function execute($aParams)
     $this->oUpgrade = $aParams[0];
     if ($this->oUpgrade->oDbh->dbsyntax == 'pgsql') {
         $prefix = $this->oUpgrade->oDBUpgrader->prefix;
         $result = $this->oUpgrade->oDbh->exec("ALTER TABLE {$prefix}zones ALTER zonename TYPE varchar(245)");
         // This ALTER TABLE needs to run in UTC because it stores a UTC timestamp
         $result = $this->oUpgrade->oDbh->exec("SET timezone = 'UTC'");
         $result = $this->oUpgrade->oDbh->exec("ALTER TABLE {$prefix}session ALTER lastused TYPE timestamp");
         $result = $this->oUpgrade->oDbh->exec("SET timezone = DEFAULT");
         $result = $this->oUpgrade->oDbh->exec("ALTER TABLE {$prefix}images ALTER t_stamp TYPE timestamp");
         $result = $this->oUpgrade->oDbh->exec("DROP INDEX " . OA_phpAdsNew::phpPgAdsPrefixedIndex('banners_clientid_idx', $prefix));
         $result = $this->oUpgrade->oDbh->exec("DROP INDEX " . OA_phpAdsNew::phpPgAdsPrefixedIndex('clients_parent_idx', $prefix));
         $result = $this->oUpgrade->oDbh->exec("DROP INDEX " . OA_phpAdsNew::phpPgAdsPrefixedIndex('zones_affiliateid_idx', $prefix));
         $aForeignKeys = $this->oUpgrade->oDbh->getAssoc("\n                SELECT\n                    r.conname AS fk,\n                    c.relname AS table\n                FROM\n                    pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN\n                    pg_catalog.pg_constraint r ON (r.conrelid = c.oid)\n                WHERE\n                    c.relname IN ('{$prefix}acls', '{$prefix}banners', '{$prefix}clients', '{$prefix}zones') AND\n                    pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid) AND\n                    r.contype = 'f'\n                ORDER BY\n                    1,2\n            ");
         foreach ($aForeignKeys as $fkey => $table) {
             $result = $this->oUpgrade->oDbh->exec("ALTER TABLE {$table} DROP CONSTRAINT {$fkey}");
         $aIndexes = array(OA_phpAdsNew::phpPgAdsPrefixedIndex('acls_bannerid_idx', $prefix) => 'acls_bannerid', OA_phpAdsNew::phpPgAdsPrefixedIndex('acls_bannerid_executionorder_udx', $prefix) => 'acls_bannerid_executionorder', OA_phpAdsNew::phpPgAdsPrefixedIndex('acls_bannerid_idx', $prefix) => 'acls_bannerid', OA_phpAdsNew::phpPgAdsPrefixedIndex('adclicks_bid_date_idx', $prefix) => 'adclicks_bannerid_date', OA_phpAdsNew::phpPgAdsPrefixedIndex('adclicks_date_idx', $prefix) => 'adclicks_date', OA_phpAdsNew::phpPgAdsPrefixedIndex('adclicks_zoneid_idx', $prefix) => 'adclicks_zoneid', OA_phpAdsNew::phpPgAdsPrefixedIndex('adstats_bid_day_idx', $prefix) => 'adstats_bannerid_day', OA_phpAdsNew::phpPgAdsPrefixedIndex('adstats_zoneid_idx', $prefix) => 'adstats_zoneid', OA_phpAdsNew::phpPgAdsPrefixedIndex('adviews_bid_date_idx', $prefix) => 'adviews_bannerid_date', OA_phpAdsNew::phpPgAdsPrefixedIndex('adviews_date_idx', $prefix) => 'adviews_date', OA_phpAdsNew::phpPgAdsPrefixedIndex('adviews_zoneid_idx', $prefix) => 'adviews_zoneid', OA_phpAdsNew::phpPgAdsPrefixedIndex('zones_zonename_zoneid_idx', $prefix) => 'zones_zonenameid');
         foreach ($aIndexes as $oldIndex => $newIndex) {
             $result = $this->oUpgrade->oDbh->exec("ALTER INDEX {$oldIndex} RENAME TO {$prefix}{$newIndex}");
         $aFunctions = array('unix_timestamp(timestamptz)', 'from_unixtime(int4)', 'to_days(timestamptz)', 'dayofmonth(timestamptz)', 'month(timestamptz)', 'year(timestamptz)', 'week(timestamptz)', 'hour(timestamptz)', 'date_format(timestamptz, text)', 'if(bool, varchar, varchar)');
         foreach ($aFunctions as $function) {
             $result = $this->oUpgrade->oDbh->exec("DROP FUNCTION {$function}");
     return true;
コード例 #2
  * A method for setting up a test database.
