コード例 #1
$n_related_news = count($related_news);
$generated_news = $iter_att->getGeneratedNews();
$first_generated = $generated_news[0];
$t->ok($n_related_news == 5, 'Five related news');
$t->ok($first_generated->getPriority() == 2, 'Priority for non-conclusive iter step is ' . $first_generated->getPriority());
dumpNews($t, "news related to the act", $related_news);
$t->diag('Add a new politician');
$pol = new OppPolitico();
$t->diag('Add a new charge');
$car = new OppCarica();
$car->setCarica('Ministro dell\'abolizione dei beni Inutili');
$pol_related_news = getRelatedNews($pol);
$n_pol_related_news = count($pol_related_news);
$t->diag("related_news: " . $n_pol_related_news);
$t->ok($n_pol_related_news == 1, 'One news related to the politician');
dumpNews($t, "news related to the politician", $pol_related_news);
$t->diag('Add a group to the charge');
$gruppo = OppGruppoPeer::retrieveByPK(1);
$car_gruppo = new OppCaricaHasGruppo();