function navi() { echo "<ul>"; // start HTML-List $max_depth = 3; // max nesting-depth root is depth=0 $inc_art = true; // include articles $inc_root_art = false; // include root articles $inc_start_art = false; // include start article $config = array($max_depth, $inc_art, $inc_start_art, $inc_root_art); // config array $items = []; // wrapper for subitem sizes $count = 0; // items per nesting level foreach (OOCategory::getRootCategories() as $item) { if (!$item->isOnline()) { continue; } $count++; // initalize each root-item // print root-item echo '<li><a href="' . $item->getUrl() . '" title="' . $item->getName() . '">' . $item->getName() . '</a></li>'; $d = 0; // set nesting-depth for root-item getSubItems($item, $d, $config); $d = 0; // REset nesting-depth for root-item } // get Root Articles if (sizeof(OOArticle::getRootArticles()) >= 1 && $config[3]) { foreach (OOArticle::getRootArticles() as $art) { if (!$art->isOnline()) { continue; } echo '<li><a href="' . $art->getUrl() . '" title="' . $art->getName() . '">' . $art->getName() . '</a></li>'; } } echo "</ul>"; }
function _getNavigation($category_id, $ignore_offlines = TRUE) { static $depth = 0; if ($category_id < 1) { $nav_obj = OOCategory::getRootCategories($ignore_offlines); } else { $nav_obj = OOCategory::getChildrenById($category_id, $ignore_offlines); } $return = ""; if (count($nav_obj) > 0) { $return .= '<ul class="rex-navi' . ($depth + 1) . '">'; } foreach ($nav_obj as $nav) { $liClass = ''; $linkClass = ''; // classes abhaengig vom pfad if ($nav->getId() == $this->current_category_id) { $liClass .= ' rex-current'; $linkClass .= ' rex-current'; } elseif (in_array($nav->getId(), $this->path)) { $liClass .= ' rex-active'; $linkClass .= ' rex-active'; } else { $liClass .= ' rex-normal'; } // classes abhaengig vom level if (isset($this->classes[$depth])) { $liClass .= ' ' . $this->classes[$depth]; } if (isset($this->linkclasses[$depth])) { $linkClass .= ' ' . $this->linkclasses[$depth]; } $linkClass = $linkClass == '' ? '' : ' class="' . ltrim($linkClass) . '"'; $return .= '<li class="rex-article-' . $nav->getId() . $liClass . '">'; $return .= '<a' . $linkClass . ' href="' . $nav->getUrl() . '">' . htmlspecialchars($nav->getName()) . '</a>'; $depth++; if (($this->open || $nav->getId() == $this->current_category_id || in_array($nav->getId(), $this->path)) && ($this->depth > $depth || $this->depth < 0)) { $return .= $this->_getNavigation($nav->getId(), $ignore_offlines); } $depth--; $return .= '</li>'; } if (count($nav_obj) > 0) { $return .= '</ul>'; } return $return; }
protected function _getNavigation($categoryId) { global $REX; static $depth = 0; if ($categoryId < 1) { $cats = OOCategory::getRootCategories($this->ignoreOfflines); } else { $cats = OOCategory::getChildrenById($categoryId, $this->ignoreOfflines); } $return = ''; $ulIdAttribute = ''; $ulClassAttribute = ''; if (count($cats) > 0) { if (isset($this->ulId[$depth])) { $ulIdAttribute = ' id="' . $this->ulId[$depth] . '"'; } if (isset($this->ulClass[$depth])) { $ulClassAttribute = ' class="' . $this->ulClass[$depth] . '"'; } $return .= '<ul' . $ulIdAttribute . $ulClassAttribute . '>'; } foreach ($cats as $cat) { if ($this->_checkCallbacks($cat, $depth)) { $cssClasses = ''; $idAttribute = ''; // default li class if ($this->liClass != '') { $cssClasses .= ' ' . $this->liClass; } // li class if (is_array($this->liClassFromCategoryId) && isset($this->liClassFromCategoryId[$cat->getId()])) { $cssClasses .= ' ' . $this->liClassFromCategoryId[$cat->getId()]; } if ($this->liClassFromMetaField != '' && $cat->getValue($this->liClassFromMetaField) != '') { $cssClasses .