  * @param bool $ignore_errors True if setup errors should be ignored.
 static function setupDB($ignore_errors = false)
     $oDbh =& OA_DB::singleton();
     if (PEAR::isError($oDbh)) {
         $aConf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
         $result = OA_DB::createDatabase($aConf['database']['name']);
         if (PEAR::isError($result) && !$ignore_errors) {
             PEAR::raiseError("TestEnv unable to create the {$aConf['database']['name']} test database." . $result->getUserInfo(), PEAR_LOG_ERR);
         $result = OA_DB::createFunctions();
         if (PEAR::isError($result) && !$ignore_errors) {
             PEAR::raiseError("TestEnv unable to create the required functions." . $result->getUserInfo(), PEAR_LOG_ERR);
コード例 #3
ファイル: DB.php プロジェクト: Spark-Eleven/revive-adserver
  * A method to set the default schema. The schema will be created if missing.
  * @param MDB2_Driver_common $oDbh
  * @return mixed True on succes, PEAR_Error otherwise
 static function setSchema($oDbh)
     $aConf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
     // Connect to PgSQL schema if needed
     if ($oDbh->dbsyntax == 'pgsql' && !empty($oDbh->connected_database_name)) {
         if (empty($aConf['databasePgsql']['schema'])) {
             // No need to deal with schemas
             return true;
         $result = $oDbh->exec("SET search_path = '{$aConf['databasePgsql']['schema']}'");
         if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
             // Schema not found, try to create it
             $schema = $oDbh->quoteIdentifier($aConf['databasePgsql']['schema'], true);
             $result = $oDbh->exec("CREATE SCHEMA {$schema}");
             if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
                 // Schema was not created, return error
                 return $result;
             $result = $oDbh->exec("SET search_path = '{$aConf['databasePgsql']['schema']}'");
             if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
                 // Schema was created, but SET search_path failed...
                 return $result;
             $result = OA_DB::createFunctions();
             if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
                 // Could not create functions
                 return $result;
     return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Upgrade.php プロジェクト: villos/tree_admin
  * prepare to execute the upgrade steps
  * assumes that you have run canUpgrade first (to detect install and determine versionInitialApplication)
  * execute milestones followed by incremental packages
  * this method is called recursively for incremental packages
  * audit each package execution
  * @return boolean
 function upgrade($input_file = '', $timing = 'constructive')
     // only need to disable plugins once
     static $plugins_disabled;
     if (!$plugins_disabled) {
         $plugins_disabled = true;
     // initialise database connection if necessary
     if (is_null($this->oDbh)) {
     if (!$this->checkPermissionToCreateTable()) {
         $this->oLogger->logError('Insufficient database permissions or incorrect database settings');
         return false;
     // first deal with each of the packages in the list
     // that was compiled during detection
     if (count($this->aPackageList) > 0) {
         foreach ($this->aPackageList as $k => $this->package_file) {
             if (!$this->upgradeExecute($this->package_file)) {
                 $halt = true;
     if ($halt) {
         return false;
     // when upgrading from a milestone version such as pan or max
     // run through this upgrade again
     // else finish by doing a *version stamp* upgrade
     if ($this->upgrading_from_milestone_version) {
         // if openads installed was not on
         // set installed on so openads can be detected
         $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['openads']['installed'] = 1;
         if ($this->detectOpenads()) {
             if (!$this->upgrade()) {
                 $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['openads']['installed'] = 0;
                 return false;
     } else {
         $version = OA_VERSION;
         if ($this->seekFantasyUpgradeFile()) {
             $version = '999.999.999';
         $this->package_file = 'openads_version_stamp_' . $version;
         $this->oDBUpgrader->logFile = $this->oLogger->logFile;
         $this->oAuditor->setKeyParams(array('upgrade_name' => $this->package_file, 'version_to' => $version, 'version_from' => $this->getProductApplicationVersion(true), 'logfile' => basename($this->oLogger->logFile)));
         $this->oAuditor->logAuditAction(array('description' => 'FAILED', 'action' => UPGRADE_ACTION_UPGRADE_FAILED));
         // Update SQL functions to the latest version
