コード例 #1
  * Return manager instance
  * @access protected
  * @param void
  * @return ObjectReminders 
 function manager()
     if (!$this->manager instanceof ObjectReminders) {
         $this->manager = ObjectReminders::instance();
     return $this->manager;
コード例 #2
 static function sendQueuedEmails()
     $date = DateTimeValueLib::now();
     $date->add("d", -2);
     $emails = QueuedEmails::getQueuedEmails($date);
     if (count($emails) <= 0) {
         return 0;
     $mailer = self::getMailer();
     if (!$mailer instanceof Swift_Mailer) {
         throw new NotifierConnectionError();
     // if
     $fromSMTP = config_option("mail_transport", self::MAIL_TRANSPORT_MAIL) == self::MAIL_TRANSPORT_SMTP && config_option("smtp_authenticate", false);
     $count = 0;
     foreach ($emails as $email) {
         try {
             $body = $email->getBody();
             $subject = $email->getSubject();
             Hook::fire('notifier_email_body', $body, $body);
             Hook::fire('notifier_email_subject', $subject, $subject);
             if ($fromSMTP && config_option("smtp_address")) {
                 $pos = strrpos($email->getFrom(), "<");
                 if ($pos !== false) {
                     $sender_name = trim(substr($email->getFrom(), 0, $pos));
                 } else {
                     $sender_name = "";
                 $from = array(config_option("smtp_address") => $sender_name);
             } else {
                 $pos = strrpos($email->getFrom(), "<");
                 if ($pos !== false) {
                     $sender_name = trim(substr($email->getFrom(), 0, $pos));
                     $sender_address = str_replace(array("<", ">"), array("", ""), trim(substr($email->getFrom(), $pos, strlen($email->getFrom()) - 1)));
                 } else {
                     $sender_name = "";
                     $sender_address = $email->getFrom();
                 $from = array($sender_address => $sender_name);
             $message = Swift_Message::newInstance($subject)->setFrom($from)->setBody($body)->setContentType('text/html');
             if ($email->columnExists('attachments')) {
                 $attachments = json_decode($email->getColumnValue('attachments'));
                 foreach ($attachments as $a) {
                     // if file does not exists or its size is greater than 20 MB then don't process the atachments
                     if (!file_exists($a->path) || filesize($a->path) / (1024 * 1024) > 20) {
                     $attach = Swift_Attachment::fromPath($a->path, $a->type);
                     if ($a->cid) {
                     if ($a->name) {
             $to = prepare_email_addresses(implode(",", explode(";", $email->getTo())));
             foreach ($to as $address) {
                 $message->addTo(array_var($address, 0), array_var($address, 1));
             $cc = prepare_email_addresses(implode(",", explode(";", $email->getCc())));
             foreach ($cc as $address) {
                 $message->addCc(array_var($address, 0), array_var($address, 1));
             $bcc = prepare_email_addresses(implode(",", explode(";", $email->getBcc())));
             foreach ($bcc as $address) {
                 $message->addBcc(array_var($address, 0), array_var($address, 1));
             $result = $mailer->send($message);
             if ($result) {
                 // save notification history after cron sent the email
                 self::saveNotificationHistory(array('email_object' => $email));
                 // delte from queued_emails
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // save log in server
             if (defined('EMAIL_ERRORS_LOGDIR') && file_exists(EMAIL_ERRORS_LOGDIR) && is_dir(EMAIL_ERRORS_LOGDIR)) {
                 $err_msg = ROOT_URL . "\nError sending notification (queued_email_id=" . $email->getId() . ") using account " . print_r($from, 1) . "\n\nError detail:\n" . $e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString();
                 file_put_contents(EMAIL_ERRORS_LOGDIR . basename(ROOT), $err_msg, FILE_APPEND);
             Logger::log("There has been a problem when sending the Queued emails.\nError Message: " . $e->getMessage() . "\nTrace: " . $e->getTraceAsString());
             $msg = $e->getMessage();
             if (strpos($msg, 'Failed to authenticate') !== false) {
                 $from_k = array_keys($from);
                 $usu = Contacts::getByEmail($from_k[0]);
                 $rem = ObjectReminders::instance()->findOne(array('conditions' => "context='eauthfail " . $from_k[0] . "'"));
                 if (!$rem instanceof ObjectReminder && $usu instanceof Contact) {
                     $reminder = new ObjectReminder();
                     $reminder->setContext("eauthfail " . $from_k[0]);
     return $count;
コード例 #3
 * Return manager instance
 * @access protected
 * @param void
 * @return ObjectReminders 
 function manager() {
   if(!($this->manager instanceof ObjectReminders)) $this->manager = ObjectReminders::instance();
   return $this->manager;
 } // manager
コード例 #4
 function do_delete()
     $id = $this->getId();
     ContactAddresses::instance()->delete("`contact_id` = {$id}");
     ContactImValues::instance()->delete("`contact_id` = {$id}");
     ContactEmails::instance()->delete("`contact_id` = {$id}");
     ContactTelephones::instance()->delete("`contact_id` = {$id}");
     ContactWebpages::instance()->delete("`contact_id` = {$id}");
     ContactConfigOptionValues::instance()->delete("`contact_id` = {$id}");
     ContactPasswords::instance()->delete("`contact_id` = {$id}");
     ObjectSubscriptions::instance()->delete("`contact_id` = {$id}");
     ObjectReminders::instance()->delete("`contact_id` = {$id}");
     ContactPermissionGroups::instance()->delete("`contact_id` = {$id}");
     ContactMemberPermissions::instance()->delete("`permission_group_id` = " . $this->getPermissionGroupId());
     ContactDimensionPermissions::instance()->delete("`permission_group_id` = " . $this->getPermissionGroupId());
     SystemPermissions::instance()->delete("`permission_group_id` = " . $this->getPermissionGroupId());
     TabPanelPermissions::instance()->delete("`permission_group_id` = " . $this->getPermissionGroupId());
     $ret = null;
     Hook::fire("after_user_deleted", $this, $ret);
コード例 #5
  * This function will return paginated result. Result is an array where first element is 
  * array of returned object and second populated pagination object that can be used for 
  * obtaining and rendering pagination data using various helpers.
  * Items and pagination array vars are indexed with 0 for items and 1 for pagination
  * because you can't use associative indexing with list() construct
  * @access public
  * @param array $arguments Query argumens (@see find()) Limit and offset are ignored!
  * @param integer $items_per_page Number of items per page
  * @param integer $current_page Current page number
  * @return array
 function paginate($arguments = null, $items_per_page = 10, $current_page = 1)
     if (isset($this) && instance_of($this, 'ObjectReminders')) {
         return parent::paginate($arguments, $items_per_page, $current_page);
     } else {
         return ObjectReminders::instance()->paginate($arguments, $items_per_page, $current_page);
         //$instance =& ObjectReminders::instance();
         //return $instance->paginate($arguments, $items_per_page, $current_page);
     // if