コード例 #1
  * This Form_Validate event handler allows you to specify any custom Form Validation rules.
  * It will also Blink() on all invalid controls, as well as Focus() on the top-most invalid control.
 protected function Form_Validate()
     // By default, we report the result of validation from the parent
     $blnToReturn = parent::Form_Validate();
     // Custom Validation Rules
     // TODO: Be sure to set $blnToReturn to false if any custom validation fails!
     // Check for records that may violate Unique Clauses
     if (($objNarroPermission = NarroPermission::LoadByPermissionName($this->txtPermissionName->Text)) && $objNarroPermission->PermissionId != $this->mctNarroPermission->NarroPermission->PermissionId) {
         $blnToReturn = false;
         $this->txtPermissionName->Warning = QApplication::Translate("Already in Use");
     $blnFocused = false;
     foreach ($this->GetErrorControls() as $objControl) {
         // Set Focus to the top-most invalid control
         if (!$blnFocused) {
             $blnFocused = true;
         // Blink on ALL invalid controls
     return $blnToReturn;
コード例 #2
  * Default / simple DataBinder for this Meta DataGrid.  This can easily be overridden
  * by calling SetDataBinder() on this DataGrid with another DataBinder of your choice.
  * If a paginator is set on this DataBinder, it will use it.  If not, then no pagination will be used.
  * It will also perform any sorting (if applicable).
 public function MetaDataBinder()
     $objConditions = $this->Conditions;
     if (null !== $this->conAdditionalConditions) {
         $objConditions = QQ::AndCondition($this->conAdditionalConditions, $objConditions);
     // Setup the $objClauses Array
     $objClauses = array();
     if (null !== $this->clsAdditionalClauses) {
         $objClauses = $this->clsAdditionalClauses;
     // Remember!  We need to first set the TotalItemCount, which will affect the calcuation of LimitClause below
     if ($this->Paginator) {
         $this->TotalItemCount = NarroPermission::QueryCount($objConditions);
     // If a column is selected to be sorted, and if that column has a OrderByClause set on it, then let's add
     // the OrderByClause to the $objClauses array
     if ($objClause = $this->OrderByClause) {
         array_push($objClauses, $objClause);
     // Add the LimitClause information, as well
     if ($objClause = $this->LimitClause) {
         array_push($objClauses, $objClause);
     // Set the DataSource to be a Query result from NarroPermission, given the clauses above
     $this->DataSource = NarroPermission::QueryArray($objConditions, $objClauses);
コード例 #3
 public static function GetSoapArrayFromArray($objArray)
     if (!$objArray) {
         return null;
     $objArrayToReturn = array();
     foreach ($objArray as $objObject) {
         array_push($objArrayToReturn, NarroPermission::GetSoapObjectFromObject($objObject, true));
     return unserialize(serialize($objArrayToReturn));
コード例 #4
  * Refresh this MetaControl with Data from the local NarroRolePermission object.
  * @param boolean $blnReload reload NarroRolePermission from the database
  * @return void
 public function Refresh($blnReload = false)
     if ($blnReload) {
     if ($this->lblRolePermissionId) {
         if ($this->blnEditMode) {
             $this->lblRolePermissionId->Text = $this->objNarroRolePermission->RolePermissionId;
     if ($this->lstRole) {
         if (!$this->blnEditMode) {
             $this->lstRole->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null);
         $objRoleArray = NarroRole::LoadAll();
         if ($objRoleArray) {
             foreach ($objRoleArray as $objRole) {
                 $objListItem = new QListItem($objRole->__toString(), $objRole->RoleId);
                 if ($this->objNarroRolePermission->Role && $this->objNarroRolePermission->Role->RoleId == $objRole->RoleId) {
                     $objListItem->Selected = true;
     if ($this->lblRoleId) {
         $this->lblRoleId->Text = $this->objNarroRolePermission->Role ? $this->objNarroRolePermission->Role->__toString() : null;
     if ($this->lstPermission) {
         if (!$this->blnEditMode) {
             $this->lstPermission->AddItem(QApplication::Translate('- Select One -'), null);
         $objPermissionArray = NarroPermission::LoadAll();
         if ($objPermissionArray) {
             foreach ($objPermissionArray as $objPermission) {
