice!', htmlentities($person->initial_identifier)); } //end else PSUHTML::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/search.html?type=name&identifier=' . urlencode($identifier)); exit; } //end if return true; }
if (strpos($key, 'ape_') === 0) { unset($_SESSION['AUTHZ']['permission'][$key]); } //end if } //end foreach $message = 'Now impersonating: ' . $_SESSION['username'] . ' (' . $_SESSION['wp_id'] . ')'; $_SESSION['messages'][] = $message; } elseif ($action == 'cancel') { if (isset($_SESSION['impersonate'])) { $GLOBALS['LOG']->write('Finished impersonating account', $_SESSION['username']); $_SESSION['wp_id'] = $_SESSION['impersonate_store']['wp_id']; $_SESSION['username'] = $_SESSION['impersonate_store']['username']; $_SESSION['pidm'] = $_SESSION['impersonate_store']['pidm']; $_SESSION['fullname'] = $_SESSION['impersonate_store']['fullname']; $_SESSION['phpCAS']['user'] = $_SESSION['impersonate_store']['username']; unset($_SESSION['AUTHZ']); PSU::get('idmobject')->loadAuthZ($_SESSION['pidm']); unset($_SESSION['impersonate_store'], $_SESSION['impersonate']); } //end if PSU::redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } else { throw new Exception('Stop trying to sneak in here!!!'); } //end else } catch (Exception $e) { $_SESSION['errors'][] = sprintf("%s (%d)", $e->GetMessage(), $e->GetCode()); } PSUHTML::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/user/' . $redirect_id);
<?php PSU::get()->banner = PSU::db('test'); PSU::db('banner')->debug = true; $args = array('pidm' => $_REQUEST['pidm'], 'term_code' => $_REQUEST['term_code'], 'comment_text' => $_REQUEST['note']); $query = "INSERT INTO sgrscmt(\n\t\t\t\t\tsgrscmt_pidm,\n\t\t\t\t\tsgrscmt_seq_no,\n\t\t\t\t\tsgrscmt_term_code,\n\t\t\t\t\tsgrscmt_comment_text,\n\t\t\t\t\tsgrscmt_activity_date\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\tVALUES\n\t\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\t\t:pidm,\n\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT MAX(NVL(sgrscmt_seq_no,0))+1 FROM sgrscmt WHERE sgrscmt_pidm=:pidm),\n\t\t\t\t\t:term_code,\n\t\t\t\t\t:comment_text,\n\t\t\t\t\tSYSDATE\n\t\t\t\t)"; $action = PSU::db('banner')->Execute($query, $args); PSUHTML::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/student/' . $person->pidm);
throw new Exception('Username missing from password reset request.'); } $person = new PSUPerson($username); if (!$reason && ($ssn != substr($person->ssn, -4) || $dob != $person->birth_date)) { $GLOBALS['LOG']->write('Password Reset Attempt Failed: invalid DOB & SSN portion provided.', $username); throw new Exception('The identity verification failed. Either the last 4 of the SSN OR the Date of Birth did not match.'); } //end if if ($reason && !IDMObject::authZ('permission', 'ape_pw')) { throw new Exception('You are not allowed to perform password resets without the last 4 of the SSN and Birth Date.'); } //end if if (!$reason) { $reason = 'Private Data Provided and Verified'; } //end if list($username, $password) = $GLOBALS['PWMAN']->defaultCredentials($username); $GLOBALS['PWMAN']->setPassword($username, $password); $GLOBALS['PWMAN']->expire($username, 'reset'); $GLOBALS['LOG']->write('Resetting password: '******'Password Reset', 'Reset password.', array('call_status' => 'closed'))) { $message .= ' Ticket #<a href="' . $call_id . '">' . $call_id . '</a> has been logged.'; } //end if $_SESSION['messages'][] = $message; } catch (Exception $e) { $_SESSION['errors'][] = sprintf("%s (%d)", $e->GetMessage(), $e->GetCode()); } PSUHTML::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/user/' . $username);
