コード例 #1
 public function __debug($tables)
     $this->debug = $debug;
     $zipfile = new ZipFile();
     $class = new PHPCodeClass("KoalaController.class", array("REST_Controller"), array("APPPATH.'/libraries/REST_Controller.php'"));
     $class->addAttribute("protected \$" . "conditions = array('equal' => array(\"%f='%s'\",false,\"string\"),'notEqual' => array(\"%f!='%s'\",false,\"string\"),'startsWith' => array(\"%f like '%s%'\",false,\"string\"),'notStartsWith' => array(\"not(%f like '%s%')\",false,\"string\"),'contains' => array(\"%f like '%%s%'\",false,\"string\"),'notContains' => array(\"not(%f like '%%s%')\",false,\"string\"),'biggerThan' => array(\"%f>'%s'\",false,\"integer\"),'biggerOrEqual' => array(\"%f>='%s'\",false,\"integer\"),'smallerThan' => array(\"%f<'%s'\",false,\"integer\"),'smallerOrEqual' => array(\"%f<='%s'\",false,\"integer\"),'between' => array(\"%f between '%s1' and '%s2'\",true,array(\"integer\",\"date\",\"datetime\")),'notBetween' => array(\"not(%f between '%s1' and '%s2')\",true,array(\"integer\",\"date\",\"datetime\")));");
     //	METHOD __construct
     $method = new PHPCodeMethod("__construct", array(), 1);
     //	METHOD flush
     $method = new PHPCodeMethod("flush", array(), 1);
     $method->addData("\$" . "manager = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance();");
     $method->addData("\$" . "manager->setAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_VALIDATE, Doctrine::VALIDATE_ALL);");
     $method->addData("\$" . "conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection();");
     $method->addData("\$" . "conn->flush();");
     //	METHOD __isType
     $method = new PHPCodeMethod("__isType", array("object", "CType"), 1, "private");
     $method->addData("\$" . "tipo = gettype(\$" . "object);");
     $method->addData("if(is_array(\$" . "CType)) {");
     $method->addData("\$" . "index = array_search(\$" . "tipo, \$" . "CType);");
     $method->addData("if(!\$" . "index) { return false; }");
     $method->addData("} else {");
     $method->addData("if(\$" . "tipo != \$" . "CType) { return false; }");
     $method->addData("return true;");
     //	METHOD getConditionByName
     $method = new PHPCodeMethod("getConditionByName", array("conditionName", "columnName", "values"), 1);
     $method->addData("\$" . "condition = @\$" . "this->conditions[\$" . "conditionName];");
     $method->addData("\$" . "COperator = \$" . "condition[0];");
     $method->addData("\$" . "CMulti = \$" . "condition[1];");
     $method->addData("\$" . "CType = \$" . "condition[2];");
     $method->addData("if(\$" . "condition) {");
     $method->addData("\t\$" . "stringCondition = str_replace(\"%f\",\$" . "columnName,\$" . "COperator);");
     $method->addData("\tif(count(\$" . "values)>0) {");
     $method->addData("\t\tif(\$" . "CMulti==true) {");
     $method->addData("\t\t\tforeach(\$" . "values as \$" . "index => \$" . "value) {");
     $method->addData("\t\t\t\t\$" . "tipo = \$" . "this->__isType(\$" . "value,\$" . "CType);");
     $method->addData("\t\t\t\tif(!\$" . "tipo) { return false; }");
     $method->addData("\t\t\t\t\$" . "stringCondition = str_replace(\"%s\".\$" . "index,\$" . "value,\$" . "stringCondition);");
     $method->addData("\t\t} else {");
     $method->addData("\t\t\t\$" . "tipo = \$" . "this->__isType(\$" . "values,\$" . "CType);");
     $method->addData("\t\t\tif(!\$" . "tipo) { return false; }");
     $method->addData("\t\t\t\$" . "stringCondition = str_replace(\"%s\",\$" . "values,\$" . "stringCondition);");
     $method->addData("\t\treturn \$" . "stringCondition;");
     $method->addData("\t} else {");
     $method->addData("\t\treturn false;");
     $method->addData("} else {");
     $method->addData("\treturn false;");
     //echo $class;
     $zipfile->add_file($class->__toString(), "system/application/controllers/KoalaController.class.php");
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
         $this->tableObject = $table;
         $pks = $table->GetPK();
         $lowerName = $table->GetLowerName();
         $className = $table->GetUCName();
         $Ccontroller = new PHPCodeClass($className . "Controller", array("Zend_Rest_Controller"), array("dirname(__FILE__) .'/KoalaController.class.php'"));