                 $objListItem = new QListItem($objPermission->__toString(), $objPermission->PermissionId);
                 if ($this->objNarroRolePermission->Permission && $this->objNarroRolePermission->Permission->PermissionId == $objPermission->PermissionId) {
                     $objListItem->Selected = true;
     if ($this->lblPermissionId) {
         $this->lblPermissionId->Text = $this->objNarroRolePermission->Permission ? $this->objNarroRolePermission->Permission->__toString() : null;
コード例 #5
 public static function GetSoapObjectFromObject($objObject, $blnBindRelatedObjects)
     if ($objObject->objRole) {
         $objObject->objRole = NarroRole::GetSoapObjectFromObject($objObject->objRole, false);
     } else {
         if (!$blnBindRelatedObjects) {
             $objObject->intRoleId = null;
     if ($objObject->objPermission) {
         $objObject->objPermission = NarroPermission::GetSoapObjectFromObject($objObject->objPermission, false);
     } else {
         if (!$blnBindRelatedObjects) {
             $objObject->intPermissionId = null;
     return $objObject;
コード例 #6
 private function CreateNarroTemplate($intProjectId)
     $strPoFile = __DOCROOT__ . __SUBDIRECTORY__ . '/locale/' . $this->objSourceLanguage->LanguageCode . '/narro.po';
     NarroLogger::LogInfo(sprintf('Building a narro gettext template in %s.', $strPoFile));
     $arrPermissions = NarroPermission::QueryArray(QQ::All(), QQ::Clause(QQ::OrderBy(QQN::NarroPermission()->PermissionName)));
     NarroLogger::LogInfo(sprintf('Found %d permission names to localize.', count($arrPermissions)));
     $arrRoles = NarroRole::QueryArray(QQ::All(), QQ::Clause(QQ::OrderBy(QQN::NarroRole()->RoleName)));
     NarroLogger::LogInfo(sprintf('Found %d role names to localize.', count($arrRoles)));
     $allFiles = NarroUtils::ListDirectory(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../..'), null, '/.*\\/drafts\\/.*|.*\\/data\\/.*|.*\\/examples\\/.*|.*\\/qcubed_generated\\/.*/');
     NarroLogger::LogInfo(sprintf('Found %d php files to search for localizable messages.', count($allFiles)));
     foreach ($allFiles as $strFileName) {
         if (pathinfo($strFileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) != 'php') {
         $strFile = file_get_contents($strFileName);
         $strShortPath = str_ireplace(realpath(__DOCROOT__ . __SUBDIRECTORY__) . '/', '', $strFileName);
         if (strpos($strShortPath, 'data') === 0) {
         if (strpos($strShortPath, 'includes/qcubed_generated') === 0) {
         $strFile = str_replace("\\'", "&&&escapedsimplequote&&&", $strFile);
         $strFile = str_replace('\\"', "&&&escapeddoublequote&&&", $strFile);
         if ($strFile) {
             preg_match_all('/([^a-zA-Z]t|NarroApp::Translate|QApplication::Translate|__t)\\s*\\(\\s*[\']([^\']{2,})[\']\\s*\\)/', $strFile, $arrMatches);
             if (isset($arrMatches[2])) {
                 foreach ($arrMatches[2] as $intMatchNo => $strText) {
                     if (trim($strText) != '') {
                         $strText = str_replace(array("&&&escapedsimplequote&&&", "&&&escapeddoublequote&&&"), array("'", '\\"'), $strText);
                         $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['text'] = $strText;
                         $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['files'][$strShortPath] = $strShortPath;
                         $strSearchText = str_replace(array("&&&escapedsimplequote&&&", "&&&escapeddoublequote&&&"), array("'", '\\"'), $arrMatches[0][$intMatchNo]);
                         preg_match_all('/^.*' . preg_quote($strSearchText, '/') . '.*$/m', $strFile, $arrFullMatches);
                         $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['context'] = '#. ';
                         foreach ($arrFullMatches[0] as $strFullMatch) {
                             if (trim($strFullMatch)) {
                                 $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['context'] .= trim($strFullMatch) . "\n";
             preg_match_all('/([^a-zA-Z]t|NarroApp::Translate|QApplication::Translate|__t)\\s*\\(\\s*[\\"]([^\\"]{2,})[\\"]\\s*\\)/', $strFile, $arrMatches);
             if (isset($arrMatches[2])) {
                 foreach ($arrMatches[2] as $intMatchNo => $strText) {
                     if (trim($strText) != '') {
                         $strText = str_replace(array("&&&escapedsimplequote&&&", "&&&escapeddoublequote&&&"), array("'", '\\"'), $strText);
