function start() { global $fromname, $fromemail, $subject, $replyto, $attachment, $encode, $contenttype, $encodeheaders, $optout, $xmailer, $maillist, $letter; set_time_limit(0); if ($handle = @fopen(@$maillist['tmp_name'], "r")) { $i = 1; while (!feof($handle)) { $to = trim(fgets($handle)); if ($to !== '') { $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->XMailer = $xmailer; $mail->IsHtml($contenttype === 'html'); $mail->CharSet = "UTF-8"; $mail->Encoding = $encode; $mail->From = $fromemail; $mail->FromName = $fromname; fwrite(fopen('out.txt', 'a'), "{$to}\n"); $mail->AddAddress($to); $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $letter; if ($replyto) { $mail->AddReplyTo($replyto); } if (@count(@$attachment) > 0) { $mail->AddAttachment($attachment['tmp_name']); } if ($optout !== '') { $mail->addCustomHeader('List-Unsubscribe', '<mailto:' . md5($to) . $optout . '>'); } print $i++ . "\t\t: [" . ($mail->Send() ? '+' : '-') . "] : {$to}\n"; ob_flush(); flush(); } } fclose($handle); } }
function phpmail_send($from, $to, $subject, $message, $attachment_path = NULL, $cc = NULL, $bcc = NULL) { require_once APPPATH . 'modules_core/mailer/helpers/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php'; $CI =& get_instance(); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->IsHtml(); if ($CI->mdl_mcb_data->setting('email_protocol') == 'smtp') { $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->SMTPAuth = true; if ($CI->mdl_mcb_data->setting('smtp_security')) { $mail->SMTPSecure = $CI->mdl_mcb_data->setting('smtp_security'); } $mail->Host = $CI->mdl_mcb_data->setting('smtp_host'); $mail->Port = $CI->mdl_mcb_data->setting('smtp_port'); $mail->Username = $CI->mdl_mcb_data->setting('smtp_user'); $mail->Password = $CI->mdl_mcb_data->setting('smtp_pass'); } elseif ($CI->mdl_mcb_data->setting('email_protocol') == 'sendmail') { $mail->IsSendmail(); } if (is_array($from)) { $mail->SetFrom($from[0], $from[1]); } else { $mail->SetFrom($from); } $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $message; $to = strpos($to, ',') ? explode(',', $to) : explode(';', $to); foreach ($to as $address) { $mail->AddAddress($address); } if ($cc) { $cc = strpos($cc, ',') ? explode(',', $cc) : explode(';', $cc); foreach ($cc as $address) { $mail->AddCC($address); } } if ($bcc) { $bcc = strpos($bcc, ',') ? explode(',', $bcc) : explode(';', $bcc); foreach ($bcc as $address) { $mail->AddBCC($address); } } if ($attachment_path) { $mail->AddAttachment($attachment_path); } if ($mail->Send()) { if (isset($CI->load->_ci_classes['session'])) { $CI->session->set_flashdata('custom_success', $CI->lang->line('email_success')); return TRUE; } } else { if (isset($CI->this->load->_ci_classes['session'])) { $CI->session->set_flashdata('custom_error', $mail->ErrorInfo); return FALSE; } } }
/** * Sends the mail and returns whether that was successful. * * @return bool * * @global string The current language. * @global array The configuration of the plugins. * @global array The localization of the plugins. * @global string The (X)HTML fragment that contains error messages. */ public function send() { global $sl, $plugin_cf, $plugin_tx, $e; $pcf = $plugin_cf['advancedform']; $ptx = $plugin_tx['advancedform']; $type = strtolower($pcf['mail_type']); $this->mail->LE = $pcf['mail_line_ending_*nix'] ? "\n" : "\r\n"; $this->mail->set('CharSet', 'UTF-8'); $this->mail->SetLanguage($sl, $this->pluginFolder . 'phpmailer/language/'); $this->mail->set('WordWrap', 72); if (!$this->determineAddresses()) { return false; } if ($this->isConfirmation) { $this->mail->set('Subject', sprintf($ptx['mail_subject_confirmation'], $this->form->getTitle(), $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])); } else { $this->mail->set('Subject', sprintf($ptx['mail_subject'], $this->form->getTitle(), $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])); } $this->mail->IsHtml($type != 'text'); if ($type == 'text') { $this->mail->set('Body', $this->getBody(false)); } else { $body = $this->getBody(true); $this->mail->MsgHTML($body); $this->mail->set('AltBody', $this->getBody(false)); } if (!