         $MInit = new PHPCodeMethod("_setupPrimaryKey", array(), 1);
         $MInit->addData("\$" . "config = new Zend_Config_Ini(APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini', APPLICATION_ENV, true);");
         $MInit->addData("\$" . "this->db = Zend_Db::factory(\$" . "config->resources->db);");
         $MInit->addData("\$" . "this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true);");
         if (is_array($pks)) {
             /* Set Attrs */
             $ifIsSet = "if(";
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($pks as $pk_name) {
                 $ifIsSet .= "!\$" . "this->_request->getQuery('" . $pk_name . "')";
                 if ($i < count($pks) - 1) {
                     $ifIsSet .= " && ";
             $ifIsSet .= "){ \$" . "this->getResponse()->setHttpResponseCode(404)->appendBody('Data could not be found'); }";
         //	METHOD $table->GetUnionName()."_get"
         $MgetById = new PHPCodeMethod("getByIdAction", array(), 1);
         if (count($pks) == 1) {
             $MgetById->addData("\$" . "data = Doctrine::getTable('" . $table->name_table . "')->find(\$" . "this->_request->getQuery('" . $pks[0] . "'));");
             $MgetById->addData("if(\$" . "data) {");
             $MgetById->addData("\t\$" . "this->response(\$" . "data->toArray(), 200);");
             $MgetById->addData("} else {");
             $MgetById->addData("\t\$" . "this->response(array('error' => 'Data could not be found'), 200);");
         } else {
             //Buscar por varias PK Ids
         //	METHOD $table->GetPluralName()."_get"
         $MgetAll = new PHPCodeMethod($table->GetPluralName() . "_get", array(), 1);
         $MgetAll->addData("\$" . "limit = (\$" . "this->get('limit')) ? \$" . "this->get('limit') : 10;");
         $MgetAll->addData("\$" . "offset = (\$" . "this->get('offset')) ?  \$" . "this->get('offset') : 0;");
         $MgetAll->addData("\$" . "colName =  (\$" . "this->get('colName')) ? \$" . "this->get('colName') : false;");
         $MgetAll->addData("\$" . "condition = (\$" . "this->get('condition')) ? \$" . "this->get('condition') : false;");
         $MgetAll->addData("\$" . "compare = (\$" . "this->get('compare')) ? \$" . "this->get('compare') : false;");
         $MgetAll->addData("\$" . "q = Doctrine_Query::create()->select('*')->from('" . $table->name_table . "')->limit(\$" . "limit)->offset(\$" . "offset);");
         $MgetAll->addData("if(\$" . "colName && \$" . "condition && \$" . "compare) {");
         $MgetAll->addData("\t\$" . "fullCondition = \$" . "this->getConditionByName(\$" . "condition,\$" . "colName,\$" . "compare);");
         $MgetAll->addData("\tif(\$" . "fullCondition) {");
         $MgetAll->addData("\t\t\$" . "q->where(\$" . "fullCondition);");
         $MgetAll->addData("\t\t\$" . "data = \$" . "q->fetchArray();");
         $MgetAll->addData("\t\tif(\$" . "data) {");
         $MgetAll->addData("\t\t\t\$" . "this->response(\$" . "data, 200);");
         $MgetAll->addData("\t\t} else {");
         $MgetAll->addData("\t\t\t\$" . "this->response(array('error' => 'Data could not be found'), 200);");
         $MgetAll->addData("\$" . "data = \$" . "q->fetchArray();");
         $MgetAll->addData("if(\$" . "data) {");
         $MgetAll->addData("\t\$" . "this->response(\$" . "data, 200);");
         $MgetAll->addData("} else {");
         $MgetAll->addData("\t\$" . "this->response(array('error' => 'Data could not be found'), 200);");
         $zipfile->add_file($Ccontroller->__toString(), "system/application/controllers/" . $className . "Controller.php");
         //echo $Ccontroller;
         $class = new PHPCodeClass($className);
         $TableDefinition = new PHPCodeMethod("setTableDefinition", array(), 1);
         $TableDefinition->addData("\$" . "this->setTableName('" . $this->tableObject->name_table . "');");
         foreach ($this->tableObject->columns_table as $column) {
             $phpType = $this->getDataType($column->type_column);
             if (is_array($phpType)) {
                 $extras = array();
                 $hasColumn = "\$" . "this->hasColumn('" . $column->name_column . "', '" . $phpType['column_type'] . "'";
