public function checkPassword($uid, $password) { $uid = strtolower($uid); $unix_user = posix_getpwnam($uid); // checks if the Unix UID number is allowed to connect if (empty($unix_user)) { return false; } //user does not exist if (!in_array($unix_user['uid'], $this->pwauth_uid_list)) { return false; } $handle = popen($this->pwauth_bin_path, 'w'); if ($handle === false) { // Can't open pwauth executable OC_Log::write('OC_USER_PWAUTH', 'Cannot open pwauth executable, check that it is installed on server.', 3); return false; } if (fwrite($handle, "{$uid}\n{$password}\n") === false) { // Can't pipe uid and password return false; } // Is the password valid? $result = pclose($handle); if ($result == 0) { return $uid; } return false; }
/** * Prepares an SQL statement. * * @param string $statement The SQL statement to prepare. * @param int $limit * @param int $offset * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement The prepared statement. */ public function prepare($statement, $limit = null, $offset = null) { if ($limit === -1) { $limit = null; } if (!is_null($limit)) { $platform = $this->getDatabasePlatform(); $statement = $platform->modifyLimitQuery($statement, $limit, $offset); } else { if (isset($this->preparedQueries[$statement]) && $this->cachingQueryStatementEnabled) { return $this->preparedQueries[$statement]; } $origStatement = $statement; } $statement = $this->replaceTablePrefix($statement); $statement = $this->adapter->fixupStatement($statement); if (\OC_Config::getValue('log_query', false)) { \OC_Log::write('core', 'DB prepare : ' . $statement, \OC_Log::DEBUG); } $result = parent::prepare($statement); if (is_null($limit) && $this->cachingQueryStatementEnabled) { $this->preparedQueries[$origStatement] = $result; } return $result; }
public function getThumbnail($path, $maxX, $maxY, $scalingup, $fileview) { $this->initCmd(); if (is_null($this->cmd)) { return false; } $absPath = $fileview->toTmpFile($path); $tmpDir = get_temp_dir(); $defaultParameters = ' --headless --nologo --nofirststartwizard --invisible --norestore -convert-to pdf -outdir '; $clParameters = \OCP\Config::getSystemValue('preview_office_cl_parameters', $defaultParameters); $exec = $this->cmd . $clParameters . escapeshellarg($tmpDir) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($absPath); $export = 'export HOME=/' . $tmpDir; shell_exec($export . "\n" . $exec); //create imagick object from pdf try { $pdf = new \imagick($absPath . '.pdf' . '[0]'); $pdf->setImageFormat('jpg'); } catch (\Exception $e) { unlink($absPath); unlink($absPath . '.pdf'); \OC_Log::write('core', $e->getmessage(), \OC_Log::ERROR); return false; } $image = new \OC_Image(); $image->loadFromData($pdf); unlink($absPath); unlink($absPath . '.pdf'); return $image->valid() ? $image : false; }
/** * insert the @input values when they do not exist yet * @param string $table name * @param array $input key->value pairs * @return int count of inserted rows */ public function insertIfNotExist($table, $input) { $query = 'INSERT INTO `' . $table . '` (`' . implode('`,`', array_keys($input)) . '`) SELECT ' . str_repeat('?,', count($input) - 1) . '? ' . 'FROM `' . $table . '` WHERE '; $inserts = array_values($input); foreach ($input as $key => $value) { $query .= '`' . $key . '`'; if (is_null($value)) { $query .= ' IS NULL AND '; } else { $inserts[] = $value; $query .= ' = ? AND '; } } $query = substr($query, 0, strlen($query) - 5); $query .= ' HAVING COUNT(*) = 0'; try { return $this->conn->executeUpdate($query, $inserts); } catch (\Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException $e) { $entry = 'DB Error: "' . $e->getMessage() . '"<br />'; $entry .= 'Offending command was: ' . $query . '<br />'; \OC_Log::write('core', $entry, \OC_Log::FATAL); error_log('DB error: ' . $entry); \OC_Template::printErrorPage($entry); } }
