コード例 #1
 public function generateNewsForPolitico()
     // force generation of another news related to politico in case skip is activated
     // we need the news related to the politician for the politician page
     $n = new News();
     if ($this->getCreatedAt() != null) {
  * create as many news as the number of monitorable objects related to the 
  * generating object
  * @param BaseObject $object - the generator object
  * @param int $priority - the priority (it's an override if not null)
  * @param bool $isSuccNews - flag to generate a succNews (only called from batch script)
  * @return int - the number of generated news
  * @author Guglielmo Celata
 public function generateNews(BaseObject $object, $priority = null, $isSuccNews = null)
     $n_gen_news = 0;
     // fetch the monitorable objects related to this generator
     $monitorable_objects = $this->getRelatedMonitorableObjects($object);
     foreach ($monitorable_objects as $obj) {
         // temporarily skip news generation when tagging emendamento
         if (get_class($object) == 'Tagging' && $object->getTaggableModel() == 'OppEmendamento') {
         $n = new News();
         // the following methods store data related to the generating object in the cache
         // only data needed to sort, sum, average, or count, are cached
         if ($object->getCreatedAt() != null) {
         if (!is_null($priority)) {
         } else {
         # TODO: spostare le eccezioni fuori dal plugin, in un contesto di applicazione
         // eccezioni
         // eccezione per non generare notizia alla presentazione di un decreto legge
         if ($object instanceof OppAtto && $object->getTipoAttoId() == 12) {
         if ($obj instanceof OppAtto) {
         // eccezione per modifica valore campo succ (opp_atto)
         if (isset($this->succNews) && $this->succNews || $isSuccNews) {
             $succ_obj = OppAttoPeer::retrieveByPK($object->getSucc());
             $n->setDate($succ_obj->getDataPres('Y-m-d h:i:s'));
         // eccezione per news generate dal tagging
         if ($object instanceof Tagging) {
     return $n_gen_news;
コード例 #3
define('SF_ENVIRONMENT', 'prod');
define('SF_DEBUG', false);
  duplica le notizie generate dal Tagging, relative a un OppAtto
  per ogni notizia, genera una notizia relativa a Tag, con data equivalente
  in questo modo, l'estrazione di notizie relative a un tag è semplificata
echo "Fetching news to duplicate\n";
$c = new Criteria();
$c->add(NewsPeer::GENERATOR_MODEL, 'Tagging');
$c->add(NewsPeer::RELATED_MONITORABLE_MODEL, 'OppAtto');
$news = NewsPeer::doSelect($c);
echo "Found " . count($news) . " news\n";
foreach ($news as $i => $n) {
    $nn = new News();
    if ($i % 100 == 0) {
        echo $i . " ";
echo "\n{$i} news processed and fixed\n";
コード例 #4
  * insert a record in the sf_news_cache table, regarding votation on given
  * date, place and act; see description of hasGroupVotation, for the meaning of
  * parameters
  * @param  date     $data - the date of the seduta when the votation happened
  * @param  char     $ramo - the place where the votation happened (C|S)
  * @param  char     $tipo_atto_id - the type of act the news is related to
  * @param  integer  $atto_id - the identifier for the OppAtto object the votation is related to
  * @return void
  * @author Guglielmo Celata
 public static function addGroupVotation($data, $ramo, $tipo_atto_id, $atto_id = null)
     if (!isset($data) || !isset($ramo) || !isset($tipo_atto_id)) {
         throw new deppPropelActAsNewsGeneratorException('$data, $ramo and $tipo_atto_id are required');
     $news = new News();
     if (!isset($atto_id)) {
     } else {