public function is_user_id_allowed_to_view_drama($user_id, Oedipus_Drama $drama) { $user = NULL; $drama_id = $drama->get_id(); if (InputValidation_NumberValidator::validate_database_id($user_id)) { $dbh = DB::m(); $user_id = mysql_real_escape_string($user_id, $dbh); $query = <<<SQL SELECT \tcount(user_id) AS count FROM \toedipus_users_allowed_to_view_drama_links WHERE \toedipus_users_allowed_to_view_drama_links.user_id = {$user_id} \tAND \toedipus_users_allowed_to_view_drama_links.drama_id = {$drama_id} SQL; $result = mysql_query($query, $dbh); if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { if ($row['count'] == 1) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } } }
public static function get_view_page_url(Oedipus_Drama $drama = NULL) { if (isset($drama)) { # $url = new HTMLTags_URL(); # $url->set_file('/dramas/'. $drama->get_unique_name()); #// $url->set_get_variable('oo-page', 1); #// $url->set_get_variable('page-class', 'Oedipus_DramaEditorPage'); # #// $url->set_get_variable('drama_unique_name', ); return PublicHTML_URLHelper::get_oo_page_url('Oedipus_DramaPage', array('drama_id' => $drama->get_id())); return $url; } else { return PublicHTML_URLHelper::get_oo_page_url('Oedipus_DramaPage'); } }
/** * * URLs * */ public static function get_drama_page_url_for_drama(Oedipus_Drama $drama) { return self::get_drama_page_url_for_drama_id($drama->get_id()); }
public function add_table(Oedipus_Drama $drama, $table_name) { // ADD TABLE TO DATABASE $drama_id = $drama->get_id(); $dbh = DB::m(); $sql = <<<SQL INSERT INTO \toedipus_tables SET \tname = '{$table_name}', \tdrama_id = {$drama_id}, \tadded = NOW() SQL; // print_r($sql);exit; $result = mysql_query($sql, $dbh); $table_id = mysql_insert_id($dbh); // ADD DEFAULT ACTOR tO DATABASE $actor_name = 'First Actor'; $actor_color = 'red'; $sql2 = <<<SQL INSERT INTO \toedipus_actors SET \tname = '{$actor_name}', \tcolor = '{$actor_color}', \ttable_id = {$table_id}, \tadded = NOW() SQL; // print_r($sql);exit; $result2 = mysql_query($sql2, $dbh); $actor_id = mysql_insert_id($dbh); $actor = new Oedipus_Actor($actor_id, $actor_name, $actor_color); $actors = array(); $actors[] = $actor; foreach ($actors as $actor) { // ADD DEFAULT stated_intention tO DATABASE $stated_intention_position = '1'; $stated_intention_doubt = ''; $sql3 = <<<SQL INSERT INTO \toedipus_stated_intentions SET \tposition = '{$stated_intention_position}', \tdoubt = '{$stated_intention_doubt}' SQL; // print_r($sql);exit; $result3 = mysql_query($sql3, $dbh); $stated_intention_id = mysql_insert_id($dbh); // ADD DEFAULT option tO DATABASE $option_name = 'First Option'; $sql4 = <<<SQL INSERT INTO \toedipus_options SET \tname = '{$option_name}', \tactor_id = {$actor_id}, \tstated_intention_id = {$stated_intention_id}, \tadded = NOW() SQL; // print_r($sql);exit; $result4 = mysql_query($sql4, $dbh); $option_id = mysql_insert_id($dbh); $stated_intention = new Oedipus_StatedIntention($stated_intention_id, $stated_intention_position, $stated_intention_doubt); $actors_option = new Oedipus_Option($option_id, $option_name, $stated_intention); $actor->add_option($actors_option); } // Create default positions foreach ($actors as $actor) { foreach ($actor->get_options() as $option) { $positions = array(); foreach ($actors as $position_actor) { // ADD DEFAULT position tO DATABASE $position_position = '1'; $position_doubt = ''; $option_id = $option->get_id(); $actor_id = $position_actor->get_id(); $sql5 = <<<SQL INSERT INTO \toedipus_positions SET \tposition = '{$position_position}', \tdoubt = '{$position_doubt}', \toption_id = {$option_id}, \tactor_id = {$actor_id} SQL; // print_r($sql5);exit; $result5 = mysql_query($sql5, $dbh); $position_id = mysql_insert_id($dbh); $positions[$position_actor->get_name()] = new Oedipus_Position($position_id, $position_position, $position_doubt, $position_actor); } $option->add_positions($positions); } } $table = new Oedipus_Table($table_id, $drama_id, $table_name, $actors); // print_r($table);exit; // // Update Drama Object with new Table // $drama->add_table($table); return $table; }