                 if ($phpType['column_maxSize']) {
                     $hasColumn .= "," . $phpType['column_maxSize'];
                     $extras[] = "'length' => '" . $phpType['column_maxSize'] . "'";
                 } else {
                     $hasColumn .= ",null";
                 if ($column->isPrimaryKey_column) {
                     $extras[] = "'primary' => true";
                 if (isset($column->default_column)) {
                     $extras[] = "'default' => '" . $column->default_column . "'";
                 if (isset($column->null_column) && $column->null_column == "NO") {
                     $extras[] = "'notnull' => true";
                 } else {
                     $extras[] = "'notnull' => false";
                 $extras[] = "'type' => '" . $phpType['column_type'] . "'";
                 $extras[] = "'unsigned' => false";
                 $txt = ", array(" . join(",\r\n\t\t\t", $extras) . "\r\n\t\t)";
                 if ($txt != ", array()") {
                     $hasColumn .= $txt;
                 $hasColumn .= ");";
         $setUp = new PHPCodeMethod("setUp", array(), 1);
         if (is_object($this->tableObject->constraints)) {
             foreach ($this->tableObject->constraints->constraints as $constraint) {
                 $referencesClassName = ucwords(strtolower($constraint->references_table));
                 $setUp->addData("\$" . "this->hasOne('" . $referencesClassName . " as " . $referencesClassName . "', array(");
                 $setUp->addData("\t\t'local' => '" . $constraint->foreign_key_column . "',");
                 $setUp->addData("\t\t'foreign' => '" . $constraint->references_column . "'");
         foreach ($tables as $tbl) {
             if ($tbl->constraints != null) {
                 foreach ($tbl->constraints->constraints as $constraint) {
                     $tblName = ucwords(strtolower($tbl->name_table));
                     if ($constraint->references_table == $table->name_table) {
                         $referencesClassName = ucwords(strtolower($constraint->references_table));
                         $setUp->addData("\$" . "this->hasMany('" . $tblName . " as " . $tblName . "', array(");
                         $setUp->addData("\t\t'local' => '" . $constraint->foreign_key_column . "',");
                         $setUp->addData("\t\t'foreign' => '" . $constraint->references_column . "'");
         //echo $class->__toString();
         $zipfile->add_file($class->__toString(), "system/application/models/" . $className . ".php");
     header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
     header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=PHPClassCreator-" . time() . ".zip");
     echo $zipfile->file();
コード例 #2
    public function __debug($tables, $debug = false)
        $this->debug = $debug;
        $zipfile = new ZipFile();
        $zip = new ZipArchive();
         * Agrega ci + doctrine + assets y public_html al zip
        $dir_files = $this->dir_tree(APPDIR . "/files");
        foreach ($dir_files as $dir_file) {
            if (is_file($dir_file)) {
                $dir = explode(APPDIR . "/files/", $dir_file);
                //Otra forma de comprecion nativa de php si existe test,zip
                //                if ($zip->open('test.zip') === TRUE) {
                //                    $zip->addFile($dir_file, $dir[1]);
                //                    $zip->close();
                //                    echo 'ok';
                //                } else {
                //                    echo 'failed';
                //                }
                $handle = fopen($dir_file, "r");
                if (filesize($dir_file) != 0) {
                    $contenido = fread($handle, filesize($dir_file));
                    $zipfile->add_file($contenido, $dir[1]);
        $phpCIDatabaseConfig = '<?php
        if (!defined("BASEPATH"))
            exit("No direct script access allowed");
          | -------------------------------------------------------------------
          | -------------------------------------------------------------------
          | This file will contain the settings needed to access your database.