/** * insert the @input values when they do not exist yet * @param string $table name * @param array $input key->value pair, key has to be sanitized properly * @throws \OC\HintException * @return int count of inserted rows */ public function insertIfNotExist($table, $input) { $query = 'INSERT INTO `' . $table . '` (`' . implode('`,`', array_keys($input)) . '`) SELECT ' . str_repeat('?,', count($input) - 1) . '? ' . 'FROM `' . $table . '` WHERE '; $inserts = array_values($input); foreach ($input as $key => $value) { $query .= '`' . $key . '`'; if (is_null($value)) { $query .= ' IS NULL AND '; } else { $inserts[] = $value; $query .= ' = ? AND '; } } $query = substr($query, 0, strlen($query) - 5); $query .= ' HAVING COUNT(*) = 0'; try { return $this->conn->executeUpdate($query, $inserts); } catch (\Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException $e) { $entry = 'DB Error: "' . $e->getMessage() . '"<br />'; $entry .= 'Offending command was: ' . $query . '<br />'; \OC_Log::write('core', $entry, \OC_Log::FATAL); $l = \OC::$server->getL10N('lib'); throw new \OC\HintException($l->t('Database Error'), $l->t('Please contact your system administrator.'), 0, $e); } }
public function getThumbnail($path) { $gallery_path = \OCP\Config::getSystemValue('datadirectory') . '/' . \OC_User::getUser() . '/gallery'; if (file_exists($gallery_path . $path)) { return new \OC_Image($gallery_path . $path); } if (!\OC_Filesystem::file_exists($path)) { \OC_Log::write(self::TAG, 'File ' . $path . ' don\'t exists', \OC_Log::WARN); return false; } $image = new \OC_Image(); $image->loadFromFile(\OC_Filesystem::getLocalFile($path)); if (!$image->valid()) { return false; } $image->fixOrientation(); $ret = $image->preciseResize(floor(150 * $image->width() / $image->height()), 150); if (!$ret) { \OC_Log::write(self::TAG, 'Couldn\'t resize image', \OC_Log::ERROR); unset($image); return false; } $image->save($gallery_path . '/' . $path); return $image; }
/** * emits a signal * * @param string $signalClass class name of emitter * @param string $signalName name of signal * @param mixed $params default: array() array with additional data * @return bool true if slots exists or false if not * * Emits a signal. To get data from the slot use references! * * TODO: write example */ public static function emit($signalClass, $signalName, $params = array()) { // Return false if no hook handlers are listening to this // emitting class if (!array_key_exists($signalClass, self::$registered)) { return false; } // Return false if no hook handlers are listening to this // emitting method if (!array_key_exists($signalName, self::$registered[$signalClass])) { return false; } // Call all slots foreach (self::$registered[$signalClass][$signalName] as $i) { try { call_user_func(array($i["class"], $i["name"]), $params); } catch (Exception $e) { self::$thrownExceptions[] = $e; $class = $i["class"]; if (is_object($i["class"])) { $class = get_class($i["class"]); } $message = $e->getMessage(); if (empty($message)) { $message = get_class($e); } OC_Log::write('hook', 'error while running hook (' . $class . '::' . $i["name"] . '): ' . $message, OC_Log::ERROR); if ($e instanceof \OC\ServerNotAvailableException) { throw $e; } } } // return true return true; }
/** * emits a signal * @param string $signalclass class name of emitter * @param string $signalname name of signal * @param mixed $params default: array() array with additional data * @return bool, true if slots exists or false if not * * Emits a signal. To get data from the slot use references! * * TODO: write example */ public static function emit($signalclass, $signalname, $params = array()) { // Return false if no hook handlers are listening to this // emitting class if (!array_key_exists($signalclass, self::$registered)) { return false; } // Return false if no hook handlers are listening to this // emitting method if (!array_key_exists($signalname, self::$registered[$signalclass])) { return false; } // Call all slots foreach (self::$registered[$signalclass][$signalname] as $i) { try { call_user_func(array($i["class"], $i["name"]), $params); } catch (Exception $e) { OC_Log::write('hook', 'error while running hook (' . $i["class"] . '::' . $i["name"] . '): ' . $e->getMessage(), OC_Log::ERROR); if ($e instanceof \OC\ServerNotAvailableException && $signalclass === 'OC_Filesystem' && $signalname === 'setup') { throw $e; } } } // return true return true; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getThumbnail($path, $maxX, $maxY, $scalingup, $fileview) { $this->initCmd(); if (is_null($this->cmd)) { return false; } $absPath = $fileview->toTmpFile($path); $tmpDir = get_temp_dir(); $defaultParameters = ' -env:UserInstallation=file://' . escapeshellarg($tmpDir . '/owncloud-' . \OC_Util::getInstanceId() . '/') . ' --headless --nologo --nofirststartwizard --invisible --norestore --convert-to pdf --outdir '; $clParameters = \OCP\Config::getSystemValue('preview_office_cl_parameters', $defaultParameters); $exec = $this->cmd . $clParameters . escapeshellarg($tmpDir) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($absPath); shell_exec($exec); //create imagick object from pdf $pdfPreview = null; try { list($dirname, , , $filename) = array_values(pathinfo($absPath)); $pdfPreview = $dirname . '/' . $filename . '.pdf'; $pdf = new \imagick($pdfPreview . '[0]'); $pdf->setImageFormat('jpg'); } catch (\Exception $e) { unlink($absPath); unlink($pdfPreview); \OC_Log::write('core', $e->getmessage(), \OC_Log::ERROR); return false; } $image = new \OC_Image(); $image->loadFromData($pdf); unlink($absPath); unlink($pdfPreview); return $image->valid() ? $image : false; }
public function getThumbnail($path, $maxX, $maxY, $scalingup, $fileview) { try { $svg = new Imagick(); $svg->setBackgroundColor(new \ImagickPixel('transparent')); $content = stream_get_contents($fileview->fopen($path, 'r')); if (substr($content, 0, 5) !== '<?xml') { $content = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>' . $content; } // Do not parse SVG files with references if (stripos($content, 'xlink:href') !== false) { return false; } $svg->readImageBlob($content); $svg->setImageFormat('png32'); } catch (\Exception $e) { \OC_Log::write('core', $e->getmessage(), \OC_Log::ERROR); return false; } //new image object $image = new \OC_Image(); $image->loadFromData($svg); //check if image object is valid return $image->valid() ? $image : false; }
protected function rotate($logfile) { $rotatedLogfile = $logfile . '.1'; rename($logfile, $rotatedLogfile); $msg = 'Log file "' . $logfile . '" was over ' . $this->max_log_size . ' bytes, moved to "' . $rotatedLogfile . '"'; \OC_Log::write('OC\\Log\\Rotate', $msg, \OC_Log::WARN); }
/** * */ function run() { if ($this->checkGet('app', 'usv2')) { $uid = $this->tokens->getUserId(); if ($uid === false || $uid === null) { if ($this->appConfig->getValue('user_servervars2', 'stop_if_empty', false)) { throw new \Exception('token error'); } // Danger: possibilité de fabriquer une boucle avec janus $ssoURL = $this->appConfig->getValue('user_servervars2', 'sso_url', 'http://localhost/sso'); $this->redirector->redirectTo($ssoURL); } else { $isLoggedIn = $this->uag->isLoggedIn(); if (!$isLoggedIn) { $isLoggedIn = $this->uag->login($uid); } if (!$isLoggedIn) { // if ( !$this->uag->isLoggedIn()) { \OC_Log::write('servervars', 'Error trying to log-in the user' . $uid, \OC_Log::DEBUG); return; } \OC::$REQUESTEDAPP = ''; $this->redirector->redirectToDefaultPage(); } } }
public static function scan($id, $path, $storage) { $file = $storage->getLocalFile($path); $result = OC_Files_Antivirus::clamav_scan($file); switch ($result) { case CLAMAV_SCANRESULT_UNCHECKED: \OCP\Util::writeLog('files_antivirus', 'File "' . $path . '" from user "' . $user . '": is not checked', \OCP\Util::ERROR); break; case CLAMAV_SCANRESULT_INFECTED: $infected_action = \OCP\Config::getAppValue('files_antivirus', 'infected_action', 'only_log'); if ($infected_action == 'delete') { \OCP\Util::writeLog('files_antivirus', 'File "' . $path . '" from user "' . $user . '": is infected, file deleted', \OCP\Util::ERROR); unlink($file); } else { \OCP\Util::writeLog('files_antivirus', 'File "' . $path . '" from user "' . $user . '": is infected', \OCP\Util::ERROR); } break; case CLAMAV_SCANRESULT_CLEAN: $stmt = OCP\DB::prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*files_antivirus` (`fileid`, `check_time`) VALUES (?, ?)'); try { $result = $stmt->execute(array($id, time())); if (\OC_DB::isError($result)) { \OC_Log::write('files_antivirus', __METHOD__ . ', DB error: ' . \OC_DB::getErrorMessage($result), \OCP\Util::ERROR); return; } } catch (\Exception $e) { \OCP\Util::writeLog('files_antivirus', __METHOD__ . ', exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::ERROR); } break; } }