/** * action_cleanup() creates an HTTP response for a page that is responding * to a form submission. This response might be a redirect to another page, * or outputting a JSON string. This function causes script processing to end. * * @param string $url the url to redirect to * @param mixed $response any messages that should be passed to the user * @param bool $is_ajax whether or not the response should be done in json */ function action_cleanup($url, $response = '', $is_ajax = false) { if ($is_ajax) { PSUTools::jsonAndExit($response); } else { $_SESSION['messages'] = array_merge($_SESSION['messages'], $response['messages']); $_SESSION['errors'] = array_merge($_SESSION['errors'], $response['errors']); PSUHTML::redirect($url); } }
$tmp_name = $_FILES['feed']['tmp_name']; $new_name = $GLOBALS['TMP'] . '/' . $_FILES['feed']['name']; if (!is_uploaded_file($tmp_name)) { $_SESSION['errors'][] = "Uploaded file not found."; PSUHTML::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/upload.html'); } if (!is_dir($GLOBALS['TMP'])) { mkdir($GLOBALS['TMP']); } move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $new_name); if (!is_file($new_name)) { $_SESSION['errors'][] = 'Could not find renamed file at ' . $new_name; PSUHTML::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/upload.html'); } $result = chmod($new_name, 0600); if ($result == false) { $_SESSION['errors'][] = 'Could not chmod ' . $new_name; PSUHTML::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/upload.html'); } $ca = new CommonApp($new_name); $ca->import(); if (count($ca->errors)) { // there were errors $_SESSION['errors'][] = 'Some records file failed to import.'; $_SESSION['errors'] = array_merge($_SESSION['errors'], $ca->errors); } else { $_SESSION['messages'][] = 'Feed file imported successfully.'; } unlink($new_name); PSUHTML::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/upload.html');
/** * Default handler to redirect to /tab/welcome */ public function index() { PSUHTML::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/tab/welcome'); }
<?php $from = $_GET['from']; $_SESSION['javascript'] = !$_SESSION['javascript']; PSUHTML::redirect($from);
<?php $list = $_GET['list']; PSUHTML::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/lists/' . $list);
require_once $GLOBALS['BASE_DIR'] . '/rfutil/'; IDMObject::authN(); $GLOBALS['BANNER'] = PSUDatabase::connect('oracle/psc1_psu/fixcase'); $GLOBALS['RemoteFiles'] = PSUDatabase::connect('mysql/myplymouth'); $GLOBALS['BannerIDM'] = new IDMObject($GLOBALS['BANNER']); $GLOBALS['PHPSESSID'] = $_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']; // make sure our session variables are set up if (!isset($_SESSION['javascript'])) { $_SESSION['javascript'] = true; } if (isset($_GET['go'])) { $go = $_GET['go']; if (empty($go)) { $go = $GLOBALS['DEFAULT_HOST']; } elseif (!ctype_lower($go)) { $go = $GLOBALS['DEFAULT_HOST']; $_SESSION['errors'][] = 'An invalid server name was provided via'; } PSUHTML::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . "/" . $go . ":"); } $remote_files = new PSU\RemoteFiles(); $config = \PSU\Config\Factory::get_config(); if (isset($_GET['ssh-fixup']) && $_GET['ssh-fixup'] && $_GET['ssh-fixup'] === $config->get('remote-files', 'ssh_fixup')) { $fixup_dir = '/tmp/remote-files-feed'; $remote_files->ssh_config_update($fixup_dir); die('Complete.'); } $GLOBALS['SSH_HOST'] = isset($_REQUEST['server']) ? $_REQUEST['server'] : $GLOBALS['DEFAULT_HOST']; $GLOBALS['SCP'] = new SCPlib($GLOBALS['SSH_HOST']); $GLOBALS['RFP'] = new RFPermissions($GLOBALS['BannerIDM'], $GLOBALS['RemoteFiles'], $GLOBALS['SSH_HOST']); // vim:ts=2:sw=2:noet:
<?php /** * Save changes to hardware from hardware.html. */ if (!IDMObject::authZ('permission', 'ape_hardware')) { die('You do not have hardware privileges.'); } $pidm = (int) $_GET['pidm']; $id = (int) $_GET['id']; $person = new PSUPerson($pidm); $person->hardware->deleteHardware($id); PSUHTML::redirect($BASE_URL . '/hardware/u/' . $person->username);
