コード例 #1
ファイル: OAIHarvester.inc.php プロジェクト: Rygbee/harvester
  * Get the metadata format.
 function getMetadataFormat($default = DUBLIN_CORE_METADATA_PREFIX)
     if (isset($this->metadataFormat)) {
         return $this->metadataFormat;
     $archive =& $this->getArchive();
     $schemaPluginName = $archive->getSchemaPluginName();
     if (empty($schemaPluginName)) {
         return $this->metadataFormat = $default;
     $schemaDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('SchemaDAO');
     $aliases = array_keys($schemaDao->getSchemaAliases($schemaPluginName));
     $supportedFormats = OAIHarvester::getMetadataFormats($archive->getSetting('harvesterUrl'), $archive->getSetting('isStatic'));
     // Return the first common format between the aliases for this
     // plugin and the archive's supported formats.
     $this->metadataFormat = array_shift(array_intersect((array) $aliases, (array) $supportedFormats));
     if (empty($this->metadataFormat)) {
         $this->metadataFormat = $default;
     return $this->metadataFormat;
コード例 #2
  * Get the harvest update parameters from the Request object.
  * @param $archive object
  * @return array
 function readUpdateParams(&$archive)
     $returner = array();
     $set = Request::getUserVar('set');
     if (count($set) == 1 && $set[0] == '') {
         $set = null;
     $returner['set'] = $set;
     $dateFrom = Request::getUserDateVar('from', 1, 1);
     $dateTo = Request::getUserDateVar('until', 32, 12, null, 23, 59, 59);
     if (!empty($dateFrom)) {
         $returner['from'] = OAIHarvester::UTCDate($dateFrom);
     if (!empty($dateTo)) {
         $returner['until'] = OAIHarvester::UTCDate($dateTo);
     return $returner;
コード例 #3
ファイル: oaiUpdate.php プロジェクト: Tjorriemorrie/app

if (!class_exists('DOMAttr')) {
    echo "Requires PHP 5 with the DOM module enabled.\n" . "\n" . "Although enabled by default in most PHP configurations, this module\n" . "is sometimes shipped in a separate package by Linux distributions.\n" . "\n" . "Fedora 6 users, please try:\n" . "    yum install php-xml\n" . "\n";
$base = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
require_once "{$base}/maintenance/commandLine.inc";
 * Persistent data:
 * - Source repo URL
 * - Last seen update timestamp
$harvester = new OAIHarvester($oaiSourceRepository);
if (isset($options['from'])) {
    $lastUpdate = wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $options['from']);
} else {
    $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
    $checkpoint = $dbr->selectField('oaiharvest', 'oh_last_timestamp', array('oh_repository' => $oaiSourceRepository));
    $highest = $dbr->selectField('revision', 'MAX(rev_timestamp)');
    if ($checkpoint) {
        $lastUpdate = wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $checkpoint);
        echo "Starting at last checkpoint: " . wfTimestamp(TS_DB, $lastUpdate) . "\n";
    } elseif ($highest) {
        $lastUpdate = wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $highest);
        echo "No local update checkpoint; starting at last-updated page: " . wfTimestamp(TS_DB, $lastUpdate) . "\n";
    } else {
        # Starting from an empty database!
        echo "Empty database; starting at epoch: 1970-01-01 00:00:00\n";
        $lastUpdate = '19700101000000';
コード例 #4
            die('Failed to create directory: ' . $dir);
$verb = 'ListRecords';
if (isset($options['id'])) {
    $params['identifier'] = ID_PREFIX . $options['id'];
    define('ID_BASED_FILE_NAME_TEMPLATE', $options['set'] . '/individuals.json');
    $out = fopen($configuration['OUTPUT_DIR'] . getOutputFileName($total), "a+");
    $verb = 'GetRecord';
} else {
    $out = fopen($configuration['OUTPUT_DIR'] . getOutputFileName($total), "w");
do {
    $harvester = new OAIHarvester($verb, 'http://oai.europeana.eu/oaicat/OAIHandler', $params);
    $harvester->setAuthentication($configuration['username'], $configuration['password']);
    $times['fetch'] = microtime(TRUE);
    $retry = 0;
    do {
        if ($retry > 0) {
            print "Needs retrying at {$total} ({$retry})\n";
        $fetchOk = checkFetchState($harvester, $total, $retry);
    } while ($fetchOk === FALSE && ++$retry <= MAX_RETRY);
    $times['fetch'] = microtime(TRUE) - $times['fetch'];
    $currentRecordCount = 0;
    if ($fetchOk) {
        while (($record = $harvester->getNextRecord()) != null) {