function remap_all_tags(&$input_osm_ways) { $input_nodes = $input_osm_ways->nodes; $input_ways = $input_osm_ways->ways; $result = new OSMWays(); $state_name_map = array(); foreach ($input_ways as $input_way) { $tags = $input_way['tags']; $new_tags = remap_way_tags($tags, $state_name_map); if (!isset($new_tags)) { continue; } $result->begin_way(); foreach ($input_way['nds'] as $nd_ref) { if (!isset($input_nodes[$nd_ref])) { continue; } $node = $input_nodes[$nd_ref]; $result->add_vertex($node['lat'], $node['lon']); } foreach ($new_tags as $key => $value) { $result->add_tag($key, $value); } $result->end_way(); } return $result; }
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ require_once 'cliargs.php'; require_once 'osmways.php'; ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); $cliargs = array('osminput' => array('short' => 'i', 'type' => 'required', 'description' => 'The file to read the OSM ways from'), 'phpoutput' => array('short' => 'o', 'type' => 'optional', 'description' => 'The file to write the translation table to - if unset, will write to stdout', 'default' => 'php://stdout'), 'osmoutput' => array('short' => 'u', 'type' => 'optional', 'description' => 'The file to write the fixed-up OSM geometry to - if unset, will write to stdout', 'default' => 'php://stdout')); $options = cliargs_get_options($cliargs); $osm_input = $options['osminput']; $php_output = $options['phpoutput']; $osm_output = $options['osmoutput']; $input_osm_ways = new OSMWays(); $input_contents = file_get_contents($osm_input) or die("Couldn't read file '{$osm_input}'"); $input_osm_ways->deserialize_from_xml($input_contents); $output_osm_ways = new OSMWays(); $input_nodes = $input_osm_ways->nodes; $district_map = array(); $constituency_map = array(); foreach ($input_osm_ways->ways as &$way) { $tags =& $way['tags']; $district_name = $tags['name_0']; $district_name = ucwords($district_name); $constituency_name = $tags['name_1']; if (!isset($district_map[$district_name])) { $district_map[$district_name] = count($district_map); } $district_code = $district_map[$district_name]; if (!isset($constituency_map[$constituency_name])) { $constituency_map[$constituency_name] = count($constituency_map); }
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ require_once 'cliargs.php'; require_once 'osmways.php'; ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); $cliargs = array('inputfile' => array('short' => 'i', 'type' => 'optional', 'description' => '', 'default' => 'php://stdin'), 'outputfile' => array('short' => 'o', 'type' => 'optional', 'description' => '', 'default' => 'php://stdout')); $options = cliargs_get_options($cliargs); $input_file = $options['inputfile']; $output_file = $options['outputfile']; $input_osm_ways = new OSMWays(); $input_contents = file_get_contents($input_file) or die("Couldn't read file '{$input_file}'"); $input_osm_ways->deserialize_from_xml($input_contents); $output = array(); $input_nodes = $input_osm_ways->nodes; $input_ways = $input_osm_ways->ways; foreach ($input_ways as $way) { $name_variants = $way['tags']['name_variants']; $state_parts = explode('|', $name_variants); $state_code = $state_parts[0]; if (!isset($output[$state_code])) { $output[$state_code] = array(); } $polygon = array(); foreach ($way['nds'] as $nd_ref) { if (!isset($input_nodes[$nd_ref])) {
MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ require_once 'cliargs.php'; require_once 'osmways.php'; ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); $cliargs = array('osminput' => array('short' => 'i', 'type' => 'required', 'description' => 'The file to read the OSM ways from'), 'csvinput' => array('short' => 'c', 'type' => 'required', 'description' => 'The file to read the constituency code data from'), 'phpoutput' => array('short' => 'o', 'type' => 'optional', 'description' => 'The file to write the translation table to - if unset, will write to stdout', 'default' => 