/** * Render the output of the container and add it to the DOM * * @param One_Model $model * @param One_Dom $d */ protected function _render($model, One_Dom $d) { $id = $this->getID(); $dom = One_Repository::createDom(); $dom->add('<div id="content-sliders-" class="pane-sliders"> <div style="display:none;"> <div></div> </div>'); foreach ($this->getContent() as $content) { $content->render($model, $dom); } $dom->add('</div>'); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScript(preg_replace('!administrator(/?)$!', '', JURI::base()) . '/media/system/js/mootools-core.js', 'head', 30); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScript(preg_replace('!administrator(/?)$!', '', JURI::base()) . '/media/system/js/core.js', 'head', 31); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScript(preg_replace('!administrator(/?)$!', '', JURI::base()) . '/media/system/js/mootools-more.js', 'head', 32); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScriptDeclaration('new Fx.Accordion($$("div#content-sliders-.pane-sliders > .panel > h3.pane-toggler"), $$("div#content-sliders-.pane-sliders > .panel > div.pane-slider"), { onActive: function(toggler, i) { toggler.addClass("pane-toggler-down");toggler.removeClass("pane-toggler");i.addClass("pane-down");i.removeClass("pane-hide");Cookie.write("jpanesliders_content-sliders-",$$("div#content-sliders-.pane-sliders > .panel > h3").indexOf(toggler)); },onBackground: function(toggler, i) { toggler.addClass("pane-toggler");toggler.removeClass("pane-toggler-down");i.addClass("pane-hide");i.removeClass("pane-down");if($$("div#content-sliders-.pane-sliders > .panel > h3").length==$$("div#content-sliders-.pane-sliders > .panel > h3.pane-toggler").length) Cookie.write("jpanesliders_content-sliders-",-1); },duration: 300,opacity: false,alwaysHide: true});', 'onload', 10); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScriptDeclaration('new Fx.Accordion($$("div#content-sliders.pane-sliders .panel h3.pane-toggler"),$$("div#content-sliders.pane-sliders .panel div.pane-slider"), { onActive: function(toggler, i) { toggler.addClass("pane-toggler-down");toggler.removeClass("pane-toggler");i.addClass("pane-down");i.removeClass("pane-hide");Cookie.write("jpanesliders_content-sliderscom_content",$$("div#content-sliders.pane-sliders .panel h3").indexOf(toggler)); },onBackground: function(toggler, i) { toggler.addClass("pane-toggler");toggler.removeClass("pane-toggler-down");i.addClass("pane-hide");i.removeClass("pane-down"); }, duration: 300, display: 0, show: 0, alwaysHide:true, opacity: false});', 'onload', 11); $d->addDom($dom); }
/** * Render the output of the container and add it to the DOM * * @param One_Model $model * @param One_Dom $d */ protected function _render($model, One_Dom $d) { $id = $this->getID(); $params = $this->getParametersAsString(); $events = $this->getEventsAsString(); $title = $this->getCfg('title'); $dom = One_Repository::createDom(); $dom->add('<div id="' . $id . '"' . $params . $events . '>' . "\n"); $dom->add('<h3 id="' . $id . '-title" class="jpane-toggler title"' . $params . $events . '><span>' . $title . '</span></h3>' . "\n"); $dom->add("<div class='jpane-slider content'>"); foreach ($this->getContent() as $content) { $content->render($model, $dom); } $dom->add('</div></div>'); // add js declaration for the panel $options = '{'; $opt['onActive'] = 'function(toggler, i) { toggler.addClass(\'jpane-toggler-down\'); toggler.removeClass(\'jpane-toggler\'); }'; $opt['onBackground'] = 'function(toggler, i) { toggler.addClass(\'jpane-toggler\'); toggler.removeClass(\'jpane-toggler-down\'); }'; $opt['duration'] = 200; foreach ($opt as $k => $v) { if ($v) { $options .= $k . ': ' . $v . ','; } } if (substr($options, -1) == ',') { $options = substr($options, 0, -1); } $options .= '}'; // $dom->add('window.addEvent(\'domready\', function(){ new Accordion($$(\'.panel h3.jpane-toggler\'), $$(\'.panel div.jpane-slider\'), '.$options.'); });', '_onload'); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScriptDeclaration('window.addEvent(\'domready\', function(){ new Accordion($$(\'.panel h3.jpane-toggler\'), $$(\'.panel div.jpane-slider\'), ' . $options . '); });', 'onload', 10); $d->addDom($dom); }
