function setup_module($column, $moduleName, $obj) { global $content_type, $users, $post_type_message, $post_type, $network_info, $paging; switch ($moduleName) { case 'ImagesModule': $obj->block_type = 'Gallery'; $obj->page = "homepage"; $obj->title = __("Recent Media"); break; case 'EventCalendarSidebarModule': $obj->assoc_type = "network"; $obj->assoc_id = $network_info->network_id; $obj->title = 'Events'; if (isset($_SESSION['user']['id'])) { $is_admin = Network::is_admin($network_info->network_id, (int) $_SESSION['user']['id']); } else { $is_admin = FALSE; } if ($is_admin) { $obj->may_edit = true; } else { $obj->may_edit = false; } break; case 'ShowContentModule': //not sure why this is being used here // TODO : find out reason of using this and fix it $obj->cid = @$_GET['cid']; $obj->mode = PUB; $obj->block_type = HOMEPAGE; $obj->content_type = $content_type; $obj->uid = 0; $obj->message = $post_type_message[$post_type]; // This message array is defined in $obj->Paging["page"] = $paging["page"]; $obj->Paging["show"] = 10; break; case 'AdsByGoogleModule': $obj->block_type = HOMEPAGE; break; case 'NewestGroupsModule': $obj->block_type = HOMEPAGE_SORTBY; $obj->sort_by = TRUE; break; case 'RecentPostModule': $obj->type = 'homepage'; break; } }
function generate_inner_html() { if (PA::$network_info->type == MOTHER_NETWORK_TYPE) { if (PA::$login_uid == SUPER_USER_ID) { $this->set_perms('all'); } else { $tasks = $this->get_user_task_permissions(PA::$login_uid); if (count($tasks) == 0) { $this->set_perms('none'); } else { $this->set_perms($tasks); } } } else { //spawned networks admin has all permissions if (Network::is_admin(PA::$network_info->network_id, PA::$login_uid) || PA::$login_uid == SUPER_USER_ID) { //owner of network $this->set_perms('all'); //todo - quick fix here $this->task_perms['meta_networks'] = FALSE; } else { $tasks = $this->get_user_task_permissions(PA::$login_uid); if (count($tasks) == 0) { $this->set_perms('none'); } else { $this->set_perms($tasks); } } } $extra = unserialize(PA::$network_info->extra); $network_content_moderation = FALSE; if (@$extra['network_content_moderation'] == NET_YES) { // this can be empty or not set $network_content_moderation = TRUE; } $inner_template = NULL; switch ($this->mode) { default: $inner_template = PA::$blockmodule_path . '/' . get_class($this) . '/center_inner_private.tpl'; } $obj_inner_template = new Template($inner_template); $obj_inner_template->set('task_perms', $this->task_perms); $obj_inner_template->set('network_content_moderation', $network_content_moderation); $inner_html = $obj_inner_template->fetch(); return $inner_html; }
function current_user_can($action) { global $network_info; //TODO write call back functions for each action if ('configure_network' == $action || 'delete_network' == $action || 'network_announcement' == $action || 'network_bulletins' == $action || 'manage_user' == $action || 'manage_content' == $action || 'new_user_create' == $action || 'network_links' == $action || 'change_skin' == $action || 'configure_splash_page' == $action || 'customize_ui' == $action || 'moderate_content' == $action) { if ($network_info) { if (!Network::is_admin($network_info->network_id, $_SESSION['user']['id'])) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } else { //right now return true simply //TODO: write code for mother network check return TRUE; } } }
function generate_inner_html() { global $current_theme_path, $base_url, $network_info, $login_uid; if ($network_info->type == MOTHER_NETWORK_TYPE) { if ($login_uid == SUPER_USER_ID) { $this->set_perms('all'); } else { $role_obj = Roles::get_user_role($login_uid); if (empty($role_obj)) { $this->set_perms('none'); } else { $tasks = Roles::get_tasks_of_role($role_obj->role_id); $this->set_perms($tasks); } } } else { //spawned networks only admin roles if (Network::is_admin($network_info->network_id, $login_uid) || $login_uid == SUPER_USER_ID) { //owner of network $this->set_perms('all'); //todo - quick fix here $this->task_perms['meta_networks'] = FALSE; } else { $this->set_perms('none'); } } $extra = unserialize($network_info->extra); $network_content_moderation = FALSE; if (@$extra['network_content_moderation'] == NET_YES) { // this can be empty or not set $network_content_moderation = TRUE; } $inner_template = NULL; switch ($this->mode) { default: $inner_template = dirname(__FILE__) . '/center_inner_private.tpl'; } $obj_inner_template =& new Template($inner_template); $obj_inner_template->set('base_url', $base_url); $obj_inner_template->set('task_perms', $this->task_perms); $obj_inner_template->set('network_content_moderation', $network_content_moderation); $inner_html = $obj_inner_template->fetch(); return $inner_html; }
function setup_module($column, $module, $obj) { global $login_uid; switch ($module) { case 'EventCalendarModule': $obj->title = 'Network Events'; $obj->assoc_type = 'network'; $obj->assoc_id = PA::$network_info->network_id; $obj->assoc_title = PA::$network_info->name; $is_admin = Network::is_admin(PA::$network_info->network_id, $login_uid); if ($is_admin) { $obj->may_edit = true; } else { $obj->may_edit = false; } break; } $obj->mode = PUB; }