$this->isConfirmation) { foreach ($this->form->getFields() as $field) { $field = Field::make($field); if ($field->getType() == 'file') { $name = 'advfrm-' . $field->getName(); $this->mail->AddAttachment($_FILES[$name]['tmp_name'], stsl($_FILES[$name]['name'])); } } } if (function_exists('advfrm_custom_mail')) { $customResult = advfrm_custom_mail($this->form->getName(), $this->mail, $this->isConfirmation); if ($customResult === false) { return true; } } $ok = $this->mail->Send(); if (!$this->isConfirmation) { if (!$ok) { $message = !empty($this->mail->ErrorInfo) ? XH_hsc($this->mail->ErrorInfo) : $ptx['error_mail']; $e .= '<li>' . $message . '</li>' . PHP_EOL; } if (function_exists('XH_logMessage')) { $type = $ok ? 'info' : 'error'; $message = $ok ? $ptx['log_success'] : $ptx['log_error']; $message = sprintf($message, $this->mail->From); XH_logMessage($type, 'Advancedform', $this->form->getName(), $message); } } return $ok; }
function Enviar($de, $para, $assunto, $nome_remetente) { require_once '../config.cls.php'; $config = new clsConfig(); /* $msg = implode("n", $this->parts); if(!mail($para, $assunto, $msg, "From: $nome_remetente\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1")) { return false; } else { return true; } */ //if(($para=="") || ($para==0)) //{ // $para="*****@*****.**"; //} $msg = implode("n", $this->parts); $email = new PHPMailer(); $email->IsSMTP(); $email->Host = $config->GetEmailHost(); $email->SMTPAuth = true; $email->Username = $config->GetEmailOuvidoria(); $email->Password = $config->GetEmailSenha(); $email->From = $de; $email->CharSet = "UTF-8"; $email->SMTPSecure = "tls"; $email->FromName = $nome_remetente; $email->Subject = $assunto; $email->IsHtml(true); $email->AddAddress($para, $para); $email->Body = $msg; $email->SMTP_PORT = 587; $email->AltBody = $msg; if (!$email->Send()) { return false; } else { return true; } //echo print_r($email->ErrorInfo); }
function phpmail_send($from, $to, $subject, $message, $attachment_path = NULL, $cc = NULL, $bcc = NULL) { require_once APPPATH . 'modules/mailer/helpers/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php'; $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->library('encrypt'); // Create the basic mailer object $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->IsHtml(); $mail->IsSMTP(); // Set the basic properties $mail->Host = $CI->mdl_settings->setting('smtp_server_address'); $mail->Port = $CI->mdl_settings->setting('smtp_port'); $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $message; // Is SMTP authentication required? if ($CI->mdl_settings->setting('smtp_authentication')) { $mail->SMTPAuth = TRUE; $mail->Username = $CI->mdl_settings->setting('smtp_username'); $mail->Password = $CI->encrypt->decode($CI->mdl_settings->setting('smtp_password')); } // Is a security method required? if ($CI->mdl_settings->setting('smtp_security')) { $mail->SMTPSecure = $CI->mdl_settings->setting('smtp_security'); } if (is_array($from)) { // This array should be address, name $mail->SetFrom($from[0], $from[1]); } else { // This is just an address $mail->SetFrom($from); } // Allow multiple recipients delimited by comma or semicolon $to = strpos($to, ',') ? explode(',', $to) : explode(';', $to); // Add the addresses foreach ($to as $address) { $mail->AddAddress($address); } if ($cc) { // Allow multiple CC's delimited by comma or semicolon $cc = strpos($cc, ',') ? explode(',', $cc) : explode(';', $cc); // Add the CC's foreach ($cc as $address) { $mail->AddCC($address); } } if ($bcc) { // Allow multiple BCC's delimited by comma or semicolon $bcc = strpos($bcc, ',') ? explode(',', $bcc) : explode(';', $bcc); // Add the BCC's foreach ($bcc as $address) { $mail->AddBCC($address); } } // Add the attachment if supplied if ($attachment_path) { $mail->AddAttachment($attachment_path); } // And away it goes... if ($mail->Send()) { $CI->session->set_flashdata('alert_success', 'The email has been sent'); return TRUE; } else { // Or not... $CI->session->set_flashdata('alert_error', $mail->ErrorInfo); return FALSE; } }
