function is_answered($task_id) { $uid = (int) $_SESSION['uid']; $sql = "select * from moderators_history where task_id={$task_id} && to_usr!=from_usr order by id desc limit 0,1;"; $from_usr = Mysql::getInstance()->query($sql)->first('from_usr'); return $from_usr == $uid; }
public function __construct() { $this->mysqlInstance = \Mysql::getInstance(); $this->reseller_id = NULL; $this->admin_id = NULL; $this->admin_login = NULL; }
public function check($page, $action = 'view') { if ($this->admin->getLogin() == 'admin') { return true; } return (bool) Mysql::getInstance()->from('acl')->where(array('gid' => $this->admin->getGID(), 'page' => $page, 'acl.' . $action => 1))->get()->first(); }
public static function getInstance($id = false) { if (!$id) { foreach (self::$connectionData as $k => $v) { $idC = $k; break; } } else { $idC = $id; } $connection = Model::getConnectionData($idC); $database = NULL; // Debug::print_r("getInstance $id ", $connection); if (Run::MYSQL === true && $connection['type_db'] == "mysql") { $database = Mysql::getInstance($id); if ($id) { Mysql::setActive($id); } self::$query = new MysqlQuery($id); return $database; } else { if (Run::POSTGRE === true && $connection['type_db'] == "postgre") { $database = Postgre::getInstance($id); if ($id) { Postgre::setActive($id); } self::$query = new PostgreQuery($id); return $database; } else { return false; } } }
public function delete(RESTApiRequest $request, $parent_id) { $user = \Mysql::getInstance()->from('users')->where(array('id' => $parent_id))->get()->first(); if (!empty($user['now_playing_link_id'])) { switch ($user['now_playing_type']) { case 1: // tv if (time() - strtotime($user['now_playing_start']) > 30 * 60) { // more then 30 min \Mysql::getInstance()->insert('played_itv', array('itv_id' => $user['now_playing_link_id'], 'uid' => $parent_id, 'playtime' => 'NOW()', 'user_locale' => $user['locale'])); } break; case 2: // video if (time() - strtotime($user['now_playing_start']) > 60 * 60) { // more then 1 hour (70% can't be counted) \Mysql::getInstance()->insert('played_video', array('video_id' => $user['now_playing_link_id'], 'uid' => $parent_id, 'playtime' => 'NOW()')); } break; case 11: // tvarchive if (time() - strtotime($user['now_playing_start']) > 60) { // more then 1 min $program = \Mysql::getInstance()->from('epg')->where(array('id' => $user['now_playing_link_id']))->get()->first(); if (!empty($program)) { \Mysql::getInstance()->insert('played_tv_archive', array('ch_id' => $program['ch_id'], 'uid' => $parent_id, 'playtime' => 'NOW()', 'length' => time() - strtotime($user['now_playing_start']))); } } break; } } return \Mysql::getInstance()->update('users', array('now_playing_type' => '', 'now_playing_content' => '', 'last_active' => 'NOW()'), array('id' => $parent_id))->result(); }
function set_karaoke_returned($id, $val, $txt) { if (!$id) { return; } Mysql::getInstance()->update('karaoke', array('returned' => $val, 'reason' => $txt, 'done' => intval(!$val)), array('id' => $id)); }
function get_users_count_in_tariff($tariff) { $tariff_ids = array($tariff['id']); if ($tariff['user_default'] == 1) { $tariff_ids[] = 0; } return Mysql::getInstance()->from('users')->count()->in('tariff_plan_id', $tariff_ids)->get()->counter(); }
function MysqlQuery($id) { $this->query_string = ""; $this->_line = __LINE__; $this->_function = __FUNCTION__; $this->_class = __CLASS__; $this->_file = __FILE__; $this->mysql = Mysql::getInstance($id); }
public function executeSql($file) { $fileInfo = file_get_contents($file); $sql = $this->parseSql($fileInfo); unset($fileInfo); $mysql = Mysql::getInstance(); foreach ($sql as $s) { $mysql->execute($s); } }
