getLabel() public static method

Attaches the owner name of shared task lists if necessary.
public static getLabel ( $tasklist ) : string
return string The task list's label.
コード例 #1
ファイル: Summary.php プロジェクト: raz0rsdge/horde
 protected function _content()
     global $conf, $prefs, $registry;
     $html = '';
     if (!empty($this->_params['show_alarms'])) {
         $messages = array();
         try {
             $alarmList = Nag::listAlarms($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']);
         } catch (Nag_Exception $e) {
             return '<em>' . htmlspecialchars($e->getMessage()) . '</em>';
         foreach ($alarmList as $task) {
             $differential = $task->getNextDue()->timestamp() - $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
             $key = $differential;
             while (isset($messages[$key])) {
             $viewurl = Horde::url('view.php', true)->add(array('task' => $task->id, 'tasklist' => $task->tasklist));
             $link = $viewurl->link() . (!empty($task->name) ? htmlspecialchars($task->name) : _("[none]")) . '</a>';
             if ($differential >= -60 && $differential < 60) {
                 $messages[$key] = sprintf(_("%s is due now."), $link);
             } elseif ($differential >= 60) {
                 $messages[$key] = sprintf(_("%s is due in %s"), $link, Nag::secondsToString($differential));
         foreach ($messages as $message) {
             $html .= '<tr><td class="control">' . Horde::img('alarm_small.png') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>' . $message . '</strong></td></tr>';
         if (!empty($messages)) {
             $html .= '</table><br /><table cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="linedRow">';
     $i = 0;
     try {
         $tasks = Nag::listTasks(array('tasklists' => isset($this->_params['show_tasklists']) ? $this->_params['show_tasklists'] : array_keys(Nag::listTasklists(false, Horde_Perms::READ)), 'completed' => empty($this->_params['show_completed']) ? Nag::VIEW_INCOMPLETE : Nag::VIEW_ALL, 'include_history' => false));
     } catch (Nag_Exception $e) {
         return '<em>' . htmlspecialchars($e->getMessage()) . '</em>';
     while ($task = $tasks->each()) {
         $due = $task->due ? $task->getNextDue() : null;
         // Only print tasks due in the past if the show_overdue flag is on.
         if ($due && $due->before($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) && empty($this->_params['show_overdue'])) {
         if ($task->completed) {
             $class = 'closed';
         } elseif ($due && $due->before($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'])) {
             $class = 'overdue';
         } else {
             $class = '';
         $style = ' style="background-color:' . $task->backgroundColor() . ';color:' . $task->foregroundColor() . '"';
         $html .= '<tr class="' . $class . '">';
         if (!empty($this->_params['show_actions'])) {
             $taskurl = Horde::url('task.php', true)->add(array('task' => $task->id, 'tasklist' => $task->tasklist, 'url' => Horde::selfUrl(true)));
             $label = sprintf(_("Edit \"%s\""), $task->name);
             $html .= '<td width="1%"' . $style . '>' . $taskurl->copy()->add('actionID', 'modify_task')->link() . Horde::img('edit-sidebar-' . substr($task->foregroundColor(), 1) . '.png', $label) . '</a></td>';
             if ($task->completed) {
                 $html .= '<td width="1%">' . $style . '' . Horde::img('checked.png', _("Completed")) . '</td>';
             } else {
                 $label = sprintf(_("Complete \"%s\""), $task->name);
                 $html .= '<td width="1%"' . $style . '>' . Horde::url($conf['urls']['pretty'] == 'rewrite' ? 't/complete' : 'task/complete.php')->add(array('task' => $task->id, 'tasklist' => $task->tasklist, 'url' => Horde::selfUrl(true)))->link() . Horde::img('unchecked.png', $label) . '</a></td>';
         if (!empty($this->_params['show_pri'])) {
             $html .= '<td align="center"' . $style . '>&nbsp;' . Nag::formatPriority($task->priority) . '&nbsp;</td>';
         if (!empty($this->_params['show_tasklist'])) {
             $html .= '<td width="1%" class="nowrap"' . $style . '>' . htmlspecialchars(Nag::getLabel($GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Share')->create()->getShare($task->tasklist))) . '&nbsp;</td>';
         $html .= '<td' . $style . '>';
         $viewurl = Horde::url('view.php', true)->add(array('task' => $task->id, 'tasklist' => $task->tasklist));
         $html .= $task->treeIcons() . $viewurl->link(array('title' => $task->desc, 'style' => 'color:' . $task->foregroundColor())) . (!empty($task->name) ? htmlspecialchars($task->name) : _("[none]")) . '</a>';
         if ($due && empty($task->completed) && !empty($this->_params['show_due'])) {
             $html .= ' (' . $due->strftime($prefs->getValue('date_format')) . ')';
         $html .= '</td>';
         $html .= "</tr>\n";
     if (empty($html)) {
         return '<em>' . _("No tasks to display") . '</em>';
     return '<table cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="linedRow">' . $html . '</table>';
コード例 #2
ファイル: Task.php プロジェクト: horde/horde
  * Const'r
  * @param Horde_Form_Variables $vars  The form variables.