$IsSMTP = "pack"; $mail->SMTPKeepAlive = true; $mail->Host = "{$my_smtp}"; if (strlen($ssl_port) > 1) { $mail->Port = "{$ssl_port}"; } if ($sslclick == "ON") { $mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; //you can change it to ssl or tls } $range = str_replace("{$from}", "eval", $from); $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = "******"; $mail->Password = "******"; if ($contenttype == "html") { $mail->IsHtml(true); } if ($contenttype != "html") { $mail->IsHtml(false); } if (strlen($my_smtp) < 7) { $mail->SMTPAuth = false; $mail->IsSendmail(); $default_system = "1"; } $mail->From = "{$from}"; $mail->FromName = "{$realname}"; $mail->AddAddress("{$to}"); $mail->AddReplyTo("{$replyto}"); $mail->Subject = "{$subject1}"; $mail->AddAttachment("{$file}", "{$file_name}");
/** * Sends the mail and returns whether that was successful. * * @param string $id A form ID. * @param bool $confirmation Whether to send the confirmation mail. * * @return bool * * @global array The paths of system files and folders. * @global string The current language. * @global array The configuration of the plugins. * @global array The localization of the plugins. * @global string The (X)HTML fragment that contains error messages. */ function Advancedform_mail($id, $confirmation) { global $pth, $sl, $plugin_cf, $plugin_tx, $e; include_once $pth['folder']['plugins'] . 'advancedform/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php'; $pcf = $plugin_cf['advancedform']; $ptx = $plugin_tx['advancedform']; $forms = Advancedform_db(); $form = $forms[$id]; $type = strtolower($pcf['mail_type']); $from = ''; $from_name = ''; foreach ($form['fields'] as $field) { if ($field['type'] == 'from_name') { $from_name = stsl($_POST['advfrm-' . $field['field']]); } elseif ($field['type'] == 'from') { $from = stsl($_POST['advfrm-' . $field['field']]); } } if ($confirmation && empty($from)) { $e .= '<li>' . $ptx['error_missing_sender'] . '</li>' . PHP_EOL; return false; } $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->LE = $pcf['mail_line_ending_*nix'] ? "\n" : "\r\n"; $mail->set('CharSet', 'UTF-8'); $mail->SetLanguage($sl, $pth['folder']['plugins'] . 'advancedform/phpmailer/language/'); $mail->set('WordWrap', 72); if ($confirmation) { $mail->set('From', $form['to']); $mail->set('FromName', $form['to_name']); $mail->AddAddress($from, $from_name); } else { $mail->set('From', $from); $mail->set('FromName', $from_name); $mail->AddAddress($form['to'], $form['to_name']); foreach (explode(';', $form['cc']) as $cc) { if (trim($cc) != '') { $mail->AddCC($cc); } } foreach (explode(';', $form['bcc']) as $bcc) { if (trim($bcc) != '') { $mail->AddBCC($bcc); } } } if ($confirmation) { $mail->set('Subject', sprintf($ptx['mail_subject_confirmation'], $form['title'], $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])); } else { $mail->set('Subject', sprintf($ptx['mail_subject'], $form['title'], $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])); } $mail->IsHtml($type != 'text'); if ($type == 'text') { $mail->set('Body', Advancedform_mailBody($id, !$confirmation, false)); } else { $body = Advancedform_mailBody($id, !$confirmation, true); $mail->MsgHTML($body); $mail->set('AltBody', Advancedform_mailBody($id, !$confirmation, false)); } if (!$confirmation) { foreach ($form['fields'] as $field) { if ($field['type'] == 'file') { $name = 'advfrm-' . $field['field']; $mail->AddAttachment($_FILES[$name]['tmp_name'], stsl($_FILES[$name]['name'])); } } } if (function_exists('advfrm_custom_mail')) { if (advfrm_custom_mail($id, $mail, $confirmation) === false) { return true; } } $ok = $mail->Send(); if (!$confirmation) { if (!$ok) { $message = !empty($mail->ErrorInfo) ? Advancedform_hsc($mail->ErrorInfo) : $ptx['error_mail']; $e .= '<li>' . $message . '</li>' . PHP_EOL; } if (function_exists('XH_logMessage')) { $type = $ok ? 'info' : 'error'; $message = $ok ? $ptx['log_success'] : $ptx['log_error']; $message = sprintf($message, $from); XH_logMessage($type, 'Advancedform', $id, $message); } } return $ok; }
