コード例 #1
  * Method to emulate the SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS placeholder for MySQL.
  * This is a kind of tricky play.
  * 1. remove SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS option, and give it to the pdo engine
  * 2. make another $wpdb instance, and execute the rewritten query
  * 3. give the returned value (integer: number of the rows) to the original instance variable without LIMIT
  * We no longer use SELECT COUNT query, because it returns the inexact values when used with WP_Meta_Query().
  * This kind of statement is required for WordPress to calculate the paging information.
  * see also WP_Query class in wp-includes/query.php
  * @access private
 private function handle_sql_count()
     if (!$this->rewrite_calc_found) {
     global $wpdb;
     // first strip the code. this is the end of rewriting process
     $this->_query = str_ireplace('SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS', '', $this->_query);
     // we make the data for next SELECE FOUND_ROWS() statement
     $unlimited_query = preg_replace('/\\bLIMIT\\s*.*/imsx', '', $this->_query);
     //$unlimited_query = preg_replace('/\\bGROUP\\s*BY\\s*.*/imsx', '', $unlimited_query);
     // we no longer use SELECT COUNT query
     //$unlimited_query = $this->_transform_to_count($unlimited_query);
     $_wpdb = new PDODB();
     $result = $_wpdb->query($unlimited_query);
     $wpdb->dbh->found_rows_result = $result;
     $_wpdb = null;