コード例 #1
  * Get two or three letter country code.
  * @param boolean $threeLetterCode TRUE to return 3-letter country code
  * @return string|false Country code or FALSE on failure
 public function getCountryCode($threeLetterCode = false)
     try {
         // Net_GeoIP provides no method to return 3-letter-code
         if ($threeLetterCode) {
             $location = $this->geoLiteCity->lookupLocation($this->ip);
             if ($location instanceof Net_GeoIP_Location) {
                 $data = $location->getData();
                 return $data['countryCode3'];
             return false;
         return $this->geoLiteCountry->lookupCountryCode($this->ip);
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         return false;
コード例 #2
  * The main function recognizes the browser's preferred languages and
  * reloads the page accordingly. Exits if successful.
  * @param string $content HTML content
  * @param array $conf The mandatory configuration array
  * @return string
 public function main($content, $conf)
     $this->conf = $conf;
     $this->cookieLifetime = (int) $conf['cookieLifetime'];
     $this->domainRecord = $this->getCurrentDomainRecord();
     // Break out if domain record is disabled
     if ($this->domainRecord["disable_language_detection"]) {
         return $content;
     // Break out if language already selected
     if (!$this->conf['dontBreakIfLanguageIsAlreadySelected'] && GeneralUtility::_GP($this->conf['languageGPVar']) !== NULL) {
         if (TYPO3_DLOG) {
             GeneralUtility::devLog('Break out since language is already selected', $this->extKey);
         return $content;
     // Break out if the last page visited was also on our site:
     $referrer = (string) GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('HTTP_REFERER');
     if (TYPO3_DLOG) {
         GeneralUtility::devLog('Referrer: ' . $referrer, $this->extKey);
     if (!$this->conf['dontBreakIfLastPageWasOnSite'] && $referrer !== '' && (stripos($referrer, GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_SITE_URL')) !== FALSE || stripos($referrer, $this->getTSFE()->baseUrl) !== FALSE || stripos($referrer . '/', GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_SITE_URL')) !== FALSE || stripos($referrer . '/', $this->getTSFE()->baseUrl) !== FALSE)) {
         return $content;
     // Break out if the session tells us that the user has selected language
     if (!$this->conf['dontBreakIfLanguageIsAlreadySelected']) {
         if ($this->cookieLifetime) {
             // read from browser-cookie
             $languageSessionKey = $_COOKIE[$this->extKey . '_languageSelected'];
         } else {
             $languageSessionKey = $this->getTSFE()->fe_user->getKey('ses', $this->extKey . '_languageSelected');
         // If session key exists but no language GP var -
         // we should redirect client to selected language
         if (isset($languageSessionKey)) {
             // Can redirect only in one tree method for now
             if ($this->conf['useOneTreeMethod'] && is_numeric($languageSessionKey)) {
                 $this->doRedirect($languageSessionKey, $referrer);
                 return '';
             return $content;
     //Get available languages
     $availableLanguagesArr = $this->conf['useOneTreeMethod'] ? $this->getSysLanguages() : $this->getMultipleTreeLanguages();
     if (TYPO3_DLOG) {
         GeneralUtility::devLog('Detecting available languages in installation', $this->extKey, 0, $availableLanguagesArr);
     //Collect language aliases
     $languageAliases = array();
     if ($this->conf['useLanguageAliases']) {
         $tmp = $conf['languageAliases.'];
         foreach ($tmp as $key => $languageAlias) {
             $languageAliases[strtolower($key)] = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', strtolower($languageAlias), TRUE);
     $testOrder = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $conf['testOrder'], TRUE);
     $preferredLanguageOrPageUid = FALSE;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($testOrder) && $preferredLanguageOrPageUid === FALSE; $i++) {
         switch ($testOrder[$i]) {
             //Browser information
             case 'browser':
                 //Get Accepted Languages from Browser
                 $acceptedLanguagesArr = $this->getAcceptedLanguages();
                 if (TYPO3_DLOG) {
                     GeneralUtility::devLog('Detecting user browser languages', $this->extKey, 0, $acceptedLanguagesArr);
                 //Break out if the default languange is already selected
                 //Thanks to Stefan Mielke
                 $first = substr(key($acceptedLanguagesArr), 0, 2);
                 if ($first === $this->conf['defaultLang']) {
                     $preferredLanguageOrPageUid = 0;
                 //Iterate through the user's accepted languages
                 for ($j = 0; $j < count($acceptedLanguagesArr); $j++) {
                     $currentLanguage = array_values($acceptedLanguagesArr);
                     $currentLanguage = $currentLanguage[$j];
                     if (TYPO3_DLOG) {
                         GeneralUtility::devLog('Testing language: ' . $currentLanguage, $this->extKey);
                     //If the current language is available (full "US_en" type check)
                     if (isset($availableLanguagesArr[$currentLanguage])) {
                         $preferredLanguageOrPageUid = $availableLanguagesArr[$currentLanguage];
                         if (TYPO3_DLOG) {
                             GeneralUtility::devLog('Found: ' . $preferredLanguageOrPageUid . ' (full check)', $this->extKey);