         if (PEAR::isError(OA_DB::createFunctions())) {
             $this->oLogger->logError('Failed to update SQL functions');
             $this->message = 'Failed to update SQL functions';
             return false;
         // Reparse the config file to ensure that new items are loaded
         $this->oConfiguration->aConfig = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF'];
         if (!$this->_upgradeConfig()) {
             $this->oLogger->logError('Failed to upgrade configuration file');
             return false;
         if ($this->versionInitialApplication != $version) {
             if (!$this->oVersioner->putApplicationVersion($version)) {
                 $this->oLogger->logError('Failed to update application version to ' . $version);
                 $this->message = 'Failed to update application version to ' . $version;
                 return false;
             $this->versionInitialApplication = $this->oVersioner->getApplicationVersion();
             $this->oLogger->log('Application version updated to ' . $version);
         $this->oAuditor->updateAuditAction(array('description' => 'UPGRADE_COMPLETE', 'action' => UPGRADE_ACTION_UPGRADE_SUCCEEDED, 'confbackup' => $this->oConfiguration->getConfigBackupName()));
     return true;
コード例 #5
 function __construct()
コード例 #6
  * create uniquely named copies of affected tables
  * audit each backup
  * @return boolean
 function _backup()
     if ($this->doBackups) {
         $aTables = $this->aChanges['affected_tables'][$this->timingStr];
         $this->aDBTables = $this->_listTables();
         if (!empty($aTables)) {
             $this->oAuditor->logAuditAction(array('info1' => 'BACKUP STARTED', 'action' => DB_UPGRADE_ACTION_BACKUP_STARTED));
             // Create backup SQL functions if needed
             $result = OA_DB::createFunctions(true);
             if ($this->_isPearError($result, 'error creating backup SQL functions')) {
                 $this->oAuditor->logAuditAction(array('info1' => 'BACKUP FAILED', 'info2' => 'creating backup SQL functions', 'action' => DB_UPGRADE_ACTION_BACKUP_FAILED));
                 return false;
             // Backup tables
             foreach ($aTables as $k => &$table) {
                 if (in_array($this->prefix . $table, $this->aDBTables)) {
                     $string = $this->versionTo . $this->timingStr . $this->database . $this->prefix . $table . OA::getNow();
                     // Create the table name using a 64bit hex string (16 char)
                     // Uniqueness is guaranteed using a second crc32 call with a
                     // slightly modified string
                     $table_bak = sprintf('z_%08x%08x', crc32($string), crc32("@" . $string));
                     $this->aMessages[] = "backing up table {$this->prefix}{$table} to table {$this->prefix}{$table_bak} ";
                     $statement = $this->aSQLStatements['table_copy'];
                     $query = sprintf($statement, $this->prefix . $table_bak, $this->prefix . $table);
                     $result = $this->oSchema->db->exec($query);
                     if ($this->_isPearError($result, 'error creating backup')) {
                         $this->oAuditor->logAuditAction(array('info1' => 'BACKUP FAILED', 'info2' => 'creating backup table' . $table_bak, 'action' => DB_UPGRADE_ACTION_BACKUP_FAILED));
                         return false;
                     $aDef = $this->_getDefinitionFromDatabase($table);
                     $aBakDef = $aDef['tables'][$table];
                     //                      keeping the restore array alive is no longer necessary after refactored recovery
                     //	                    $this->aRestoreTables[$table] = array(
                     //	                                                          'bak'=>$table_bak,
                     //	                                                          'def'=>$aBakDef
                     //	                                                         );
                     $this->oAuditor->logAuditAction(array('info1' => 'copied table', 'tablename' => $table, 'tablename_backup' => $table_bak, 'table_backup_schema' => serialize($aBakDef), 'action' => DB_UPGRADE_ACTION_BACKUP_TABLE_COPIED));
                 } else {
                     $this->aAddedTables[$table] = true;
             $this->oAuditor->logAuditAction(array('info1' => 'BACKUP COMPLETE', 'action' => DB_UPGRADE_ACTION_BACKUP_SUCCEEDED));
         } else {
             $this->oAuditor->logAuditAction(array('info1' => 'BACKUP UNNECESSARY', 'action' => DB_UPGRADE_ACTION_BACKUP_SUCCEEDED));
     } else {
         $this->oAuditor->logAuditAction(array('info1' => 'BACKUP IGNORED', 'action' => DB_UPGRADE_ACTION_BACKUP_IGNORED));
     return true;
コード例 #7
 function LibAclTest()