'php://stdout'), 'osmoutput' => array('short' => 's', 'type' => 'required', 'description' => 'The file to write the updated OSM data to')); $options = cliargs_get_options($cliargs); $osm_input = $options['osminput']; $csv_input = $options['csvinput']; $php_output = $options['phpoutput']; $osm_output = $options['osmoutput']; $input_osm_ways = new OSMWays(); $input_contents = file_get_contents($osm_input) or die("Couldn't read file '{$osm_input}'"); $input_osm_ways->deserialize_from_xml($input_contents); $csv_input_handle = fopen($csv_input, 'rb') or die("Couldn't read file '{$csv_input}'"); $code_map = array(); $line_index = 0; while (!feof($csv_input_handle)) { $current_parts = fgetcsv($csv_input_handle); if (empty($current_parts)) { continue; } $line_index += 1; if ($line_index < 2) { continue; } $code = $current_parts[0];
function close_ways($input_osm_ways, $verbose, $tolerance, $debug) { if ($verbose) { error_log("Starting close_ways()"); } $bucket_debug = $debug && false; $bucket_grid = new BucketGrid($tolerance * 2); $input_ways =& $input_osm_ways->ways; $input_nodes =& $input_osm_ways->nodes; $way_index = 0; foreach ($input_ways as $way_id => &$way) { $way_index += 1; if ($verbose && $way_index % 100 === 0) { error_log("Bucketed {$way_index}/" . count($input_ways)); } if ($way['is_closed'] === true) { continue; } $nds = $way['nds']; $nds_count = count($nds); if ($nds_count < 2) { continue; } $start_index = 0; $end_index = $nds_count - 1; $start_nd_ref = $nds[$start_index]; $end_nd_ref = $nds[$end_index]; $start_node = $input_nodes[$start_nd_ref]; $end_node = $input_nodes[$end_nd_ref]; $start_lat = $start_node['lat']; $start_lon = $start_node['lon']; $end_lat = $end_node['lat']; $end_lon = $end_node['lon']; $start_data = array('way_id' => $way_id, 'nd_ref' => $start_nd_ref, 'index' => $start_index, 'lat' => $start_lat, 'lon' => $start_lon); $end_data = array('way_id' => $way_id, 'nd_ref' => $end_nd_ref, 'index' => $end_index, 'lat' => $end_lat, 'lon' => $end_lon); if ($bucket_debug) { error_log("insert_point({$start_lon}, {$start_lat}, " . print_r($start_data, true) . ")"); } $bucket_grid->insert_point($start_lon, $start_lat, $start_data, $bucket_debug); if ($bucket_debug) { error_log("insert_point({$end_lon}, {$end_lat}, " . print_r($end_data, true) . ")"); } $bucket_grid->insert_point($end_lon, $end_lat, $end_data, $bucket_debug); } if ($bucket_debug) { error_log("bucket_grid: " . print_r($bucket_grid->buckets, true)); } $result = new OSMWays(); $way_index = 0; foreach ($input_ways as $way_id => &$way) { $way_index += 1; if ($verbose && $way_index % 100 === 0) { error_log("Closing {$way_index}/" . count($input_ways)); } if ($way['is_closed'] === true) { if ($debug) { error_log("Found pre-closed way"); } $result->copy_way($way, $input_osm_ways); continue; } if (!empty($way['is_used'])) { if ($debug) { error_log("Found already used way"); } continue; } $input_tags = $way['tags']; if (count($way['nds']) < 2) { if ($debug) { error_log("Too few nodes found for {$way_id}"); } continue; } $start_index = 0; $start_way_id = $way_id; $start_nd_ref = $way['nds'][$start_index]; $start_node = $input_nodes[$start_nd_ref]; $follow_way_id = $way_id; $nds = $way['nds']; if ($debug) { error_log("Looking at {$follow_way_id}"); } $output_nds = array(); $loop_count = 0; while (true) { $input_ways[$follow_way_id]['is_used'] = true; $nds_count = count($nds); $end_index = $nds_count - 1; $output_nds = array_merge($output_nds, $nds); $end_nd_ref = $nds[$end_index]; $end_node = $input_nodes[$end_nd_ref]; if ($debug) { error_log("End node is {$end_nd_ref} at (" . $end_node['lat'] . "," . $end_node['lon'] . ")"); } $distance_to_start = get_node_distance($end_node, $start_node); // Have we looped back around to the start? if ($distance_to_start < $tolerance) { if ($debug) { error_log("Closed way starting with {$start_way_id}, ending with {$follow_way_id}"); } $output_nds[] = $start_nd_ref; $result->begin_way(); foreach ($output_nds as $nd_ref) { $node = $input_nodes[$nd_ref]; $result->add_vertex($node['lat'], $node['lon'], $bucket_debug); } foreach ($input_tags as $key => $value) { $result->add_tag($key, $value); } $result->end_way(); break; } // Figure out which lines we can connect to the end of this one $end_lat = $end_node['lat']; $end_lon = $end_node['lon']; $nearby_points = $bucket_grid->find_points_near($end_lon, $end_lat, $tolerance, $bucket_debug); if ($bucket_debug) { error_log("find_points_near({$end_lon}, {$end_lat}, {$tolerance}) returned " . print_r($nearby_points, true)); } $closest_distance = null; foreach ($nearby_points as $bucket_entry) { $point_data = $bucket_entry['data']; $point_lat = $point_data['lat']; $point_lon = $point_data['lon']; $point_way_id = $point_data['way_id']; $point_nd_ref = $point_data['nd_ref']; if ($point_nd_ref === $end_nd_ref && $point_way_id === $follow_way_id) { if ($bucket_debug) { error_log("{$point_nd_ref} was the same as the start"); } continue; } $distance = get_node_distance($point_data, $end_node); if ($bucket_debug) { error_log("{$point_nd_ref} was {$distance} away"); } if ($closest_distance === null || $distance < $closest_distance) { $closest_distance = $distance; } } // Have we reached the end of the line? if (!isset($closest_distance)) { if ($debug) { error_log("No close points found for {$follow_way_id}"); } break; } $found_nodes = array(); foreach ($nearby_points as $bucket_entry) { $point_data = $bucket_entry['data']; $point_lat = $point_data['lat']; $point_lon = $point_data['lon']; $point_way_id = $point_data['way_id']; $point_nd_ref = $point_data['nd_ref']; if ($point_nd_ref === $end_nd_ref && $point_way_id === $follow_way_id) { continue; } $distance = get_node_distance($point_data, $end_node); if ($distance < $closest_distance + EPSILON) { $found_nodes[] = $point_data; } } // Figure out which way edge to follow $found_nodes_count = count($found_nodes); if ($found_nodes_count === 1) { if ($debug) { error_log("A single close point found for {$follow_way_id}"); } $follow_node_index = 0; } else { if ($debug) { error_log("Too many close points found for {$follow_way_id}"); } break; } $follow_node = $found_nodes[$follow_node_index]; $follow_way_id = $follow_node['way_id']; $follow_way = $input_ways[$follow_way_id]; $do_reverse = $follow_node['index'] > 0; $nds = $follow_way['nds']; if ($do_reverse) { $nds = array_reverse($nds); } $loop_count += 1; if ($loop_count > 1000) { die("Looped too many times\n"); } } } if ($verbose) { error_log("Finished close_ways()"); } return $result; }
error_log("Processed {$count} ways"); } $tags = $input_way['tags']; if (!isset($tags['ISO'])) { die("Country code not found in {$count}: " . print_r($input_way, true)); } $country_code = $tags['ISO']; if (!isset($result[$country_code])) { $result[$country_code] = new OSMWays(); } $result[$country_code]->copy_way($input_way, $input_osm_ways); } return $result; } function save_country_maps($output_maps, $output_folder) { foreach ($output_maps as $country_code => $output_osm_ways) { $output_file = $output_folder . '/' . strtolower($country_code) . '_state.osm'; $output_contents = $output_osm_ways->serialize_to_xml(); file_put_contents($output_file, $output_contents) or die("Couldn't write file '{$output_file}'"); } } $cliargs = array('inputfile' => array('short' => 'i', 'type' => 'optional', 'description' => 'The file to read the input OSM XML data from - if unset, will read from stdin', 'default' => 'php://stdout'), 'outputfolder' => array('short' => 'o', 'type' => 'required', 'description' => 'The directory to write the state maps for each country to')); $options = cliargs_get_options($cliargs); $input_file = $options['inputfile']; $output_folder = $options['outputfolder']; $input_osm_ways = new OSMWays(); $input_contents = file_get_contents($input_file) or die("Couldn't read file '{$input_file}'"); $input_osm_ways->deserialize_from_xml($input_contents); $output_maps = split_by_country($input_osm_ways); save_country_maps($output_maps, $output_folder);