  * @param string $title               The form title.
  * @return Nag_Form_Task
 public function __construct($vars, $title = '')
     global $injector, $nag_shares, $prefs, $registry;
     parent::__construct($vars, $title);
     $user = $registry->getAuth();
     $tasklist_enums = array();
     foreach (Nag::listTasklists(false, Horde_Perms::SHOW, false) as $tl_id => $tl) {
         if (!$tl->hasPermission($user, Horde_Perms::EDIT)) {
         $tasklist_enums[$tl_id] = Nag::getLabel($tl);
     $tasklist = $vars->get('tasklist_id');
     if (empty($tasklist)) {
         $tasklist = key($tasklist_enums);
     $priorities = array(1 => '1 ' . _("(highest)"), 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => '5 ' . _("(lowest)"));
     $this->addHidden('', 'mobile', 'boolean', false);
     $this->addHidden('', 'task_id', 'text', false);
     $this->addHidden('', 'old_tasklist', 'text', false);
     $this->addHidden('', 'url', 'text', false);
     $this->addHidden('', 'uid', 'text', false);
     $this->addHidden('', 'owner', 'text', false);
     $this->addHidden('', 'list', 'text', false);
     $this->addHidden('', 'tab_name', 'text', false);
     $this->setSection(self::SECTION_GENERAL, _("General"));
     $this->addVariable(_("Name"), 'name', 'text', true);
     if (!$prefs->isLocked('default_tasklist') && count($tasklist_enums) > 1) {
         $v = $this->addVariable(_("Task List"), 'tasklist_id', 'enum', true, false, false, array($tasklist_enums));
         if (!$vars->get('mobile')) {
     if (!$vars->get('mobile')) {
         $tasks = Nag::listTasks(array('tasklists' => array($tasklist), 'complete' => Nag::VIEW_FUTURE_INCOMPLETE, 'include_history' => false));
         $task_enums = array('' => _("No parent task"));
         while ($task = $tasks->each()) {
             if ($vars->get('task_id') == $task->id) {
             $task_enums[htmlspecialchars($task->id)] = str_repeat('&nbsp;', $task->indent * 4) . htmlspecialchars($task->name);
         $v = $this->addVariable(_("Parent task"), 'parent', 'enum', false, false, false, array($task_enums));
         $v->setOption('htmlchars', true);
     $this->addVariable(_("Tags"), 'tags', 'Nag:NagTags', false);
     // Only display the delete button if this is an existing task and the
     // user has HORDE_PERMS::DELETE
     $share = $nag_shares->getShare($tasklist);
     $delete = $share->hasPermission($registry->getAuth(), Horde_Perms::DELETE) && $vars->get('task_id');
     if (!$vars->get('mobile')) {
         $users = $share->listUsers(Horde_Perms::READ);
         $groups = $share->listGroups(Horde_Perms::READ);
         if (count($groups)) {
             $horde_group = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Group');
             foreach ($groups as $group) {
                 $users = array_merge($users, $horde_group->listUsers($group));
         if (empty($GLOBALS['conf']['assignees']['allow_external'])) {
             $users = array_flip($users);
             if (count($users)) {
                 foreach (array_keys($users) as $user) {
                     $identity = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Identity')->create($user);
                     $fullname = $identity->getValue('fullname');
                     $users[$user] = strlen($fullname) ? $fullname : $user;
             $this->addVariable(_("Assignee"), 'assignee', 'enum', false, false, null, array($users, _("None")));
         } else {