/** * Render the output of the widget and add it to the DOM * * @param One_Model $model * @param One_Dom $d */ protected function _render($model, One_Dom $d) { $this->setCfg('class', 'OneFieldInput ' . $this->getCfg('class')); $data = array('id' => $this->getID(), 'name' => $this->getFormName(), 'value' => is_null($this->getValue($model)) ? $this->getDefault() : $this->getValue($model), 'info' => $this->getCfg('info'), 'error' => $this->getCfg('error'), 'class' => $this->getCfg('class'), 'required' => $this->isRequired() ? ' *' : '', 'label' => $this->getLabel(), 'lblLast' => $this->getCfg('lblLast'), 'One::getInstance()->getUrl()' => One_Config::getInstance()->getUrl()); $dom = One_Repository::createDom(); $dom->add('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . One_Vendor::getInstance()->getSitePath() . '/js/ColorPicker2.js"></script>', '_head'); $dom->add('<script type="text/javascript"> var cp = new ColorPicker( "window" ); </script>', '_head'); $content = $this->parse($model, $data); $d->addDom($dom); $d->addDom($content); }
/** * Class constructor * * @param One_Controller $controller * @param array $options */ public function __construct(One_Controller $controller, $options = array()) { set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . One_Vendor::getInstance()->getFilePath() . '/zend'); if (!class_exists('Zend_Locale', false)) { require_once 'Zend/Locale.php'; } parent::__construct($controller, $options); $this->scheme = $options['scheme']; $scheme = One_Repository::getScheme($this->scheme); $calendarOptions = $scheme->get('behaviorOptions.calendar'); $date = $calendarOptions['date']; $enddate = $calendarOptions['enddate']; $time = $calendarOptions['time']; $title = $calendarOptions['title']; $this->dateAttribute = $this->getVariable('dateAttribute', $date ? $date : 'date'); $this->enddateAttribute = $this->getVariable('enddateAttribute', $enddate ? $enddate : NULL); $this->timeAttribute = !is_null($time) ? $this->getVariable('timeAttribute', $time ? $time : 'time') : NULL; $this->titleAttribute = $this->getVariable('titleAttribute', $title ? $title : 'title'); // determine currently requested date $day = trim($this->getVariable('day', '')); $month = trim($this->getVariable('month', '')); $year = trim($this->getVariable('year', '')); if (isset($calendarOptions['startdate']) && $day == '' && $month == '' && $year == '') { if (preg_match('/([0-9]{4}).([0-9]{1,2}).([0-9]{1,2})/', $calendarOptions['startdate'], $matches) > 0 && checkdate($matches[2], $matches[3], $matches[1]) && mktime(0, 0, 0, $matches[2], $matches[3], $matches[1]) > time()) { $day = $matches[3]; $month = $matches[2]; $year = $matches[1]; } else { $day = date('d'); $month = date('m'); $year = date('Y'); } } else { if ($day != '' || $month != '' || $year != '') { $day = $this->getVariable('day', date('d')); $month = $this->getVariable('month', date('m')); $year = $this->getVariable('year', date('Y')); } else { $day = date('d'); $month = date('m'); $year = date('Y'); } } $this->day = $day; $this->month = $month; $this->year = $year; }
/** * Render the output of the container and add it to the DOM * * @param One_Model $model * @param One_Dom $d */ protected function _render($model, One_Dom $d) { $id = $this->getID(); $width = is_null($this->getCfg('width')) ? 400 : intval($this->getCfg('width')); $height = is_null($this->getCfg('height')) ? 