コード例 #1
ファイル: pollencms.php プロジェクト: ecomotion/pollencms
  * Constructeur,
  * initialise le moteur smarty, définie le répertoire du cache, des plugins ....
 function PPollenCms()
     $this->cache_dir = SMARTY_CACHE_DIR . "cache";
     $this->compile_dir = SMARTY_CACHE_DIR . "compiled";
     $this->compile_id = SITENAME ? SITENAME : 'default';
     $this->template_dir = THEME_DIR . 'templates';
     $this->assign('THEME_URL', THEME_URL);
     $this->assign('CONFIG_FILE_SITE', CONFIG_FILE);
     $configDescr = SITE_PATH . 'core' . SLASH . 'default_config.ini';
     if (is_file($configDescr)) {
         $this->assign('DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_SITE', $configDescr);
     //try to create the cache dir and compile dir if not exists!
     if (!is_dir($this->cache_dir)) {
         $pdirCache = new PDir($this->cache_dir);
         if (!$pdirCache->mkdir()) {
             printFatalError(sprintf(_('can not create the cache dir %s. Please check permissions.'), $pdirCache->getRelativePath()));
     if (!is_dir($this->compile_dir)) {
         $pdirComile = new PDir($this->compile_dir);
     $this->caching = 1;
     $this->cache_lifetime = -1;
     $this->force_compile = isConnected();
     $this->plugins_dir[] = SITE_PATH . 'core' . SLASH . 'lib' . SLASH . 'smartyplugins' . SLASH;
     //filters defined in plugins
コード例 #2
if (strpos($proot_dir->path, MEDIAS_PATH) !== FALSE || strpos($pcurrent_dir->path, PAGES_MODELS_PATH . SLASH . 'images') !== FALSE) {
			<a  href="javascript:clickSWFUpload('<?php 
    echo session_id() . '\', \'' . urljsencode($pcurrent_dir->getRelativePath());
');" class="btnNewSmall" id="btnUploadFileSmall" title="<?php 
    echo _('upload file');

<div id="imgHome"></div><a href="<?php 
echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?rootpath=" . urlencode($proot_dir->getRelativePath());
echo strstr($proot_dir->path, PAGES_PATH) !== false ? _('Site Pages') : $proot_dir->getPrintedName();
echo $pcurrent_dir->getLinkPath($rootpath);
</div><!--end divpath -->

<div id="browser" class="sortable">
<div id="menu_browser" class="contextMenu">
		<li><a id="newdir" href="javascript:createDir('<?php 
echo urljsencode($pcurrent_dir->getRelativePath());
コード例 #3
ファイル: pfile.php プロジェクト: ecomotion/pollencms
  * Rename a file. If the newname has no file extension, use the current file extension.
  * If destDir not set, use the current file directory. If set move the file to the
  * destdir.
  * @param string $strNewName, the new name of the file.
  * @param string $destDir, the path of the destination directory, if false, the parent path
  * @return true if succeed, else false
 function Rename($strNewName, $destDir = false)
     $strNewName = $this->getUnixName($strNewName);
     $strActionName = !$destDir || $destDir == $this->getParentPath() ? 'rename' : 'move';
     //check name
     if (!$this->checkname($strNewName)) {
         return false;
     //check extension
     $oFile = new PFile($strNewName);
     $strNewName .= $oFile->getExtension() == '' ? '.' . $this->getExtension() : '';
     if (strlen($oFile->getNameWithoutExt()) == 0) {
         return setError(_("Can not {$strActionName} with empty name."));
     //check destDir
     $destDir = !$destDir ? $this->getParentPath() : $destDir;
     $objDstDir = new PDir($destDir);
     if (!$objDstDir->isDir()) {
         return setError(sprintf(_("Can not {$strActionName} file.\nDirectory not %s exists."), $objDstDir->getRelativePath()));
     if (!is_writable($objDstDir->path)) {
         return setError(sprintf(_("Can not {$strActionName} file %s.\nDirectory is not %s writable."), $objDstDir->getRelativePath()));
     //check write accesses
     if (!is_writable($this->path)) {
         return setError(sprintf(_("Can not {$strActionName} file %s.\n"), $this->getRelativePath()));
     $newfile = $destDir . SLASH . $strNewName;
     if ($this->path == $newfile) {
         return true;
     if (file_exists($newfile)) {
         return setError(sprintf(_("File: %s exists."), basename($newfile)));
     if (!@rename($this->path, $newfile)) {
         return setError(_("An error occured while renaming file"));
     $this->path = $newfile;
     return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: pdir.php プロジェクト: ecomotion/pollencms
 function getLinkPath($rootpath = false)
     $oDir = new PDir($this->path);
     $root = $rootpath != false ? $rootpath : SITE_PATH . SITE . PAGES;
     $tabPath = explode(SLASH, $oDir->getRelativePath($root));
     $pdirroot = new PDir($rootpath);
     $rootpath = $pdirroot->getRelativePath();
     $parent = '';
     $isize = sizeof($tabPath);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $isize; $i++) {
         $path = $tabPath[$i];
         if ($path != '') {
             $parent .= $path;
             $obj = getFileObject($root . SLASH . $parent);
             echo " > <a href=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?current_dir=" . urlencode($parent) . ($rootpath == false ? "" : "&rootpath=" . $rootpath) . "\" >" . $obj->getPrintedName();
             echo "</a>";
             $parent .= SLASH;
コード例 #5
    $rootpath = SITE_PATH . (isset($_GET["rootpath"]) ? urldecode($_GET["rootpath"]) : '');
if (!isset($_GET["current_dir"]) || $_GET["current_dir"] == '' || preg_match("/\\.\\./", urldecode($_GET["current_dir"]))) {
    $current_dir = $rootpath;
} else {
    $current_dir = $rootpath . SLASH . urljsdecode($_GET["current_dir"]);
$pcurrent_dir =& getFileObject($current_dir);
$proot_dir = new PDir($rootpath);
if (!is_dir($rootpath)) {
    die('root path not exists.');
if (!$pcurrent_dir) {
    die('current directory not found');
$rootpathdir = $proot_dir->getRelativePath();
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<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="fr" lang="fr">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />

<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php 
echo SITE_URL;
core/admin/theme/css/admin.css" />
$strUiTheme = $configFile->getDirectParam('UI_THEME');