= ' ' . $cat->getValue($this->liClassFromMetaField); } // li id if (is_array($this->liIdFromCategoryId) && isset($this->liIdFromCategoryId[$cat->getId()])) { $idAttribute = ' id="' . $this->liIdFromCategoryId[$cat->getId()] . '"'; } elseif ($this->liIdFromMetaField != '' && $cat->getValue($this->liIdFromMetaField) != '') { $idAttribute = ' id="' . $cat->getValue($this->liIdFromMetaField) . '"'; } // selected class if ($cat->getId() == $this->current_category_id) { // active menuitem $cssClasses .= ' ' . $this->activeClass; } elseif (in_array($cat->getId(), $this->path)) { // current menuitem $cssClasses .= ' ' . $this->selectedClass; } else { // do nothing } $trimmedCssClasses = trim($cssClasses); // build class attribute if ($trimmedCssClasses != '') { $classAttribute = ' class="' . $trimmedCssClasses . '"'; } else { $classAttribute = ''; } if ($this->hideWebsiteStartArticle && $cat->getId() == $REX['START_ARTICLE_ID'] || in_array($cat->getId(), $this->hideIds)) { // do nothing } else { $depth++; $urlType = 0; // default $return .= '<li' . $idAttribute . $classAttribute . '>'; if ($this->linkFromUserFunc != '') { $defaultLink = call_user_func($this->linkFromUserFunc, $cat, $depth); } else { $defaultLink = '<a href="' . $cat->getUrl() . '">' . htmlspecialchars($cat->getName()) . '</a>'; } if (!class_exists('seo42')) { // normal behaviour $return .= $defaultLink; } else { // only with seo42 2.0.0+ $urlData = seo42::getCustomUrlData($cat); // check if default lang has url clone option (but only if current categoy has no url data set) if (count($REX['CLANG']) > 1 && !isset($urlData['url_type'])) { $defaultLangCat = OOCategory::getCategoryById($cat->getId(), $REX['START_CLANG_ID']); $urlDataDefaultLang = seo42::getCustomUrlData($defaultLangCat); if (isset($urlDataDefaultLang['url_clone']) && $urlDataDefaultLang['url_clone']) { // clone url data from default language to current language $urlData = $urlDataDefaultLang; } } if (isset($urlData['url_type'])) { switch ($urlData['url_type']) { case 5: // SEO42_URL_TYPE_NONE $return .= htmlspecialchars($cat->getName()); break; case 4: // SEO42_URL_TYPE_LANGSWITCH $newClangId = $urlData['clang_id']; $newArticleId = $REX['ARTICLE_ID']; $catNewLang = OOCategory::getCategoryById($newArticleId, $newClangId); // if category that should be switched is not online, switch to start article of website if (OOCategory::isValid($catNewLang) && !$catNewLang->isOnline()) { $newArticleId = $REX['START_ARTICLE_ID']; } // select li that is current language if ($REX['CUR_CLANG'] == $newClangId) { $return = substr($return, 0, strlen($return) - strlen('<li>')); $return .= '<li class="' . $this->selectedClass . '">'; } $return .= '<a href="' . rex_getUrl($newArticleId, $newClangId) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($cat->getName()) . '</a>'; break; case 8: // SEO42_URL_TYPE_CALL_FUNC $return .= call_user_func($urlData['func'], $cat); break; default: $return .= $defaultLink; break; } } else { $return .= $defaultLink; } } if (($this->showAll || $cat->getId() == $this->current_category_id || in_array($cat->getId(), $this->path)) && ($this->levelDepth > $depth || $this->levelDepth < 0)) { $return .= $this->_getNavigation($cat->getId()); } $depth--; $return .= '</li>'; } } } if (count($cats) > 0) { $return .= '</ul>'; } return $return; }
} } echo "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class=grey width=150>" . $I18N->msg("copy_article") . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class=grey>" . $move_a->out() . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class=grey> </td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class=grey><input type=submit value='" . $I18N->msg("content_submitcopyarticle") . "' size=8></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>"; print '</form>'; } // --------------------------------------------------- ARTIKEL KOPIEREN ENDE // --------------------------------------------------- KATEGORIE/STARTARTIKEL VERSCHIEBEN START if ($article->getValue("startpage") == 1 && ($REX_USER->isValueOf("rights", "admin[]") || $REX_USER->isValueOf("rights", "moveCategory[]"))) { print "<form action=index.php method=get>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=hidden name=page value=content>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=hidden name=article_id value='{$article_id}'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=hidden name=mode value='meta'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=hidden name=clang value={$clang}>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=hidden name=ctype value={$ctype}>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=hidden name=function value=movecategory>"; $move_a = new select(); $move_a->set_name("category_id_new"); $move_a->set_style("width:100%;"); $move_a->set_size(1); $move_a->set_selected($article_id); $move_a->add_option("---", 0); if ($cats = OOCategory::getRootCategories()) { foreach ($cats as $cat) { add_cat_options($move_a, $cat, $cat_ids, "", " "); } } echo "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class=grey width=150>" . $I18N->msg("move_category") . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class=grey>" . $move_a->out() . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t </tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t <tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t <td class=grey> </td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class=grey><input type=submit value='" . $I18N->msg("content_submitmovecategory") . "' size=8></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>"; print '</form>'; } // ------------------------------------------------ KATEGROIE/STARTARTIKEL VERSCHIEBEN ENDE echo "</table>"; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- SONSTIGES ENDE // ------------------------------------------ END: META VIEW } echo " </td>\n \t<td class=lgrey> </td>\n </tr>\n </table>"; // ------------------------------------------ END: AUSGABE
else if (isDomIE) document.all[layerName] else if (isDomNN) document.layers[layerName].top=y } var id2treeIndex = new Array() function initArray() { <?php ###################### FILL THE LINKMAP ARRAY ######################################### print "Note(0,-1,'','')\n"; foreach (OOCategory::getRootCategories(false) as $cat) { $parent = $cat->getId() * 9999; $color = $cat->_status != 1 ? "red" : "green"; print "Note(" . $parent . ",0,'<font color=" . $color . ">" . ereg_replace("\n|\r|\"|'", "", $cat->getName()) . "</font>','')\n"; foreach ($cat->getArticles(false) as $art) { $color = $art->_status != 1 ? "red" : "green"; print "Note(" . $art->getId() . "," . $parent . ",'<font color=" . $color . ">" . ereg_replace("\n|\r|\"|'", "", $art->getName()) . "</font>','redaxo://" . $art->getId() . "')\n"; } foreach ($cat->getChildren(false) as $sub1) { $parent1 = $sub1->getId() * 9999; $color = $sub1->_status != 1 ? "red" : "green"; print "Note(" . $parent1 . "," . $parent . ",'<font color=" . $color . ">" . ereg_replace("\n|\r|\"|'", "", $sub1->getName()) . "</font>','')\n"; foreach ($sub1->getArticles(false) as $art) { $color = $art->_status != 1 ? "red" : "green"; print "Note(" . $art->getId() . "," . $parent1 . ",'<font color=" . $color . ">" . ereg_replace("\n|\r|\"|'", "", $art->getName()) . "</font>','redaxo://" . $art->getId() . "')\n"; }
