コード例 #1
    $_REQUEST = array_merge($_REQUEST, $_GET);
// Set 'url' GET parameter
if (isset($_SERVER['argv'][1])) {
    $_REQUEST['url'] = $_SERVER['argv'][1];
    $_GET['url'] = $_SERVER['argv'][1];
$function = function ($args) {
    echo date('[Y-m-d H:i:s]') . " - running gearman job with args: {$args}...";
    $raw = @unserialize($args);
    if (isset($raw[0])) {
        $path = $raw[0];
        $based = base64_encode($args);
        $cmd = $path . '/framework/cli-script.php';
        echo "Executing against {$cmd}\n";
        if (file_exists($cmd)) {
            $cmd = "php {$cmd} dev/tasks/GearmanJobTask gearman_data=" . escapeshellarg($based);
            echo "Doing {$cmd}\n";
            $output = `{$cmd}`;
            echo $output . "\n";
            echo "Job complete, memory used " . memory_get_usage() . "\n";
    echo "Invalid job discarded\n";
$worker = new \Net\Gearman\Worker();
$worker->addFunction('silverstripe_handler', $function);
コード例 #2

//Use laravel IOC to resolve Net\Gearman\Worker if it is available (for testing), otherwise create instance
//directly utilizing composer autoload file
if (class_exists('Illuminate\\Foundation\\Application')) {
    $worker = App::make('Net\\Gearman\\Worker');
} else {
    require __DIR__ . '/../../../../../vendor/autoload.php';
    $worker = new Net\Gearman\Worker();
$worker->addFunction('amz_product_api_throttle', 'throttle');
while ($worker->work()) {
function throttle()
    static $last_call_microtime = null;
    static $calls_persec = 1;
    $log = "\n" . gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s") . ': amz_product_api_throttle, last_call_microtime-> ' . $last_call_microtime . ', current_microtime-< ' . microtime(true);
    //throttle mechanism
    if ($last_call_microtime !== null) {
        $micro_diff = microtime(true) - $last_call_microtime;
        if ($micro_diff < 1 / $calls_persec) {
            $log .= ', request throttled';
            usleep((1 / $calls_persec - $micro_diff) * 1000000);
    $last_call_microtime = microtime(true);
    //echo $log;
    // /*log throttle*/
    // $gearman_client_logger = new GearmanClient();