/** * send an email * * @param string $toaddress * @param string $toname * @param string $subject * @param string $mailtext * @param string $fromaddress * @param string $fromname * @param bool $html */ public static function send($toaddress, $toname, $subject, $mailtext, $fromaddress, $fromname, $html = 0, $altbody = '', $ccaddress = '', $ccname = '', $bcc = '') { $SMTPMODE = OC_Config::getValue('mail_smtpmode', 'sendmail'); $SMTPHOST = OC_Config::getValue('mail_smtphost', ''); $SMTPAUTH = OC_Config::getValue('mail_smtpauth', false); $SMTPUSERNAME = OC_Config::getValue('mail_smtpname', ''); $SMTPPASSWORD = OC_Config::getValue('mail_smtppassword', ''); $mailo = new PHPMailer(true); if ($SMTPMODE == 'sendmail') { $mailo->IsSendmail(); } elseif ($SMTPMODE == 'smtp') { $mailo->IsSMTP(); } elseif ($SMTPMODE == 'qmail') { $mailo->IsQmail(); } else { $mailo->IsMail(); } $mailo->Host = $SMTPHOST; $mailo->SMTPAuth = $SMTPAUTH; $mailo->Username = $SMTPUSERNAME; $mailo->Password = $SMTPPASSWORD; $mailo->From = $fromaddress; $mailo->FromName = $fromname; $mailo->Sender = $fromaddress; $a = explode(' ', $toaddress); try { foreach ($a as $ad) { $mailo->AddAddress($ad, $toname); } if ($ccaddress != '') { $mailo->AddCC($ccaddress, $ccname); } if ($bcc != '') { $mailo->AddBCC($bcc); } $mailo->AddReplyTo($fromaddress, $fromname); $mailo->WordWrap = 50; if ($html == 1) { $mailo->IsHTML(true); } else { $mailo->IsHTML(false); } $mailo->Subject = $subject; if ($altbody == '') { $mailo->Body = $mailtext . OC_MAIL::getfooter(); $mailo->AltBody = ''; } else { $mailo->Body = $mailtext; $mailo->AltBody = $altbody; } $mailo->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mailo->Send(); unset($mailo); OC_Log::write('mail', 'Mail from ' . $fromname . ' (' . $fromaddress . ')' . ' to: ' . $toname . '(' . $toaddress . ')' . ' subject: ' . $subject, OC_Log::DEBUG); } catch (Exception $exception) { OC_Log::write('mail', $exception->getMessage(), OC_Log::ERROR); throw $exception; } }
public static function logout($parameters) { $samlBackend = new OC_USER_SAML(); if ($samlBackend->auth->isAuthenticated()) { OC_Log::write('saml', 'Executing SAML logout: ' . $parameters['uid'], OC_Log::DEBUG); $samlBackend->auth->logout(); } return true; }
/** * Instantiate a new \OC\NaturalSort instance. * @param object $injectedCollator */ public function __construct($injectedCollator = null) { // inject an instance of \Collator('en_US') to force using the php5-intl Collator // or inject an instance of \OC\NaturalSort_DefaultCollator to force using Owncloud's default collator if (isset($injectedCollator)) { $this->collator = $injectedCollator; \OC_Log::write('core', 'forced use of ' . get_class($injectedCollator), \OC_Log::DEBUG); } }
private function getJSON() { $con = @file_get_contents($this->url); if ($con != '') { $this->json = json_decode($con); return true; } else { \OC_Log::write('dashboard', "Bitcoin price could not be loaded.", \OC_Log::WARN); return false; } }
function isSecure() { $url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (false !== strpos($url, 'd=1')) { OC_Log::write('passwords', 'Passwords app accessed without secure connection.', OC_Log::WARN); return true; } // test if at least one is true in: // (1) header, (2) port number, (3) config.php setting, (4) admin setting return !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off' || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443 || \OC_Config::getValue('forcessl', '') || \OCP\Config::getAppValue('passwords', 'https_check', 'true') == 'false'; }
