コード例 #1
$pol_related_news = getRelatedNews($pol);
$n_pol_related_news = count($pol_related_news);
$t->ok($n_pol_related_news == 3, 'Three news related to the politician');
dumpNews($t, "news related to the politician", $pol_related_news);
$related_news = getRelatedNews($obj);
$n_related_news = count($related_news);
$t->ok($n_related_news == 5, 'Five news related to the act (no new news)');
dumpNews($t, "news related to the act", $related_news);
$t->diag('Get a site');
$sede = OppSedePeer::retrieveByPK(11);
$t->diag('Add an intervention on the act by the politician');
$int = new OppIntervento();
$pol_related_news = getRelatedNews($pol);
$n_pol_related_news = count($pol_related_news);
$t->ok($n_pol_related_news == 4, 'Four news related to the politician');
dumpNews($t, "news related to the politician", $pol_related_news);
$related_news = getRelatedNews($obj);
$n_related_news = count($related_news);
$t->ok($n_related_news == 7, 'Seven news related to the act (two more, detailed and group)');
dumpNews($t, "news related to the act", $related_news);
$t->diag('Add three different tags to the object');
$tagging_ar = array();
foreach (array(3, 4, 5) as $tag_id) {
    $tagging = new Tagging();