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function __construct($datos) { $pdf = new PDF(); // [ Establesco Todos los datos que conendra la Factura ] $pdf->set_data($datos); $pdf->FPDF('P', 'mm', 'Letter'); // Esta funcion la uso cuando voy a imprimir al final el numero de la paguina $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 12); //$pdf->SetTextColor(20,20,250); COLOR AZUL $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->menbrete(); $pdf->detalle($datos['productos']); $pdf->Output(); }
//while class PDF extends PDF_MySQL_Table { function Header() { //Title //Ensure table header is output parent::Header(); } } //Connect to database mysql_connect("{$db_hostname}", "{$db_username}", "{$db_password}"); mysql_select_db('remsdb'); $pdf = new PDF("L", "mm", array(400, 200)); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', 16); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', 14); $pdf->SetY(8); $pdf->SetX(10); $pdf->Cell(0, 3, $pdfAgencyName, 0, 1, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', 12); $pdf->SetTextColor(131, 130, 139); $pdf->Cell(0, 3, "Powered by Getchs;", 0, 1, 'L'); $pdf->tdheight = 5; $pdf->Ln(30); $pdf->SetFont('Times', 'B', 24); $pdf->SetTextColor(64, 64, 64); $pdf->Cell(0, 3, "LIST OF ALL ENDORSED APPLICANT", 0, 1, 'C');
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/////////header $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); /////////medio $pdf->SetFont('Amble-Regular', '', 10); $pdf->Text(30, 42, maxCaracter(utf8_decode($cliente), 80), 1, 0, 'L', 0); /////cliente $pdf->Text(30, 48, maxCaracter(utf8_decode($fecha), 20), 1, 0, 'L', 0); /////fecha $pdf->Text(30, 53, maxCaracter(utf8_decode($direccion), 35), 1, 0, 'L', 0); ////direccion $pdf->Text(155, 42, maxCaracter(utf8_decode($ci_ruc), 20), 1, 0, 'L', 0); ////ruc ci $pdf->Text(155, 48, maxCaracter(utf8_decode($telefono), 20), 1, 0, 'L', 0); ////telefono if ($estado == 'Pasivo') { $pdf->SetTextColor(249, 33, 33); $pdf->RotatedImage('../images/circle.png', 110, 42, 30, 10, 45); $pdf->RotatedText(120, 41, 'ANULADO!', 45); $pdf->RotatedImage('../images/circle.png', 260, 42, 30, 10, 45); $pdf->RotatedText(269, 41, 'ANULADO!', 45); } ////////detalles $sql = pg_query("select cantidad,articulo,precio_venta,total_venta from detalle_factura_venta,productos where id_factura_venta = '" . $_GET['id'] . "' and detalle_factura_venta.cod_productos = productos.cod_productos and productos.incluye_iva= 'Si'"); $yy = 66; $iva_base = 1.12; $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); while ($row = pg_fetch_row($sql)) { $total_si = 0; $total_sit = 0; $total_si = $row[3] / $iva_base; $total_sit = $total_si / $row[0];
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/** * Main * * @param object $order Order * @param string $mode Download or display (optional) */ public static function invoice($order, $mode = 'D', $multiple = false, &$pdf = NULL, $slip = false, $delivery = false) { global $cookie, $ecotax; if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($order) or !$cookie->id_employee and (!OrderState::invoiceAvailable($order->getCurrentState()) and !$order->invoice_number)) { die('Invalid order or invalid order state'); } self::$order = $order; self::$orderSlip = $slip; self::$delivery = $delivery; self::$_iso = strtoupper(Language::getIsoById(intval(self::$order->id_lang))); if ((self::$_priceDisplayMethod = $order->getTaxCalculationMethod()) === false) { die(self::l('No price display method defined for the customer group')); } if (!$multiple) { $pdf = new PDF('P', 'mm', 'A4'); } $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 35); $pdf->StartPageGroup(); self::$currency = Currency::getCurrencyInstance(intval(self::$order->id_currency)); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->AddPage(); /* Display address information */ $invoice_address = new Address(intval($order->id_address_invoice)); $invoiceState = $invoice_address->id_state ? new State($invoice_address->id_state) : false; $delivery_address = new Address(intval($order->id_address_delivery)); $deliveryState = $delivery_address->id_state ? new State($delivery_address->id_state) : false; $shop_country = Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_COUNTRY'); $invoice_customer = new Customer(intval($invoice_address->id_customer)); $width = 100; $pdf->SetX(10); $pdf->SetY(25); $pdf->SetFont(self::fontname(), '', 12); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, self::l('Delivery'), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, self::l('Invoicing'), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->SetFont(self::fontname(), '', 9); if (!empty($delivery_address->company) or !empty($invoice_address->company)) { $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $delivery_address->company), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $invoice_address->company), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(5); } $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $delivery_address->firstname) . ' ' . Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $delivery_address->lastname), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $invoice_address->firstname) . ' ' . Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $invoice_address->lastname), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $delivery_address->address1), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $invoice_address->address1), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(5); if (!empty($invoice_address->address2) or !empty($delivery_address->address2)) { $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $delivery_address->address2), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $invoice_address->address2), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(5); } $pdf->Cell($width, 10, $delivery_address->postcode . ' ' . Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $delivery_address->city), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, $invoice_address->postcode . ' ' . Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $invoice_address->city), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $delivery_address->country . ($deliveryState ? ' - ' . $deliveryState->name : '')), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $invoice_address->country . ($invoiceState ? ' - ' . $invoiceState->name : '')), 0, 'L'); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, $delivery_address->phone, 0, 'L'); if ($invoice_customer->dni != NULL) { $pdf->Cell($width, 10, self::l('Tax ID number:') . ' ' . Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $invoice_customer->dni), 0, 'L'); } if (!empty($delivery_address->phone_mobile)) { $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->Cell($width, 10, $delivery_address->phone_mobile, 0, 'L'); } /* * display order information */ $carrier = new Carrier(self::$order->id_carrier); if ($carrier->name == '0') { $carrier->name = Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME'); } $history = self::$order->getHistory(self::$order->id_lang); foreach ($history as $h) { if ($h['id_order_state'] == _PS_OS_SHIPPING_) { $shipping_date = $h['date_add']; } } $pdf->Ln(12); $pdf->SetFillColor(240, 240, 240); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetFont(self::fontname(), '', 9); if (self::$orderSlip) { $pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('SLIP #') . sprintf('%06d', self::$orderSlip->id) . ' ' . self::l('from') . ' ' . Tools::displayDate(self::$orderSlip->date_upd, self::$order->id_lang), 1, 2, 'L', 1); } elseif (self::$delivery) { $pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('DELIVERY SLIP #') . Configuration::get('PS_DELIVERY_PREFIX', intval($cookie->id_lang)) . sprintf('%06d', self::$delivery) . ' ' . self::l('from') . ' ' . Tools::displayDate(self::$order->delivery_date, self::$order->id_lang), 1, 2, 'L', 1); } else { $pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('INVOICE #') . Configuration::get('PS_INVOICE_PREFIX', intval($cookie->id_lang)) . sprintf('%06d', self::$order->invoice_number) . ' ' . self::l('from') . ' ' . Tools::displayDate(self::$order->invoice_date, self::$order->id_lang), 1, 2, 'L', 1); } $pdf->Cell(55, 6, self::l('Order #') . sprintf('%06d', self::$order->id), 'L', 0); $pdf->Cell(70, 6, self::l('Carrier:') . ($order->gift ? ' ' . Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $carrier->name) : ''), 'L'); $pdf->Cell(0, 6, self::l('Payment method:'), 'LR'); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->Cell(55, 6, isset($shipping_date) ? self::l('Shipping date:') . ' ' . Tools::displayDate($shipping_date, self::$order->id_lang) : ' ', 'LB', 0); $pdf->Cell(70, 6, $order->gift ? self::l('Gift-wrapped order') : Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $carrier->name), 'LRB'); $pdf->Cell(0, 6, Tools::iconv('utf-8', self::encoding(), $order->payment), 'LRB'); $pdf->Ln(15); $pdf->ProdTab(self::$delivery ? true : ''); /* Exit if delivery */ if (!self::$delivery) { if (!self::$orderSlip) { $pdf->DiscTab(); } $priceBreakDown = array(); $pdf->priceBreakDownCalculation($priceBreakDown); if (!self::$orderSlip or self::$orderSlip and self::$orderSlip->shipping_cost) { $priceBreakDown['totalWithoutTax'] += Tools::ps_round($priceBreakDown['shippingCostWithoutTax'], 2) + Tools::ps_round($priceBreakDown['wrappingCostWithoutTax'], 2); $priceBreakDown['totalWithTax'] += self::$order->total_shipping + self::$order->total_wrapping; } if (!self::$orderSlip) { $taxDiscount = self::$order->getTaxesAverageUsed(); if ($taxDiscount != 0) { $priceBreakDown['totalWithoutTax'] -= Tools::ps_round(self::$order->total_discounts / (1 + self::$order->getTaxesAverageUsed() * 0.01), 2); } else { $priceBreakDown['totalWithoutTax'] -= self::$order->total_discounts; } $priceBreakDown['totalWithTax'] -= self::$order->total_discounts; } /* * Display price summation */ if (Configuration::get('PS_TAX') or $order->total_products_wt != $order->total_products) { $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->SetFont(self::fontname(), 'B', 8); $width = 165; $pdf->Cell($width, 0, self::l('Total products (tax excl.)') . ' : ', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, (self::$orderSlip ? '-' : '') . self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice($priceBreakDown['totalProductsWithoutTax'], self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Ln(4); $pdf->SetFont(self::fontname(), 'B', 8); $width = 165; $pdf->Cell($width, 0, self::l('Total products (tax incl.)') . ' : ', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, (self::$orderSlip ? '-' : '') . self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice($priceBreakDown['totalProductsWithTax'], self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Ln(4); } else { $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->SetFont(self::fontname(), 'B', 8); $width = 165; $pdf->Cell($width, 0, self::l('Total products ') . ' : ', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, (self::$orderSlip ? '-' : '') . self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice($priceBreakDown['totalProductsWithoutTax'], self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Ln(4); } if (!self::$orderSlip and self::$order->total_discounts != '0.00') { $pdf->Cell($width, 0, self::l('Total discounts (tax incl.)') . ' : ', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, (!self::$orderSlip ? '-' : '') . self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice(self::$order->total_discounts, self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Ln(4); } if (isset(self::$order->total_wrapping) and floatval(self::$order->total_wrapping) > 0) { $pdf->Cell($width, 0, self::l('Total wrapping') . ' : ', 0, 0, 'R'); if (self::$_priceDisplayMethod == PS_TAX_EXC) { $pdf->Cell(0, 0, (self::$orderSlip ? '-' : '') . self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice($priceBreakDown['wrappingCostWithoutTax'], self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); } else { $pdf->Cell(0, 0, (self::$orderSlip ? '-' : '') . self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice(self::$order->total_wrapping, self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); } $pdf->Ln(4); } if (self::$order->total_shipping != '0.00' and (!self::$orderSlip or self::$orderSlip and self::$orderSlip->shipping_cost)) { $pdf->Cell($width, 0, self::l('Total shipping') . ' : ', 0, 0, 'R'); if (self::$_priceDisplayMethod == PS_TAX_EXC) { $pdf->Cell(0, 0, (self::$orderSlip ? '-' : '') . self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice(Tools::ps_round($priceBreakDown['shippingCostWithoutTax'], 