/** * @brief Startup encryption backend upon user login * @note This method should never be called for users using client side encryption */ public static function login($params) { $l = new \OC_L10N('files_encryption'); //check if all requirements are met if (!Helper::checkRequirements()) { $error_msg = $l->t("Missing requirements."); $hint = $l->t('Please make sure that PHP 5.3.3 or newer is installed and that the OpenSSL PHP extension is enabled and configured properly. For now, the encryption app has been disabled.'); \OC_App::disable('files_encryption'); \OCP\Util::writeLog('Encryption library', $error_msg . ' ' . $hint, \OCP\Util::ERROR); \OCP\Template::printErrorPage($error_msg, $hint); } $view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/'); // ensure filesystem is loaded if (!\OC\Files\Filesystem::$loaded) { \OC_Util::setupFS($params['uid']); } $util = new Util($view, $params['uid']); // setup user, if user not ready force relogin if (Helper::setupUser($util, $params['password']) === false) { return false; } $encryptedKey = Keymanager::getPrivateKey($view, $params['uid']); $privateKey = Crypt::decryptPrivateKey($encryptedKey, $params['password']); if ($privateKey === false) { \OCP\Util::writeLog('Encryption library', 'Private key for user "' . $params['uid'] . '" is not valid! Maybe the user password was changed from outside if so please change it back to gain access', \OCP\Util::ERROR); } $session = new \OCA\Encryption\Session($view); $session->setPrivateKey($privateKey); // Check if first-run file migration has already been performed $ready = false; if ($util->getMigrationStatus() === Util::MIGRATION_OPEN) { $ready = $util->beginMigration(); } // If migration not yet done if ($ready) { $userView = new \OC_FilesystemView('/' . $params['uid']); // Set legacy encryption key if it exists, to support // depreciated encryption system if ($userView->file_exists('encryption.key') && ($encLegacyKey = $userView->file_get_contents('encryption.key'))) { $plainLegacyKey = Crypt::legacyDecrypt($encLegacyKey, $params['password']); $session->setLegacyKey($plainLegacyKey); } // Encrypt existing user files: // This serves to upgrade old versions of the encryption // app (see appinfo/spec.txt) if ($util->encryptAll('/' . $params['uid'] . '/' . 'files', $session->getLegacyKey(), $params['password'])) { \OC_Log::write('Encryption library', 'Encryption of existing files belonging to "' . $params['uid'] . '" completed', \OC_Log::INFO); } // Register successful migration in DB $util->finishMigration(); } return true; }
public static function logout($parameters) { $samlBackend = new OC_USER_SAML(); if ($samlBackend->auth->isAuthenticated()) { OC_Log::write('saml', 'Executing SAML logout', OC_Log::DEBUG); unset($_COOKIE["SimpleSAMLAuthToken"]); setcookie('SimpleSAMLAuthToken', '', time() - 3600, \OC::$WEBROOT); setcookie('SimpleSAMLAuthToken', '', time() - 3600, \OC::$WEBROOT . '/'); $samlBackend->auth->logout(); } return true; }
/** * get the possible paths for a class * * @param string $class * @return array|bool an array of possible paths or false if the class is not part of ownCloud */ public function findClass($class) { $class = trim($class, '\\'); $paths = array(); if (array_key_exists($class, $this->classPaths)) { $paths[] = $this->classPaths[$class]; } else { if ($this->useGlobalClassPath and array_key_exists($class, \OC::$CLASSPATH)) { $paths[] = \OC::$CLASSPATH[$class]; /** * @TODO: Remove this when necessary * Remove "apps/" from inclusion path for smooth migration to mutli app dir */ if (strpos(\OC::$CLASSPATH[$class], 'apps/') === 0) { \OC_Log::write('core', 'include path for class "' . $class . '" starts with "apps/"', \OC_Log::DEBUG); $paths[] = str_replace('apps/', '', \OC::$CLASSPATH[$class]); } } elseif (strpos($class, 'OC_') === 0) { // first check for legacy classes if underscores are used $paths[] = 'private/legacy/' . strtolower(str_replace('_', '/', substr($class, 3)) . '.php'); $paths[] = 'private/' . strtolower(str_replace('_', '/', substr($class, 3)) . '.php'); } elseif (strpos($class, 'OC\\') === 0) { $paths[] = 'private/' . strtolower(str_replace('\\', '/', substr($class, 