                     //Old-fashioned 2-char test ("en")
                     if (strlen($currentLanguage) > 2 && $preferredLanguageOrPageUid === FALSE) {
                         $currentLanguageShort = substr($currentLanguage, 0, 2);
                         if (isset($availableLanguagesArr[$currentLanguageShort])) {
                             $preferredLanguageOrPageUid = $availableLanguagesArr[$currentLanguageShort];
                             if (TYPO3_DLOG) {
                                 GeneralUtility::devLog('Found: ' . $preferredLanguageOrPageUid . ' (normal check)', $this->extKey);
                     //If the user's language is in language aliases
                     if ($this->conf['useLanguageAliases'] && array_key_exists($currentLanguage, $languageAliases) && $preferredLanguageOrPageUid === FALSE) {
                         $values = $languageAliases[$currentLanguage];
                         //Iterate through aliases and choose the first possible
                         foreach ($values as $value) {
                             if (isset($availableLanguagesArr[$value])) {
                                 $preferredLanguageOrPageUid = $availableLanguagesArr[$value];
                                 if (TYPO3_DLOG) {
                                     GeneralUtility::devLog('Found: ' . $preferredLanguageOrPageUid . ' (alias check)', $this->extKey);
                                 break 2;
             case 'ip':
                 $countryCode = '';
                 if ($this->conf['pearDirectory']) {
                     $pearDirectory = $this->conf['pearDirectory'];
                 } else {
                     $pearDirectory = PEAR_INSTALL_DIR;
                 if (file_exists($pearDirectory . '/Net/GeoIP.php') && $this->conf['pathToDatabaseForGeoIPData']) {
                     require_once $pearDirectory . '/Net/GeoIP.php';
                     $pathToDatabase = GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName($this->conf['pathToDatabaseForGeoIPData']);
                     $geoIp = new \Net_GeoIP($pathToDatabase);
                     // Get country code from geoip
                     if (TYPO3_DLOG) {
                         GeneralUtility::devLog('IP: ' . $this->getUserIP(), $this->extKey);
                     $countryCode = strtolower($geoIp->lookupCountryCode($this->getUserIP()));
                     if (TYPO3_DLOG) {
                         GeneralUtility::devLog('GeoIP Country Code: ' . $countryCode, $this->extKey);
                 // PHP module geoip
                 if (!$countryCode && function_exists('geoip_country_code_by_name')) {
                     // Get country code from geoip
                     if (TYPO3_DLOG) {
                         GeneralUtility::devLog('IP: ' . $this->getUserIP(), $this->extKey);
                     $countryCode = strtolower(geoip_country_code_by_name($this->getUserIP()));
                     if (TYPO3_DLOG) {
                         GeneralUtility::devLog('GeoIP Country Code: ' . $countryCode, $this->extKey);
                 if ($countryCode) {
                     //Check for the country code in the configured list of country to languages
                     if (array_key_exists($countryCode, $this->conf['countryCodeToLanguageCode.']) && array_key_exists($this->conf['countryCodeToLanguageCode.'][$countryCode], $availableLanguagesArr)) {
                         if (TYPO3_DLOG) {
                             GeneralUtility::devLog('Available language found in configured: ' . $countryCode, $this->extKey);
                         $preferredLanguageOrPageUid = $availableLanguagesArr[$this->conf['countryCodeToLanguageCode.'][$countryCode]];
                         //Use the static_info_tables lg_collate_locale to attempt to find a country to language relation.
                     } elseif (ExtensionManagementUtility::isLoaded('static_info_tables')) {
                         if (TYPO3_DLOG) {
                             GeneralUtility::devLog('Checking in static_info_tables.', $this->extKey);
                         //Get the language codes from lg_collate_locate
                         $values = $this->getLanguageCodesForCountry($countryCode);
                         foreach ($values as $value) {
                             //If one of the languages exist
                             if (array_key_exists($value, $availableLanguagesArr)) {
                                 if (TYPO3_DLOG) {
                                     GeneralUtility::devLog('Found in static_info_tables: ' . $value, $this->extKey);
                                 $preferredLanguageOrPageUid = $availableLanguagesArr[$value];
                 //Handle hooks
             //Handle hooks
                 //Hook for adding other language processing
                 if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['rlmp_language_detection']['preferredLanguageHooks'])) {
                     foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['rlmp_language_detection']['preferredLanguageHooks'] as $key => $_funcRef) {
                         if ($key == $testOrder[$i]) {
                             $preferredLanguageOrPageUid = GeneralUtility::callUserFunction($_funcRef, $availableLanguagesArr, $this);
                             if ($preferredLanguageOrPageUid) {
     if (TYPO3_DLOG) {
         GeneralUtility::devLog('END result: Preferred=' . $preferredLanguageOrPageUid, $this->extKey);
     if ($preferredLanguageOrPageUid !== FALSE) {
         $this->doRedirect($preferredLanguageOrPageUid, $referrer);
     return '';