             $this->addVariable(_("Assignee"), 'assignee', 'Nag:NagContact', false);
     $this->addVariable(_("Private?"), 'private', 'boolean', false);
     $this->addVariable(_("Due By"), 'due', 'Nag:NagDue', false);
     if (!$vars->get('mobile')) {
         $this->addVariable(_("Delay Start Until"), 'start', 'Nag:NagStart', false);
     $this->addVariable(_("Alarm"), 'alarm', 'Nag:NagAlarm', false);
     if (!$vars->get('mobile')) {
         $v = $this->addVariable(_("Notification"), 'methods', 'Nag:NagMethod', false);
         $v = $this->addVariable(_("Priority"), 'priority', 'enum', false, false, false, array($priorities));
         $this->addVariable(_("Estimated Time"), 'estimate', 'number', false);
         $this->addVariable(_("Actual Time"), 'actual', 'number', false);
         $this->_completedVar = $this->addVariable(_("Completed?"), 'completed', 'boolean', false);
         $this->setSection(self::SECTION_RECUR, _("Recurrence"));
         $this->addVariable(_("Recurrence"), 'recurrence', 'Nag:NagRecurrence', false);
     $this->setSection(self::SECTION_DESC, _("Description"));
     try {
         $description = Horde::callHook('description_help', array(), 'nag');
     } catch (Horde_Exception_HookNotSet $e) {
         $description = '';
     $this->addVariable(_("Description"), 'desc', 'longtext', false, false, $description);
     $buttons = array(array('value' => _("Save")));
     if ($delete) {
         $buttons[] = array('value' => _("Delete"), 'name' => 'deletebutton', 'class' => 'horde-delete');
     if (!$vars->get('task_id')) {
         $buttons[] = array('value' => _("Save and New"), 'name' => 'savenewbutton', 'class' => 'horde-create');
     if (Horde_Util::getFormData('have_search')) {
         $buttons[] = array('value' => _("Return to Search Results"), 'name' => 'search_return', 'class' => 'horde-button');
コード例 #3
ファイル: prefs.php プロジェクト: horde/horde
        $sync[] = $default;
        $GLOBALS['prefs']->setValue('sync_lists', serialize($sync));
// store the task lists to diplay
$_prefs['display_tasklists'] = array('value' => 'a:0:{}');
// Tasklists use for synchronization
$_prefs['sync_lists'] = array('value' => 'a:0:{}', 'type' => 'multienum', 'enum' => array(), 'desc' => _("Select the task lists that, in addition to the default, should be used for synchronization with external devices:"), 'on_init' => function ($ui) {
    $enum = array();
    $sync = @unserialize($GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('sync_lists'));
    if (empty($sync)) {
        $GLOBALS['prefs']->setValue('sync_lists', serialize(array(Nag::getDefaultTasklist(Horde_Perms::DELETE))));
    foreach (Nag::listTasklists(false, Horde_Perms::DELETE, false) as $key => $list) {
        if ($list->getName() != Nag::getDefaultTasklist(Horde_Perms::DELETE)) {
            $enum[$key] = Nag::getLabel($list);
    $ui->prefs['sync_lists']['enum'] = $enum;
}, 'on_change' => function () {
    $sync = @unserialize($GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('sync_lists'));
    $haveDefault = false;
    $default = Nag::getDefaultTasklist(Horde_Perms::DELETE);
    foreach ($sync as $cid) {
        if ($cid == $default) {
            $haveDefault = true;
    if (!$haveDefault) {
        $sync[] = $default;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Nag.php プロジェクト: DSNS-LAB/Dmail
  * Sends email notifications that a task has been added, edited, or
  * deleted to users that want such notifications.