function merge_nodes_on_edges($input_osm_ways, $verbose, $tolerance, $debug) { if ($verbose) { error_log("Starting merge_nodes_on_edges()"); } $bucket_debug = $debug; $input_ways =& $input_osm_ways->ways; $input_nodes =& $input_osm_ways->nodes; $result = new OSMWays(); $way_index = 0; foreach ($input_ways as $way_id => $way) { $way_index += 1; // if ($verbose&&(($way_index%100)===0)) error_log("Merged {$way_index}/" . count($input_ways)); $nds = $way['nds']; $nds_count = count($nds); if ($nds_count < 2) { $result->copy_way($way, $input_osm_ways); if ($debug) { error_log("Skipping {$way_id}"); } continue; } $result->begin_way($way_id); foreach ($way['tags'] as $key => $value) { $result->add_tag($key, $value); } $nds_map = array_count_values($nds); $node_index = 0; foreach ($nds as $nd_ref) { $is_last = $node_index == $nds_count - 1; $node_index += 1; if (!isset($input_nodes[$nd_ref])) { if ($debug) { error_log("Missing node {$nd_ref} in {$way_id}"); } continue; } $node = $input_nodes[$nd_ref]; $start_x = $node['lat']; $start_y = $node['lon']; if ($debug) { error_log("Adding original {$nd_ref} ({$start_x}, {$start_y})"); } $result->add_vertex($start_x, $start_y); if ($is_last) { continue; } $end_nd_ref = $nds[$node_index]; $end_node = $input_nodes[$end_nd_ref]; $end_x = $end_node['lat']; $end_y = $end_node['lon']; $coincident_points = $input_osm_ways->bucket_grid->find_points_near_line($start_x, $start_y, $end_x, $end_y, $tolerance, $bucket_debug); $sortfunction = create_function('$a, $b', 'if ($a["output_s"]>$b["output_s"]) return 1; else return -1;'); usort($coincident_points, $sortfunction); foreach ($coincident_points as $point) { $s = $point['output_s']; if ($s < 0.0 || $s > 1.0) { continue; } $point_nd_ref = $point['data']['id']; if (isset($nds_map[$point_nd_ref])) { continue; } if ($debug) { error_log("Adding {$point_nd_ref}"); } $point_x = $point['x']; $point_y = $point['y']; $result->add_vertex($point_x, $point_y); } } $result->end_way(); } if ($verbose) { error_log("Finished close_ways()"); } return $result; }
function decimate_ways($input_osm_ways, $decimate) { if ($decimate == 0) { return $input_osm_ways; } $frequency = 100.0 / $decimate; $result = new OSMWays(); $input_ways = $input_osm_ways->ways; $input_nodes = $input_osm_ways->nodes; foreach ($input_ways as $way) { $result->begin_way(); foreach ($way['tags'] as $key => $value) { $result->add_tag($key, $value); } $nds_count = count($way['nds']); $nd_index = 0; foreach ($way['nds'] as $nd_ref) { $is_first = $nd_index == 0; $is_last = $nd_index == $nds_count - 1; $nd_index += 1; if (!isset($input_nodes[$nd_ref])) { continue; } $mod = fmod($nd_index, $frequency); $is_keeper = $mod < 0.998; $use_vertex = $is_first || $is_last || $is_keeper; if ($use_vertex) { $node = $input_nodes[$nd_ref]; $result->add_vertex($node['lat'], $node['lon']); } } $result->end_way(); } return $result; }
$current_parts = fgetcsv($file_handle); $line_index += 1; if ($line_index < 2) { continue; } $bla_code = $current_parts[0]; $fips_code = $current_parts[1]; $series_code = $current_parts[2]; if (!isset($result[$bla_code])) { $result[$bla_code] = array(); } $result[$bla_code][] = array('fips_code' => $fips_code, 'series_code' => $series_code); } fclose($file_handle); return $result; } $cliargs = array('inputfile' => array('short' => 'i', 'type' => 'optional', 'description' => 'The folder containing the unemployment data from the BLS - if unset, will read from stdin', 'default' => 'php://stdin'), 'blatofipsfile' => array('short' => 'b', 'type' => 'required', 'description' => 'The file containing the mapping of BLA codes to FIPS'), 'outputfile' => array('short' => 'o', 'type' => 'optional', 'description' => 'The file to write the output csv data to - if