3)) . '.php'); $paths[] = strtolower(str_replace('\\', '/', substr($class, 3)) . '.php'); } elseif (strpos($class, 'OCP\\') === 0) { $paths[] = 'public/' . strtolower(str_replace('\\', '/', substr($class, 4)) . '.php'); } elseif (strpos($class, 'OCA\\') === 0) { list(, $app, $rest) = explode('\\', $class, 3); $app = strtolower($app); foreach (\OC::$APPSROOTS as $appDir) { if (stream_resolve_include_path($appDir['path'] . '/' . $app)) { $paths[] = $appDir['path'] . '/' . $app . '/' . strtolower(str_replace('\\', '/', $rest) . '.php'); // If not found in the root of the app directory, insert '/lib' after app id and try again. $paths[] = $appDir['path'] . '/' . $app . '/lib/' . strtolower(str_replace('\\', '/', $rest) . '.php'); } } } elseif (strpos($class, 'Test_') === 0) { $paths[] = 'tests/lib/' . strtolower(str_replace('_', '/', substr($class, 5)) . '.php'); } elseif (strpos($class, 'Test\\') === 0) { $paths[] = 'tests/lib/' . strtolower(str_replace('\\', '/', substr($class, 5)) . '.php'); } else { foreach ($this->prefixPaths as $prefix => $dir) { if (0 === strpos($class, $prefix)) { $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $class) . '.php'; $path = str_replace('_', '/', $path); $paths[] = $dir . '/' . $path; } } } } return $paths; }
/** * @brief Startup encryption backend upon user login * @note This method should never be called for users using client side encryption */ public static function login($params) { if (\OCP\App::isEnabled('files_encryption') === false) { return true; } $l = new \OC_L10N('files_encryption'); $view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/'); // ensure filesystem is loaded if (!\OC\Files\Filesystem::$loaded) { \OC_Util::setupFS($params['uid']); } $privateKey = \OCA\Encryption\Keymanager::getPrivateKey($view, $params['uid']); // if no private key exists, check server configuration if (!$privateKey) { //check if all requirements are met if (!Helper::checkRequirements() || !Helper::checkConfiguration()) { $error_msg = $l->t("Missing requirements."); $hint = $l->t('Please make sure that PHP 5.3.3 or newer is installed and that OpenSSL together with the PHP extension is enabled and configured properly. For now, the encryption app has been disabled.'); \OC_App::disable('files_encryption'); \OCP\Util::writeLog('Encryption library', $error_msg . ' ' . $hint, \OCP\Util::ERROR); \OCP\Template::printErrorPage($error_msg, $hint); } } $util = new Util($view, $params['uid']); // setup user, if user not ready force relogin if (Helper::setupUser($util, $params['password']) === false) { return false; } $session = $util->initEncryption($params); // Check if first-run file migration has already been performed $ready = false; if ($util->getMigrationStatus() === Util::MIGRATION_OPEN) { $ready = $util->beginMigration(); } // If migration not yet done if ($ready) { $userView = new \OC_FilesystemView('/' . $params['uid']); // Set legacy encryption key if it exists, to support // depreciated encryption system if ($userView->file_exists('encryption.key') && ($encLegacyKey = $userView->file_get_contents('encryption.key'))) { $plainLegacyKey = Crypt::legacyDecrypt($encLegacyKey, $params['password']); $session->setLegacyKey($plainLegacyKey); } // Encrypt existing user files: if ($util->encryptAll('/' . $params['uid'] . '/' . 'files', $session->getLegacyKey(), $params['password'])) { \OC_Log::write('Encryption library', 'Encryption of existing files belonging to "' . $params['uid'] . '" completed', \OC_Log::INFO); } // Register successful migration in DB $util->finishMigration(); } return true; }
/** * Notify member about file/folder sharing */ public static function notifyFileShare($args) { try { if (strcasecmp($args['itemType'], 'file') == 0 || strcasecmp($args['itemType'], 'folder') == 0) { $content = 'A ' . $args['itemType'] . ' has been shared with you at location /Shared' . $args['fileTarget']; OC_Collaboration_Post::createPost('File Shared', $content, $args['uidOwner'], NULL, 'File Share', array($args['shareWith'])); OC_Log::write('collaboration', 'File share notification posted.', OCP\Util::INFO); } } catch (\Exception $e) { OC_Log::write('collaboration', __METHOD__ . ', Exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), OCP\Util::DEBUG); return false; } }