  * @param string $action      The event action. One of "add", "edit", or
  *                            "delete".
  * @param Nag_Task $task      The changed task.
  * @param Nag_Task $old_task  The original task if $action is "edit".
  * @throws Nag_Exception
 public static function sendNotification($action, $task, $old_task = null)
     if (!in_array($action, array('add', 'edit', 'delete'))) {
         throw new Nag_Exception('Unknown event action: ' . $action);
     try {
         $share = $GLOBALS['nag_shares']->getShare($task->tasklist);
     } catch (Horde_Share_Exception $e) {
         Horde::log($e->getMessage(), 'ERR');
         throw new Nag_Exception($e);
     $groups = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Group');
     $recipients = array();
     $identity = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Identity')->create();
     $from = $identity->getDefaultFromAddress(true);
     $owner = $share->get('owner');
     if (strlen($owner)) {
         $recipients[$owner] = self::_notificationPref($owner, 'owner');
     foreach ($share->listUsers(Horde_Perms::READ) as $user) {
         if (empty($recipients[$user])) {
             $recipients[$user] = self::_notificationPref($user, 'read', $task->tasklist);
     foreach ($share->listGroups(Horde_Perms::READ) as $group) {
         try {
             $group_users = $groups->listUsers($group);
         } catch (Horde_Group_Exception $e) {
             Horde::log($e, 'ERR');
         foreach ($group_users as $user) {
             if (empty($recipients[$user])) {
                 $recipients[$user] = self::_notificationPref($user, 'read', $task->tasklist);
     $addresses = array();
     foreach ($recipients as $user => $vals) {
         if (!$vals) {
         $identity = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Identity')->create($user);
         $email = $identity->getValue('from_addr');
         if (strpos($email, '@') === false) {
         if (!isset($addresses[$vals['lang']][$vals['tf']][$vals['df']])) {
             $addresses[$vals['lang']][$vals['tf']][$vals['df']] = array();
         $tmp = new Horde_Mail_Rfc822_Address($email);
         $tmp->personal = $identity->getValue('fullname');
         $addresses[$vals['lang']][$vals['tf']][$vals['df']][] = strval($tmp);
     if (!$addresses) {
     $mail = new Horde_Mime_Mail(array('User-Agent' => 'Nag ' . $GLOBALS['registry']->getVersion(), 'Precedence' => 'bulk', 'Auto-Submitted' => 'auto-generated', 'From' => $from));
     foreach ($addresses as $lang => $twentyFour) {
         $view_link = Horde::url('view.php', true)->add(array('tasklist' => $task->tasklist, 'task' => $task->id))->setRaw(true);
         switch ($action) {
             case 'add':
                 $subject = _("Task added:");
                 $notification_message = _("You requested to be notified when tasks are added to your task lists.") . "\n\n" . ($task->due ? _("The task \"%s\" has been added to task list \"%s\", with a due date of: %s.") : _("The task \"%s\" has been added to task list \"%s\".")) . "\n" . str_replace('%', '%%', $view_link);
             case 'edit':
                 $subject = _("Task modified:");
                 $notification_message = _("You requested to be notified when tasks are edited on your task lists.") . "\n\n" . _("The task \"%s\" has been edited on task list \"%s\".") . "\n" . str_replace('%', '%%', $view_link) . "\n\n" . _("Changes made for this task:");
                 if ($old_task->name != $task->name) {
                     $notification_message .= "\n - " . sprintf(_("Changed name from \"%s\" to \"%s\""), $old_task->name, $task->name);
                 if ($old_task->tasklist != $task->tasklist) {
                     $old_share = $GLOBALS['nag_shares']->getShare($old_task->tasklist);
                     $notification_message .= "\n - " . sprintf(_("Changed task list from \"%s\" to \"%s\""), Nag::getLabel($old_share), Nag::getLabel($share));
                 if ($old_task->parent_id != $task->parent_id) {
                     $old_parent = $old_task->getParent();
                     try {