private function filter($profile) { if (empty($profile)) { throw new RESTNotFound("User not found"); } $profile = array_intersect_key($profile, $this->fields_map); $themes = \Middleware::getThemes(); $profile['theme'] = empty($profile['theme']) || !array_key_exists($profile['theme'], $themes) ? \Mysql::getInstance()->from('settings')->get()->first('default_template') : $profile['theme']; $profile['themes'] = $themes; return $profile; }
public function __construct() { $this->db = Mysql::getInstance(); $this->xml_url = $this->xml_url . '?' . time(); $this->weekday_arr = array('', _('Sun'), _('Mon'), _('Tue'), _('Wed'), _('Thu'), _('Fri'), _('Sat')); $this->tod_arr = array(_('Night'), _('Morning'), _('Day'), _('Evening')); $this->month_arr = array('', _('Jan'), _('Feb'), _('Mar'), _('Apr'), _('May'), _('Jun'), _('Jul'), _('Aug'), _('Sep'), _('Oct'), _('Nov'), _('Dec')); $this->cloudiness_arr = array(_('clear'), _('partly cloudy'), _('cloudy'), _('overcast')); $this->precipitation_arr = array('', '', '', '', _('rain'), _('rainfall'), _('snow'), _('snow'), _('thunderstorm'), _('no data'), _('w/o precipitation')); $this->direction_arr = array('N', 'NE', 'E', 'SE', 'S', 'SW', 'W', 'NW'); }
public function update(RESTRequest $request) { $stb_list = $request->getConvertedIdentifiers(); if (empty($stb_list)) { throw new RESTCommandException('Empty stb list'); } foreach ($stb_list as $uid) { Mysql::getInstance()->update('users', array('access_token' => strtoupper(md5(microtime(1) . uniqid()))), array('id' => $uid)); Mysql::getInstance()->update('access_tokens', array('token' => 'invalid_' . md5(microtime(1) . uniqid()), 'refresh_token' => 'invalid_' . md5(microtime(1) . uniqid())), array('uid' => $uid)); } return true; }
public function setOff() { $this->checkIfInitialized(); if ($this->storage['status'] == 0) { return true; } $result = Mysql::getInstance()->update('storages', array('status' => 0), array('id' => $this->storage['id'])); if ($result) { Mysql::getInstance()->insert('master_log', array('log_txt' => "Storage " . $this->storage['storage_name'] . " has been disabled after " . $this->max_failures . " failures in " . $this->stat_period . "s", 'added' => 'NOW()')); } return $result; }
public function getCollectionByAttribute($attribute, $like) { $bdd = Mysql::getInstance(); $select = 'SELECT id FROM chauffeurs where ' . $attribute . ' LIKE "%' . $like . '%"'; $req = $bdd->prepare($select); $req->execute(); $chauffeurs = array(); foreach ($req->fetchAll() as $row) { $chauffeur = new Chauffeurs(); $chauffeur->load($row["id"]); $chauffeurs[] = $chauffeur; } return $chauffeurs; }
public static function writePackageSubscribeLog($user_id, $package_id, $set_state) { $data = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'set_state' => $set_state, 'package_id' => $package_id); if (!empty(Stb::getInstance()->id) && (empty($_SERVER['TARGET']) || $_SERVER['TARGET'] !== 'API' && $_SERVER['TARGET'] !== 'ADM')) { $data['initiator_id'] = Stb::getInstance()->id; $data['initiator'] = 'user'; } else { $data['initiator_id'] = Admin::getInstance()->getId(); if (!empty($data['initiator_id'])) { $data['initiator'] = 'admin'; } } Mysql::getInstance()->insert('package_subscribe_log', $data); }
public function save() { $favorites = @$_REQUEST['favorites']; if (empty($favorites)) { $favorites = '""'; } $favorites = System::base64_encode($favorites); $record = Mysql::getInstance()->from('media_favorites')->where(array('uid' => Stb::getInstance()->id))->get()->first(); if (empty($record)) { return Mysql::getInstance()->insert('media_favorites', array('favorites' => $favorites, 'uid' => Stb::getInstance()->id))->insert_id(); } else { return Mysql::getInstance()->update('media_favorites', array('favorites' => $favorites), array('uid' => Stb::getInstance()->id))->result(); } }