2), self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); } else { $pdf->Cell(0, 0, (self::$orderSlip ? '-' : '') . self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice(self::$order->total_shipping, self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); } $pdf->Ln(4); } if (Configuration::get('PS_TAX') or $order->total_products_wt != $order->total_products) { $pdf->Cell($width, 0, self::l('Total') . ' ' . (self::$_priceDisplayMethod == PS_TAX_EXC ? self::l(' (tax incl.)') : self::l(' (tax excl.)')) . ' : ', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, (self::$orderSlip ? '-' : '') . self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice(self::$_priceDisplayMethod == PS_TAX_EXC ? $priceBreakDown['totalWithTax'] : $priceBreakDown['totalWithoutTax'], self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Ln(4); $pdf->Cell($width, 0, self::l('Total') . ' ' . (self::$_priceDisplayMethod == PS_TAX_EXC ? self::l(' (tax excl.)') : self::l(' (tax incl.)')) . ' : ', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, (self::$orderSlip ? '-' : '') . self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice(self::$_priceDisplayMethod == PS_TAX_EXC ? $priceBreakDown['totalWithoutTax'] : $priceBreakDown['totalWithTax'], self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Ln(4); } else { $pdf->Cell($width, 0, self::l('Total') . ' : ', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, (self::$orderSlip ? '-' : '') . self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice($priceBreakDown['totalWithoutTax'], self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Ln(4); } if ($ecotax != '0.00' and !self::$orderSlip) { $pdf->Cell($width, 0, self::l('Eco-participation') . ' : ', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Cell(0, 0, self::convertSign(Tools::displayPrice($ecotax, self::$currency, true, false)), 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Ln(5); } $pdf->TaxTab($priceBreakDown); } Hook::PDFInvoice($pdf, self::$order->id); if (!$multiple) { return $pdf->Output(sprintf('%06d', self::$order->id) . '.pdf', $mode); } }
/** * Show table for lines * * @param PDF $pdf Object PDF * @param string $tab_top Top position of table * @param string $tab_height Height of table (rectangle) * @param int $nexY Y * @param Translate $outputlangs Langs object * @param int $hidetop Hide top bar of array * @param int $hidebottom Hide bottom bar of array * @return void */ function _tableau(&$pdf, $tab_top, $tab_height, $nexY, $outputlangs, $hidetop = 0, $hidebottom = 0) { global $conf, $mysoc; $default_font_size = pdf_getPDFFontSize($outputlangs); $pdf->SetDrawColor(128, 128, 128); // Rect prend une longueur en 3eme param $pdf->Rect($this->marge_gauche, $tab_top, $this->page_largeur - $this->marge_gauche - $this->marge_droite, $tab_height); // line prend une position y en 3eme param $pdf->line($this->marge_gauche, $tab_top + 6, $this->page_largeur - $this->marge_droite, $tab_top + 6); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size); $pdf->SetXY($this->posxref, $tab_top + 1); $pdf->MultiCell($this->posxlabel - $this->posxref, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Tasks"), '', 'L'); $pdf->SetXY($this->posxlabel, $tab_top + 1); $pdf->MultiCell($this->posxworkload - $this->posxlabel, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Description"), 0, 'L'); $pdf->SetXY($this->posxworkload, $tab_top + 1); $pdf->MultiCell($this->posxprogress - $this->posxworkload, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities("PlannedWorkloadShort"), 0, 'R'); $pdf->SetXY($this->posxprogress, $tab_top + 1); $pdf->MultiCell($this->posxdatestart - $this->posxprogress, 3, '%', 0, 'R'); $pdf->SetXY($this->posxdatestart, $tab_top + 1); $pdf->MultiCell($this->posxdateend - $this->posxdatestart, 3, '', 0, 'C'); $pdf->SetXY($this->posxdateend, $tab_top + 1); $pdf->MultiCell($this->page_largeur - $this->marge_droite - $this->posxdatestart, 3, '', 0, 'C'); }