else if (isDomIE) document.all[layerName] else if (isDomNN) document.layers[layerName].top=y } var id2treeIndex = new Array() function initArray() { <?php ###################### FILL THE LINKMAP ARRAY ######################################### print "Note(0,-1,'','')\n"; foreach (OOCategory::getRootCategories(true) as $cat) { $parent = $cat->getId() * 9999; print "Note(" . $parent . ",0,'" . $cat->getName() . "','')\n"; foreach ($cat->getArticles(false) as $art) { print "Note(" . $art->getId() . "," . $parent . ",'" . $art->getName() . "','redaxo://" . $art->getId() . "')\n"; } foreach ($cat->getChildren(true) as $sub1) { $parent1 = $sub1->getId() * 9999; print "Note(" . $parent1 . "," . $parent . ",'" . $sub1->getName() . "','')\n"; foreach ($sub1->getArticles(false) as $art) { print "Note(" . $art->getId() . "," . $parent1 . ",'" . $art->getName() . "','redaxo://" . $art->getId() . "')\n"; } foreach ($sub1->getChildren(true) as $sub2) { $parent2 = $sub2->getId() * 9999; print "Note(" . $parent2 . "," . $parent1 . ",'" . $sub2->getName() . "','')\n"; foreach ($sub2->getArticles(false) as $art) {
rex_title('Linkmap', $navi_path); ?> <div id="rex-linkmap"> <div class="rex-area-col-2"> <div class="rex-area-col-a"> <h3 class="rex-hl2"><?php echo $I18N->msg('lmap_categories'); ?> </h3> <div class="rex-area-content"> <?php $roots = OOCategory::getRootCategories(); $mountpoints = $REX['USER']->getMountpoints(); if (count($mountpoints) > 0) { $roots = array(); foreach ($mountpoints as $mp) { if (OOCategory::getCategoryById($mp)) { $roots[] = OOCategory::getCategoryById($mp); } } } echo rex_linkmap_tree($tree, $category_id, $roots, $GlobalParams); ?> </div> </div> <div class="rex-area-col-b">
function enterObject() { global $REX; $multiple = $this->getElement('multiple') == 1; $options = array(); if ($this->getElement('homepage')) { $options[0] = 'Homepage'; } $ignoreOfflines = $this->getElement('ignore_offlines'); $checkPerms = $this->getElement('check_perms'); $clang = (int) $this->getElement('clang'); $add = function (OOCategory $cat, $level = 0) use(&$add, &$options, $ignoreOfflines, $checkPerms, $clang) { global $REX; if (!$checkPerms || $REX['USER']->hasCategoryPerm($cat->getId(), false)) { $cid = $cat->getId(); $cname = $cat->getName(); if ($REX['USER']->hasPerm('advancedMode[]')) { $cname .= ' [' . $cid . ']'; } $options[$cid] = str_repeat(' ', $level) . $cname; $childs = $cat->getChildren($ignoreOfflines, $clang); if (is_array($childs)) { foreach ($childs as $child) { $add($child, $level + 1); } } } }; if ($rootId = $this->getElement('category')) { if ($rootCat = OOCategory::getCategoryById($rootId, $clang)) { $add($rootCat); } } else { if (!$checkPerms || $REX['USER']->isAdmin() || $REX['USER']->hasPerm('csw[0]')) { if ($rootCats = OOCategory::getRootCategories($ignoreOfflines, $clang)) { foreach ($rootCats as $rootCat) { $add($rootCat); } } } elseif ($REX['USER']->hasMountpoints()) { $mountpoints = $REX['USER']->getMountpoints(); foreach ($mountpoints as $id) { $cat = OOCategory::getCategoryById($id, $clang); if ($cat && !$REX['USER']->hasCategoryPerm($cat->getParentId())) { $add($cat); } } } } if ($multiple) { $size = (int) $this->getElement('size'); if ($size < 2) { $size = count($options); } } else { $size = 1; } if (!is_array($this->getValue())) { $this->setValue(explode(',', $this->getValue())); } $this->params['form_output'][$this->getId()] = $this->parse('', compact('options', 'multiple', 'size')); $this->setValue(implode(',', $this->getValue())); $this->params['value_pool']['email'][$this->getName()] = $this->getValue(); if ($this->getElement(4) != 'no_db') { $this->params['value_pool']['sql'][$this->getName()] = $this->getValue(); } }
