<?php require_once "../../phplib/util.php"; util_assertNotMirror(); util_assertNotLoggedIn(); $data = OpenID::finishAuth(); if (!$data) { smarty_assign('page_title', 'Autentificare cu OpenID'); smarty_assign('suggestHiddenSearchForm', true); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('auth/login.ihtml'); exit; } $user = User::get_by_identity($data['identity']); if ($user) { session_login($user, $data); } else { // First time logging in, must claim an existing account or create a new one $user = isset($data['email']) ? User::get_by_email($data['email']) : null; $loginType = $user ? 0 : (isset($data['fullname']) ? 1 : (isset($data['nickname']) ? 2 : 3)); // Store the identity in a temporary file. Don't print it in the form, because then it can be faked on the next page. $randString = util_randomCapitalLetterString(20); FileCache::put($randString, $data); smarty_assign('page_title', 'Autentificare cu OpenID'); smarty_assign('suggestHiddenSearchForm', true); smarty_assign('data', $data); smarty_assign('randString', $randString); smarty_assign('loginType', $loginType); smarty_displayCommonPageWithSkin('auth/chooseIdentity.ihtml'); }