          | For complete instructions please consult the "Database Connection"
          | page of the User Guide.
          | -------------------------------------------------------------------
          | -------------------------------------------------------------------
          |	["hostname"] The hostname of your database server.
          |	["username"] The username used to connect to the database
          |	["password"] The password used to connect to the database
          |	["database"] The name of the database you want to connect to
          |	["dbdriver"] The database type. ie: mysql.  Currently supported:
          mysql, mysqli, postgre, odbc, mssql, sqlite, oci8
          |	["dbprefix"] You can add an optional prefix, which will be added
          |				 to the table name when using the  Active Record class
          |	["pconnect"] TRUE/FALSE - Whether to use a persistent connection
          |	["db_debug"] TRUE/FALSE - Whether database errors should be displayed.
          |	["cache_on"] TRUE/FALSE - Enables/disables query caching
          |	["cachedir"] The path to the folder where cache files should be stored
          |	["char_set"] The character set used in communicating with the database
          |	["dbcollat"] The character collation used in communicating with the database
          |	["swap_pre"] A default table prefix that should be swapped with the dbprefix
          |	["autoinit"] Whether or not to automatically initialize the database.
          |	["stricton"] TRUE/FALSE - forces "Strict Mode" connections
          |							- good for ensuring strict SQL while developing
          | The $active_group variable lets you choose which connection group to
          | make active.  By default there is only one group (the "default" group).
          | The $active_record variables lets you determine whether or not to load
          | the active record class

        $active_group = "default";
        $active_record = TRUE;

        $db["default"]["hostname"] = "' . DB_SERVER . '";
        $db["default"]["username"] = "******";
        $db["default"]["password"] = "******";
        $db["default"]["database"] = "' . DB_DATABASE . '";
        $db["default"]["dbdriver"] = "mysql";
        $db["default"]["dbprefix"] = "";
        $db["default"]["pconnect"] = TRUE;
        $db["default"]["db_debug"] = TRUE;
        $db["default"]["cache_on"] = FALSE;
        $db["default"]["cachedir"] = "";
        $db["default"]["char_set"] = "utf8";
        $db["default"]["dbcollat"] = "utf8_general_ci";
        $db["default"]["swap_pre"] = "";
        $db["default"]["autoinit"] = TRUE;
        $db["default"]["stricton"] = FALSE;

        // load Doctrine library
        require_once BASEPATH . "/database/doctrine/Doctrine.php";

        // this will allow Doctrine to load Model classes automatically
        spl_autoload_register(array("Doctrine", "autoload"));

        // we load our database connections into Doctrine_Manager
        // this loop allows us to use multiple connections later on
        foreach ($db as $connection_name => $db_values) {

            // first we must convert to dsn format
            $dsn = $db[$connection_name]["dbdriver"] .
                    "://" . $db[$connection_name]["username"] .
                    ":" . $db[$connection_name]["password"] .
                    "@" . $db[$connection_name]["hostname"] .