function setup_module($column, $module, $obj) { global $network_info, $login_uid, $configure_permission; switch ($module) { case 'EventCalendarModule': if (!$configure_permission) { return 'skip'; } $obj->title = 'Network Events'; $obj->assoc_type = 'network'; $obj->assoc_id = $network_info->network_id; $obj->assoc_title = $network_info->name; $is_admin = Network::is_admin($network_info->network_id, $login_uid); if ($is_admin) { $obj->may_edit = true; } else { $obj->may_edit = false; } break; } $obj->mode = PUB; }
/** Purpose : this function is used to get navigation links for the whole page. Scope : public @param - it needs no direct input. But works only on the basis of current page initialized in __construct() @return - array of links **/ public function get_links($optional = NULL) { //initialization global $dynamic_page; if (isset($_SESSION['user']['id'])) { $extra = unserialize($this->network_info->extra); if (@$extra['reciprocated_relationship'] == NET_YES) { $status = APPROVED; } else { $status = FALSE; } $relations_ids = Relation::get_relations((int) $_SESSION['user']['id'], $status, PA::$network_info->network_id); $user_groups = Group::get_user_groups((int) $_SESSION['user']['id']); /* $gid isn't defined in this function, so the following call * will probably always return FALSE. To get rid of the warning * under E_ALL, I've replaced the following expression with * FALSE. Maybe $gid should be get_group_id()? */ $is_owner_of_group = FALSE; //Group::is_admin($gid,(int)$_SESSION['user']['id']) ; } if (isset($relations_ids) && sizeof($relations_ids)) { $this->set_friend_uid($relations_ids[0]); } if (isset($user_groups) && sizeof($user_groups)) { $this->users_first_group_id($user_groups[0]['gid']); } if (PA::$login_uid) { $this->set_uid(PA::$login_uid); } else { $this->set_anonymous(); } $is_group_content = FALSE; if (@$_GET['gid']) { $this->set_group_id($_GET['gid']); } else { if ((FILE_FORUM_MESSAGES == $this->current_page || FILE_CONTENT == $this->current_page) && !empty($_REQUEST['ccid']) && $_REQUEST['ccid'] > 0) { $this->set_group_id($_REQUEST['ccid']); $is_group_content = TRUE; } else { if (PAGE_PERMALINK == $this->current_page && !empty($_GET['cid'])) { try { $content_data = Content::load_content($_GET['cid'], $this->get_uid()); } catch (PAException $e) { if ($e->getCode() != CONTENT_NOT_FOUND) { throw $e; } } if (isset($content_data)) { if ($content_data->parent_collection_id > 0) { $content_collection_data = ContentCollection::load_collection($content_data->parent_collection_id, $this->get_uid()); if ($content_collection_data->type == GROUP_COLLECTION_TYPE) { $this->set_group_id($content_data->parent_collection_id); $is_group_content = TRUE; } } } } } } //test //$this->current_page='test.php'; // make links for current page $this->make_links(); $level_1 = $this->get_level_1(); $level_2 = $this->get_level_2(); $level_3 = NULL; $left_user_public_links = NULL; if (Network::is_admin($this->network_info->network_id, (int) @$_SESSION['user']['id'])) { $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('network'); } else { if (!$this->network_info && $_SESSION['user']['id'] == SUPERUSER) { $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('network'); } } $level_3 = NULL; switch ($this->current_page) { /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case PAGE_HOMEPAGE: $level_3 = NULL; $level_2['highlight'] = 'home'; break; case FILE_LOGIN: $level_2['highlight'] = 'home'; break; case PAGE_SEARCH: //fix by Zoran Hron: constants FILE_SEARCH_HOME and FILE_SHOWCONTENT points to the same value !!! if (!empty($_GET['gid'])) { $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'groups_general')); } else { if (!empty($_GET['btn_searchContent'])) { $level_2['highlight'] = 'search'; } else { $level_3 = NULL; $level_2['highlight'] = 'home'; } } break; case FILE_TAG_SEARCH: $level_2['highlight'] = 'tag_search'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case PAGE_USER_PRIVATE: global $app; $app->setRequestParam('uid', PA::$login_uid, 'POST'); case PAGE_USER_PUBLIC: case PAGE_USER_PRIVATE: if (!PA::$page_uid && !PA::$login_uid) { throw new PAException("", "Invalid page access"); } if (PA::$page_uid) { //uid get variable set //these links are to be added in front $def_relations_term = 'Friend'; if (isset($extra['relationship_show_mode']['term'])) { $def_relations_term = $extra['relationship_show_mode']['term']; } $relation_already_exists_links = array('send_message' => array('caption' => __('Send a message'), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_ADDMESSAGE . '/uid=' . PA::$page_uid), 'change_relationship' => array('caption' => __('Change Relation'), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_EDIT_RELATIONS . '/uid=' . PA::$page_uid . '&do=change&action=EditRelation'), 'delete_relationship' => array('caption' => sprintf(__('Delete as %s'), __($def_relations_term)), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_EDIT_RELATIONS . '/do=delete&uid=' . PA::$page_uid . '&action=EditRelation', 'extra' => ' onclick ="return delete_confirmation_msg(\'' . __('Are you sure you want to delete this Relationship?') . '\') "')); $relation_does_not_exists_links = array('send_message' => array('caption' => __('Send a message'), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_ADDMESSAGE . '/uid=' . PA::$page_uid), 'make_connection' => array('caption' => sprintf(__('Add as %s'), __($def_relations_term)), 'url' => $this->base_url . PA_ROUTE_EDIT_RELATIONS . '/uid=' . PA::$page_uid . '&do=add&action=EditRelation')); if (PA::$page_uid == PA::$login_uid) { //login and get uid same means user's public page $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); } else { // make left and right links //user's public page requires different link rendering if (!empty($relations_ids)) { if (in_array(PA::$page_uid, $relations_ids)) { $left_user_public_links = $relation_already_exists_links; } else { $left_user_public_links = $relation_does_not_exists_links; } } else { $left_user_public_links = $relation_does_not_exists_links; } } } else { //means user's private page $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'user_private'; } break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case PAGE_PEOPLES: $level_2['highlight'] = 'people'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('people'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'find_people'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case PAGE_FAMILY: case PAGE_FAMILY_EDIT: $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('family'); break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_VIEW_ALL_MEMBERS: if (@$_GET['gid']) { $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'group_specific')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'group_members'; } else { $level_2['highlight'] = 'people'; if (PA::$page_uid == PA::$login_uid) { $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('people'); if (!empty($_GET['view_type']) && $_GET['view_type'] == 'relations') { $level_3['highlight'] = 'my_friends'; } else { if (!empty($_GET['view_type']) && $_GET['view_type'] == 'in_relations') { $level_3['highlight'] = 'people_who_call_me_friend'; } else { $level_3['highlight'] = 'find_people'; } } } } break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_INVITATION: $level_2['highlight'] = 'people'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('people'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'invite'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_UPLOAD_MEDIA: case PAGE_MEDIA_GALLERY: if (PA::$login_uid) { if (isset($_GET['view']) && 'groups_media' == $_GET['view']) { //user is viewing group gallery $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'group_specific')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'group_gallery'; } else { if (isset($_GET['view']) && 'friends' == $_GET['view']) { //user is viewing his friends gallery $level_2['highlight'] = 'people'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('people'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'friends_gallery'; } else { if (PA::$page_uid != PA::$login_uid && PA::$page_uid != '') { //user is viewing his private page gallery $level_2['highlight'] = 'people'; } else { if (PA::$page_uid == PA::$login_uid || !PA::$page_uid) { $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'my_gallery'; } } } } } else { if (!empty(PA::$page_uid)) { // for anonymous user $level_2['highlight'] = 'people'; } } break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case PAGE_USER_CUSTOMIZE_UI: $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'customize_ui'; break; case FILE_USER_CALENDAR: $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'my_events'; break; case PAGE_EDIT_PROFILE: $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'settings'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_EDIT_RELATIONS: $level_2['highlight'] = 'people'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('people'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'find_people'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case PAGE_GROUPS_HOME: $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'groups_general')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'find_groups'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_GROUPS_CATEGORY: $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'groups_general')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'find_groups'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_ADDGROUP: $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; if (!empty($_GET['gid'])) { $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'group_specific')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'edit_group'; } else { $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'groups_general')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'create_group'; } break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case PAGE_GROUP: case