public function isAuthorized() { if (empty($_SESSION['login']) || empty($_SESSION['pass'])) { return false; } $admin = Mysql::getInstance()->from('administrators')->where(array('login' => $_SESSION['login']))->get()->first(); if (empty($admin)) { return false; } $is_authorized = $admin['pass'] == $_SESSION['pass']; if ($is_authorized) { $this->profile = $admin; } return $is_authorized; }
public function getById($id, $pretty_id = false) { if ($pretty_id) { $genres = $this->getAll($pretty_id, true); $genres = array_filter($genres, function ($genre) use($id) { return $id == $genre['id']; }); if (empty($genres)) { return null; } $genres = array_values($genres); return Mysql::getInstance()->from('tv_genre')->where(array('id' => $genres[0]['_id']))->get()->first(); } else { return Mysql::getInstance()->from('tv_genre')->where(array('id' => intval($id)))->get()->first(); } }
/** * 初始化 * @access public * @return void */ public static function init() { require APP_ROOT . 'vendor/autoload.php'; $model_path = APP_ROOT . 'config/model.php'; if (file_exists($model_path)) { require $model_path; } require SKPHP_CORE . 'Mysql.php'; require SKPHP_CORE . 'Fun.php'; self::$_instance['mysql'] = Mysql::getInstance(); // 加载应用配置和方法 self::mergeConfig(); if (empty(Config::$_config['charset'])) { trigger_error('IS Not Setting charset @ config.php'); } header("Content-type:text/html;charset=" . Config::$_config['charset']); }
public function update(RESTRequest $request) { $put = $request->getPut(); if (empty($put)) { throw new RESTCommandException('HTTP PUT data is empty'); } $allowed_to_update_fields = array_fill_keys(array('monitoring_status'), true); $data = array_intersect_key($put, $allowed_to_update_fields); if (empty($data)) { throw new RESTCommandException('Update data is empty'); } $ids = $request->getIdentifiers(); if (empty($ids)) { throw new RESTCommandException('Empty channel id'); } $channel_id = intval($ids[0]); return Mysql::getInstance()->update('itv', $data, array('id' => $channel_id)); }
public static function getServicesForPackage($package_id) { $package = self::getPackageById($package_id); if ($package['all_services'] == 1) { return 'all'; } $service_ids = Mysql::getInstance()->from('service_in_package')->where(array('package_id' => $package_id))->get()->all('service_id'); $services = Mysql::getInstance(); if ($package['type'] == 'tv') { $services = $services->select('id, name')->from('itv')->orderby('name')->get()->all(); } elseif ($package['type'] == 'radio') { $services = $services->select('id, name')->from('radio')->orderby('name')->get()->all(); } elseif ($package['type'] == 'video') { $services = $services->select('id, name')->from('video')->orderby('name')->get()->all(); } else { $services = array_unique($service_ids); } return $services; }
protected function postParse($weather) { if (!empty($weather['date'])) { if (strlen($weather['date']) == 10 && !empty($weather['hour'])) { $weather['date'] = $weather['date'] . ' ' . $weather['hour'] . ':00:00'; } $target_timezone = Mysql::getInstance()->from('cities')->where(array('id' => Stb::getInstance()->city_id))->get()->first('timezone'); if (!$target_timezone) { $target_timezone = Stb::getInstance()->getTimezone(); } $date = new DateTime($weather['date'], new DateTimeZone('Europe/Kiev')); $date->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone($target_timezone)); $weather['date_orig'] = $weather['date']; $weather['date'] = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $weather['hour'] = $date->format('G'); $weather['pict'] = $this->getPicture($weather); } return $weather; }