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/** * Affiche la grille des lignes de factures * * @param PDF $pdf Object PDF * @param int $tab_top Tab top * @param int $tab_height Tab height * @param int $nexY next y * @param Translate $outputlangs Output langs * @return void */ function _tableau(&$pdf, $tab_top, $tab_height, $nexY, $outputlangs) { global $conf; $default_font_size = pdf_getPDFFontSize($outputlangs); // Amount in (at tab_top - 1) $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 2); $titre = $outputlangs->transnoentities("AmountInCurrency", $outputlangs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Currency" . $conf->currency)); $pdf->SetXY($this->page_largeur - $this->marge_droite - ($pdf->GetStringWidth($titre) + 4), $tab_top - 4); $pdf->MultiCell($pdf->GetStringWidth($titre) + 3, 2, $titre); $pdf->SetDrawColor(128, 128, 128); // Rect prend une longueur en 3eme param $pdf->Rect($this->marge_gauche, $tab_top, $this->page_largeur - $this->marge_gauche - $this->marge_droite, $tab_height); // line prend une position y en 3eme param $pdf->line($this->marge_gauche, $tab_top + 5, $this->page_largeur - $this->marge_droite, $tab_top + 5); $pdf->SetFont('', '', 8); // Accountancy piece $pdf->SetXY($this->posxpiece - 1, $tab_top + 1); $pdf->MultiCell($this->posxdesc - $this->posxpiece - 1, 1, '', '', 'R'); // Comments $pdf->line($this->posxdesc - 1, $tab_top, $this->posxdesc - 1, $tab_top + $tab_height); $pdf->SetXY($this->posxdesc - 1, $tab_top + 1); $pdf->MultiCell($this->posxdate - $this->posxdesc - 1, 1, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Description"), '', 'L'); // Date $pdf->line($this->posxdate - 1, $tab_top, $this->posxdate - 1, $tab_top + $tab_height); $pdf->SetXY($this->posxdate - 1, $tab_top + 1); $pdf->MultiCell($this->posxtype - $this->posxdate - 1, 2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Date"), '', 'C'); // Type $pdf->line($this->posxtype - 1, $tab_top, $this->posxtype - 1, $tab_top + $tab_height); $pdf->SetXY($this->posxtype - 1, $tab_top + 1); $pdf->MultiCell($this->posxprojet - $this->posxtype - 1, 2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Type"), '', 'C'); // Project $pdf->line($this->posxprojet - 1, $tab_top, $this->posxprojet - 1, $tab_top + $tab_height); $pdf->SetXY($this->posxprojet - 1, $tab_top + 1); $pdf->MultiCell($this->posxtva - $this->posxprojet - 1, 2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Project"), '', 'C'); // VAT if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_GENERATE_DOCUMENTS_WITHOUT_VAT)) { $pdf->line($this->posxtva - 1, $tab_top, $this->posxtva - 1, $tab_top + $tab_height); $pdf->SetXY($this->posxtva - 1, $tab_top + 1); $pdf->MultiCell($this->posxup - $this->posxtva - 1, 2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("VAT"), '', 'C'); } // Unit price $pdf->line($this->posxup - 1, $tab_top, $this->posxup - 1, $tab_top + $tab_height); $pdf->SetXY($this->posxup - 1, $tab_top + 1); $pdf->MultiCell($this->posxqty - $this->posxup - 1, 2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("PriceU"), '', 'C'); // Quantity $pdf->line($this->posxqty - 1, $tab_top, $this->posxqty - 1, $tab_top + $tab_height); $pdf->SetXY($this->posxqty - 1, $tab_top + 1); $pdf->MultiCell($this->postotalttc - $this->posxqty, 2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Qty"), '', 'R'); // Total with all taxes $pdf->line($this->postotalttc, $tab_top, $this->postotalttc, $tab_top + $tab_height); $pdf->SetXY($this->postotalttc - 1, $tab_top + 1); $pdf->MultiCell($this->page_largeur - $this->marge_droite - $this->postotalttc, 2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("TotalTTC"), '', 'R'); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); }
$admin = 1; } //----------------------------------------------------- // Print result $pdf = new PDF($cn); $pdf->setDossierInfo(dossier::name() . ' Sécurité'); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetAuthor('NOALYSS'); $pdf->setTitle("Sécurité", true); $str_user = sprintf("( %d ) %s %s [ %s ] - %s", $SecUser->id, $SecUser->first_name, $SecUser->name, $SecUser->login, $str); $pdf->SetFont('DejaVu', 'B', 9); $pdf->Cell(0, 7, $str_user, 'B', 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(); if ($SecUser->active == 0) { $pdf->SetTextColor(255, 0, 34); $pdf->Cell(0, 7, 'Bloqué', 0, 0, 'R'); $pdf->Ln(); } if ($SecUser->admin == 1) { $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->setFillColor(239, 251, 255); $pdf->Cell(40, 7, 'Administrateur', 1, 1, 'R'); $pdf->Ln(); } $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); //----------------------------------------------------- // Journal $pdf->Cell(0, 7, 'Accès journaux', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->SetFont('DejaVu', '', 6);