PAGE_GROUP_AD_CENTER: case FILE_GROUP_MEDIA_GALLERY: case FILE_GROUP_CALENDAR: case FILE_GROUP_INVITATION: case PAGE_GROUP_THEME: case PAGE_GROUP_MODERATION: case FILE_MANAGE_GROUP_CONTENTS: $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'group_specific')); break; case FILE_ADDGROUP: $level_2['highlight'] = 'group'; if ($_GET['gid']) { $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'group_specific')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'edit_group'; } else { $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'groups_general')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'create_group'; } break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_WIDGET: $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'user_widgets'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case PAGE_MESSAGE: case PAGE_ADDMESSAGE: case PAGE_VIEW_MESSAGE: $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'messages'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_POST_CONTENT: $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'create_post'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_CONTENT_MANAGEMENT: $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'manage_posts'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_NETWORKS_HOME: case FILE_NETWORKS_CATEGORY: $level_1['highlight'] = 'networks_directory'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_NETWORK_USER_DEFAULTS: case FILE_RELATIONSHIP_SETTINGS: case FILE_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION: case FILE_MANAGE_TAKETOUR: case FILE_MANAGE_EMBLEM: case FILE_CONFIGURE_SPLASH_PAGE: case FILE_NETWORK_FEATURE: case FILE_NETWORK_CUSTOMIZE_UI_PAGE: case FILE_NETWORK_STATS: case FILE_NETWORK_LINKS: case FILE_NEW_USER_BY_ADMIN: case FILE_NETWORK_MANAGE_CONTENT: case FILE_MODULE_SELECTOR: case FILE_NETWORK_BULLETINS: case FILE_NETWORK_MANAGE_USER: case FILE_NETWORK_CALENDAR: case FILE_MANAGE_AD_CENTER: case FILE_MANAGE_GROUP_FORUM: case FILE_MANAGE_COMMENTS: case FILE_RANKING: case FILE_MISREPORTS: case PAGE_ROLE_MANAGE: case FILE_ASSIGN_TASK: $level_2 = $this->get_level_3('network'); $level_1['highlight'] = 'configure_network'; $level_2['highlight'] = 'configure_network'; break; case FILE_CREATENETWORK: $level_1['highlight'] = 'create_network'; $level_3['highlight'] = 'statistics'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_SHOWCONTENT: // remark by Zoran Hron: this never will be executed because // constants FILE_SEARCH_HOME and FILE_SHOWCONTENT points to the same value !!! if (!empty($_GET['gid'])) { $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'groups_general')); } break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_LINKS_MANAGEMENT: $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_MEDIA_FULL_VIEW: if (!empty($_GET['gid'])) { $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'group_specific')); } else { $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); } break; case FILE_REGISTER: $level_2['highlight'] = 'home'; break; case FILE_EDIT_MEDIA: $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'my_gallery'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_EDITNETWORK: case PAGE_PERMALINK: if ($is_group_content == TRUE) { if ($this->get_uid()) { $is_group_content = FALSE; $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'group_specific')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'group_home'; } else { $is_group_content = FALSE; $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'groups_general')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'group_home'; } } elseif (!empty($_GET['cid'])) { try { $content_data = Content::load_content($_GET['cid'], $this->get_uid()); if ($content_data->parent_collection_id != -1 && $content_data->parent_collection_id != 0) { $content_collection_data = ContentCollection::load_collection($content_data->parent_collection_id, $this->get_uid()); if ($content_collection_data->type == GROUP_COLLECTION_TYPE) { $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'group_specific')); } } else { $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); } } catch (PAException $e) { } } break; default: break; } //--end of switch /* moved this code outside of the switch statement... we wabt this to run in any case, so that xml files can override default navigation! -Martin */ if (isset($dynamic_page) && !empty($dynamic_page->navigation_code)) { if (false == eval($dynamic_page->navigation_code . "return true;")) { echo "<b>Evaluation of navigation links code for page ID={$dynamic_page->page_name} failed" . "Please check your dynamic page configuration file. Page ID: {$dynamic_page->page_id}"; } } /* ------- */ $menu = array('level_1' => $level_1, 'level_2' => $level_2, 'level_3' => $level_3, 'left_user_public_links' => $left_user_public_links); // echo '<pre>'.print_r($menu,1).'</pre>'; return $menu; }
