コード例 #1
ファイル: Request.php プロジェクト: dmj/uni-helmstedt.hab.de
  * Returns a parameter from the current request and expands its URI
  * using the local namespace table. It also strips slashes if
  * magic_quotes_gpc is turned on in PHP.
  * @param string  $name            the name of the parameter
  * @param boolean $expandNamespace Whether to expand the namespace or not
  * @return mixed the parameter or null if not found
 public function getParam($key, $default = null, $expandNamespace = false)
     // get parameter value from Zend_Request
     $value = parent::getParam($key, $default);
     if ($expandNamespace) {
         // expandable parameters cannot be arrays
         if (is_array($value)) {
             $value = current($value);
         // expand namespace
         $value = OntoWiki_Utils::expandNamespace($value);
     // strip slash quotes if necessary
     if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() && is_string($value)) {
         $value = stripslashes($value);
     return $value;
コード例 #2
 public function onBuildUrl($event)
     $site = $this->getSiteConfig();
     $graph = isset($site['model']) ? $site['model'] : null;
     $resource = isset($event->params['r']) ? OntoWiki_Utils::expandNamespace($event->params['r']) : null;
     // URL for this site?
     if ($graph === (string) OntoWiki::getInstance()->selectedModel && !empty($this->_site)) {
         if (false !== strpos($resource, $graph)) {
             // LD-capable
             if ((string) $resource[strlen($resource) - 1] == '/') {
                 // Slash should not get a suffix
                 $event->url = (string) $resource;
                 // URL created
                 return true;
             } else {
                 $event->url = $resource . $this->getCurrentSuffix();
                 // URL created
                 return true;
         } else {
             // classic
             $event->route = null;
             $event->controller = 'site';
             $event->action = $site['id'];
             // URL not created, but params changed
             return false;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Base.php プロジェクト: dmj/uni-helmstedt.hab.de
  * Returns a parameter from the current request and expands its URI
  * using the local namespace table. It also strips slashes if
  * magic_quotes_gpc is turned on in PHP.
  * @param string  $name            the name of the parameter
  * @param boolean $expandNamespace Whether to expand the namespace or not
  * @deprecated 0.9.5, use OntoWiki_Request::getParam() instead
  * @return mixed the parameter or null if not found
 public function getParam($name, $expandNamespace = false)
     $value = $this->_request->getParam($name);
     if ($expandNamespace) {
         $value = OntoWiki_Utils::expandNamespace($value);
     if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
         $value = stripslashes($value);
     return $value;
コード例 #4
  * Deletes one or more resources denoted by param 'r'
  * TODO: This should be done by a evolution pattern in the future
 public function deleteAction()
     $store = $this->_erfurt->getStore();
     $model = $this->_owApp->selectedModel;
     $modelIri = (string) $model;
     $redirect = $this->_request->getParam('redirect', $this->_config->urlBase);
     if (isset($this->_request->r)) {
         $resources = $this->_request->getParam('r', array());
     } else {
         throw new OntoWiki_Exception('Missing parameter r!');
     if (!is_array($resources)) {
         $resources = array($resources);
     // get versioning
     $versioning = $this->_erfurt->getVersioning();
     $count = 0;
     if ($this->_erfurt->getAc()->isModelAllowed('edit', $modelIri)) {
         foreach ($resources as $resource) {
             // if we have only a nice uri, fill to full uri
             if (Zend_Uri::check($resource) == false) {
                 // check for namespace
                 if (strstr($resource, ':')) {
                     $resource = OntoWiki_Utils::expandNamespace($resource);
                 } else {
                     $resource = $model->getBaseIri() . $resource;
             // action spec for versioning
             $actionSpec = array();
             $actionSpec['type'] = 130;
             $actionSpec['modeluri'] = $modelIri;
             $actionSpec['resourceuri'] = $resource;
             // starting action
             $stmtArray = array();
             // query for all triples to delete them
             $sparqlQuery = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery();
             $sparqlQuery->setProloguePart('SELECT ?p, ?o');
             $sparqlQuery->setWherePart('{ <' . $resource . '> ?p ?o . }');
             $result = $store->sparqlQuery($sparqlQuery, array('result_format' => 'extended'));
             // transform them to statement array to be compatible with store methods
             foreach ($result['results']['bindings'] as $stmt) {
                 $stmtArray[$resource][$stmt['p']['value']][] = $stmt['o'];
             $store->deleteMultipleStatements($modelIri, $stmtArray);
             // stopping action
         $message = $count . ' resource' . ($count != 1 ? 's' : '') . ($count ? ' successfully' : '') . ' deleted.';
         $this->_owApp->appendMessage(new OntoWiki_Message($message, OntoWiki_Message::SUCCESS));
     } else {
         $message = 'not allowed.';
         $this->_owApp->appendMessage(new OntoWiki_Message($message, OntoWiki_Message::WARNING));
     $event = new Erfurt_Event('onDeleteResources');
     $event->resourceArray = $resources;
     $event->modelUri = $modelIri;
     $this->_redirect($redirect, array('code' => 302));
コード例 #5
  * webservice to save a query
 public function savequeryAction()
     $response = $this->getResponse();
     $response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
     $store = $this->_erfurt->getStore();
     $storeGraph = $this->_owApp->selectedModel;
     $graphUri = (string) $this->_owApp->selectedModel;
     $res = "json or desc missing";
     // checking for post data to save queries
     $params = $this->_request->getParams();
     if (isset($params['json']) && isset($params['json'])) {
         if ($this->_request->getParam('share') == "true") {
             // store in the model itself - everybody can see it
             $storeGraph = $this->_owApp->selectedModel;
         } else {
             //private db - should be configured so only the user can see it
             $storeGraph = $this->getUserQueryDB();
         // checking whether any queries exist yet in this store
         $existingQueriesQuery = Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery::initWithString('SELECT *
              WHERE {
                 ?query <' . EF_RDF_TYPE . '> <' . OntoWiki_Utils::expandNamespace($this->_privateConfig->saving->ClassUri) . '> .