unset, will write to stdout', 'default' => 'php://stdout'), 'waysfile' => array('short' => 'w', 'type' => 'optional', 'description' => 'A file containing the way shapes that this data will be drawn onto', 'default' => '')); $options = cliargs_get_options($cliargs); $input_file = $options['inputfile']; $output_file = $options['outputfile']; $bla_to_fips_file = $options['blatofipsfile']; $ways_file = $options['waysfile']; if (!empty($ways_file)) { $osm_ways = new OSMWays(); $osm_xml_string = file_get_contents($ways_file) or die("Couldn't open '{$ways_file}' for reading"); $osm_ways->deserialize_from_xml($osm_xml_string); } else { $osm_ways = null; } $bla_to_fips = load_bla_to_fips($bla_to_fips_file); convert_unemployment_file($input_file, $output_file, $bla_to_fips, $osm_ways);
foreach ($g_input_files as $input_file => $transform_info) { error_log('Working on ' . $input_file . "\n"); $input_file_path = $input_path . $input_file; $input_osm_ways = new OSMWays(); $input_contents = file_get_contents($input_file_path) or die("Couldn't read file '{$input_file_path}'"); $input_osm_ways->deserialize_from_xml($input_contents); $country_code = $transform_info['country_code']; $code = $transform_info['code']; $type = $transform_info['type']; if (isset($transform_info['other_code'])) { $other_code = $transform_info['other_code']; } else { $other_code = NULL; } if (!isset($output_osm_ways)) { $output_osm_ways = new OSMWays(); } $input_ways = $input_osm_ways->ways; foreach ($input_ways as $way) { $input_nodes = $input_osm_ways->nodes; $output_osm_ways->begin_way(); $tags = $way['tags']; if ($input_file == 'us_congress.osm') { $state_code = $tags['state_code']; $district_code = $tags['district_code']; if (empty($state_code) || $district_code == '98') { continue; } if (!isset($g_fips_to_postal[$state_code])) { error_log('No postal for ' . $state_code); }
continue; } $name = $tags['name']; if (!isset($country_translation_table[$name])) { error_log("No code found for '{$name}'"); continue; } $tags['country_code'] = $country_translation_table[$name]; } if ($verbose) { error_log("Finished add_country_tags()"); } } ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); $cliargs = array('inputfile' => array('short' => 'i', 'type' => 'optional', 'description' => 'The file to read the input OSM XML data from - if unset, will read from stdin', 'default' => 'php://stdout'), 'outputfile' => array('short' => 'o', 'type' => 'optional', 'description' => 'The file to write the output OSM XML data to - if unset, will write to stdout', 'default' => 'php://stdout'), 'verbose' => array('short' => 'v', 'type' => 'switch', 'description' => 'Whether to show extra debugging information about the processing as it happens')); $options = cliargs_get_options($cliargs); $input_file = $options['inputfile']; $output_file = $options['outputfile']; $verbose = $options['verbose']; if ($verbose) { error_log("Starting load of '{$input_file}'"); } $input_osm_ways = new OSMWays(); $input_contents = file_get_contents($input_file) or die("Couldn't read file '{$input_file}'"); $input_osm_ways->deserialize_from_xml($input_contents); add_country_tags($input_osm_ways, $verbose); if ($verbose) { error_log("Starting save of '{$output_file}'"); } $output_contents = $input_osm_ways->serialize_to_xml(); file_put_contents($output_file, $output_contents) or die("Couldn't write file '{$output_file}'");