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$img = "imagenes/log.jpg"; //Antes de pasar los datos al PDF, hay que pasar las variables por la función html_entity_decode para decodificar los caracteres especiales, los acentos y las ñ // Siempre y cuando los datos extraídos de la BD sean UTF8 (no lo probe con otra codificación) $nombre = html_entity_decode($nombre); $descripcion = html_entity_decode($descripcion); //Creamos una nueva instancia de la clase $pdf = new PDF(); //Añádimos la primera página $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->Image('log.jpg', 8, 8, 30); $pdf->Ln(12); $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 20); //$pdf->Ln(12); $pdf->Line(10, 30, 200, 30); $pdf->SetFontSize(17); $pdf->SetTextColor(44, 62, 80); $pdf->WriteHTML("Online Computer Shop"); $pdf->SetTextColor(0); $pdf->SetLeftMargin(155); $pdf->SetFontSize(14); $pdf->Ln(-15); $pdf->WriteHTML("<br><br><b>Fecha:</b> " . date("d/m/Y", time() - 25200)); $pdf->WriteHTML("<br><b>Hora:</b> " . date("H:i:s", time() - 25200) . "\n\n"); $pdf->SetLeftMargin(10); $pdf->Ln(14); // Otra parte importante, luego de pasar las variables por la función html_entity_decode, para que se vean bien los acentos y las ñ, hay que pasarlas por otra // función que es utf8_decode $pdf->SetFontSize(14); $pdf->WriteHTML(utf8_decode($nombre)); $pdf->WriteHTML("<br>"); $pdf->WriteHTML(utf8_decode($descripcion));
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$this->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10); } function Footer() { $this->SetY(-25); //Arial bold 7 } } // end function PDF class $pdf = new PDF(); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->AddPage('p'); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); //identifiers $pdf->SetFillColor(5, 66, 6); $pdf->SetTextColor(255, 255, 255); $fill = true; $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 13); $pdf->Cell(190, 7, 'Employee Clearance Checklist for ' . $person->formatName('f m l'), 0, 1, 'C', $fill); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 10); $pdf->Cell(190, 6, 'Username: '******'C', $fill); $pdf->setTextColor(5, 66, 6); $pdf->ln(5); $checklist_items = array(); $categories = array(); $checklist = HRChecklist::get($person->pidm, $list); $categories = HRChecklist::categories($checklist['type']); $checklist_id = HRChecklist::get($person->pidm, $list, 'id'); $closed = HRChecklist::meta_exists($checklist_id, 'closed', 1); if (IDMObject::authZ('permission', 'ape_checklist_employee_exit_hr')) { if ($_POST['checklist_closed'] && !$closed) {
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function savepdfcertificate() { $datac = JRequest::get('post', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW); include JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_guru' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'gurutask.php'; $background_color = ""; $op = JRequest::getVar("op", ""); if ($op == 9) { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $user = JFactory::getUser(); $config = JFactory::getConfig(); $imagename = "SELECT * FROM #__guru_certificates WHERE id=1"; $db->setQuery($imagename); $db->query(); $imagename = $db->loadAssocList(); if ($imagename[0]["design_background"] != "") { $image_theme = explode("/", $imagename[0]["design_background"]); if (trim($image_theme[4]) == 'thumbs') { $image_theme = $image_theme[5]; } else { $image_theme = $image_theme[4]; } } else { $background_color = "background-color:" . "#" . $imagename[0]["design_background_color"]; } $site_url = JURI::root(); $coursename = JRequest::getVar('cn', '', 'get'); $authorname = JRequest::getVar('an', '', 'get'); $certificateid = JRequest::getVar('id', '', 'get'); $completiondate = JRequest::getVar('cd', '', 'get'); $course_id = JRequest::getVar('ci', '', 'get'); $sitename = $config->get('sitename'); $user_id = $user->id; $scores_avg_quizzes = @guruModelguruTask::getAvgScoresQ($user_id, $course_id); $avg_quizzes_cert = "SELECT avg_certc FROM #__guru_program WHERE id=" . intval($course_id); $db->setQuery($avg_quizzes_cert); $db->query(); $avg_quizzes_cert = $db->loadResult(); $sql = "SELECT id_final_exam FROM #__guru_program WHERE id=" . intval($course_id); $db->setQuery($sql); $result = $db->loadResult(); $sql = "SELECT hasquiz from #__guru_program WHERE id=" . intval($course_id); $db->setQuery($sql); $resulthasq = $db->loadResult(); $sql = "SELECT max_score FROM #__guru_quiz WHERE id=" . intval($result); $db->setQuery($sql); $result_maxs = $db->loadResult(); // final quiz -------------------------------------------------- $sql = "SELECT id, score_quiz FROM #__guru_quiz_question_taken_v3 WHERE user_id=" . intval($user_id) . " and quiz_id=" . intval($result) . " and pid=" . intval($course_id) . " ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,1"; $db->setQuery($sql); $result_q = $db->loadObject(); $first = explode("|", @$result_q->score_quiz); @($res = intval($first[0] / $first[1] * 100)); if ($resulthasq == 0 && $scores_avg_quizzes == "") { $avg_certc = "N/A"; } elseif ($resulthasq != 0 && $scores_avg_quizzes == "") { $avg_certc = "N/A"; } elseif ($resulthasq != 0 && isset($scores_avg_quizzes)) { if ($scores_avg_quizzes >= intval($avg_quizzes_cert)) { $avg_certc = $scores_avg_quizzes . '%'; } else { $avg_certc = $scores_avg_quizzes . '%'; } } // final quiz -------------------------------------------------- // regular ---------------------------------------------- $s = 0; $sql = "select mr.`media_id` from #__guru_mediarel mr, #__guru_days d where mr.`type`='dtask' and mr.`type_id`=d.`id` and d.`pid`=" . intval($course_id); $db->setQuery($sql); $db->query(); $lessons = $db->loadColumn(); if (!isset($lessons) || count($lessons) == 0) { $lessons = array("0"); } $sql = "select mr.`media_id` from #__guru_mediarel mr where mr.`layout`='12' and mr.`type`='scr_m' and mr.`type_id` in (" . implode(", ", $lessons) . ")"; $db->setQuery($sql); $db->query(); $all_quizzes = $db->loadColumn(); if (isset($all_quizzes) && count($all_quizzes) > 0) { foreach ($all_quizzes as $key_quiz => $quiz_id) { $sql = "SELECT score_quiz FROM #__guru_quiz_question_taken_v3 WHERE user_id=" . intval($user_id) . " and quiz_id=" . intval($quiz_id) . " and pid=" . intval($course_id) . " ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,1"; $db->setQuery($sql); $db->query(); $result_q = $db->loadColumn(); $res = @$result_q["0"]; $s += $res; } $avg_certc1 = "N/A"; if ($s > 0) { $avg_certc1 = $s / count($all_quizzes) . "%"; } } // regular ---------------------------------------------- /*$sql = "SELECT id, score_quiz, time_quiz_taken_per_user FROM #__guru_quiz_taken_v3 WHERE user_id=".intval($user_id)." and quiz_id=".intval($result)." and pid=".intval($course_id )." ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,1"; $db->setQuery($sql); $result_q = $db->loadObject(); $first= explode("|", @$result_q->score_quiz); @$res = intval(($first[0]/$first[1])*100); if($resulthasq == 0 && $scores_avg_quizzes == ""){ $avg_certc1 = "N/A"; } elseif($resulthasq != 0 && $scores_avg_quizzes == ""){ $avg_certc1 = "N/A"; } elseif($resulthasq != 0 && isset($scores_avg_quizzes)){ if($scores_avg_quizzes >= intval($avg_quizzes_cert)){ $avg_certc1 = $scores_avg_quizzes.'%'; } else{ $avg_certc1 = $scores_avg_quizzes.'%'; } }*/ /*if($result !=0 && $res !="" ){ if( $res >= $result_maxs){ $avg_certc = $res.'%'; } elseif($res < $result_maxs){ $avg_certc = $res.'%'; } } elseif(($result !=0 && $result !="")){ $avg_certc = "N/A"; } elseif($result ==0 || $result ==""){ $avg_certc = "N/A"; }*/ $firstnamelastname = "SELECT firstname, lastname FROM #__guru_customer WHERE id=" . intval($user_id); $db->setQuery($firstnamelastname); $db->query(); $firstnamelastname = $db->loadAssocList(); $coursemsg = "SELECT certificate_course_msg FROM #__guru_program WHERE id=" . intval($course_id); $db->setQuery($coursemsg); $db->query(); $coursemsg = $db->loadResult(); $certificate_url = JUri::base() . "index.php?option=com_guru&view=guruOrders&task=printcertificate&opt=" . $certificateid . "&cn=" . $coursename . "&an=" . $authorname . "&cd=" . $completiondate . 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