         $existingQueries = $storeGraph->sparqlQuery($existingQueriesQuery);
         if (empty($existingQueries)) {
             //this is the first query
         $hash = md5($this->_request->getParam('json') . $this->_request->getParam('query'));
         $name = (string) $storeGraph . '#Query-' . $hash;
         // checking whether a query with same content (Where-Part) already exists (check by md5 sum)
         $existingDataQuery = Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery::initWithString('SELECT *
              WHERE {
                  <' . $name . '> a <' . OntoWiki_Utils::expandNamespace($this->_privateConfig->saving->ClassUri) . '>
         $existingData = $storeGraph->sparqlQuery($existingDataQuery);
         if (empty($existingData)) {
             //such a query is not saved yet - lets save it
             $storeGraph->addStatement($name, EF_RDF_TYPE, array('value' => $this->_privateConfig->saving->ClassUri, 'type' => 'uri'), false);
             $storeGraph->addStatement($name, $this->_privateConfig->saving->ModelUri, array('value' => (string) $this->_owApp->selectedModel, 'type' => 'uri'), false);
             $storeGraph->addStatement($name, $this->_privateConfig->saving->NameUri, array('value' => $this->_request->getParam('name'), 'type' => 'literal'), false);
             $storeGraph->addStatement($name, $this->_privateConfig->saving->DateUri, array('value' => (string) date('c'), 'type' => 'literal', 'datatype' => OntoWiki_Utils::expandNamespace('xsd:dateTime')), false);
             $storeGraph->addStatement($name, OntoWiki_Utils::expandNamespace($this->_privateConfig->saving->NumViewsUri), array('value' => '1', 'type' => 'literal', 'datatype' => OntoWiki_Utils::expandNamespace('xsd:integer')), false);
             if ($this->_request->getParam('generator') == "gqb" || $this->_request->getParam('generator') == "qb") {
                 $storeGraph->addStatement($name, $this->_privateConfig->saving->JsonUri, array('value' => $this->_request->getParam('json'), 'type' => 'literal'), false);
             $storeGraph->addStatement($name, $this->_privateConfig->saving->QueryUri, array('value' => $this->_request->getParam('query'), 'type' => 'literal'), false);
             $storeGraph->addStatement($name, $this->_privateConfig->saving->GeneratorUri, array('value' => $this->_request->getParam('generator'), 'type' => 'literal'), false);
             if ($this->_request->getParam('generator') == "gqb") {
                 $storeGraph->addStatement($name, $this->_privateConfig->saving->IdUri, array('value' => $this->_request->getParam('id'), 'type' => 'literal'), false);
                 $storeGraph->addStatement($name, $this->_privateConfig->saving->SelClassUri, array('value' => $this->_request->getParam('type'), 'type' => 'uri'), false);
                 $storeGraph->addStatement($name, $this->_privateConfig->saving->SelClassLabelUri, array('value' => $this->_request->getParam('typelabel'), 'type' => 'literal'), false);
             } else {
                 //TODO gqb uses id - qb not... needed?
                 $storeGraph->addStatement($name, $this->_privateConfig->saving->IdUri, array('value' => $hash, 'type' => 'literal'), false);
             $user = $this->_erfurt->getAuth()->getIdentity();
             $userUri = $user->getUri();
             $storeGraph->addStatement($name, $this->_privateConfig->saving->CreatorUri, array('value' => $userUri, 'type' => 'uri'), false);
             $res = 'All OK';
         } else {
             $res = 'Save failed. (Query with same pattern exists)';