                    "/" . $db[$connection_name]["database"];

            Doctrine_Manager::connection($dsn, $connection_name);

        // CodeIgniter"s Model class needs to be loaded
        //require_once BASEPATH . "/libraries/Model.php";

        // telling Doctrine where our models are located
        Doctrine::loadModels(APPPATH . "/models");

        // this will allow us to use "mutators"
                Doctrine::ATTR_AUTO_ACCESSOR_OVERRIDE, true);

        // this sets all table columns to notnull and unsigned (for ints) by default
                Doctrine::ATTR_DEFAULT_COLUMN_OPTIONS, array("notnull" => true, "unsigned" => true));

        // set the default primary key to be named "id", integer, 4 bytes
                Doctrine::ATTR_DEFAULT_IDENTIFIER_OPTIONS, array("name" => "id", "type" => "integer", "length" => 4));

        /* End of file database.php */
        /* Location: ./application/config/database.php */';
        /* Agrega Configuración de Database CodeIgniter */
        $zipfile->add_file($phpCIDatabaseConfig, "ci/app/config/database.php");
        $class = new PHPCodeClass("KoalaController", array("REST_Controller"), array("APPPATH.'/libraries/REST_Controller.php'"));
        $class->addAttribute("protected \$" . "conditions = array('equal' => array(\"%f='%s'\",false,\"string\"),'notEqual' => array(\"%f!='%s'\",false,\"string\"),'startsWith' => array(\"%f like '%s%'\",false,\"string\"),'notStartsWith' => array(\"not(%f like '%s%')\",false,\"string\"),'contains' => array(\"%f like '%%s%'\",false,\"string\"),'notContains' => array(\"not(%f like '%%s%')\",false,\"string\"),'biggerThan' => array(\"%f>'%s'\",false,\"integer\"),'biggerOrEqual' => array(\"%f>='%s'\",false,\"integer\"),'smallerThan' => array(\"%f<'%s'\",false,\"integer\"),'smallerOrEqual' => array(\"%f<='%s'\",false,\"integer\"),'between' => array(\"%f between '%s1' and '%s2'\",true,array(\"integer\",\"date\",\"datetime\")),'notBetween' => array(\"not(%f between '%s1' and '%s2')\",true,array(\"integer\",\"date\",\"datetime\")));");
        //	METHOD __construct
        $method = new PHPCodeMethod("__construct", array(), 1);
        //	METHOD flush
        $method = new PHPCodeMethod("flush", array(), 1);
        $method->addData('$manager = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance();');
        $method->addData('$manager->setAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_VALIDATE, Doctrine::VALIDATE_ALL);');
        $method->addData('$conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection();');
        //	METHOD __isType
        $method = new PHPCodeMethod("__isType", array("object", "CType"), 1, "private");
        $method->addData("\$" . "tipo = gettype(\$" . "object);");
        $method->addData("if(is_array(\$" . "CType)) {");
        $method->addData("\$" . "index = array_search(\$" . "tipo, \$" . "CType);");
        $method->addData("if(!\$" . "index) { return false; }");
        $method->addData("} else {");
        $method->addData("if(\$" . "tipo != \$" . "CType) { return false; }");
        $method->addData("return true;");
        //	METHOD getConditionByName
        $method = new PHPCodeMethod("getConditionByName", array("conditionName", "columnName", "values"), 1);
        $method->addData("\$" . "condition = @\$" . "this->conditions[\$" . "conditionName];");
        $method->addData("\$" . "COperator = \$" . "condition[0];");
        $method->addData("\$" . "CMulti = \$" . "condition[1];");
        $method->addData("\$" . "CType = \$" . "condition[2];");
        $method->addData("if(\$" . "condition) {");
        $method->addData("\t\$" . "stringCondition = str_replace(\"%f\",\$" . "columnName,\$" . "COperator);");
        $method->addData("\tif(count(\$" . "values)>0) {");
        $method->addData("\t\tif(\$" . "CMulti==true) {");
        $method->addData("\t\t\tforeach(\$" . "values as \$" . "index => \$" . "value) {");
        $method->addData("\t\t\t\t\$" . "tipo = \$" . "this->__isType(\$" . "value,\$" . "CType);");
        $method->addData("\t\t\t\tif(!\$" . "tipo) { return false; }");
        $method->addData("\t\t\t\t\$" . "stringCondition = str_replace(\"%s\".\$" . "index,\$" . "value,\$" . "stringCondition);");
        $method->addData("\t\t} else {");