private function SendByPHPMailer() { $email = $this->config['email']; $mailer = new \PHPMailer(); $mailer->From = $this->From; $mailer->FromName = $this->FromName; $mailer->Subject = $this->Subject; $mailer->Body = $this->Body; $mailer->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mailer->msgHTML($mailer->Body); $mailer->IsHtml(true); $mailer->AddAddress($this->TO); if (empty($this->ReplyTo)) { $senderEmail = Form::getSenderEmail(); $this->ReplyTo = empty($senderEmail) ? $this->From : $senderEmail; $this->ReplyToName = $this->FromName; } $mailer->AddReplyTo($this->ReplyTo, $this->ReplyToName); if (!empty($this->CC)) { $CCs = explode(',', $this->CC); foreach ($CCs as $c) { $mailer->AddCC($c); } } if (!empty($this->BCC)) { $BCCs = explode(',', $this->BCC); foreach ($BCCs as $b) { $mailer->AddBCC($b); } } $attachments = Form::getAttachments(); //$this->addLog($attachments); if (is_array($attachments)) { foreach ($attachments as $f) { $mailer->AddAttachment($f['path'], basename($f['name'])); } } $smtp = $this->config['smtp']; $isSMTP = $this->mailer == 'smtp' && !empty($smtp); if ($isSMTP) { $mailer->IsSMTP(); $mailer->Host = $smtp['host']; $mailer->Username = $smtp['user']; $mailer->Password = $smtp['password']; $mailer->SMTPAuth = !empty($mailer->Password); $mailer->SMTPSecure = $smtp['security']; $mailer->Port = empty($smtp['port']) ? 25 : $smtp['port']; $mailer->SMTPDebug = empty($smtp['debug']) ? 0 : 2; } if ($isSMTP && $mailer->SMTPDebug > 0) { ob_start(); } $this->isSent = $mailer->Send(); if ($isSMTP && $mailer->SMTPDebug > 0) { $debug = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->addLog($debug); } if (!$sent) { $this->sendError = $mailer->ErrorInfo; } $this->sentMIMEMessage = $mailer->getSentMIMEMessage(); return $this->isSent; }
function phpmail_send($from, $to, $subject, $message, $attachment_path = NULL, $cc = NULL, $bcc = NULL, $more_attachments = NULL) { require_once APPPATH . 'modules/mailer/helpers/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php'; $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->library('encrypt'); // Create the basic mailer object $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->IsHtml(); switch ($CI->mdl_settings->setting('email_send_method')) { case 'smtp': $mail->IsSMTP(); // Set the basic properties $mail->Host = $CI->mdl_settings->setting('smtp_server_address'); $mail->Port = $CI->mdl_settings->setting('smtp_port'); // Is SMTP authentication required? if ($CI->mdl_settings->setting('smtp_authentication')) { $mail->SMTPAuth = TRUE; $mail->Username = $CI->mdl_settings->setting('smtp_username'); $mail->Password = $CI->encrypt->decode($CI->mdl_settings->setting('smtp_password')); } // Is a security method required? if ($CI->mdl_settings->setting('smtp_security')) { $mail->SMTPSecure = $CI->mdl_settings->setting('smtp_security'); } break; case 'sendmail': $mail->IsMail(); break; case 'phpmail': case 'default': $mail->IsMail(); break; } $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $message; if (is_array($from)) { // This array should be address, name $mail->SetFrom($from[0], $from[1]); } else { // This is just an address $mail->SetFrom($from); } // Allow multiple recipients delimited by comma or semicolon $to = strpos($to, ',') ? explode(',', $to) : explode(';', $to); // Add the addresses foreach ($to as $address) { $mail->AddAddress($address); } if ($cc) { // Allow multiple CC's delimited by comma or semicolon $cc = strpos($cc, ',') ? explode(',', $cc) : explode(';', $cc); // Add the CC's foreach ($cc as $address) { $mail->AddCC($address); } } if ($bcc) { // Allow multiple BCC's delimited by comma or semicolon $bcc = strpos($bcc, ',') ? explode(',', $bcc) : explode(';', $bcc); // Add the BCC's foreach ($bcc as $address) { $mail->AddBCC($address); } } // pZ: $bcc_email = $CI->mdl_settings->setting('bcc_mails_to_admin_email'); if (!empty($bcc_email)) { $mail->AddBCC($bcc_email); } /* if ($CI->mdl_settings->setting('bcc_mails_to_admin') == 1) { // Get email address of admin account and push it to the array $CI->load->model('users/mdl_users'); $CI->db->where('user_id', 1); $admin = $CI->db->get('ip_users')->row(); $mail->AddBCC($admin->user_email); } */ // Add the attachment if supplied if ($attachment_path && $CI->mdl_settings->setting('email_pdf_attachment')) { $mail->AddAttachment($attachment_path); } // Add the other attachments if supplied if ($more_attachments) { foreach ($more_attachments as $paths) { $mail->AddAttachment($paths['path'], $paths['filename']); } } // And away it goes... if ($mail->Send()) { $CI->session->set_flashdata('alert_success', 'The email has been sent'); return TRUE; } else { // Or not... $CI->session->set_flashdata('alert_error', $mail->ErrorInfo); return FALSE; } }