                         $parent = $task->getParent();
                         $notification_message .= "\n - " . sprintf(_("Changed parent task from \"%s\" to \"%s\""), $old_parent ? $old_parent->name : _("no parent"), $parent ? $parent->name : _("no parent"));
                     } catch (Nag_Exception $e) {
                 if ($old_task->assignee != $task->assignee) {
                     $identity = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Identity')->create($old_task->assignee);
                     $old_name = $identity->getValue('fullname');
                     if (!strlen($old_name)) {
                         $old_name = $old_task->assignee;
                     $identity = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Identity')->create($task->assignee);
                     $new_name = $identity->getValue('fullname');
                     if (!strlen($new_name)) {
                         $new_name = $new_task->assignee;
                     $notification_message .= "\n - " . sprintf(_("Changed assignee from \"%s\" to \"%s\""), $old_name, $new_name);
                 if ($old_task->private != $task->private) {
                     $notification_message .= "\n - " . ($task->private ? _("Turned privacy on") : _("Turned privacy off"));
                 if ($old_task->due != $task->due) {
                     $notification_message .= "\n - " . sprintf(_("Changed due date from %s to %s"), $old_task->due ? self::formatDate($old_task->due) : _("no due date"), $task->due ? self::formatDate($task->due) : _("no due date"));
                 if ($old_task->start != $task->start) {
                     $notification_message .= "\n - " . sprintf(_("Changed start date from %s to %s"), $old_task->start ? self::formatDate($old_task->start) : _("no start date"), $task->start ? self::formatDate($task->start) : _("no start date"));
                 if ($old_task->alarm != $task->alarm) {
                     $notification_message .= "\n - " . sprintf(_("Changed alarm from %s to %s"), self::formatAlarm($old_task->alarm), self::formatAlarm($task->alarm));
                 if ($old_task->priority != $task->priority) {
                     $notification_message .= "\n - " . sprintf(_("Changed priority from %s to %s"), $old_task->priority, $task->priority);
                 if ($old_task->estimate != $task->estimate) {
                     $notification_message .= "\n - " . sprintf(_("Changed estimate from %s to %s"), $old_task->estimate, $task->estimate);
                 if ($old_task->completed != $task->completed) {
                     $notification_message .= "\n - " . sprintf(_("Changed completion from %s to %s"), $old_task->completed ? _("completed") : _("not completed"), $task->completed ? _("completed") : _("not completed"));
                 if ($old_task->desc != $task->desc) {
                     $notification_message .= "\n - " . _("Changed description");
             case 'delete':
                 $subject = _("Task deleted:");
                 $notification_message = _("You requested to be notified when tasks are deleted from your task lists.") . "\n\n" . _("The task \"%s\" has been deleted from task list \"%s\".");
         $mail->addHeader('Subject', $subject . ' ' . $task->name);
         foreach ($twentyFour as $tf => $dateFormat) {
             foreach ($dateFormat as $df => $df_recipients) {
                 $message = sprintf($notification_message, $task->name, Nag::getLabel($share), $task->due ? strftime($df, $task->due) . ' ' . date($tf ? 'H:i' : 'h:ia', $task->due) : '');
                 if (strlen(trim($task->desc))) {
                     $message .= "\n\n" . _("Task description:") . "\n\n" . $task->desc;
                 Horde::log(sprintf('Sending event notifications for %s to %s', $task->name, implode(', ', $df_recipients)), 'INFO');
コード例 #5
ファイル: Application.php プロジェクト: DSNS-LAB/Dmail
 public function davGetCollections($user)
     global $injector, $nag_shares, $registry;
     $hordeUser = $registry->convertUsername($user, true);
     $shares = $nag_shares->listShares($hordeUser);
     $dav = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Dav_Storage');