300 : intval($this->getCfg('height')); $css = is_null($this->getCfg('css')) ? One_Vendor::getInstance()->getSitePath() . '/mootabs/mootabs1.2.css' : $this->getCfg('css'); $dom = One_Repository::createDom(); $dom->add('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . One_Vendor::getInstance()->getSitePath() . '/mootabs/mootabs1.2.js"></script>', '_head'); $dom->add('<script type="text/javascript"> function initMooTabs' . $id . '() { myTabs' . $id . ' = new mootabs( "' . $id . '", { changeTransition: "none", mouseOverClass: "over", width: ' . $width . ', height: ' . $height . ' } ); } window.addEvent("domready", initMooTabs' . $id . ' ); </script>', '_head'); $dom->add('<link href="' . $css . '" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />', '_head'); $dom->mootabs = array(); $dom->mootitles = array(); // add tabs foreach ($this->getContent() as $content) { $content->render($model, $dom); } $dom->add('<div id="' . $id . '">' . "\n"); $dom->add('<ul class="mootabs_title">' . "\n"); $active = ' class="active"'; foreach ($dom->mootitles as $mootab) { $dom->add('<li title="' . $mootab['id'] . '"' . $active . '>' . $mootab['title'] . '</li>'); $active = ''; } $dom->add('</ul>' . "\n"); foreach ($dom->mootabs as $mootab) { $dom->addDom($mootab); } $dom->add("</div>"); $dom->mootabs = NULL; $dom->mootitles = NULL; $d->addDom($dom); }
/** * Render the output of the widget and add it to the DOM * * @param One_Model $model * @param One_Dom $d */ protected function _render($model, One_Dom $d) { $this->setCfg('class', 'OneFieldInput ' . $this->getCfg('class')); $value = is_null($this->getValue($model)) ? $this->getDefault() : $this->getValue($model); $data = array('id' => $this->getID(), 'name' => $this->getFormName(), 'value' => $value, 'info' => $this->getCfg('info'), 'error' => $this->getCfg('error'), 'class' => $this->getCfg('class'), 'required' => $this->isRequired() ? ' *' : '', 'label' => $this->getLabel(), 'lblLast' => $this->getCfg('lblLast'), 'oneUrl' => One_Config::getInstance()->getUrl(), 'vendorUrl' => One_Vendor::getInstance()->getSitePath(), 'path' => !is_null($this->getCfg('path')) ? $this->getCfg('path') : One_Config::getInstance()->getSiterootUrl(), 'isSimple' => !is_null($this->getCfg('simple')) ? 'yes' : 'no'); if ('' != trim($value)) { $salt = 'DR$8efatrA4reb66fr+ch5$Ucujach3phe9U@AqutR8hajuq47a6&5tucHu58aSt'; $encPath = base64_encode($this->getCfg('path') . '/' . $value); $forCheck = strlen($encPath); $check = md5($forCheck . $encPath . $salt); $encLabel = base64_encode($this->getLabel()); preg_match('/\\.([a-z0-9]+)$/i', $value, $matches); $extension = $matches[1]; $data['encPath'] = $encPath; $data['encLabel'] = $encLabel; $data['check'] = $check; $data['extension'] = $extension; } $dom = $this->parse($model, $data); $d->addDom($dom); }
public function getVendorInstance() { return One_Vendor::getInstance(); }
/** * Renders the Joomla-Media widget. * This widget is too specific to render with One_Script and should not be rendered otherwise, * hence this does not use the One_Form_Container_Abstract::parse() function * * @param One_Model $model * @param One_Dom $d * @access protected */ protected function _render($model, One_Dom $d) { $formName = $this->getFormName(); $name = $this->getName(); $id = $this->getID(); $dom = One_Repository::createDom(); JHtml::_('behavior.modal'); // Build the script. $script = array(); $script[] = ' function jInsertFieldValue(value, id) {'; $script[] = ' var old_id = document.id(id).value;'; $script[] = ' if (old_id != id) {'; $script[] = ' var elem = document.id(id);'; $script[] = ' elem.value = value;'; $script[] = ' elem.fireEvent("change");'; $script[] = ' }'; $script[] = ' }'; // Add the script to the document head. One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScriptDeclaration(implode("\n", $script), "head", 10); // should we show a label? if (!is_null($this->getLabel())) { $label = '<label class="OneFieldLabel" for="' . $id . '">' . $this->getLabel() . ($this->isRequired() ? ' *' : '') . '</label>' . "\n"; } $dom->add("<span class='OneWidget'>"); // start with label? if ($label && !$this->getCfg('lblLast')) { $dom->add($label); } // Initialize variables. $html = array(); $attr = ''; // Initialize some field attributes. $attr .