コード例 #1
require_once __CA_LIB_DIR__ . '/core/Parsers/TimeExpressionParser.php';
$t_set = $this->getVar('t_set');
$o_tep = new TimeExpressionParser();
// we use this to normalize exhibition dates to years
// The "set_chronology_type" set attribute is the ca_list_items.item_id of the occurrence type
// for which we need to list out occurrences (aka "subject programs" in Perry-speak)
$va_chronology_types = $t_set->getAttributesByElement("set_chronology_type");
// Pull the raw item_id of the type out of the first value (it doesn't repeat)
$va_values = $va_chronology_types[0]->getValues();
$vn_chronology_type_id = $va_values[0]->getDisplayValue();
// Ok... now generate an object browse on the occurrence facet for the specified type
// This will give us a complete list of occurrences with the date attached (since the
// facet supports grouping by year - yay!). It's also pretty fast since the BrowseEngine
// does caching. Yay again!
$o_browse = new ObjectBrowse();
$va_facet = $o_browse->getFacet('occurrence_facet_' . $vn_chronology_type_id);
<div id="featuresTitle"><?php 
print $t_set->getLabelForDisplay();
<div id="featuresDescription"><?php 
print $t_set->getSimpleAttributeValue('set_introduction');
<div style="clear: both;"><!-- empty --></div>
// Run through the facet and sort out occurrences by year
$va_exhibition_list_by_year = array();
foreach ($va_facet as $vn_id => $va_item) {
コード例 #2
 function Index()
     $vn_y = $this->ops_date_range;
     $va_period_data = array();
     // Do browse for objects from period; we'll use the facets for related entities, occurrences and list items
     // from this browse to generate lists of which have related objects to show from it.
     $vo_object_browse = new ObjectBrowse();
     // we'll do a browse
     $vo_object_browse->addCriteria('_search', array('ca_objects.creation_date:"' . $vn_y . '"'));
     // criteria is a search for creation date
     // execute the browse
     // Get events & exhibitions (occurrences)
     $o_occ_search = new OccurrenceSearch();
     $qr_occs = $o_occ_search->search("ca_occurrences.event_date:\"" . $vn_y . "\"", array("sort" => "ca_occurrences.event_date", "no_cache" => !$this->opb_cache_searches, "checkAccess" => $this->opa_access_values));
     $va_occ_ids = array();
     while ($qr_occs->nextHit()) {
         $va_occ_ids[] = $qr_occs->get("ca_occurrences.occurrence_id");
     // result context for occ
     $o_search_result_context_occ = new ResultContext($this->request, "ca_occurrences", 'chronology');
     $o_search_result_context_occ->setParameter("period", $this->opn_period);
     $va_period_data["occurrences"] = $qr_occs;
     // Get list of occurrences that have associated objects *from this period*
     $va_related_occs = $vo_object_browse->getFacet('occurrence_facet');
     $va_period_data["occurrences_with_objects"] = is_array($va_related_occs) ? array_keys($vo_object_browse->getFacet('occurrence_facet')) : array();
     // grab the related occurrences facet to get a list of occurrences with objects; the keys of the returned array are occurrence_ids
     // Get entity list
     $o_ent_search = new EntitySearch();
     $qr_entities = $o_ent_search->search("ca_entities.arrival_date:\"" . $vn_y . "\"", array("sort" => "ca_entity_labels.surname", "no_cache" => !$this->opb_cache_searches, "checkAccess" => $this->opa_access_values));
     $va_entity_ids = array();
     while ($qr_entities->nextHit()) {
         $va_entity_ids[] = $qr_entities->get("ca_entities.entity_id");
     $this->opo_search_result_context_entity->setParameter("period", $this->opn_period);
     $va_period_data["entities"] = $qr_entities;
     $va_related_entities = $vo_object_browse->getFacet('entity_facet');
     $va_period_data["entities_with_objects"] = is_array($va_related_entities) ? array_keys($va_related_entities) : array();
     // grab the related entities facet to get a list of entities with objects; the keys of the returned array are entity_ids
     // Get styles/schools (list items) list
     $o_styles_schools_search = new ListItemSearch();
     $qr_styles_schools_search = $o_styles_schools_search->search("ca_list_items.term_date:\"" . $vn_y . "\"", array("sort" => "ca_list_item_labels.name_singular", "no_cache" => !$this->opb_cache_searches, "checkAccess" => $this->opa_access_values));
     $va_period_data["styles_schools"] = $qr_styles_schools_search;
     $va_related_list_items = $vo_object_browse->getFacet('style');
     $va_period_data["list_items_with_objects"] = is_array($va_related_list_items) ? array_keys($va_related_list_items) : array();
     // grab the related list items facet to get a list of list items with objects; the keys of the returned array are item_ids
     # -- make array of entity_ids so can find places associated with these entities to map
     // $va_entities = array();
     // 			if($qr_entities->numHits()){
     // 				while($qr_entities->nextHit()){
     // 					$va_entities[] = $qr_entities->get("entity_id");
     // 				}
     // 			}
     // 			$qr_entities->seek(0);
     // 			$o_place_search = new PlaceSearch();
     // 			$o_place_search->addResultFilter("ca_entities.entity_id", "IN", join(',', $va_entities));
     // 			$qr_places = $o_place_search->search("*", array("no_cache" => !$this->opb_cache_searches, "checkAccess" => $this->opa_access_values));
     //  			$o_map = new GeographicMap(450, 250, 'map');
     // 			$va_map_stats = $o_map->mapFrom($qr_places, "georeference", array("ajaxContentUrl" => caNavUrl($this->request, "eastend", "Chronology", "getMapItemInfo"), "request" => $this->request, "checkAccess" => $this->opa_access_values));
     // 			$va_period_data["map"] = $o_map->render('HTML', array('delimiter' => "<br/>"));
     // 			$va_period_data["places"] = $qr_places;
     $o_obj_search = new ObjectSearch();
     $qr_objects = $o_obj_search->search("ca_objects.creation_date:\"" . $vn_y . "\" AND (ca_object.object_status:349 OR ca_object.object_status:347 OR ca_object.object_status:193)", array("sort" => "ca_objects.creation_date", "no_cache" => !$this->opb_cache_searches, "checkAccess" => $this->opa_access_values));
     $va_period_data["objects"] = $qr_objects;
     $va_object_ids = array();
     while ($qr_objects->nextHit()) {
         $va_object_ids[] = $qr_objects->get("ca_objects.object_id");
     $this->opo_result_context->setParameter("period", $this->opn_period);
     $this->view->setVar('period_data', $va_period_data);