/** * Use the pulic key of the respective user to encrypt the given * email identity and store it in the data-base. * @param The OwnCloud user id $ocUser * @param The IMAP account Id $emailUser * @param unknown $emailPassword * @return The IMAP credentials.|unknown */ public static function cryptEmailIdentity($ocUser, $emailUser, $emailPassword) { $mail_userdata_entries = OC_RoundCube_App::checkLoginData($ocUser); if ($mail_userdata_entries === false) { return false; } $mail_userdata = $mail_userdata_entries[0]; $myID = $mail_userdata['id']; $pubKey = self::getPublicKey($ocUser); if ($pubKey === false) { return false; } $emailUser = OC_RoundCube_App::cryptMyEntry($emailUser, $pubKey); $emailPassword = OC_RoundCube_App::cryptMyEntry($emailPassword, $pubKey); if ($emailUser === false || $emailPassword === false) { return false; } $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare("UPDATE *PREFIX*roundcube SET mail_user = ?, mail_password = ? WHERE id = ?"); $result = $stmt->execute(array($emailUser, $emailPassword, $myID)); return $result; }
/** * listener which gets invoked if password is changed within owncloud * @param unknown $params userdata */ public static function changePasswordListener($params) { $username = $params['uid']; $password = $params['password']; // Try to fetch from session $oldPrivKey = OC_RoundCube_App::getPrivateKey($username, false); // Take the chance to alter the priv/pubkey pair OC_RoundCube_App::generateKeyPair($username, $password); $privKey = OC_RoundCube_App::getPrivateKey($username, $password); $pubKey = OC_RoundCube_App::getPublicKey($username); if ($oldPrivKey !== false) { // Fetch credentials from data-base $mail_userdata_entries = OC_RoundCube_App::checkLoginData($username); foreach ($mail_userdata_entries as $mail_userdata) { $mail_username = OC_RoundCube_App::decryptMyEntry($mail_userdata['mail_user'], $oldPrivKey); $mail_password = OC_RoundCube_App::decryptMyEntry($mail_userdata['mail_password'], $oldPrivKey); $myID = $mail_userdata['id']; $mail_username = OC_RoundCube_App::cryptMyEntry($mail_username, $pubKey); $mail_password = OC_RoundCube_App::cryptMyEntry($mail_password, $pubKey); $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare("UPDATE *PREFIX*roundcube SET mail_user = ?, mail_password = ? WHERE id = ?"); OCP\Util::writeLog('roundcube', 'OC_RoundCube_AuthHelper.class.php->changePasswordListener():' . 'Updated mail password data due to password changed for user ' . $username, OCP\Util::DEBUG); $result = $stmt->execute(array($mail_username, $mail_password, $myID)); } } else { OCP\Util::writeLog('roundcube', 'OC_RoundCube_AuthHelper.class.php->changePasswordListener():' . 'No private key for ' . $username, OCP\Util::DEBUG); } }
* @author Martin Reinhardt and David Jaedke * @copyright 2012 Martin Reinhardt contact@martinreinhardt-online.de * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ if ($_POST) { $myID = OC_RoundCube_App::existLoginData(OCP\User::getUser()); $mailuser = OC_RoundCube_App::cryptMyEntry($_POST['mailUsername']); $mailpass = OC_RoundCube_App::cryptMyEntry($_POST['mailPassword']); $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare("UPDATE *PREFIX*roundcube SET mailUser = '******', mailPass = '******' WHERE id = {$myID}"); $result = $stmt->execute(); } // fill template $tmpl = new OCP\Template('roundcube', 'userSettings'); foreach ($params as $param) { $value = OCP\Config::getAppValue('roundcube', $param, ''); $tmpl->assign($param, $value); } return $tmpl->fetchPage();