= $this->getCfg('class') ? ' class="' . (string) $this->getCfg('class') . '"' : ''; // The text field. $html[] = '<div class="fltlft">'; $html[] = ' <input type="text" name="' . $this->getFormName() . '" id="' . $this->getID() . '"' . ' value="' . htmlspecialchars($this->getValue($model), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '"' . ' readonly="readonly"' . $attr . ' />'; $html[] = '</div>'; $directory = (string) $this->getCfg('directory'); if ($this->getValue($model) && file_exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/' . $this->getValue($model))) { $folder = explode('/', $this->getValue($model)); array_shift($folder); array_pop($folder); $folder = implode('/', $folder); } elseif (file_exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/' . JComponentHelper::getParams('com_media')->get('image_path', 'images') . '/' . $directory)) { $folder = $directory; } else { $folder = ''; } $authorfield = $this->getCfg('authorfield'); $author = 0; if (!is_null($authorfield) && $authorfield != '') { $author = intval($model->{$authorfield}); } // The button. $html[] = '<div class="button2-left">'; $html[] = ' <div class="blank">'; $html[] = ' <a class="modal" title="' . JText::_('JLIB_FORM_BUTTON_SELECT') . '"' . ' href="' . 'index.php?option=com_media&view=images&tmpl=component&asset=15&author=' . $author . '&fieldid=' . $this->getID() . '&folder=' . $folder . '"' . ' rel="{handler: \'iframe\', size: {x: 800, y: 500}}">'; $html[] = JText::_('JLIB_FORM_BUTTON_SELECT') . '</a>'; $html[] = ' </div>'; $html[] = '</div>'; $html[] = '<div class="button2-left">'; $html[] = ' <div class="blank">'; $html[] = ' <a title="' . JText::_('JLIB_FORM_BUTTON_CLEAR') . '"' . ' href="#" onclick="'; $html[] = 'document.id(\'' . $this->getID() . '\').value=\'\';'; $html[] = 'document.id(\'' . $this->getID() . '\').fireEvent(\'change\');'; $html[] = 'return false;'; $html[] = '">'; $html[] = JText::_('JLIB_FORM_BUTTON_CLEAR') . '</a>'; $html[] = ' </div>'; $html[] = '</div>'; $dom->add(implode("\n", $html)); // end with label? if ($label && $this->getCfg('lblLast')) { $dom->add($label); } $dom->add("</span>"); $d->addDom($dom); }
/** * Remove the instance * @return void */ public static function unsetInstance() { self::$_instance = NULL; }
/** * Render the output of the widget and add it to the DOM * * @param One_Model $model * @param One_Dom $d */ protected function _render($model, One_Dom $d) { One_Vendor::requireVendor('jquery/one_loader'); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScript('jquery/js/jquery.tagify.js', 'head', 10); if (is_null($this->getCfg('role')) || is_null($this->getCfg('targetAttribute'))) { throw new One_Exception('The Multi-tag widget is only allowed for Many-to-many relations'); } $parts = explode(':', $this->getCfg('role'), 2); $targetAttr = $this->getCfg('targetAttribute'); $link = $model->getScheme()->getLink($parts[1]); if (is_null($link) || !$link->getAdapterType() instanceof One_Relation_Adapter_Manytomany) { throw new One_Exception('The Multi-tag widget is only allowed for Many-to-many relations'); } $tScheme = One_Repository::getScheme($model->getScheme()->getLink($parts[1])->getTarget()); $tIdAttr = $tScheme->getIdentityAttribute()->getName(); // set initial values $value = array(); $values = is_null($this->getValue($model)) ? $this->getDefault() : $this->getValue($model); foreach ($values as $tId) { $tModel = One_Repository::selectOne($tScheme->getName(), $tId); if (null !== $tModel) { $value[$tModel->{$tIdAttr}] = $tModel->{$targetAttr}; } } $data = array('id' => $this->getID(), 'name' => $this->getFormName(), 'events' => $this->getEventsAsString(), 'params' => $this->getParametersAsString(), 'required' => $this->isRequired() ? ' *' : '', 'options' => $this->getOptions(), 'info' => $this->getCfg('info'), 'error' => $this->getCfg('error'), 'class' => $this->getCfg('class'), 'label' => $this->getLabel(), 'lblLast' => $this->getCfg('lblLast')); $dom = $this->parse($model, $data); // $dom->add('<script type="text/javascript" href="'.One_Vendor::getInstance()->getSitePath().'/jquery/js/jquery.tagify.js" />'."\n", '_head'); // $dom->add('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.One_Vendor::getInstance()->getSitePath().'/jquery/css/tagify-style.css" />'."