コード例 #1
ファイル: list.php プロジェクト: ArcherSys/ArcherSysOSCloud7
	$param = array (
		':user'   => OCP\User::getUser ( ),
		':sort'   => $p_sort,
// 		':offset' => $p_offset,
// 		':limit'  => PAGE_SIZE,
	$query = OCP\DB::prepare ( OC_Shorty_Query::URL_LIST );
	$result = $query->execute($param);
	$reply = $result->fetchAll();
	foreach (array_keys($reply) as $key) {
		if (isset($reply[$key]['id']))
			// enhance all entries with the relay url
			$reply[$key]['relay']=OC_Shorty_Tools::relayUrl ( $reply[$key]['id'] );
			// make sure there is _any_ favicon contained, otherwise layout in MS-IE browser is broken...
			if (empty($reply[$key]['favicon']))
				$reply[$key]['favicon'] = OCP\Util::imagePath('shorty', 'blank.png');
	} // foreach

	// swallow any accidential output generated by php notices and stuff to preserve a clean JSON reply structure
	OC_Shorty_Tools::ob_control ( FALSE );
	OCP\Util::writeLog( 'shorty', sprintf("Constructed list of defined shortys holding %s entries.",sizeof($reply)), OCP\Util::DEBUG );
	OCP\JSON::success ( array (
		'data'    => $reply,
		'level'   => 'debug',
		'count'   => sizeof($reply),
		'message' => OC_Shorty_L10n::t("Number of entries: %s", count($reply)) ) );
} catch ( Exception $e ) { OC_Shorty_Exception::JSONerror($e); }
コード例 #2
	* @method OC_Shorty_Exception::JSONerror
	* @brief Calls OCP\JSON::error with a pretty formated version of an exception
	* @param exception: An exception object holding information
	* @return json: OCP\JSON::error
	* @access public
	* @author Christian Reiner
	static function JSONerror ( $e )
		$title = OC_Shorty_L10n::t("Exception");
		switch ( get_class($e) )
			case 'OC_Shorty_Exception':
				$message = $e->getTranslation();

			case 'PDOException':
				$message = sprintf ( OC_Shorty_L10n::t( "%s\nMessage(code): %s (%s)\nFile(line): %s (%s)\nInfo: %%s",
														OC_Shorty_L10n::t("Exception (%s)", get_class($e)),
														htmlspecialchars($e->getLine()) ),
									(method_exists($e,'errorInfo') ? trim($e->errorInfo()) : '-/-') );

				if ( is_a($e,'Exception') )
					$message = OC_Shorty_L10n::t("Unexpected type of exception caught:%s\n%s", get_class($e), $e->getMessage());
				else $message = OC_Shorty_L10n::t("Unexpected thrown object of type caught:\n%s", get_class($e));
		} // switch
		// swallow any accidential output generated by php notices and stuff to preserve a clean JSON reply structure
		$output = trim ( OC_Shorty_Tools::ob_control(FALSE) );
		if ( $output )
			$message = "! Swallowing accidential output from ajax routines ! \n"
						."Please fix this ! Here is the first line: \n"
						.substr ( $output, 0, strpos($output,"\n") );
			OCP\Util::writeLog( 'shorty', $message, OCP\Util::WARN );
		} // output
		// return a clean JSON error
		return OCP\JSON::error ( array ('title'   => $title,
										'level'   => 'error',
										'message' => sprintf("%s:\n%s", $title, $message) ) );
	} // function error