     $tasklists = array();
     foreach ($shares as $id => $share) {
         if ($user == '-system-' && $share->get('owner')) {
         try {
             $id = $dav->getExternalCollectionId($id, 'tasks') ?: $id;
         } catch (Horde_Dav_Exception $e) {
         $tasklists[] = array('id' => $id, 'uri' => $id, '{' . CalDAV\Plugin::NS_CALENDARSERVER . '}shared-url' => Nag::getUrl(Nag::DAV_CALDAV, $share), 'principaluri' => 'principals/' . $user, '{}owner-principal' => 'principals/' . ($share->get('owner') ? $registry->convertUsername($share->get('owner'), false) : '-system-'), '{DAV:}displayname' => Nag::getLabel($share), '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}calendar-description' => $share->get('desc'), '{}calendar-color' => $share->get('color'), '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav}supported-calendar-component-set' => new Sabre\CalDAV\Property\SupportedCalendarComponentSet(array('VTODO')), '{}read-only' => !$share->hasPermission($hordeUser, Horde_Perms::EDIT));
     return $tasklists;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Api.php プロジェクト: Gomez/horde
 public function listTimeObjectCategories()
     $categories = array();
     $tasklists = Nag::listTasklists(false, Horde_Perms::SHOW | Horde_Perms::READ);
     foreach ($tasklists as $tasklistId => $tasklist) {
         $categories[$tasklistId] = array('title' => Nag::getLabel($tasklist), 'type' => 'share');
     return $categories;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Tasklist.php プロジェクト: DSNS-LAB/Dmail
  * Convert this tasklist to a hash.
  * @return array  A hash of tasklist properties.
 public function toHash()
     $tasks = Nag::listTasks(array('tasklists' => $this->_share->getName(), 'include_history' => false));
     $hash = array('name' => Nag::getLabel($this->_share), 'desc' => $this->_share->get('desc'), 'color' => $this->_share->get('color'), 'owner' => $this->_share->get('owner'), 'id' => $this->_share->getName(), 'count' => $tasks->count(), 'smart' => $this->_share->get('issmart') ? true : false, 'overdue' => $tasks->childrenOverdue());
     return $hash;
コード例 #8
ファイル: list.html.php プロジェクト: DSNS-LAB/Dmail
 while ($task = $this->tasks->each()) {
     $due = $task->due ? $task->getNextDue() : null;
     if (!empty($task->completed)) {
         $style = 'linedRow closed';
     } elseif ($due && $due->before($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'])) {
         $style = 'linedRow overdue';
     } else {
         $style = '';
     if ($task->tasklist == '**EXTERNAL**') {
         $share = $GLOBALS['nag_shares']->newShare($GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth(), '**EXTERNAL**', $task->tasklist_name);
         $owner = $task->tasklist_name;
     } else {
         try {
             $share = $GLOBALS['nag_shares']->getShare($task->tasklist);
             $owner = Nag::getLabel($share);
         } catch (Horde_Share_Exception $e) {
             $owner = $task->tasklist;
     $locals = array('style' => $style, 'have_read' => $share->hasPermission($GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth(), Horde_Perms::READ), 'have_edit' => $share->hasPermission($GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth(), Horde_Perms::EDIT), 'owner' => $owner, 'task' => $task, 'due' => $due, 'columns' => $this->columns, 'dynamic_sort' => $this->dynamic_sort &= !$task->hasSubTasks(), 'dateFormat' => $GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('date_format'));
     echo $this->renderPartial('list/task', array('locals' => $locals));
コード例 #9
ファイル: SaveTask.php プロジェクト: horde/horde
  * Return tasklists the current user has PERMS_EDIT on.
  * See Bug: 13837.
  * @return array  A hash of tasklist objects.
 protected function _getTasklists()
     $tasklist_enums = array();
     $user = $GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth();
     foreach (Nag::listTasklists(false, Horde_Perms::SHOW, false) as $tl_id => $tl) {
         if (!$tl->hasPermission($user, Horde_Perms::EDIT)) {
         $tasklist_enums[$tl_id] = Nag::getLabel($tl);
     return $tasklist_enums;