/** * Reads the response-header. * * @param int &$error_code Error-code by reference if an error occured. * @param string &$error_string Error-string by reference * * @return string The response-header or NULL if an error occured */ protected function readResponseHeader(&$error_code, &$error_string) { PHPCrawlerBenchmark::reset("server_response_time"); PHPCrawlerBenchmark::start("server_response_time"); $status = socket_get_status($this->socket); $source_read = ""; $header = ""; $server_responded = false; while ($status["eof"] == false) { socket_set_timeout($this->socket, $this->socketReadTimeout); // Read line from socket $line_read = fgets($this->socket, 1024); // Server responded if ($server_responded == false) { $server_responded = true; $this->server_response_time = PHPCrawlerBenchmark::stop("server_response_time"); // Determinate socket prefill size $status = socket_get_status($this->socket); $this->socket_prefill_size = $status["unread_bytes"]; // Start data-transfer-time bechmark PHPCrawlerBenchmark::reset("data_transfer_time"); PHPCrawlerBenchmark::start("data_transfer_time"); } $source_read .= $line_read; $this->global_traffic_count += strlen($line_read); $status = socket_get_status($this->socket); // Socket timed out if ($status["timed_out"] == true) { $error_code = PHPCrawlerRequestErrors::ERROR_SOCKET_TIMEOUT; $error_string = "Socket-stream timed out (timeout set to " . $this->socketReadTimeout . " sec)."; return $header; } // No "HTTP" at beginnig of response if (strtolower(substr($source_read, 0, 4)) != "http") { $error_code = PHPCrawlerRequestErrors::ERROR_NO_HTTP_HEADER; $error_string = "HTTP-protocol error."; return $header; } // Header found and read (2 newlines) -> stop if (substr($source_read, -4, 4) == "\r\n\r\n" || substr($source_read, -2, 2) == "\n\n") { $header = substr($source_read, 0, strlen($source_read) - 2); break; } } // Stop data-transfer-time bechmark PHPCrawlerBenchmark::stop("data_transfer_time"); // Header was found if ($header != "") { // Search for links (redirects) in the header $this->LinkFinder->processHTTPHeader($header); $this->header_bytes_received = strlen($header); return $header; } // No header found if ($header == "") { $this->server_response_time = null; $error_code = PHPCrawlerRequestErrors::ERROR_NO_HTTP_HEADER; $error_string = "Host doesn't respond with a HTTP-header."; return null; } }
/** * Reads the response-content. * * @param bool $stream_to_file If TRUE, the content will be streamed diretly to the temporary file and * this method will not return the content as a string. * @param int &$error_code Error-code by reference if an error occured. * @param &string &$error_string Error-string by reference * @param &string &$document_received_completely Flag indicatign whether the content was received completely passed by reference * @param &string &$bytes_received Number of bytes received, passed by reference * @return string The response-content/source. May be emtpy if an error ocdured or data was streamed to the tmp-file. */ protected function readResponseContent($stream_to_file = false, &$error_code, &$error_string, &$document_received_completely, &$bytes_received) { PHPCrawlerBenchmark::start("retreiving_content"); PHPCrawlerBenchmark::start("data_transfer_time", true); // If content should be streamed to file if ($stream_to_file == true) { $fp = @fopen($this->tmpFile, "w"); if ($fp == false) { $error_code = PHPCrawlerRequestErrors::ERROR_TMP_FILE_NOT_WRITEABLE; $error_string = "Couldn't open the temporary file " . $this->tmpFile . " for writing."; return ""; } } // Init $status = socket_get_status($this->socket); $source_portion = ""; $source_complete = ""; $bytes_received = 0; $document_received_completely = true; $stop_receving = false; while ($stop_receving == false) { socket_set_timeout($this->socket, $this->socketReadTimeout); // Read from socket $line_read = @fread($this->socket, 1024); // Das @ ist da um die blöde "SSL fatal protocol error"-Warnung zu unterdrücken, // die keinen Sinn macht // Check socket-status $status = socket_get_status($this->socket); // Check for EOF if ($status["eof"] == true) { $stop_receving = true; } // Socket timed out if ($status["timed_out"] == true) { $stop_receving = true; $error_code = PHPCrawlerRequestErrors::ERROR_SOCKET_TIMEOUT; $error_string = "Socket-stream timed out (timeout set to " . $this->socketReadTimeout . " sec)."; $document_received_completely = false; } else { $source_portion .= $line_read; $bytes_received += strlen($line_read); $this->global_traffic_count += strlen($line_read); // Stream to file or store source in memory if ($stream_to_file == true) { @fwrite($fp, $line_read); } else { $source_complete .= $line_read; } } // Check if content-length stated in the header is reached if ($this->lastResponseHeader->content_length == $bytes_received) { $stop_receving = true; } // Check if contentsize-limit is reached if ($this->content_size_limit > 0 && $this->content_size_limit <= $bytes_received) { $stop_receving = true; } // Find links in portion of the source if (strlen($source_portion) >= 100000 || $stop_receving == true) { if (PHPCrawlerUtils::checkStringAgainstRegexArray($this->lastResponseHeader->content_type, $this->linksearch_content_types)) { PHPCrawlerBenchmark::stop("retreiving_content"); PHPCrawlerBenchmark::stop("data_transfer_time"); $this->LinkFinder->findLinksInHTMLChunk($source_portion); $source_portion = substr($source_portion, -1500); PHPCrawlerBenchmark::start("retreiving_content"); PHPCrawlerBenchmark::start("data_transfer_time", true); } } } if ($stream_to_file == true) { @fclose($fp); } PHPCrawlerBenchmark::stop("retreiving_content"); PHPCrawlerBenchmark::stop("data_transfer_time"); $this->data_transfer_time = PHPCrawlerBenchmark::getElapsedTime("data_transfer_time"); PHPCrawlerBenchmark::reset("data_transfer_time"); return $source_complete; }