        $method->addData("\t\t\t\$" . "tipo = \$" . "this->__isType(\$" . "values,\$" . "CType);");
        $method->addData("\t\t\tif(!\$" . "tipo) { return false; }");
        $method->addData("\t\t\t\$" . "stringCondition = str_replace(\"%s\",\$" . "values,\$" . "stringCondition);");
        $method->addData("\t\treturn \$" . "stringCondition;");
        $method->addData("\t} else {");
        $method->addData("\t\treturn false;");
        $method->addData("} else {");
        $method->addData("\treturn false;");
        //echo $class;
        $zipfile->add_file($class->__toString(), "ci/app/modules/RestServer/controllers/KoalaController.class.php");
        $webservice_list = array();
        foreach ($tables as $table) {
            $this->tableObject = $table;
            $pks = $table->GetPK();
            $lowerName = $table->GetLowerName();
            $className = $table->GetUCName();
            $Ccontroller = new PHPCodeClass($className . "Controller", array("KoalaController"), array("dirname(__FILE__) .'/KoalaController.class.php'"));
            //$Ccontroller->addAttribute("public $"."columns = ".$table->GetTypeColumns().";");
            //	METHOD __construct
            $Mconstructor = new PHPCodeMethod("__construct", array(), 1);
            $Mconstructor->addData("\$" . "this->load->database();");
            //	METHOD "add".$table->GetUnionName()."_post"
            $Magregar = new PHPCodeMethod($table->GetUnionName() . "_post", array(), 1);
            $Magregar->addData('$args = @$this->post();');
            $Magregar->addData('if(is_array($args)) {');
            $Magregar->addData("\ttry {");
            //Insert or Update
            $Magregar->addData('$o = Doctrine::getTable("' . $className . '")->find($args["' . $pks[0] . '"]);');
            $Magregar->addData('} else {');
            $Magregar->addData('$o = new ' . $className . '();');
            $Magregar->addData("\t\tforeach(\$" . "args as \$" . "key => \$" . "val) {");
            $Magregar->addData("\t\t\t\$" . "exists = @\$" . "o->columns[\$" . "key];");
            $Magregar->addData("\t\t\t" . 'if($exists) { $o->$key = (($exists=="datetime")? date("Y-m-d",strtotime($val)) :$val); }');
            $Magregar->addData("\t\t\$" . "o->save();");
            $Magregar->addData("\t\t\$" . "this->response(array('status' => 200,'message' => 'added'), 200);");
            $Magregar->addData("\t} catch(Doctrine_Validator_Exception \$" . "e) {");
            $Magregar->addData("\t\t\$" . "records = \$" . "e->getInvalidRecords();");
            $Magregar->addData("\t\t\$" . "errors = \$" . "records[0]->getErrorStack();");
            $Magregar->addData("\t\tforeach(\$" . "errors as \$" . "k => \$" . "v) {");
            $Magregar->addData("\t\t\t\$" . "err[] = array('name'=>\$" . "k, 'validate'=>\$" . "v[0]);");
            $Magregar->addData("\t\t\$" . "this->response(array('status' => 0,'error' => array('validates' => \$" . "err)), 200);");
            $Magregar->addData("\t} catch(Exception \$" . "e) {");
            $Magregar->addData("\t\t\$" . "this->response(array('status' => \$" . "e->getCode(),'error' => array('message' => \$" . "e->getMessage())), 200);");
            if (is_array($pks)) {
                 Set Attrs
                $ifIsSet = "if(";
                $i = 0;
                foreach ($pks as $pk_name) {
                    $ifIsSet .= "!\$" . "this->get('" . $pk_name . "')";
                    if ($i < count($pks) - 1) {
                        $ifIsSet .= " && ";
                $ifIsSet .= "){ \$" . "this->response(array('error' => 'Data could not be found'), 200); }";
            //	METHOD $table->GetUnionName()."_get"
            $MgetById = new PHPCodeMethod($table->GetUnionName() . "_get", array(), 1);
            if (count($pks) == 1) {
                $MgetById->addData("\$" . "data = Doctrine::getTable('" . $table->name_table . "')->find(\$" . "this->get('" . $pks[0] . "'));");
                $MgetById->addData("if(\$" . "data) {");
                $MgetById->addData("\t\$" . "this->response(\$" . "data->toArray(), 200);");
                $MgetById->addData("} else {");
                $MgetById->addData("\t\$" . "this->response(array('error' => 'Data could not be found'), 200);");
            } else {