\n", '_head'); //One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScript('jquery/js/jquery.tagify.js', 'head', 20); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadStyle('jquery/css/tagify-style.css', 'head', 20); // Prepare autocomplete tagfield $script = ' var oneTags' . $this->getID() . ' = jQuery("#' . $this->getID() . '").tagify(); oneTags' . $this->getID() . '.tagify("inputField").autocomplete({ source: function(req, add) { req.field = "' . $targetAttr . '"; req.query = "formtags"; //pass request to server jQuery.getJSON("' . One_Config::getInstance()->getSiterootUrl() . One_Config::getInstance()->getAddressOne() . '&scheme=' . $tScheme->getName() . '&task=json", req, function(data) { //create array for response objects var suggestions = []; //process response jQuery.each(data, function(i, val) { var keyval = { "label": val.' . $targetAttr . ', "value": val.' . $tIdAttr . ' }; suggestions.push(keyval); }); //pass array to callback add(suggestions); }); }, position: { of: oneTags' . $this->getID() . '.tagify("containerDiv") }, select: function(e, ui) { oneTags' . $this->getID() . '.tagify("inputField").val(ui.item.label); oneTags' . $this->getID() . '.tagify("add", ui.item.value, ui.item.label); oneTags' . $this->getID() . '.tagify("inputField").val(""); return false; }, focus: function(e, ui) { oneTags' . $this->getID() . '.tagify("inputField").val(ui.item.label); return false; }, change: function(e, ui) { oneTags' . $this->getID() . '.tagify("inputField").val(""); return false; } }); '; foreach ($value as $tId => $tVal) { $script .= ' oneTags' . $this->getID() . '.tagify("add", "' . $tId . '", "' . $tVal . '");'; } // $dom->add($script, '_onload'); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScriptDeclaration($script, 'onload', 20); $d->addDom($dom); }
/** * Render the output of the widget and add it to the DOM * * @param One_Model $model * @param One_Dom $d */ protected function _render($model, One_Dom $d) { $this->setCfg('class', 'OneFieldDropdown ' . $this->getCfg('class')); // fetch all data to do with the relationship $parts = explode(':', $this->getCfg('role')); $related = $model->getRelated($parts[1]); $targetAttr = $this->getCfg('targetAttribute'); $triggerOn = intval($this->getCfg('triggerOn')) > 0 ? intval($this->getCfg('triggerOn')) : 2; $scheme = $model->getScheme(); $idAttr = $scheme->getIdentityAttribute()->getName(); $link = $scheme->getLink($parts[1]); $relatedIDs = ''; $options = array(); if (is_array($related) && count($related) > 0) { $relatedIDArray = array(); $idAttr = One_Repository::getScheme($link->getTarget())->getIdentityAttribute()->getName(); $tparts = explode(':', $targetAttr); foreach ($related as $relate) { if (is_null($idAttr)) { $scheme = $model->getScheme(); $idAttr = $scheme->getIdentityAttribute()->getName(); } $value = $relate->{$idAttr}; $shown = ''; foreach ($tparts as $tpart) { $shown .= $relate->{$tpart} . ' '; } $options[$value] = $shown; $relatedIDArray[] = $relate->{$idAttr}; } $relatedIDs = implode('^,^', $relatedIDArray); } $data = array('id' => $this->getID(), 'name' => $this->getFormName(), 'events' => $this->getEventsAsString(), 'params' => $this->getParametersAsString(), 'required' => $this->isRequired() ? ' *' : '', 'value' => is_null($this->getValue($model)) ? $this->getDefault() : $this->getValue($model), 'options' => $options, 'onEmpty' => strtolower($this->getCfg('onEmpty')), 'triggerOn' => $triggerOn, 'scheme' => $scheme, 'link' => $link, 'targetAttr' => $targetAttr, 'modelID' => $model->{$idAttr}, 'relatedIDs' => $relatedIDs, 'info' => $this->getCfg('info'), 'error' => $this->getCfg('error'), 'class' => $this->getCfg('class'), 'label' => $this->getLabel(), 'lblLast' => $this->getCfg('lblLast')); // $dom = new One_Dom(); // dom for head section // // $head = '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . One::getInstance()->getUrl() . 