                         $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['text'] = $strText;
                         $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['files'][$strShortPath] = $strShortPath;
                         $strSearchText = str_replace(array("&&&escapedsimplequote&&&", "&&&escapeddoublequote&&&"), array("'", '\\"'), $arrMatches[0][$intMatchNo]);
                         preg_match_all('/^.*' . preg_quote($strSearchText, '/') . '.*$/m', $strFile, $arrFullMatches);
                         $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['context'] = '#. ';
                         foreach ($arrFullMatches[0] as $strFullMatch) {
                             if (trim($strFullMatch)) {
                                 $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['context'] .= trim($strFullMatch) . "\n";
             preg_match_all('/([^a-zA-Z]t|NarroApp::Translate|QApplication::Translate|__t)\\s*\\(\\s*[\']([^\']{2,})[\']\\s*,\\s*[\']([^\']{2,})[\']\\s*,\\s*([^\\)]+)\\s*\\)/', $strFile, $arrMatches);
             if (isset($arrMatches[2])) {
                 foreach ($arrMatches[2] as $intMatchNo => $strText) {
                     if (trim($strText) != '') {
                         $strText = str_replace(array("&&&escapedsimplequote&&&", "&&&escapeddoublequote&&&"), array("'", '\\"'), $strText);
                         $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['text'] = $strText;
                         $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['files'][$strShortPath] = $strShortPath;
                         $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['plural'] = $arrMatches[3][$intMatchNo];
                         $strSearchText = str_replace(array("&&&escapedsimplequote&&&", "&&&escapeddoublequote&&&"), array("'", '\\"'), $arrMatches[0][$intMatchNo]);
                         preg_match_all('/^.*' . preg_quote($strSearchText, '/') . '.*$/m', $strFile, $arrFullMatches);
                         $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['context'] = '#. ';
                         foreach ($arrFullMatches[0] as $strFullMatch) {
                             if (trim($strFullMatch)) {
                                 $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['context'] .= trim($strFullMatch) . "\n";
             preg_match_all('/([^a-zA-Z]t|NarroApp::Translate|QApplication::Translate|__t)\\s*\\(\\s*[\\"]([^\\"]{2,})[\\"]\\s*,\\s*[\\"]([^\\"]{2,})[\\"]\\s*,\\s*([^\\)]+)\\s*\\)/', $strFile, $arrMatches);
             if (isset($arrMatches[2])) {
                 foreach ($arrMatches[2] as $intMatchNo => $strText) {
                     if (trim($strText) != '') {
                         $strText = str_replace(array("&&&escapedsimplequote&&&", "&&&escapeddoublequote&&&"), array("'", '\\"'), $strText);
                         $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['text'] = $strText;
                         $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['files'][$strShortPath] = $strShortPath;
                         $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['plural'] = $arrMatches[3][$intMatchNo];
                         $strSearchText = str_replace(array("&&&escapedsimplequote&&&", "&&&escapeddoublequote&&&"), array("'", '\\"'), $arrMatches[0][$intMatchNo]);
                         preg_match_all('/^.*' . preg_quote($strSearchText, '/') . '.*$/m', $strFile, $arrFullMatches);
                         $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['context'] = '#. ';
                         foreach ($arrFullMatches[0] as $strFullMatch) {
                             if (trim($strFullMatch)) {
                                 $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['context'] .= trim($strFullMatch) . "\n";
             preg_match_all('/NarroApp::RegisterPreference\\(\\s*\'([^\']+)\'\\s*,\\s*\'[^\']+\'\\s*,\\s*\'([^\']+)\'\\s*,\\s*/', $strFile, $arrMatches);
             if (isset($arrMatches[1])) {
                 foreach ($arrMatches[1] as $intMatchNo => $strText) {
                     if (trim($strText) != '') {
                         $strText = str_replace(array("&&&escapedsimplequote&&&", "&&&escapeddoublequote&&&"), array("'", '\\"'), $strText);
                         $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['text'] = $strText;