$parent1 = $sub1->getId(); print "Note(" . $parent1 . "," . $parent . ",'" . ereg_replace("\n|\r|\"|'", "", $sub1->getName()) . "','')\n"; // hat artikel ?!? $myart = $sub1->getArticles(false); if (sizeof($myart) > 0) { foreach ($myart as $art) { print "Note(" . (100000 + $art->getId()) . "," . $parent1 . ",'" . ereg_replace("\n|\r|\"|'", "", $art->getName()) . "','redaxo://" . $art->getId() . "')\n"; } } // ist knoten und hat unterartikel ? rex_linkFolder($sub1->getChildren(), $parent1, $faktor + 1); } } } } rex_linkFolder(OOCategory::getRootCategories(false), 0, 100); ?> treeTyp[0] = 'f' treeIsOn[0] = true treeWasOn[0] = true } function preOpen() { var self_url=location.href var rexep = /[&?]id=(\d+(,\d+)*)/ if (rexep.test(self_url)) { rexep.exec(self_url) var a_id=RegExp.$1.split(',')
<div class="breadcrumbs"><?php print $breadcrumbs; ?> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row" data-match-height> REX_ARTICLE[] </div> </div> </section> <footer> <div class="container"> <div class="row" data-match-height> <?php foreach (OOCategory::getRootCategories(true) as $lev1) { print '<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3">'; print '<div class="footer-box" data-height-watch><a href="' . $lev1->getUrl() . '">' . $lev1->getName() . '</a></div>'; print '</div>'; } ?> </div> </div> </footer> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo seo42::getMediaFile("bootstrap.min.js"); ?> "></script> <script> $(window).on("load", function(e) {
function rex_category_select($ignore_offlines = false, $clang = false, $check_perms = true, $add_homepage = true) { $this->ignore_offlines = $ignore_offlines; $this->clang = $clang; $this->check_perms = $check_perms; if ($add_homepage) { $this->addOption('Homepage', 0); } if ($cats = OOCategory::getRootCategories($ignore_offlines, $clang)) { foreach ($cats as $cat) { $this->addCatOption($cat); } } parent::rex_select(); }
function _getNavigation($category_id, $depth = 1) { if ($category_id < 1) { $nav_obj = OOCategory::getRootCategories(); } else { $nav_obj = OOCategory::getChildrenById($category_id); } $lis = array(); foreach ($nav_obj as $nav) { $li = array(); $a = array(); $li['class'] = array(); $a['class'] = array(); $a['href'] = array($nav->getUrl()); if ($this->_checkFilter($nav, $depth) && $this->_checkCallbacks($nav, $depth, $li, $a)) { $li['class'][] = 'rex-article-' . $nav->getId(); // classes abhaengig vom pfad if ($nav->getId() == $this->current_category_id) { $li['class'][] = 'rex-current'; $a['class'][] = 'rex-current'; } elseif (in_array($nav->getId(), $this->path)) { $li['class'][] = 'rex-active'; $a['class'][] = 'rex-active'; } else { $li['class'][] = 'rex-normal'; } if (isset($this->linkclasses[$depth - 1])) { $a['class'][] = $this->linkclasses[$depth - 1]; } if (isset($this->classes[$depth - 1])) { $li['class'][] = $this->classes[$depth - 1]; } $li_attr = array(); foreach ($li as $attr => $v) { $li_attr[] = $attr . '="' . implode(' ', $v) . '"'; } $a_attr = array(); foreach ($a as $attr => $v) { $a_attr[] = $attr . '="' . implode(' ', $v) . '"'; } $l = '<li ' . implode(' ', $li_attr) . '>'; $l .= '<a ' . implode(' ', $a_attr) . '>' . htmlspecialchars($nav->getName()) . '</a>'; $depth++; if (($this->open || $nav->getId() == $this->current_category_id || in_array($nav->getId(), $this->path)) && ($this->max_depth >= $depth || $this->max_depth < 0)) { $l .= $this->_getNavigation($nav->getId(), $depth); } $depth--; $l .= '</li>'; $lis[] = $l; } } if (count($lis) > 0) { return '<ul class="rex-navi' . $depth . ' rex-navi-depth-' . $depth . ' rex-navi-has-' . count($lis) . '-elements">' . implode('', $lis) . '</ul>'; } return ''; }