'lib/libraries/js/featherajax.js"></script>'; // $dom->add( $head, '_head' ); $head = ' function setRelatedOptions( selfscheme, scheme, selfId, id, targetAttribute, phrase ) { var self = ""; if( selfscheme == scheme ) self = "&selfId=" + selfId; var aj = new AjaxObject101(); aj.sndReq( "post", "' . One_Config::getInstance()->getUrl() . '/lib/form/ajax/relational.php", "searchscheme=" + scheme + "&dd=f" + id + "&target=" + targetAttribute + "&phrase=" + phrase + self ); } function addChosenOptions( id ) { var dropdown = document.getElementById( "f" + id ); var to = document.getElementById( "t" + id ); for( var i = 0; i < dropdown.length; i++ ) { if( dropdown.options[i].selected == true ) { var option = document.createElement("option"); option.value = dropdown.options[i].value; option.innerHTML = dropdown.options[i].text; var found = false for( var j = 0; j < to.length; j++ ) { if( option.value == to.options[j].value ) { found = true; break; } } if( !found ) { var hidden = document.getElementById( id ); to.appendChild( option ); if( hidden.value != "" ) hidden.value = hidden.value + "^,^" + option.value; else hidden.value = option.value; } } } } function removeChosenOptions( id ) { var to = document.getElementById( "t" + id ); var hidden = document.getElementById( id ); for( var i = ( to.length - 1 ); i >= 0; i-- ) { if( to.options[i].selected == true ) { var pattern = \'((\\^,\\^)?\' + to.options[i].value + \'(\\^,\\^)?)\'; var test = new RegExp( pattern, "gi" ); /* @TODO There is probably an easier way to do this */ hidden.value = hidden.value.replace( test, "" ); hidden.value = hidden.value.replace( /\\^,\\^\\^,\\^/gi, "^,^" ); hidden.value = hidden.value.replace( /^\\^,\\^/gi, "" ); hidden.value = hidden.value.replace( /\\^,\\^$/gi, "" ); to.remove( i ); } } }'; // $dom->add( $head, '_head' ); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScript('js/featherajax.js', 200); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScriptDeclaration($head, 'head', 200); $content = $this->parse($model, $data); // $d->addDom($dom); $d->addDom($content); }
/** * Render the output of the widget and add it to the DOM * * @param One_Model $model * @param One_Dom $d */ protected function _render($model, One_Dom $d) { $codemirrorPath = One_Vendor::getInstance()->getSitePath() . '/codemirror/'; $script = '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $codemirrorPath . 'js/codemirror.js"></script>'; $d->add($script, '_head'); switch (strtolower($this->getCfg('type'))) { case 'javascript': $parser = '["tokenizejavascript.js", "parsejavascript.js"]'; $stylesheet = '"' . $codemirrorPath . 'css/jscolors.css"'; break; case 'css': $parser = '"parsecss.js"'; $stylesheet = '"' . $codemirrorPath . 'css/csscolors.css"'; break; case 'htmlmix': $parser = '["parsexml.js", "parsecss.js", "tokenizejavascript.js", "parsejavascript.js", "parsehtmlmixed.js"]'; $stylesheet = '["' . $codemirrorPath . 'css/xmlcolors.css", "' . $codemirrorPath . 'css/jscolors.css", "' . $codemirrorPath . 'css/csscolors.css"]'; $availableParsers = array('XMLParser' => '(X)(HT)ML', 'CSSParser' => 'CSS', 'JSParser' => 'JavaScript', 'HTMLMixedParser' => 'HTML Mixed'); break; case 'htmlphp': $parser = '["parsexml.js", "parsecss.js", "tokenizejavascript.js", "parsejavascript.js", "../contrib/php/js/tokenizephp.js", "../contrib/php/js/parsephp.js", "../contrib/php/js/parsephphtmlmixed.js"]'; $stylesheet = '["' . $codemirrorPath . 'css/xmlcolors.css", "' . $codemirrorPath . 'css/jscolors.css", "' . $codemirrorPath . 'css/csscolors.css", "' . $codemirrorPath . 'contrib/php/css/phpcolors.css"]'; $availableParsers = array('XMLParser' => '(X)(HT)ML', 'CSSParser' => 'CSS', 'JSParser' => 'JavaScript', 'PHPParser' => 'PHP', 'PHPHTMLMixedParser' => 'PHP-HTML Mixed'); break; case 'sql': $parser = '"../contrib/sql/js/parsesql.js"'; $stylesheet = '"' . $codemirrorPath . 'contrib/sql/css/sqlcolors.css"'; break; case 'nano': $parser = '"parsenano.js"'; $stylesheet = '"' . $codemirrorPath . 'css/nanocolors.css"'; break; case 'nanomix': $parser = '["parsenano.js","parsexml.js"]'; $stylesheet = '["' . $codemirrorPath . 'css/nanocolors.css", "' . $codemirrorPath . 'css/xmlcolors.css"]'; $availableParsers = array('XMLParser' => '(X)(HT)ML', 'NanoParser' => 'nano'); break; default: $parser = '"parsexml.js"'; $stylesheet = '"' . $codemirrorPath . 