$normalizeChars = array('Š' => 'S', 'š' => 's', 'Ð' => 'Dj', 'Ž' => 'Z', 'ž' => 'z', 'À' => 'A', 'Á' => 'A', 'Â' => 'A', 'Ã' => 'A', 'Ä' => 'A', 'Å' => 'A', 'Æ' => 'A', 'Ç' => 'C', 'È' => 'E', 'É' => 'E', 'Ê' => 'E', 'Ë' => 'E', 'Ì' => 'I', 'Í' => 'I', 'Î' => 'I', 'Ï' => 'I', 'Ñ' => 'N', 'Ò' => 'O', 'Ó' => 'O', 'Ô' => 'O', 'Õ' => 'O', 'Ö' => 'O', 'Ø' => 'O', 'Ù' => 'U', 'Ú' => 'U', 'Û' => 'U', 'Ü' => 'U', 'Ý' => 'Y', 'Þ' => 'B', 'ß' => 'Ss', 'à' => 'a', 'á' => 'a', 'â' => 'a', 'ã' => 'a', 'ä' => 'a', 'å' => 'a', 'æ' => 'a', 'ç' => 'c', 'è' => 'e', 'é' => 'e', 'ê' => 'e', 'ë' => 'e', 'ì' => 'i', 'í' => 'i', 'î' => 'i', 'ï' => 'i', 'ð' => 'o', 'ñ' => 'n', 'ò' => 'o', 'ó' => 'o', 'ô' => 'o', 'õ' => 'o', 'ö' => 'o', 'ø' => 'o', 'ù' => 'u', 'ú' => 'u', 'û' => 'u', 'ü' => 'u', 'ý' => 'y', 'ý' => 'y', 'þ' => 'b', 'ÿ' => 'y', 'ƒ' => 'f'); return strtr($name, $normalizeChars); } //$new_name = clean_name("Finström"); //die($new_name."\n"); ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); $cliargs = array('inputfolder' => array('short' => 'i', 'type' => 'required', 'description' => 'The folder containing the input state maps'), 'phpoutput' => array('short' => 'o', 'type' => 'optional', 'description' => 'The file to write the translation table to - if unset, will write to stdout', 'default' => 'php://stdout')); $options = cliargs_get_options($cliargs); $input_folder = $options['inputfolder']; $php_output = $options['phpoutput']; $name_to_state_code = array(); $state_code_info = array(); $country_bounding_boxes = array(); foreach (glob($input_folder . '/*.osm') as $input_file) { error_log("Looking at '{$input_file}'"); $input_osm_ways = new OSMWays(); $input_contents = file_get_contents($input_file) or die("Couldn't read file '{$osm_input}'"); $input_osm_ways->deserialize_from_xml($input_contents); $code_map = array(); $code_key = null; foreach ($input_osm_ways->ways as &$way) { $tags =& $way['tags']; if (empty($tags['name'])) { continue; } $names = explode('|', $tags['name_variants']); $main_name = $tags['name']; //iconv("utf-8", "us-ascii//TRANSLIT", $tags['name']); $main_name = clean_name($main_name); if (preg_match('@[^a-zA-Z.\\-\\/ \',()]@', $main_name)) { // error_log("Foreign characters in main name: ".$main_name);
continue; } $ref = $member['ref']; $way =& $osm_ways->ways[$ref]; foreach ($relation['tags'] as $key => $value) { $way['tags'][$key] = $value; } } } if ($verbose) { error_log("Finished flatten_relationships()"); } } ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); $cliargs = array('inputfile' => array('short' => 'i', 'type' => 'optional', 'description' => 'The file to read the input OSM XML data from - if unset, will read from stdin', 'default' => 'php://stdout'), 'outputfile' => array('short' => 'o', 'type' => 'optional', 'description' => 'The file to write the output OSM XML data to - if unset, will write to stdout', 'default' => 'php://stdout'), 'verbose' => array('short' => 'v', 'type' => 'switch', 'description' => 'Whether to show extra debugging information about the processing as it happens')); $options = cliargs_get_options($cliargs); $input_file = $options['inputfile']; $output_file = $options['outputfile']; $verbose = $options['verbose']; if ($verbose) { error_log("Starting load of '{$input_file}'"); } $input_osm_ways = new OSMWays(); $input_contents = file_get_contents($input_file) or die("Couldn't read file '{$input_file}'"); $input_osm_ways->deserialize_from_xml($input_contents); flatten_relations($input_osm_ways, $verbose); if ($verbose) { error_log("Starting save of '{$output_file}'"); } $output_contents = $input_osm_ways->serialize_to_xml(); file_put_contents($output_file, $output_contents) or die("Couldn't write file '{$output_file}'");
function extract_ways_matching_keys(&$input_osm_ways, $match_expression, $verbose) { if ($verbose) { error_log("Starting way filtering"); } $input_nodes = $input_osm_ways->nodes; $input_ways = $input_osm_ways->ways; $result = new OSMWays(); $count = 0; foreach ($input_ways as $input_way) { $tags = $input_way['tags']; if (evaluate_match_expression($tags, $match_expression)) { $result->copy_way($input_way, $input_osm_ways); } $count += 1; if ($verbose && $count % 1000 === 0) { error_log("Processed {$count}/" . count($input_ways)); } } if ($verbose) { error_log("Finished way filtering"); } return $result; }