                //Buscar por varias PK Ids
            //	METHOD $table->GetPluralName()."_get"
            $MgetAll = new PHPCodeMethod($table->GetPluralName() . "_get", array(), 1);
            $MgetAll->addData("\$" . "limit = (\$" . "this->get('limit')) ? \$" . "this->get('limit') : 10;");
            $MgetAll->addData("\$" . "offset = (\$" . "this->get('offset')) ?  \$" . "this->get('offset') : 0;");
            $MgetAll->addData("\$" . "colName =  (\$" . "this->get('colName')) ? \$" . "this->get('colName') : false;");
            $MgetAll->addData("\$" . "condition = (\$" . "this->get('condition')) ? \$" . "this->get('condition') : false;");
            $MgetAll->addData("\$" . "compare = (\$" . "this->get('q')) ? \$" . "this->get('q') : false;");
            $MgetAll->addData('$table = ($this->get("table")) ? $this->get("table") : false;');
            $MgetAll->addData('$sortname = ($this->get("sortname")) ? $this->get("sortname") : false;');
            $MgetAll->addData('$sortorder = ($this->get("sortorder")) ? $this->get("sortorder") : false;');
            $joinText = '$this->db->select("*")->from("' . $table->name_table . '")';
            //$q = $this->db->select("*")->from("tbl_paciente")->join("tbl_persona","tbl_paciente.RUT = tbl_persona.RUT")->limit($limit)->offset($offset);
            if (is_object($this->tableObject->constraints)) {
                foreach ($this->tableObject->constraints->constraints as $constraint) {
                    $joinText .= '->join("' . $constraint->references_table . '","' . $table->name_table . '.' . $constraint->foreign_key_column . ' = ' . $constraint->references_table . '.' . $constraint->references_column . '")';
            $MgetAll->addData('$q = ' . $joinText . '->limit($limit)->offset($offset);');
            $MgetAll->addData('if($sortname && $sortorder){ $q->order_by($sortname, $sortorder); }');
            $MgetAll->addData("if(\$" . "colName && \$" . "condition && \$" . "compare) {");
            $MgetAll->addData("\t\$" . "fullCondition = \$" . "this->getConditionByName(\$" . "condition,\$" . "colName,\$" . "compare);");
            $MgetAll->addData("\tif(\$" . "fullCondition) {");
            $MgetAll->addData("\t\t\$" . "q->where(\$" . "fullCondition);");
            $MgetAll->addData("\t\t\$" . "data = \$" . "q->get()->result();");
            $MgetAll->addData($joinText . ';');
            $MgetAll->addData('$total = $this->db->count_all_results();');
            $MgetAll->addData("\t\tif(\$" . "data) {");
            $MgetAll->addData('$result = array();');
            $MgetAll->addData('foreach($data as $d){');
            $MgetAll->addData('$values = array();');
            $MgetAll->addData('foreach($d as $key =>$value){ $values[] = $value; }');
            $MgetAll->addData('$result[] = array("id" => $d->RUT,"cell"=> array_values($values));');
            $MgetAll->addData('$this->response(array("page"=>1,"total"=>$total,"rows"=>$result), 200);');
            $MgetAll->addData('} else {');
            $MgetAll->addData('$this->response($data, 200);');
            $MgetAll->addData("\t\t} else {");
            $MgetAll->addData("\t\t\t\$" . "this->response(array('error' => 'Data could not be found'), 200);");
            $MgetAll->addData("\$" . "data = \$" . "q->get()->result();");
            $MgetAll->addData($joinText . ';');
            $MgetAll->addData('$total = $this->db->count_all_results();');
            $MgetAll->addData("if(\$" . "data) {");
            $MgetAll->addData('$result = array();');
            $MgetAll->addData('foreach($data as $d){');
            $MgetAll->addData('$values = array();');
            $MgetAll->addData('foreach($d as $key =>$value){ $values[] = $value; }');
            $MgetAll->addData('$result[] = array("id" => $d->RUT,"cell"=> array_values($values));');
            $MgetAll->addData('$this->response(array("page"=>1,"total"=>$total,"rows"=>$result), 200);');
            $MgetAll->addData('} else {');
            $MgetAll->addData('$this->response($data, 200);');
            $MgetAll->addData("} else {");
            $MgetAll->addData("\t\$" . "this->response(array('error' => 'Data could not be found'), 200);");