                         $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['files'][$strShortPath] = $strShortPath;
                         $strSearchText = $arrMatches[0][$intMatchNo];
                         preg_match_all('/^.*' . preg_quote($strSearchText, '/') . '.*$/m', $strFile, $arrFullMatches);
                         $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['context'] = "#. Preference name\n";
                         foreach ($arrFullMatches[0] as $strLine) {
                             if (isset($strLine) && trim($strLine)) {
                                 $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['context'] .= trim($strLine) . "\n";
                 foreach ($arrMatches[2] as $intMatchNo => $strText) {
                     if (trim($strText) != '') {
                         $strText = str_replace(array("&&&escapedsimplequote&&&", "&&&escapeddoublequote&&&"), array("'", '\\"'), $strText);
                         $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['text'] = $strText;
                         $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['files'][$strShortPath] = $strShortPath;
                         $strSearchText = $arrMatches[0][$intMatchNo];
                         preg_match_all('/^.*' . preg_quote($strSearchText, '/') . '.*$/m', $strFile, $arrFullMatches);
                         $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['context'] = "#. Preference description\n";
                         foreach ($arrFullMatches[0] as $strLine) {
                             if (isset($strLine) && trim($strLine)) {
                                 $arrMessages[md5($strText)]['context'] .= trim($strLine) . "\n";
             if (preg_match_all('/t\\(\\$[a-zA-Z]+\\-\\>LanguageName/', $strFile, $arrMatches)) {
                 if (!isset($arrLanguages)) {
                     $arrLanguages = NarroLanguage::QueryArray(QQ::All(), QQ::Clause(QQ::OrderBy(QQN::NarroLanguage()->LanguageName)));
                 $strLangContext = '#. ';
                 foreach ($arrMatches as $intMatchNo => $arrVal) {
                     $strSearchText = $arrMatches[0][$intMatchNo];
                     preg_match_all('/^.*' . preg_quote($strSearchText, '/') . '.*$/m', $strFile, $arrFullMatches);
                     foreach ($arrFullMatches[0] as $strLine) {
                         if (isset($strLine) && trim($strLine)) {
                             $strLangContext .= trim($strLine) . "\n";
                 if (is_array($arrLanguages)) {
                     foreach ($arrLanguages as $objLanguage) {
                         $arrMessages[md5($objLanguage->LanguageName)]['text'] = $objLanguage->LanguageName;
                         $arrMessages[md5($objLanguage->LanguageName)]['files'][$strShortPath] = $strShortPath;
                         $arrMessages[md5($objLanguage->LanguageName)]['context'] = $strLangContext;
             if (preg_match_all('/t\\(\\$[a-zA-Z]+\\-\\>RoleName/', $strFile, $arrMatches)) {
                 $strLangContext = '#. ';
                 foreach ($arrMatches as $intMatchNo => $arrVal) {
                     $strSearchText = $arrMatches[0][$intMatchNo];
                     preg_match_all('/^.*' . preg_quote($strSearchText, '/') . '.*$/m', $strFile, $arrFullMatches);
                     foreach ($arrFullMatches[0] as $strLine) {
                         if (isset($strLine) && trim($strLine)) {
                             $strLangContext .= trim($strLine) . "\n";
                 if (is_array($arrRoles)) {
                     foreach ($arrRoles as $objRole) {
                         $arrMessages[md5($objRole->RoleName)]['text'] = $objRole->RoleName;
                         $arrMessages[md5($objRole->RoleName)]['files'][$strShortPath] = $strShortPath;
                         $arrMessages[md5($objRole->RoleName)]['context'] = $strLangContext;
             if (preg_match_all('/t\\(\\$[a-zA-Z]+\\-\\>PermissionName/', $strFile, $arrMatches)) {
                 $strLangContext = '#. ';
                 foreach ($arrMatches as $intMatchNo => $arrVal) {
                     $strSearchText = $arrMatches[0][$intMatchNo];
                     preg_match_all('/^.*' . preg_quote($strSearchText, '/') . '.*$/m', $strFile, $arrFullMatches);
                     foreach ($arrFullMatches[0] as $strLine) {
                         if (isset($strLine) && trim($strLine)) {