// Web Path To JS Files define('JS_WEB_DIR', $GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/js'); $GLOBALS['JS_WEB_DIR'] = JS_WEB_DIR; $GLOBALS['HELPDESK_EMAIL'] = '*****@*****.**'; define('INCLUDES_DIR', __DIR__ . '/includes'); define('FUNCTIONS_DIR', INCLUDES_DIR . '/functions'); // Callog functions $INCLUDES = __DIR__ . "/includes"; // use the include variable to reference all app specific includes $IMAGES = $GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/images'; // End variable definitions define('MAGPIE_CACHE_ON', false); require_once 'magpierss/'; require_once 'functions.php'; if (isset($_GET['go'])) { PSUHTML::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/ticket/' . $_GET['go']); } require_once INCLUDES_DIR . "/functions.php"; include FUNCTIONS_DIR . "/add_update.class.php"; include FUNCTIONS_DIR . "/call_log_graph_functions.php"; include FUNCTIONS_DIR . "/call_log_keyword_admin_functions.php"; include FUNCTIONS_DIR . "/call_log_search.php"; include FUNCTIONS_DIR . "/call_log_stats_and_reports_functions.php"; include FUNCTIONS_DIR . "/employee_calls_function.php"; include FUNCTIONS_DIR . "/my_options_functions.php"; include FUNCTIONS_DIR . "/news_functions.php"; include FUNCTIONS_DIR . "/open_call_functions.php"; include FUNCTIONS_DIR . "/recovered_data.php"; include FUNCTIONS_DIR . "/restore.class.php"; include FUNCTIONS_DIR . "/tlc_users_functions.php"; include FUNCTIONS_DIR . "/user.class.php";
$log_data['result'] = 'denied'; throw new Exception('You do not have write access to ' . htmlentities($path . $rf_file['name'])); } try { $GLOBALS['SCP']->put($rf_file['tmp_name'], $path . $rf_file['name']); } catch (SCPException $e) { $log_data['result'] = 'failure'; throw new Exception('There was an error uploading your file: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' (' . $e->getCode() . ')'); } $log_data['result'] = 'success'; $msg = 'File "' . htmlentities($rf_file['name']) . '" was uploaded successfully.'; if ($swfupload) { $json['message'] = $rf_file['name']; $json['html'] = $msg; } else { $_SESSION['messages'][] = $msg; } } catch (Exception $e) { if ($swfupload) { $json['status'] = 'error'; $json['message'] = $e->getMessage(); } else { $_SESSION['errors'][] = $e->getMessage(); } } rf_log($log_data); if ($swfupload) { PSUTools::jsonAndExit($json); } PSUHTML::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/' . $GLOBALS['SSH_HOST'] . ':browse' . $fullpath); // vim:ts=2:sw=2:noet:
/** * Remove custom layout for the logged-in user. */ public function reset() { if (!$this->portal->person->wp_id) { $_SESSION['errors'][] = "No wp_id, refusing to reset layout."; PSUHTML::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL']); } $wp_id = array($this->portal->person->wp_id); $sql = "\n\t\t\tDELETE c, m\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\tusertabs t LEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\tuserchannels c ON = c.usertab_id LEFT JOIN\n\t\t\t\tuserchannels_meta m ON = m.userchannel_id\n\t\t\tWHERE t.wp_id = ?\n\t\t"; PSU::db('portal')->Execute($sql, $wp_id); $sql = "\n\t\t\tDELETE t, m\n\t\t\tFROM usertabs t LEFT JOIN usertabs_meta m ON = m.usertab_id\n\t\t\tWHERE t.wp_id = ?\n\t\t"; PSU::db('portal')->Execute($sql, $wp_id); PSUHTML::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL']); }
} //end if } //end if $GLOBALS['LOG']->write($response['message'], $person->login_name); $response['status'] = 'success'; } catch (Exception $e) { $response['message'] = $e->getMessage(); } // // ajax requests end here // if (isset($_GET['method']) && $_GET['method'] == 'js') { header('Content-type: application/json'); die(json_encode($response)); } // // otherwise, redirect back to the user page // $redirect_to = $GLOBALS['BASE_URL']; // pass along our message if ($response['status'] == 'success') { $_SESSION['messages'][] = $response['message']; } else { $_SESSION['errors'][] = $response['message']; } if (isset($_GET['identifier'])) { $redirect_to .= '/user/' . $_GET['identifier']; } PSUHTML::redirect($redirect_to);
<?php $path = $_GET['path']; $filter = $_GET['filter']; PSUHTML::redirect($GLOBALS['BASE_URL'] . '/' . $GLOBALS['SSH_HOST'] . ':browse' . $path . $filter);