public function getById($id, $pretty_id = false) { if ($pretty_id) { $categories = $this->getAll($pretty_id); $categories = array_filter($categories, function ($category) use($id) { return $id == $category['id']; }); if (empty($categories)) { return null; } $categories = array_values($categories); $category = Mysql::getInstance()->from('media_category')->where(array('category_name' => $categories[0]['original_title']))->get()->first(); if (!empty($category)) { $category['id'] = $id; } return $category; } else { return Mysql::getInstance()->from('media_category')->where(array('id' => intval($id)))->get()->first(); } }
public function __construct() { $this->db = Mysql::getInstance(); $this->stb = Stb::getInstance(); $this->response['max_page_items'] = self::max_page_items; /// TRANSLATORS: Letters of the alphabet. If the letter is missing - leave "."; $this->abc = array_filter(array('*', _('ABC_1l'), _('ABC_2l'), _('ABC_3l'), _('ABC_4l'), _('ABC_5l'), _('ABC_6l'), _('ABC_7l'), _('ABC_8l'), _('ABC_9l'), _('ABC_10l'), _('ABC_11l'), _('ABC_12l'), _('ABC_13l'), _('ABC_14l'), _('ABC_15l'), _('ABC_16l'), _('ABC_17l'), _('ABC_18l'), _('ABC_19l'), _('ABC_20l'), _('ABC_21l'), _('ABC_22l'), _('ABC_23l'), _('ABC_24l'), _('ABC_25l'), _('ABC_26l'), _('ABC_27l'), _('ABC_28l'), _('ABC_29l'), _('ABC_30l'), _('ABC_31l'), _('ABC_32l'), _('ABC_33l')), function ($e) { return $e != '.'; }); $this->months = array(_('january'), _('february'), _('march'), _('april'), _('may'), _('june'), _('july'), _('august'), _('september'), _('october'), _('november'), _('december')); $this->all_title = _('All'); $this->no_ch_info = _('[No channel info]'); $this->page = @intval($_REQUEST['p']); if ($this->page == 0) { $this->load_last_page = true; } if ($this->page > 0) { $this->page--; } }
public function get(RESTApiRequest $request, $parent_id) { $events = \Mysql::getInstance()->from('events')->where(array('uid' => $parent_id))->orderby('addtime', 'DESC')->get()->all(); if (empty($events)) { return null; } $allowed_events = array('send_msg'); $user_events = array(); foreach ($events as $event) { if (!in_array($event['event'], $allowed_events)) { continue; } $result = array(); $result['id'] = $event['id']; $result['type'] = $event['event']; $result['msg'] = $event['msg']; $result['send_time'] = strtotime($event['addtime']); $user_events[] = $result; } return $user_events; }
set_time_limit(0); session_start(); ob_start(); include "./common.php"; Admin::checkAuth(); Admin::checkAccess(AdminAccess::ACCESS_VIEW); $updated_video = 0; $updated_karaoke = 0; $not_custom_video = Mysql::getInstance()->from('video')->where(array('protocol!=' => 'custom'))->get(); while ($item = $not_custom_video->next()) { $master = new VideoMaster(); $master->getAllGoodStoragesForMediaFromNet($item['id'], true); unset($master); $updated_video++; } $not_custom_karaoke = Mysql::getInstance()->from('karaoke')->where(array('protocol!=' => 'custom'))->get(); while ($item = $not_custom_video->next()) { $master = new KaraokeMaster(); $master->getAllGoodStoragesForMediaFromNet($item['id']); unset($master); $updated_karaoke++; } $error = sprintf(_('Updated %s videos and %s karaokes'), $updated_video, $updated_karaoke); $debug = '<!--' . ob_get_contents() . '-->'; ob_clean(); echo $debug; ?> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <style type="text/css">