                             $strLangContext .= trim($strLine) . "\n";
                 if (is_array($arrPermissions)) {
                     foreach ($arrPermissions as $objPermission) {
                         $arrMessages[md5($objPermission->PermissionName)]['text'] = $objPermission->PermissionName;
                         $arrMessages[md5($objPermission->PermissionName)]['files'][$strShortPath] = $strShortPath;
                         $arrMessages[md5($objPermission->PermissionName)]['context'] = $strLangContext;
     $strPoHeader = '#, fuzzy' . "\n" . 'msgid ""' . "\n" . 'msgstr ""' . "\n" . '"Project-Id-Version: Narro ' . NARRO_VERSION . "\n" . '"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: alexxed@gmail.com\\n"' . "\n" . '"POT-Creation-Date: ' . date('Y-d-m H:iO') . '\\n"' . "\n" . '"PO-Revision-Date: ' . date('Y-d-m H:iO') . '\\n"' . "\n" . '"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\\n"' . "\n" . '"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <*****@*****.**>\\n"' . "\n" . '"MIME-Version: 1.0\\n"' . "\n" . '"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\n"' . "\n" . '"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n"' . "\n" . '"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\\n"' . "\n" . '"X-Generator: Narro\\n"' . "\n";
     $hndFile = fopen($strPoFile, 'w');
     if (!$hndFile) {
         NarroLogger::LogError(sprintf('Error while opening the po file "%s" for writing.', $strPoFile));
     fputs($hndFile, $strPoHeader);
     // Obtain a list of columns
     foreach ($arrMessages as $key => $row) {
         $texts[$key] = $row['text'];
     //array_multisort($texts, SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING, $arrMessages);
     foreach ($arrMessages as $intKey => $arrMsgData) {
         if (isset($arrMsgData['plural'])) {
             fputs($hndFile, sprintf("#: %s\nmsgid \"%s\"\nmsgid_plural \"%s\"\nmsgstr[0] \"\"\nmsgstr[1] \"\"\n\n", join(' ', array_values($arrMsgData['files'])), str_replace(array('"', "\n"), array('\\"', '\\n'), $arrMsgData['text']), str_replace(array('"', "\n"), array('\\"', '\\n'), $arrMsgData['plural'])));
         } else {
             if (!isset($arrMsgData['files'])) {
             } else {
                 fputs($hndFile, sprintf("%s\n#: %s\nmsgid \"%s\"\nmsgstr \"\"\n\n", isset($arrMsgData['context']) ? str_replace("\n", "\n#. ", trim($arrMsgData['context'])) . '' : '', join(' ', array_values($arrMsgData['files'])), str_replace(array('"', "\n"), array('\\"', '\\n'), $arrMsgData['text'])));
     NarroUtils::Chmod($strPoFile, 0666);
     NarroLogger::LogInfo('Wrote a new Narro template file in ' . $strPoFile);
コード例 #7
  * Static Helper Method to Create using PK arguments
  * You must pass in the PK arguments on an object to load, or leave it blank to create a new one.
  * If you want to load via QueryString or PathInfo, use the CreateFromQueryString or CreateFromPathInfo
  * static helper methods.  Finally, specify a CreateType to define whether or not we are only allowed to
  * edit, or if we are also allowed to create a new one, etc.
  * @param mixed $objParentObject QForm or QPanel which will be using this NarroPermissionMetaControl
  * @param integer $intPermissionId primary key value
  * @param QMetaControlCreateType $intCreateType rules governing NarroPermission object creation - defaults to CreateOrEdit
  * @return NarroPermissionMetaControl
 public static function Create($objParentObject, $intPermissionId = null, $intCreateType = QMetaControlCreateType::CreateOrEdit)
     // Attempt to Load from PK Arguments
     if (strlen($intPermissionId)) {
         $objNarroPermission = NarroPermission::Load($intPermissionId);
         // NarroPermission was found -- return it!
         if ($objNarroPermission) {
             return new NarroPermissionMetaControl($objParentObject, $objNarroPermission);
         } else {
             if ($intCreateType != QMetaControlCreateType::CreateOnRecordNotFound) {
                 throw new QCallerException('Could not find a NarroPermission object with PK arguments: ' . $intPermissionId);
         // If EditOnly is specified, throw an exception
     } else {
         if ($intCreateType == QMetaControlCreateType::EditOnly) {
             throw new QCallerException('No PK arguments specified');
     // If we are here, then we need to create a new record
     return new NarroPermissionMetaControl($objParentObject, new NarroPermission());