コード例 #1
  * Get Client Assertion
  * Generates base64 Url safe client assertion
  * @param  string $get_token_url
  * @return string
 public function get($getTokenUrl)
     $clientAssertionHeader = array('alg' => $this->alg, 'x5t' => Office365::getThumbprint());
     $now = $this->now();
     $clientAssertionPayload = array('sub' => Office365::getClientId(), 'iss' => Office365::getClientId(), 'jti' => self::nonce(), 'exp' => $this->tenMinutesFromNow($now), 'nbf' => $now, 'aud' => $getTokenUrl);
     $assertionBlob = $this->getBlob($clientAssertionHeader, $clientAssertionPayload);
     $signature = $this->getSignature($assertionBlob);
     $clientAssertion = $assertionBlob . '.' . $signature;
     return $clientAssertion;
コード例 #2
  * Retrieve Access Token
  * @return array response from access token request
 public function retrieve()
     // parse token and get the tenant id. array key tid in response
     $parsedToken = $this->parse();
     $tenantId = $parsedToken['tid'];
     if ($tenantId) {
         // if we have a tenant id built the token url and generate the assertion
         $this->tokenUrl = $this->authorizationBaseUrl . '/' . $tenantId . '/oauth2/token';
         $assertion = new Assertion();
         $getAssertion = $assertion->get($this->tokenUrl);
         //build the post data array
         $queryParams = array('resource' => $this->resource, 'client_id' => Office365::getClientId(), 'client_assertion_type' => 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer', 'client_assertion' => $getAssertion, 'grant_type' => 'client_credentials', 'redirect_uri' => $this->redirectUri);
         //generate a new API request using the tokenUrl and post_form array
         $request = new HttpPost($this->tokenUrl);
         $responseObj = json_decode($request->getHttpResponse());
         return $responseObj;
コード例 #3
  * Generate authorize url for admin consent SSO
  * @return string
 public static function authorizeUrl()
     $queryParams = array('client_id' => Office365::getClientId(), 'redirect_uri' => Office365::getAuthorizationRedirectUrl(), 'response_type' => 'code id_token', 'scope' => 'openid', 'nonce' => self::nonce(), 'prompt' => 'admin_consent', 'response_mode' => 'form_post', 'resource' => Office365::$resourceBaseUrl);
     $auth_url = Office365::$authorizationBaseUrl . '?' . http_build_query($queryParams);
     return $auth_url;