            $webservice_list[] = array($className . "Controller" => array("addupdate" => array("method" => "POST", "path" => $className . "Controller/" . $table->GetUnionName()), "single" => array("method" => "GET", "path" => $className . "Controller/" . $table->GetUnionName() . ".{FORMAT}?" . $pks[0] . "={PARAMETER}"), "list" => array("method" => "GET", "path" => $className . "Controller/" . $table->GetPluralName() . ".{FORMAT}")));
            $zipfile->add_file($Ccontroller->__toString(), "ci/app/modules/RestServer/controllers/" . $className . "Controller.php");
            //echo $Ccontroller;
            $class = new PHPCodeClass($className);
            $class->addAttribute("public \$" . "columns = " . $this->tableObject->GetTypeColumns() . ";");
            $TableDefinition = new PHPCodeMethod("setTableDefinition", array(), 1);
            $TableDefinition->addData("\$" . "this->setTableName('" . $this->tableObject->name_table . "');");
            foreach ($this->tableObject->columns_table as $column) {
                $phpType = $this->getDataType($column->type_column);
                if (is_array($phpType)) {
                    $extras = array();
                    $hasColumn = "\$" . "this->hasColumn('" . $column->name_column . "', '" . $phpType['column_type'] . "'";
                    if ($phpType['column_maxSize']) {
                        $hasColumn .= "," . $phpType['column_maxSize'];
                        $extras[] = "'length' => '" . $phpType['column_maxSize'] . "'";
                    } else {
                        $hasColumn .= ",null";
                    if ($column->isPrimaryKey_column) {
                        $extras[] = "'primary' => true";
                    if (isset($column->default_column)) {
                        $extras[] = "'default' => '" . $column->default_column . "'";
                    if (isset($column->null_column) && $column->null_column == "NO") {
                        $extras[] = "'notnull' => true";
                    } else {
                        $extras[] = "'notnull' => false";
                    $extras[] = "'type' => '" . $phpType['column_type'] . "'";
                    $extras[] = "'unsigned' => false";
                    $txt = ", array(" . join(",\r\n\t\t\t", $extras) . "\r\n\t\t)";
                    if ($txt != ", array()") {
                        $hasColumn .= $txt;
                    $hasColumn .= ");";
            $setUp = new PHPCodeMethod("setUp", array(), 1);
            if (is_object($this->tableObject->constraints)) {
                foreach ($this->tableObject->constraints->constraints as $constraint) {
                    $referencesClassName = ucwords(strtolower($constraint->references_table));
                    $setUp->addData("\$" . "this->hasOne('" . $referencesClassName . " as " . $referencesClassName . "', array(");
                    $setUp->addData("\t\t'local' => '" . $constraint->foreign_key_column . "',");
                    $setUp->addData("\t\t'foreign' => '" . $constraint->references_column . "'");
            foreach ($tables as $tbl) {
                if ($tbl->constraints != null) {
                    foreach ($tbl->constraints->constraints as $constraint) {
                        $tblName = ucwords(strtolower($tbl->name_table));
                        if ($constraint->references_table == $table->name_table) {
                            $referencesClassName = ucwords(strtolower($constraint->references_table));
                            $setUp->addData("\$" . "this->hasMany('" . $tblName . " as " . $tblName . "', array(");
                            $setUp->addData("\t\t'local' => '" . $constraint->foreign_key_column . "',");
                            $setUp->addData("\t\t'foreign' => '" . $constraint->references_column . "'");
            //echo $class->__toString();
            $zipfile->add_file($class->__toString(), "ci/app/modules/RestServer/models/" . $className . ".php");
        /* Agrega archivo json con todos los webservices Rest Disponibles */
        $zipfile->add_file(json_encode($webservice_list), "ci/app/modules/RestServer/controllers/list.json");
        header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
        header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=PHPClassCreator-" . time() . ".zip");
        echo $zipfile->file();