/** * @brief Parses the VObject * @param string VObject as string * @returns Sabre_VObject or null */ public static function parse($data) { try { Sabre_VObject_Property::$classMap['LAST-MODIFIED'] = 'Sabre_VObject_Property_DateTime'; $vobject = Sabre_VObject_Reader::read($data); if ($vobject instanceof Sabre_VObject_Component) { $vobject = new OC_VObject($vobject); } return $vobject; } catch (Exception $e) { OC_Log::write('vobject', $e->getMessage(), OC_Log::ERROR); return null; } }
/** * create the storage that is mounted * * @return \OC\Files\Storage\Storage */ private function createStorage() { if (class_exists($this->class)) { try { return $this->loader->load($this->mountPoint, $this->class, $this->arguments); } catch (\Exception $exception) { \OC_Log::write('core', $exception->getMessage(), \OC_Log::ERROR); return null; } } else { \OC_Log::write('core', 'storage backend ' . $this->class . ' not found', \OC_Log::ERROR); return null; } }
public function checkPassword($uid, $password) { if (!$this->auth->isAuthenticated()) { return false; } $attributes = $this->auth->getAttributes(); if (array_key_exists($this->usernameMapping, $attributes)) { $uid = $attributes[$this->usernameMapping][0]; OC_Log::write('saml', 'Authenticated user ' . $uid, OC_Log::DEBUG); } else { OC_Log::write('saml', 'Not found attribute used to get the username ("' . $this->usernameMapping . '") at the requested saml attribute assertion', OC_Log::DEBUG); } return $uid; }
/** * Returns the cache storage for the logged in user * @return \OC\Files\View cache storage */ protected function getStorage() { if (isset($this->storage)) { return $this->storage; } if (\OC_User::isLoggedIn()) { \OC\Files\Filesystem::initMountPoints(\OC_User::getUser()); $this->storage = new \OC\Files\View('/' . \OC_User::getUser() . '/cache'); return $this->storage; } else { \OC_Log::write('core', 'Can\'t get cache storage, user not logged in', \OC_Log::ERROR); throw new \OC\ForbiddenException('Can\\t get cache storage, user not logged in'); } }
public function checkPassword($uid, $password) { $url = 'http://' . urlencode($uid) . ':' . urlencode($password) . '@' . $this->webdavauth_url; $headers = get_headers($url); if ($headers == false) { OC_Log::write('OC_USER_WEBDAVAUTH', 'Not possible to connect to WebDAV Url: "' . $this->webdavauth_url . '" ', 3); return false; } $returncode = substr($headers[0], 9, 3); if ($returncode == '401' or $returncode == '403') { return false; } else { return $uid; } }
private function createDatabase($connection) { $name = $this->dbname; $user = $this->dbuser; //we cant use OC_BD functions here because we need to connect as the administrative user. $query = "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `{$name}` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;"; $result = mysql_query($query, $connection); if (!$result) { $entry = $this->trans->t('DB Error: "%s"', array(mysql_error($connection))) . '<br />'; $entry .= $this->trans->t('Offending command was: "%s"', array($query)) . '<br />'; \OC_Log::write('setup.mssql', $entry, \OC_Log::WARN); } $query = "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `{$name}` . * TO '{$user}'"; //this query will fail if there aren't the right permissions, ignore the error mysql_query($query, $connection); }
public function connectdb() { if ($this->db_conn != '') { return $this->db_conn; } $this->db_conn = false; $errorlevel = error_reporting(); error_reporting($errorlevel & ~E_WARNING); $this->db = new mysqli($this->params['wordpress_db_host'], $this->params['wordpress_db_user'], $this->params['wordpress_db_password'], $this->params['wordpress_db_name']); if (!$this->db) { OC_Log::write('OC_user_wordpress', 'OC_user_wordpress, Failed to connect to wordpress host database: ' . mysqli_error($this->db), OC_Log::ERROR); return false; } $this->db_conn = true; return true; }