コード例 #1
$outTotal = 0;
$pageNumber = is_null($_GET["page"]) ? 1 : $_GET["page"];
$page = $pageNumber - 1;
$recordsPerPage = is_null($_GET["rp"]) ? 10 : $_GET["rp"];
$offset = $page * $recordsPerPage;
$sortName = is_null($_GET["sortname"]) ? "tdate" : $_GET["sortname"];
$sortOrder = is_null($_GET["sortorder"]) ? "desc" : $_GET["sortorder"];
$searchQuery = is_null($_GET["query"]) ? null : trim($_GET["query"]);
$searchQueryType = is_null($_GET["qtype"]) ? null : $_GET["qtype"];
$searchCondition = "";
if (!(is_null($searchQuery) || empty($searchQuery)) && !(is_null($searchQueryType) || empty($searchQueryType))) {
    $searchCondition = $searchQueryType . " LIKE '%" . $searchQuery . "%'";
$valueCondition = $_GET["type"] == $transaction_type->income ? "in_amount>0 AND out_amount=0" : ($_GET["type"] == $transaction_type->expenses ? "in_amount=0 AND out_amount>0" : "");
$q = new MySqlSelect();
$q->COLUMNS("COUNT(*) as total, SUM(" . tbl_transactions::$in_amount . ") as inTotal, SUM(" . tbl_transactions::$out_amount . ") as outTotal");
if (!empty($valueCondition)) {
$q->ADD_CONDITION("tdate BETWEEN " . $fromDate . " AND " . $toDate);
if (!empty($searchCondition)) {
$q->ADD_CONDITION(tbl_transactions::$istransfer . "='0'");
$q->ADD_CONDITION(tbl_transactions::tableName() . "." . tbl_transactions::$store_id . "=" . tbl_stores::tableName() . "." . tbl_stores::getPrimaryKeyField());
$q->ADD_CONDITION(tbl_transactions::tableName() . "." . tbl_transactions::$tag_id . "=" . tbl_tags::tableName() . "." . tbl_tags::getPrimaryKeyField());
$results = db::MySqlSubmitQuery($q->toString());
コード例 #2
require_once "constants.php";
$cache = "<?php";
//special handling for stores table (creating stores cache)
$selectStores = new MySqlSelect();
$selectStores->ADD_SORT("store_name", "desc");
$storesResult = db::MySqlSubmitQuery($selectStores->toString());
if ($storesResult) {
    $cache .= $newLine . "class db_cache_store{";
    while ($storesResultRow = mysql_fetch_array($storesResult, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
        $cache .= $newLine . " public static \$" . "_" . cleanName($storesResultRow["store_name"]) . " = array(id => " . $storesResultRow["id"] . " , name => '" . $storesResultRow["store_name"] . "', default_tag_id => '" . $storesResultRow["default_tag_id"] . "');";
    $cache .= $newLine . "}";
//special handling for tags table (creating stores cache)
$selectTags = new MySqlSelect();
$selectTags->ADD_SORT("tag_name", "desc");
$tagsResult = db::MySqlSubmitQuery($selectTags->toString());
if ($tagsResult) {
    $cache .= $newLine . "class db_cache_tag{";
    while ($tagsResultRow = mysql_fetch_array($tagsResult, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
        $cache .= $newLine . " public static \$" . "_" . cleanName($tagsResultRow["tag_name"]) . " = array(id => " . $tagsResultRow["id"] . " , name => '" . $tagsResultRow["tag_name"] . "');";
    $cache .= $newLine . "}";
$cache .= $newLine . "?>";
file_put_contents("cache.php", $cache);
echo 'complete.';
コード例 #3
This file fetches transaction data from the database based on a start and end Month/Year and returns the data back as a JSON object that can be used to render a pie chart.
require_once "include_files.php";
header('Content-Type: application/json');
$monthFrom = intval($_GET["monthFrom"]);
$monthTo = intval($_GET["monthTo"]);
$yearFrom = intval($_GET["yearFrom"]);
$yearTo = intval($_GET["yearTo"]);
$groupBy = $_GET["groupBy"];
$fromDate = $yearFrom . str_pad($monthFrom, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "01";
$toDate = $yearTo . str_pad($monthTo, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . getLastDayOfMonth($monthTo, $yearTo);
$sumExpenseColumnName = "expense";
$select = new MySqlSelect();
$select->COLUMNS(tbl_tags::$tag_name . ", SUM(" . tbl_transactions::$out_amount . ") as " . $sumExpenseColumnName);
$select->ADD_CONDITION(tbl_transactions::$in_amount . "='0'");
$select->ADD_CONDITION("tdate BETWEEN " . $fromDate . " AND " . $toDate);
$select->ADD_CONDITION(tbl_transactions::$istransfer . "='0'");
$select->ADD_CONDITION(tbl_transactions::tableName() . "." . tbl_transactions::$tag_id . "=" . tbl_tags::tableName() . "." . tbl_tags::getPrimaryKeyField());
$select->ADD_SORT($sumExpenseColumnName, "DESC");
$results = db::MySqlSubmitQuery($select->toString());
$data = array();
if ($results) {
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
        $object = new stdClass();
        $object->label = $row[tbl_tags::$tag_name];
コード例 #4
require_once "include_files.php";
header('Content-Type: application/json');
$monthFrom = intval($_GET["monthFrom"]);
$monthTo = intval($_GET["monthTo"]);
$yearFrom = intval($_GET["yearFrom"]);
$yearTo = intval($_GET["yearTo"]);
$months = array(1 => "Jan", 2 => "Feb", 3 => "Mar", 4 => "Apr", 5 => "May", 6 => "Jun", 7 => "Jul", 8 => "Aug", 9 => "Sep", 10 => "Oct", 11 => "Nov", 12 => "Dec");
$fromDate = $yearFrom . str_pad($monthFrom, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . "01";
$toDate = $yearTo . str_pad($monthTo, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . getLastDayOfMonth($monthTo, $yearTo);
// Query
$incomeData = array();
$expenseData = array();
$labels = array();
$q = new MySqlSelect();
$q->COLUMNS("SUM( in_amount ) AS income, SUM( out_amount ) AS expenses, tmonth , tyear");
$q->ADD_CONDITION(tbl_transactions::$istransfer . "='0'");
$q->ADD_CONDITION("tdate BETWEEN " . $fromDate . " AND " . $toDate);
$q->ADD_SORT("tyear,tmonth", "ASC");
$results = db::MySqlSubmitQuery($q->toString(), $link);
if ($results) {
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
        array_push($labels, array("label" => $months[$row["tmonth"]] . "-" . $row["tyear"]));
        array_push($incomeData, array("value" => $row["income"], "link" => "JavaScript: getTransactions('" . $transaction_type->income . "','" . $row["tmonth"] . "','" . $row["tyear"] . "');"));
        array_push($expenseData, array("value" => $row["expenses"], "link" => "JavaScript: getTransactions('" . $transaction_type->expenses . "','" . $row["tmonth"] . "','" . $row["tyear"] . "');"));