$convert_from_uk = $options['convertfromuk']; $projection = $options['projection']; if (!empty($projection)) { if ($projection == 'mex') { $projection_parameters = array('r_major' => 6378137.0, 'r_minor' => 6356752.314, 'false_easting' => 2500000.0, 'false_northing' => 0.0, 'center_lon' => -102.0, 'lat1' => 17.5, 'lat2' => 29.5, 'center_lat' => 12.0); } else { if ($projection == 'can') { $projection_parameters = array('r_major' => 6378137.0, 'r_minor' => 6356752.314, 'false_easting' => 6200000.0, 'false_northing' => 3000000.0, 'center_lon' => -91.87, 'lat1' => 49.0, 'lat2' => 77.0, 'center_lat' => 63.39); } else { error_log("Unknown projection '{$projection}'"); cliargs_print_usage_and_exit(); } } $proj_convert = new ProjConvert($projection_parameters); } $osm_ways = new OSMWays(); $geometry_string = file_get_contents($input_geometry) or die("Couldn't open {$input_geometry} for reading"); $geometry_string = utf8_encode($geometry_string); $geometry_string = str_replace("\t", '\\t', $geometry_string); $geometry = json_decode($geometry_string, true); $attributes_string = file_get_contents($input_attributes) or die("Couldn't open {$input_attributes} for reading"); $attributes_string = utf8_encode($attributes_string); $attributes_string = str_replace("\t", '\\t', $attributes_string); $attributes = json_decode($attributes_string, true) or die("Couldn't decode {$attributes_string}"); $shapes = $geometry['shapes']; foreach ($shapes as $shape) { $index = $shape['index']; $parts = $shape['parts']; $current_attributes = $attributes[$index]['attributes']; error_log("Processing {$index}"); foreach ($parts as $part) {
function crop_ways_to_box(&$input_osm_ways, $min_lat, $min_lon, $max_lat, $max_lon, $verbose) { if ($verbose) { error_log("Starting way cropping"); } $clipping_planes = get_clipping_planes_for_box($min_lat, $min_lon, $max_lat, $max_lon); $input_nodes = $input_osm_ways->nodes; $input_ways = $input_osm_ways->ways; $result = new OSMWays(); $count = 0; foreach ($input_ways as $input_way) { $count += 1; if ($verbose && $count % 1000 === 0) { error_log("Processing {$count}/" . count($input_ways)); } $nds = $input_way['nds']; if (empty($nds)) { continue; } $output_vertices = array(); foreach ($nds as $nd_ref) { $current_vertex = $input_nodes[$nd_ref]; $output_vertices[] = $current_vertex; } foreach ($clipping_planes as $plane) { $output_vertices = clip_vertices_against_plane($output_vertices, $plane, $verbose); } if (empty($output_vertices)) { continue; } $result->begin_way(); foreach ($input_way['tags'] as $key => $value) { $result->add_tag($key, $value); } foreach ($output_vertices as $vertex) { $result->add_vertex($vertex['lat'], $vertex['lon']); } if ($input_way['is_closed']) { $result->force_closed(); } $result->end_way(); } if ($verbose) { error_log("Finished way cropping"); } return $result; }
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ require_once 'cliargs.php'; require_once 'osmways.php'; ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); $cliargs = array('outputfile' => array('short' => 'o', 'type' => 'optional', 'description' => 'The file to write the output OSM XML data to - if unset, will write to stdout', 'default' => 'php://stdout')); $options = cliargs_get_options($cliargs); $input_files = $options['unnamed']; $output_file = $options['outputfile']; if (empty($input_files)) { print "You need to supply at least one file to merge\n"; cliargs_print_usage_and_exit($cliargs); } $output_osm_ways = null; foreach ($input_files as $input_file) { error_log("Looking at {$input_file}"); $input_osm_ways = new OSMWays(); $input_contents = file_get_contents($input_file) or die("Couldn't read file '{$input_file}'"); $input_osm_ways->deserialize_from_xml($input_contents); if (!isset($output_osm_ways)) { $output_osm_ways = new OSMWays(); } $output_osm_ways->copy_all_ways($input_osm_ways); } $output_contents = $output_osm_ways->serialize_to_xml(); file_put_contents($output_file, $output_contents) or die("Couldn't write file '{$output_file}'");