コード例 #1
	 * Adds a host entry based on the hostname, IP addrss, and a domain. Returns null
	 * if the entry already exists, or if the additional fails. This function should be used
	 * for adding public DNS entries.
	 * @static
	 * @param  $hostname
	 * @param  $ip
	 * @param  $domain OpenStackNovaDomain
	 * @return bool|null|OpenStackNovaHost
	static function addPublicHost( $hostname, $ip, $domain ) {
		global $wgAuth;
		global $wgOpenStackManagerLDAPInstanceBaseDN;


		$domainname = $domain->getFullyQualifiedDomainName();
		$host = OpenStackNovaHost::getHostByName( $hostname, $domain );
		if ( $host ) {
			$wgAuth->printDebug( "Failed to add public host $hostname as the DNS entry already exists", NONSENSITIVE );
			return null;
		$hostEntry = array();
		$hostEntry['objectclass'][] = 'dcobject';
		$hostEntry['objectclass'][] = 'dnsdomain';
		$hostEntry['objectclass'][] = 'domainrelatedobject';
		$hostEntry['dc'] = $hostname;
		$hostEntry['arecord'] = $ip;
		$hostEntry['associateddomain'][] = $hostname . '.' . $domainname;
		$dn = 'dc=' . $hostname . ',dc=' . $domain->getDomainName() . ',' . $wgOpenStackManagerLDAPInstanceBaseDN;

		$success = LdapAuthenticationPlugin::ldap_add( $wgAuth->ldapconn, $dn, $hostEntry );
		if ( $success ) {
			$wgAuth->printDebug( "Successfully added public host $hostname", NONSENSITIVE );
			return new OpenStackNovaHost( $hostname, $domain );
		} else {
			$wgAuth->printDebug( "Failed to add public host $hostname", NONSENSITIVE );
			return null;
コード例 #2
	 * @param $formData
	 * @param string $entryPoint
	 * @return bool
	function tryRemoveHostSubmit( $formData, $entryPoint = 'internal' ) {
		$ip = $formData['ip'];
		$project = $formData['project'];
		$address = $this->adminNova->getAddress( $ip );
		$outputPage = $this->getOutput();
		if ( ! $address ) {
			$outputPage->addWikiMsg( 'openstackmanager-invalidaddress', $ip );
			return true;
		if ( $address->getProject() != $project ) {
			$outputPage->addWikiMsg( 'openstackmanager-invalidaddressforproject', $ip );
			return true;
		$hostname = $formData['hostname'];
		$domain = $formData['domain'];
		$domain = OpenStackNovaDomain::getDomainByName( $domain );
		$host = OpenStackNovaHost::getHostByName( $hostname, $domain );
		if ( $host ) {
			$fqdn = $hostname . '.' . $domain->getFullyQualifiedDomainName();
			$records = $host->getAssociatedDomains();
			if ( count( $records ) > 1 ) {
				# We need to keep the host, but remove the fqdn
				$success = $host->deleteAssociatedDomain( $fqdn );
				if ( $success ) {
					$outputPage->addWikiMsg( 'openstackmanager-removedhost', $hostname, $ip );
				} else {
					$outputPage->addWikiMsg( 'openstackmanager-removehostfailed', $ip, $hostname );
			} else {
				# We need to remove the host entry
				$success = OpenStackNovaHost::deleteHost( $hostname, $domain );
				if ( $success ) {
					$outputPage->addWikiMsg( 'openstackmanager-removedhost', $hostname, $ip );
				} else {
					$outputPage->addWikiMsg( 'openstackmanager-removehostfailed', $ip, $hostname );
		} else {
			$outputPage->addWikiMsg( 'openstackmanager-nonexistenthost' );
		$out = '<br />';
		$out .= Linker::link( $this->getTitle(), wfMsgHtml( 'openstackmanager-backaddresslist' ) );
		$outputPage->addHTML( $out );
		return true;