function _getNavigation($category_id, $ignore_offlines = TRUE) { static $depth = 0; if ($category_id < 1) { $nav_obj = OOCategory::getRootCategories($ignore_offlines); } else { $nav_obj = OOCategory::getChildrenById($category_id, $ignore_offlines); } $nav_real = array(); foreach ($nav_obj as $nav) { // Filter und Rechte prüfen if ($this->_check($nav, $depth)) { $nav_real[] = $nav; } } $counter = 0; $count = count($nav_real); // $count = 4; $return = ""; if (count($nav_real) > 0) { $return .= '<ul class="navi-lev-' . ($depth + 1) . '">'; } foreach ($nav_real as $nav) { $counter++; $liClass = ''; $linkClass = ''; if ($counter == 1) { $liClass .= ' first'; } if ($counter == $count) { $liClass .= ' last'; } // classes abhaengig vom pfad if ($nav->getId() == $this->current_category_id) { $liClass .= ' current'; $linkClass .= ' current'; } elseif (in_array($nav->getId(), $this->path)) { $liClass .= ' active'; $linkClass .= ' active'; } else { $liClass .= ' normal'; } // classes abhaengig vom level if (isset($this->classes[$depth])) { $liClass .= ' ' . $this->classes[$depth]; } if (isset($this->linkclasses[$depth])) { $linkClass .= ' ' . $this->linkclasses[$depth]; } $name = str_replace(' ## ', '<br />', htmlspecialchars($nav->getName()), $str_count); if ($str_count >= 1) { $linkClass .= ' manbreak'; } $linkClass = $linkClass == '' ? '' : ' class="' . ltrim($linkClass) . '"'; if (isset($this->wrap_names[$depth]) && $this->wrap_names[$depth] != "") { $wrap = explode('|', $this->wrap_names[$depth]); $name = $wrap[0] . $name . $wrap[1]; } $link = '<a' . $linkClass . ' href="' . $nav->getUrl() . '">' . $name . '</a>'; if (isset($this->wrap_links[$depth]) && $this->wrap_links[$depth] != "") { $wrap = explode('|', $this->wrap_links[$depth]); $link = $wrap[0] . $link . $wrap[1]; } $return .= '<li class="navi-id-' . $nav->getId() . $liClass . '">' . $link; $depth++; if (($this->open || $nav->getId() == $this->current_category_id || in_array($nav->getId(), $this->path)) && ($this->depth > $depth || $this->depth < 0)) { $return .= $this->_getNavigation($nav->getId(), $ignore_offlines); } $depth--; $return .= '</li>'; } if (count($nav_real) > 0) { $return .= '</ul>'; } return $return; }
function get() { $s = ''; $s_self = ''; $this->_depth = 0; if ($this->root_category === null) { $root_nodes = OOCategory::getRootCategories($this->ignore_offlines, $this->clang); } else { if (is_int($this->root_category) && $this->root_category === 0) { $root_nodes = OOArticle::getRootArticles($this->ignore_offlines, $this->clang); } else { $root_nodes = array(); $root_category = OOCategory::_getCategoryObject($this->root_category); // Rootkategorien selbst nicht anzeigen, nur deren Kind-Elemente if (is_array($root_category)) { foreach ($root_category as $root_cat) { $this->_appendChilds($root_cat, $root_nodes); $this->_appendArticles($root_cat, $root_nodes); } } else { $this->_appendChilds($root_category, $root_nodes); $this->_appendArticles($root_category, $root_nodes); } } } if (is_array($root_nodes)) { foreach ($root_nodes as $node) { $s_self .= $this->_formatNode($node); } // Parent Tag nur erstellen, wenn auch Childs vorhanden sind if ($s_self != '') { $s .= '<' . $this->main_tag . $this->main_attr . '>'; $s .= $s_self; $s .= '</' . $this->main_tag . '>'; } } return $s; }
function addCatOptions() { global $REX; if ($this->add_homepage) { $this->addOption('Homepage', 0); } if ($this->rootId !== null) { if (is_array($this->rootId)) { foreach ($this->rootId as $rootId) { if ($rootCat = OOCategory::getCategoryById($rootId, $this->clang)) { $this->addCatOption($rootCat, 0); } } } else { if ($rootCat = OOCategory::getCategoryById($this->rootId, $this->clang)) { $this->addCatOption($rootCat, 0); } } } else { if (!$this->check_perms || $REX['USER']->isAdmin() || $REX['USER']->hasPerm('csw[0]')) { if ($rootCats = OOCategory::getRootCategories($this->ignore_offlines, $this->clang)) { foreach ($rootCats as $rootCat) { $this->addCatOption($rootCat); } } } elseif ($REX['USER']->hasMountpoints()) { $mountpoints = $REX['USER']->getMountpoints(); foreach ($mountpoints as $id) { $cat = OOCategory::getCategoryById($id, $this->clang); if ($cat && !$REX['USER']->hasCategoryPerm($cat->getParentId())) { $this->addCatOption($cat, 0); } } } } }