'css/xmlcolors.css"'; break; } $data = array('id' => $this->getID(), 'name' => $this->getFormName(), 'events' => $this->getEventsAsString(), 'params' => $this->getParametersAsString(), 'value' => is_null($this->getValue($model)) ? $this->getDefault() : $this->getValue($model), 'info' => $this->getCfg('info'), 'error' => $this->getCfg('error'), 'class' => $this->getCfg('class'), 'required' => $this->isRequired() ? ' *' : '', 'label' => $this->getLabel(), 'lblLast' => $this->getCfg('lblLast'), 'parsers' => $availableParsers); $dom = $this->parse($model, $data); $d->addDom($dom); // onChange doesn't work well when changing parser // $script = '<script type="text/javascript"> // var editor' . ucfirst( $this->getID() ) . ' = CodeMirror.fromTextArea( "' . $this->getID() . '", { // width: "95%", // height: "350px", // parserfile: ' . $parser . ', // stylesheet: ' . $stylesheet . ', // path: "' . $codemirrorPath . 'js/", // continuousScanning: 50, // lineNumbers: true, // tabMode: "indent", // autoMatchParens: true, // iframeClass: "OneCodeWidget", // onChange: function() { document.getElementById( "' . $this->getID() . '" ).value = editor' . ucfirst( $this->getID() ) . '.getCode(); } // }); // </script>'; $script = '<script type="text/javascript"> var editor' . ucfirst($this->getID()) . ' = CodeMirror.fromTextArea( "' . $this->getID() . '", { width: "95%", height: "350px", parserfile: ' . $parser . ', stylesheet: ' . $stylesheet . ', path: "' . $codemirrorPath . 'js/", continuousScanning: 50, lineNumbers: true, tabMode: "indent", autoMatchParens: true, iframeClass: "OneCodeWidget" }); </script>'; $d->add($script); }
protected function renderJQueryDatepicker($model, One_Dom $d) { // include most common jquery files from vendor One_Vendor::requireVendor('jquery/one_loader'); $id = $this->getID(); $name = $this->getName(); $value = $this->getValue($model); $dom = One_Repository::createDom(); $extraParams = array('default' => $this->getDefault()); if (in_array($this->getCfg('one'), array('one', 'yes', 'true', '1'))) { $extraParams['one'] = 'one'; } if ('readonly' == $this->getCfg('readonly')) { $extraParams['readonly'] = 'readonly'; } $tf = new One_Form_Widget_Scalar_Textfield($id, $name, NULL, $extraParams); $tf->render($model, $dom); $pickerType = 'date'; $timeFormat = ''; if (trim($this->getCfg('time')) != '') { One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScript('jquery/js/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js', 'head', 10); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadStyle('jquery/css/ui.timepicker.addon.css', 'head', 10); $pickerType = 'datetime'; $timeFormat = ' timeFormat: "hh:mm:ss",'; } $script = ' jQuery("#' . $id . '").' . $pickerType . 'picker({ dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd",' . $timeFormat . ' showButtonPanel: true' . ('' != trim($value) ? ', defaultDate: "' . $value . '"' : '') . ' });'; One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScriptDeclaration($script, 'onload'); $d->addDom($dom); }
/** * Render the output of the widget and add it to the DOM * * @param One_Model $model * @param One_Dom $d */ protected function _render($model, One_Dom $d) { $codemirrorPath = One_Vendor::getInstance()->getSitePath() . '/codemirror2/'; // $d->add('<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$codemirrorPath.'lib/codemirror.js"></script>', '_head' ); // $d->add('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$codemirrorPath.'lib/codemirror.css"/>', '_head' ); // $d->add('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$codemirrorPath.'theme/default.css"/>', '_head' ); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScript('codemirror2/lib/codemirror.js', 'head', 1); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadStyle('codemirror2/lib/codemirror.css', 'head', 1); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadStyle('codemirror2/theme/default.css', 'head', 2); $type = strtolower($this->getCfg('type')); if (file_exists(One_Vendor::getInstance()->getFilePath() . '/codemirror2/mode/' . $type . '/' . $type . '.js')) { $mode = strtolower($this->getCfg('type')); // $d->add('<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$codemirrorPath.'mode/'.