if (@$_GET['edit'] && !empty($id)) { $action_name = 'edit'; $action_value = _('Save'); $edit = Mysql::getInstance()->from('epg_setting')->where(array('id' => $id))->get()->first(); } if (isset($_GET['update_epg'])) { Admin::checkAccess(AdminAccess::ACCESS_PAGE_ACTION); $epg = new Epg(); if (isset($_GET['force'])) { $force = true; } else { $force = false; } $error = $epg->updateEpg($force); } $settings = Mysql::getInstance()->from('epg_setting')->get()->all(); $debug = '<!--' . ob_get_contents() . '-->'; ob_clean(); echo $debug; ?> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <style type="text/css"> body { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; } td { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
public function getLinksForMonitoring($status = FALSE) { $result = Mysql::getInstance()->select('ch_links.*, as ch_name')->from('ch_links')->join('itv', '', 'ch_links.ch_id', 'INNER')->where(array('ch_links.enable_monitoring' => 1, 'ch_links.enable_balancer_monitoring' => 0)); if ($status) { $result->where(array('ch_links.status' => (int) ($status == 'up'))); } $monitoring_links = $result->orderby('ch_id')->get()->all(); $result = Mysql::getInstance()->select('ch_links.*, streamer_id, as streamer_link_id, as ch_name')->from('ch_links')->join('ch_link_on_streamer', 'link_id', '', 'INNER')->join('itv', '', 'ch_links.ch_id', 'INNER')->where(array('ch_links.enable_monitoring' => 1, 'ch_links.enable_balancer_monitoring' => 1, 'ch_links.use_load_balancing' => 1)); if ($status) { $result->where(array('ch_links.status' => (int) ($status == 'up'))); } $balanser_monitoring_links_raw = $result->orderby('ch_id')->get()->all(); $servers_map = StreamServer::getIdMap(); $balanser_monitoring_links = array(); foreach ($balanser_monitoring_links_raw as $link) { if (empty($servers_map[$link['streamer_id']])) { continue; } if ($link['use_http_tmp_link'] == 1 && $link['wowza_tmp_link'] == 0) { $colon_pos = strpos($servers_map[$link['streamer_id']]['address'], ":"); if ($colon_pos === false) { $address = $servers_map[$link['streamer_id']]['address']; } else { $address = substr($servers_map[$link['streamer_id']]['address'], 0, $colon_pos); } $link['url'] = preg_replace('/:\\/\\/([^\\/:]*)/', '://' . $address, $link['url']); $link['monitoring_url'] = preg_replace('/:\\/\\/([^\\/:]*)/', '://' . $address, $link['monitoring_url']); } else { $link['url'] = preg_replace('/:\\/\\/([^\\/]*)/', '://' . $servers_map[$link['streamer_id']]['address'], $link['url']); $link['monitoring_url'] = preg_replace('/:\\/\\/([^\\/]*)/', '://' . $servers_map[$link['streamer_id']]['address'], $link['monitoring_url']); } $link['id'] = 's' . $link['streamer_link_id']; $balanser_monitoring_links[] = $link; } $monitoring_links = array_merge($monitoring_links, $balanser_monitoring_links); $monitoring_links = array_map(function ($cmd) { $cmd['monitoring_url'] = trim($cmd['monitoring_url']); if (!empty($cmd['monitoring_url']) && preg_match("/(\\S+:\\/\\/\\S+)/", $cmd['monitoring_url'], $match)) { $cmd['url'] = $match[1]; } else { if (preg_match("/(\\S+:\\/\\/\\S+)/", $cmd['url'], $match)) { $cmd['url'] = $match[1]; } } if ($cmd['flussonic_tmp_link']) { $cmd['type'] = 'flussonic_health'; } elseif ($cmd['nginx_secure_link']) { try { $cmd['type'] = 'nginx_secure_link'; $cmd['url'] = Itv::getNginxSecureLink($cmd['url']); } catch (ItvLinkException $e) { return false; } } else { $cmd['type'] = 'stream'; } return $cmd; }, $monitoring_links); return array_values(array_filter($monitoring_links)); }
public function __construct() { $this->db = Mysql::getInstance(); $this->cache_table = "course_cache"; }
function get_categories(){ $categories = Mysql::getInstance()->from('media_category')->orderby('num')->get()->all(); $str = "var all_categories = [ "; foreach($categories as $arr){ $str .= "{ id : ".$arr['id'].", name : '"._($arr['category_name'])."'},"; } $str = substr($str, 0, strlen($str)-1); $str .= " ]"; return $str; }