<?php $login_required = TRUE; include "includes/page.php"; require "{$path_prefix}/ext/Album/Album.php"; require "{$path_prefix}/ext/Image/Image.php"; require "{$path_prefix}/ext/Audio/Audio.php"; require "{$path_prefix}/ext/Video/Video.php"; require_once "{$path_prefix}/api/Activities/Activities.php"; $location = $base_url . '/manage_user.php'; $permission = FALSE; if (Network::is_admin($network_info->network_id, $_SESSION['user']['id'])) { $permission = TRUE; } if (!empty($_GET['msg']) && $_GET['msg'] == 'own_delete') { $permission = TRUE; $user_id = $_SESSION['user']['id']; $location = $base_url . '/homepage.php'; } else { if (!($user_id = $_GET['uid'])) { $location .= '?msg=7005'; } } if ($user_id && $permission) { $message_array = array(); if ($network_info->type == MOTHER_NETWORK_TYPE) { //user delete for SU //deleting user data from mothership try { User::delete_user($user_id); Activities::delete_for_user($user_id);
private function can_manage_forum($params, $type) { $board_type = $params['board']->get_type(); if ($board_type == 'group' && !empty($params['gid'])) { // it is a group forum $user_type = Group::get_user_type($params['user_id'], $params['gid']); if ($user_type == MODERATOR || $user_type == OWNER) { return true; } $group_permiss = @$this->user_permissions['groups'][$params['gid']]; if (!empty($group_permiss)) { if (in_array('manage_content', $group_permiss)) { return true; } } } if ($board_type == 'network') { $is_net_admin = Network::is_admin($params['board']->get_network_id(), $params['user_id']); if ($is_net_admin) { return true; } $net_permiss = @$this->user_permissions['network']; if (!empty($net_permiss)) { if (in_array('manage_content', $net_permiss)) { return true; } } } if ($board_type == 'user') { if ($params['user_id'] == $params['board']->get_owner_id()) { return true; } } return false; }
/** Purpose : this function is used to get navigation links for the whole page. Scope : public @param - it needs no direct input. But works only on the basis of current page initialized in __construct() @return - array of links **/ public function get_links($optional = NULL) { //initialization global $page_uid, $login_uid; if (isset($_SESSION['user']['id'])) { $extra = unserialize($this->network_info->extra); if (@$extra['reciprocated_relationship'] == NET_YES) { $status = APPROVED; } else { $status = FALSE; } $relations_ids = Relation::get_relations((int) $_SESSION['user']['id'], $status); $user_groups = Group::get_user_groups((int) $_SESSION['user']['id']); /* $gid isn't defined in this function, so the following call * will probably always return FALSE. To get rid of the warning * under E_ALL, I've replaced the following expression with * FALSE. Maybe $gid should be get_group_id()? */ $is_owner_of_group = FALSE; //Group::is_admin($gid,(int)$_SESSION['user']['id']) ; } if (isset($relations_ids) && sizeof($relations_ids)) { $this->set_friend_uid($relations_ids[0]); } if (isset($user_groups) && sizeof($user_groups)) { $this->users_first_group_id($user_groups[0]['gid']); } if ($login_uid) { $this->set_uid($login_uid); } else { $this->set_anonymous(); } $is_group_content = FALSE; if (@$_GET['gid']) { $this->set_group_id($_GET['gid']); } else { if ((FILE_FORUM_MESSAGES == $this->current_page || FILE_CONTENT == $this->current_page) && !empty($_REQUEST['ccid'])) { $this->set_group_id($_REQUEST['ccid']); $is_group_content = TRUE; } else { if (FILE_CONTENT == $this->current_page && !empty($_GET['cid'])) { try { $content_data = Content::load_content($_GET['cid'], $this->get_uid()); } catch (PAException $e) { if ($e->getCode() != CONTENT_NOT_FOUND) { throw $e; } } if (isset($content_data)) { if ($content_data->parent_collection_id > 0) { $content_collection_data = ContentCollection::load_collection($content_data->parent_collection_id, $this->get_uid()); if ($content_collection_data->type == GROUP_COLLECTION_TYPE) { $this->set_group_id($content_data->parent_collection_id); $is_group_content = TRUE; } } } } } } //test //$this->current_page='test.php'; // make links for current page $this->make_links(); $level_1 = $this->get_level_1(); $level_2 = $this->get_level_2(); $level_3 = NULL; $left_user_public_links = NULL; if (Network::is_admin($this->network_info->network_id, (int) @$_SESSION['user']['id'])) { $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('network'); } else { if (!$this->network_info && $_SESSION['user']['id'] == SUPERUSER) { $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('network'); } } $level_3 = NULL; switch ($this->current_page) { /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_HOMEPAGE: $level_3 = NULL; $level_2['highlight'] = 'home'; break; case FILE_LOGIN: $level_2['highlight'] = 'home'; break; case FILE_SEARCH_HOME: $level_2['highlight'] = 'search'; break; case FILE_TAG_SEARCH: $level_2['highlight'] = 'tag_search'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_USER: case FILE_USER_BLOG: if (!$page_uid && !