$type.'/'.$type.'.js"></script>', '_head' ); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScript('codemirror2/mode/' . $type . '/' . $type . '.js', 'head', 2); if (file_exists(One_Vendor::getInstance()->getFilePath() . '/codemirror2/mode/' . $type . '/' . $type . '.css')) { // $d->add('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$codemirrorPath.'mode/'.$type.'/'.$type.'.css"/>', '_head' ); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadStyle('codemirror2/mode/' . $type . '/' . $type . '.css', 'head', 3); } } else { $mode = 'scheme'; // $d->add('<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$codemirrorPath.'mode/scheme/scheme.js"></script>', '_head' ); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScript('codemirror2/mode/scheme/scheme.js', 'head', 2); } switch ($mode) { case 'htmlmixed': // $d->add('<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$codemirrorPath.'mode/css/css.js"></script>', '_head' ); // $d->add('<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$codemirrorPath.'mode/javascript/javascript.js"></script>', '_head' ); // $d->add('<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$codemirrorPath.'mode/xml/xml.js"></script>', '_head' ); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScript('codemirror2/mode/css/css.js', 'head', 3); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScript('codemirror2/mode/javascript/javascript.js', 'head', 4); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScript('codemirror2/mode/xml/xml.js', 'head', 5); break; case 'php': // $d->add('<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$codemirrorPath.'mode/clike/clike.js"></script>', '_head' ); // $d->add('<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$codemirrorPath.'mode/htmlmixed/htmlmixed.js"></script>', '_head' ); // $d->add('<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$codemirrorPath.'mode/css/css.js"></script>', '_head' ); // $d->add('<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$codemirrorPath.'mode/javascript/javascript.js"></script>', '_head' ); // $d->add('<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$codemirrorPath.'mode/xml/xml.js"></script>', '_head' ); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScript('codemirror2/mode/clike/clike.js', 'head', 3); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScript('codemirror2/mode/htmlmixed/htmlmixed.js', 'head', 4); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScript('codemirror2/mode/css/css.js', 'head', 5); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScript('codemirror2/mode/javascript/javascript.js', 'head', 6); One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScript('codemirror2/mode/xml/xml.js', 'head', 7); break; } $data = array('id' => $this->getID(), 'name' => $this->getFormName(), 'events' => $this->getEventsAsString(), 'params' => $this->getParametersAsString(), 'value' => is_null($this->getValue($model)) ? $this->getDefault() : $this->getValue($model), 'info' => $this->getCfg('info'), 'error' => $this->getCfg('error'), 'class' => $this->getCfg('class'), 'required' => $this->isRequired() ? ' *' : '', 'label' => $this->getLabel(), 'lblLast' => $this->getCfg('lblLast')); $dom = $this->parse($model, $data); $d->addDom($dom); $script = 'var editor' . ucfirst($this->getID()) . ' = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("' . $this->getID() . '"), { mode: "' . $mode . '", lineNumbers: true, tabMode: "indent", matchBrackets: true, theme: "default" });'; if (null !== $this->getCfg('width')) { $script .= ' jQuery(editor' . ucfirst($this->getID()) . '.getScrollerElement()).width("' . intval($this->getCfg('width')) . '");'; } if (null !== $this->getCfg('height')) { $script .= ' jQuery(editor' . ucfirst($this->getID()) . '.getScrollerElement()).height("' . intval($this->getCfg('height')) . '");'; } $script .= ' editor' . ucfirst($this->getID()) . '.refresh();'; One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScriptDeclaration($script, 'body', 1); // $d->add( $script ); }