コード例 #1
    $hosts[] = $r["hostname"];
    $types[] = $r["type"];
    $values[] = getRecordValueDescription($zone, $r["type"], $r["value"]);
    $params[] = array("zone" => $zone, "reverse" => $reverse, "id" => $r["id"], "serial" => $serial);
    $actionsMod[] = $editAction;
    if ($r["hostname"] === $curzone . "." && $r["type"] === "TXT" || $r["type"] == "SOA") {
        $actionsDel[] = $emptyAction;
    } else {
        $actionsDel[] = $delAction;
$typeAsc = $sortby == "type" ? intval(!$asc) : "1";
$hostnameAsc = $sortby == "hostname" ? intval(!$asc) : "1";
$typeUrl = urlStr("network/network/zonerecords", array("zone" => $zone, "reverse" => $reverse, "sortby" => "type", "asc" => $typeAsc));
$hostnameUrl = urlStr("network/network/zonerecords", array("zone" => $zone, "reverse" => $reverse, "sortby" => "hostname", "asc" => $hostnameAsc));
$n = new OptimizedListInfos($hosts, "<a href='" . $hostnameUrl . "'>" . _T("Host name", "network") . "</a>");
$n->setNavBar(new AjaxNavBar(count($records), $filter));
$n->start = 0;
$n->end = count($recordsatpage) - 1;
$n->addExtraInfo($types, "<a href='" . $typeUrl . "'>" . _T("Record type", "network")) . "</a>";
$n->addExtraInfo($values, _T("Record parameters", "network"));
$n->setName(_T("Host", "network"));
コード例 #2
ファイル: ajaxIncoming.php プロジェクト: sebastiendu/mmc
// Create an array with the inventory dates
$inventories = array();
// Create an array with the "new_machine" booleans
$new_machines = array();
// Create an array with $params needed for cliquable first column
$params = array();
foreach ($incoming as $inc) {
    $machines[] = $inc[0];
    $inventories[] = _toDate($inc[1]);
    $new_machines[] = $inc[2];
    $params[] = array('hostname' => $inc[0], 'uuid' => $inc[3]);
// Create the listinfos widget, the first column is the machine name
$l = new OptimizedListInfos($machines, _T("Computer name"));
// Add the second column, which is the inventory date
$l->addExtraInfo($inventories, _T("Inventory date"));
// Add the third column, which is the boolean "new_machine"
$l->addExtraInfo($new_machines, _T("New computer"));
// Add actions item, to make first column cliquable
$l->addActionItem(new ActionItem(_T("View", "inventory"), "invtabs", "display", "inventory", "base", "computers"));
$l->addActionItem(new ActionPopupItem(_T("Information", "inventory"), "infos", "info", "inventory", "inventory", "inventory"));
// Navbar for an Ajax widget
$l->setNavBar(new AjaxNavBar($count, $filter));
// Item counter label
$l->start = 0;
$l->end = count($machines);