$login_uid) { throw new PAException("", "Invalid page access"); } if ($page_uid) { //uid get variable set //these links are to be added in front $relation_already_exists_links = array('send_message' => array('caption' => 'Send a message', 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_ADDMESSAGE . '?uid=' . $page_uid), 'change_relationship' => array('caption' => 'Change Relationship', 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_EDIT_RELATIONS . '?uid=' . $page_uid . '&action=change'), 'delete_relationship' => array('caption' => 'Delete Relationship', 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_EDIT_RELATIONS . '?action=delete&uid=' . $page_uid . '', 'extra' => ' onclick ="return delete_confirmation_msg(\'Are you sure you want to delete this Relationship?\') "'), 'send_testimonial' => array('caption' => 'Write Testimonial', 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_WRITE_TESTIMONIAL . '?uid=' . $page_uid), 'user_comment' => array('caption' => 'Write Comment', 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_WRITE_USER_COMMENT . '?uid=' . $page_uid)); $relation_does_not_exists_links = array('send_message' => array('caption' => 'Send a message', 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_ADDMESSAGE . '?uid=' . $page_uid), 'make_connection' => array('caption' => 'Add a Relationship', 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_EDIT_RELATIONS . '?uid=' . $page_uid . '&action=add'), 'send_testimonial' => array('caption' => 'Write Testimonial', 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_WRITE_TESTIMONIAL . '?uid=' . $page_uid), 'user_comment' => array('caption' => 'Write Comment', 'url' => $this->base_url . '/' . FILE_WRITE_USER_COMMENT . '?uid=' . $page_uid)); if ($page_uid == $login_uid) { //login and get uid same means user's public page $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); } else { // make left and right links //user's public page requires different link rendering if (!empty($relations_ids)) { if (in_array($page_uid, $relations_ids)) { $left_user_public_links = $relation_already_exists_links; } else { $left_user_public_links = $relation_does_not_exists_links; } } else { $left_user_public_links = $relation_does_not_exists_links; } } } else { //means user's private page $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'user_private'; } break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_PEOPLES: $level_2['highlight'] = 'people'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('people'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'find_people'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_VIEW_ALL_MEMBERS: if (@$_GET['gid']) { $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'group_specific')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'group_members'; } else { $level_2['highlight'] = 'people'; if ($page_uid == $login_uid) { $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('people'); if (!empty($_GET['view_type']) && $_GET['view_type'] == 'relations') { $level_3['highlight'] = 'my_friends'; } else { if (!empty($_GET['view_type']) && $_GET['view_type'] == 'in_relations') { $level_3['highlight'] = 'people_who_call_me_friend'; } else { $level_3['highlight'] = 'find_people'; } } } } break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_INVITATION: $level_2['highlight'] = 'people'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('people'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'invite'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_UPLOAD_MEDIA: case FILE_MEDIA_GALLERY: if ($login_uid) { if (isset($_GET['view']) && 'friends' == $_GET['view']) { //user is viewing his friends gallery $level_2['highlight'] = 'people'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('people'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'friends_gallery'; } else { if ($page_uid != $login_uid && $page_uid != '') { //user is viewing his private page gallery $level_2['highlight'] = 'people'; } else { if ($page_uid == $login_uid || !$page_uid) { $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'my_gallery'; } } } } else { if (!empty($page_uid)) { // for anonymous user $level_2['highlight'] = 'people'; } } break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_CUSTOMIZE_UI: $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'customize_ui'; break; case FILE_USER_CALENDAR: $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'my_events'; break; case FILE_EDIT_PROFILE: $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'settings'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_EDIT_RELATIONS: $level_2['highlight'] = 'people'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('people'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'find_people'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_GROUPS_HOME: $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'groups_general')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'find_groups'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_GROUPS_CATEGORY: $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'groups_general')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'find_groups'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_ADDGROUP: $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; if (!empty($_GET['gid'])) { $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'group_specific')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'edit_group'; } else { $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'groups_general')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'create_group'; } break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_GROUP: $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'group_specific')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'group_home'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_FORUM_MESSAGES: case FILE_FORUM_HOME: case FILE_CREATE_FORUM: $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'group_specific')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'group_forum'; break; case FILE_GROUP_CALENDAR: $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'group_specific')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'group_events'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_GROUP_INVITATION: $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'groups_general')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'invite'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_GROUP_MEDIA_GALLERY: $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'group_specific')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'group_gallery'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_EDIT_FORUM: case FILE_FORUM_MESSAGES: $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'group_specific')); break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_WIDGET: $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'user_widgets'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_MYMESSAGE: case FILE_ADDMESSAGE: case FILE_VIEW_MESSAGE: $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'messages'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_POST_CONTENT: $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'create_post'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_CONTENT_MANAGEMENT: $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'manage_posts'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_ADDGROUP: $level_2['highlight'] = 'group'; if ($_GET['gid']) { $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'group_specific')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'edit_group'; } else { $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'groups_general')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'create_group'; } break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_GROUP_MODERATION: $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'group_specific')); if ('members' == $_GET['view']) { $level_3['highlight'] = 'moderate_users'; } if ('content' == $_GET['view']) { $level_3['highlight'] = 'moderate_posts'; } if ('users' == $_GET['view']) { $level_3['highlight'] = 'moderate_membership_requests'; } break; case FILE_MANAGE_GROUP_CONTENTS: $level_1['highlight'] = 'networks_directory'; $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'group_specific')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'manage_group_content'; break; case FILE_CUSTOMIZE_GROUP: $level_1['highlight'] = 'networks_directory'; $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'group_specific')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'group_customize_ui'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_NETWORKS_HOME: case FILE_NETWORKS_CATEGORY: $level_1['highlight'] = 'networks_directory'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_NETWORK_USER_DEFAULTS: case FILE_RELATIONSHIP_SETTINGS: case FILE_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION: case FILE_MANAGE_TAKETOUR: case FILE_MANAGE_EMBLEM: case FILE_CONFIGURE_SPLASH_PAGE: case FILE_NETWORK_FEATURE: case FILE_NETWORK_CUSTOMIZE_UI_PAGE: case FILE_NETWORK_STATS: case FILE_NETWORK_LINKS: case FILE_NEW_USER_BY_ADMIN: case FILE_NETWORK_MANAGE_CONTENT: case FILE_MODULE_SELECTOR: case FILE_NETWORK_BULLETINS: case FILE_NETWORK_MANAGE_USER: case FILE_NETWORK_CALENDAR: case FILE_MANAGE_AD_CENTER: case FILE_MANAGE_GROUP_FORUM: case FILE_MANAGE_COMMENTS: case FILE_RANKING: case FILE_MISREPORTS: case FILE_ROLES: case FILE_ASSIGN_TASK: $level_2 = $this->get_level_3('network'); // $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('manage_network'); $level_1['highlight'] = 'configure_network'; $level_2['highlight'] = 'configure_network'; /* $level_3['highlight'] = 'manage_user'*/ break; case FILE_CREATENETWORK: $level_1['highlight'] = 'create_network'; $level_3['highlight'] = 'statistics'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_SHOWCONTENT: if ($_GET['gid']) { $level_2['highlight'] = groups; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'groups_general')); } break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_LINKS_MANAGEMENT: $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_MEDIA_FULL_VIEW: if (!empty($_GET['gid'])) { $level_2['highlight'] = groups; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'group_specific')); } else { $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); } break; case FILE_REGISTER: $level_2['highlight'] = 'home'; break; case FILE_EDIT_MEDIA: $level_2['highlight'] = 'user'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); $level_3['highlight'] = 'my_gallery'; break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------*/ case FILE_EDITNETWORK: case FILE_CONTENT: if ($is_group_content == TRUE) { if ($this->get_uid()) { $is_group_content = FALSE; $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'group_specific')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'group_home'; } else { $is_group_content = FALSE; $level_2['highlight'] = 'groups'; $level_3 = $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'groups_general')); $level_3['highlight'] = 'group_home'; } } elseif (!empty($_GET['cid'])) { try { $content_data = Content::load_content($_GET['cid'], $this->get_uid()); if ($content_data->parent_collection_id != -1 && $content_data->parent_collection_id != 0) { $content_collection_data = ContentCollection::load_collection($content_data->parent_collection_id, $this->get_uid()); if ($content_collection_data->type == GROUP_COLLECTION_TYPE) { $this->get_level_3(array('type' => 'groups', 'sub_type' => 'group_specific')); } } else { $level_3 = $this->get_level_3('user'); } } catch (PAException $e) { } } break; /*----------------------------------------------------*/ } //--end of switch $menu = array('level_1' => $level_1, 'level_2' => $level_2, 'level_3' => $level_3, 'left_user_public_links' => $left_user_public_links); return $menu; }
/** * function used to check permissions for user to do an activity * @param $params is array of parameters like $params['action'], $param['uid'].. */ function user_can($params) { global $network_info, $login_uid; $action = $params['action']; switch ($action) { case 'edit_content': case 'delete_content': if ($params['uid'] && $params['cid']) { //super admin can edit/ delete any content if ($params['uid'] == SUPER_USER_ID) { return true; } // network owner can edit / delete any content in a network if (Network::is_admin($network_info->network_id, $params['uid'])) { return true; } //Loading content $content_obj = Content::load_content((int) $params['cid'], $params['uid']); //author of the content can perform the action if ($content_obj->author_id == $params['uid']) { return true; } if ($content_obj->parent_collection_id != -1) { // content is a part of some collection // Loading collection $collection_obj = ContentCollection::load_collection((int) $content_obj->parent_collection_id, $params['uid']); // owner of collection can also edit the content if ($collection_obj->author_id == $params['uid']) { return true; } } } break; case 'delete_comment': //network owner can delete any comment $comment = $params['comment_info']; //array having the comment details if ($login_uid == SUPER_USER_ID) { //Super user can delete any comment return true; } else { if ($network_info->owner_id == $login_uid) { //Network owner can delete the comment return true; } else { if ($comment['user_id'] == $login_uid) { //Author of comment can delete the comment return true; } else { if ($comment['recipient_id'] == $login_uid) { return true; } } } } $content = Content::load_content((int) $comment['content_id'], $login_uid); if ($content->author_id == $login_uid) { //Author of the content can delete the comment. return true; } else { if ($content->parent_collection_id != -1) { // means content belongs to some collection $collection = ContentCollection::load_collection($content->parent_collection_id, $login_id); if ($collection->author_id == $login_uid) { //If content on which comment has been posted belongs to some collection then author of that collection can delete the comment return true; } } } return false; // return false in all the other cases break; case 'edit_forum': $perm_array = array($network_info->owner_id, SUPER_USER_ID, $params['group_owner'], $params['forum_owner']); return in_array($login_uid, $perm_array); break; case 'delete_rep': // Delete the Replies of forum $perm_array = array($network_info->owner_id, SUPER_USER_ID, $params['group_owner'], $params['forum_owner'], $params['rep_owner']); return in_array($login_uid, $perm_array); break; case 'view_group_content': if ($params['allow_anonymous']) { return true; } $perm_array = array($network_info->owner_id, SUPER_USER_ID, $params['group_owner']); $member_type = array(MEMBER, MODERATOR, OWNER); if (in_array($login_uid, $perm_array) || in_array($params['member_type'], $member_type)) { return true; } break; case 'view_abuse_report_form': if (empty($login_uid)) { return false; } $extra = unserialize($network_info->extra); $pram = $extra['notify_owner']['report_abuse_on_content']['value']; if (isset($pram) && $pram > 0) { return true; } return false; break; case 'delete_comment_authorization': $perm_array = array($network_info->owner_id, SUPER_USER_ID, $params['group_owner'], $params['content_owner'], $params['comment_owner']); return in_array($login_uid, $perm_array); break; } return false; }