コード例 #1
ファイル: SiteConfig.php プロジェクト: CompuProject/Forsazh62
 public function __construct()
     $query = "Select * from `ROOT_SETTINGS` where `activated`='1' limit 0,1;";
     $mySqlHelper = new MySqlHelper($query);
     $this->conf = $mySqlHelper->getDataRow(0);
     $this->hostName = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
     $this->hostIp = $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"];
     $this->remoteIp = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
コード例 #2
ファイル: Modules.php プロジェクト: CompuProject/Forsazh62
  * Получение из базы списка блоков шаблона указанной страницы.
 private function getTemplateBlocks()
     $query = "select\n            TB.`id`,\n            TB.`block` \n            from (select\n                Te.`alias` as template\n                from `Pages` as Pg left join `Templates` as Te\n                    on Pg.`template` = Te.`alias`\n                    where Pg.`alias` = '{$this->page}') \n                as Te left join `TemplateBlocks` as TB\n                on Te.`template` = TB.`template`";
     $mySqlHelper = new MySqlHelper($query);
     $blocksData = $mySqlHelper->getAllData();
     $this->blocks = array();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($blocksData as $block) {
         $this->blocks[$i]['id'] = $block['id'];
         $this->blocks[$i++]['block'] = $block['block'];
コード例 #3
ファイル: Menu.php プロジェクト: CompuProject/Forsazh62
 private function getMenuItemsData()
     $query = "select\n            MeIt.`menuItem`, MeIt.`page`, MeIt.`postfix`,\n            MeIt.`url`, MeIt.`sequence`, \n            MeIt.`target`, MeItPa.`parent`\n            from (\n                select\n                MeIt.`id` as menuItem, MeItPa.`page`, MeItPa.`postfix`,\n                MeIt.`url`, MeIt.`sequence`, MeIt.`target`\n                from (\n                    select \n                    MeIt.`id`, MeIt.`url`, UrTa.`target`, MeIt.`sequence`\n                    from `MenuItems` as MeIt left join `UrlTarget` as UrTa\n                    on MeIt.`target` = UrTa.`id`\n                    where MeIt.`menu` = '" . $this->menuName . "'\n                ) as MeIt left join `MenuItemsPage` as MeItPa\n                on MeIt.`id` = MeItPa.`menuItem`\n            ) as MeIt left join `MenuItemParent` as MeItPa\n            on MeIt.`menuItem` = MeItPa.`menuItem`\n            order by MeIt.`sequence` asc";
     $mySqlHelper = new MySqlHelper($query);
     $this->menuItemsData = $mySqlHelper->getAllData();
     foreach ($this->menuItemsData as $menuItem) {
         $parent = 0;
         if ($this->checkValue($menuItem['parent'])) {
             $parent = $menuItem['parent'];
         $this->menuItems[$parent][$menuItem['menuItem']]['menuItem'] = $menuItem['menuItem'];
         $this->menuItems[$parent][$menuItem['menuItem']]['page'] = $menuItem['page'];
         $this->menuItems[$parent][$menuItem['menuItem']]['postfix'] = $menuItem['postfix'];
         $this->menuItems[$parent][$menuItem['menuItem']]['url'] = $menuItem['url'];
         $this->menuItems[$parent][$menuItem['menuItem']]['target'] = $menuItem['target'];
         $title = $this->getMenuLang($menuItem['menuItem']);
         $this->menuItems[$parent][$menuItem['menuItem']]['title'] = $title['title'];
コード例 #4
ファイル: Pages.php プロジェクト: CompuProject/Forsazh62
  * Получение информации о странице
 private function getPagesDate()
     $query = "\n            Select\n            PgCoEl.`alias`, \n            PgCoEl.`showTitle`, \n            PgCoEl.`cssClasses`, \n            PgCoEl.`componentElement`, \n            PgCoEl.`template`, \n            PgCoEl.`isMainPage`, \n            PgCoEl.`index`, \n            PgCoEl.`follow`, \n            PgCoEl.`archive`,\n            PgCoEl.`componentElementName`,\n            PgCoEl.`component`, \n            PgCoEl.`mainPage`, \n            PgCoEl.`printPage`, \n            PgCoEl.`mobilePage`, \n            PgCoEl.`head`, \n            PgCoEl.`bodyStart`, \n            PgCoEl.`bodyEnd`,\n            Te.`main` as templateMain, \n            Te.`mobile` as templateMobile, \n            Te.`print` as templatePrint\n            from (\n                Select\n                Pg.`alias`, \n                Pg.`showTitle`, \n                Pg.`cssClasses`, \n                Pg.`componentElement`, \n                Pg.`template`, \n                Pg.`isMainPage`, \n                Pg.`index`, \n                Pg.`follow`, \n                Pg.`archive`,\n                CoEl.`alias` as componentElementName,\n                CoEl.`component`, \n                CoEl.`mainPage`, \n                CoEl.`printPage`, \n                CoEl.`mobilePage`, \n                CoEl.`head`, \n                CoEl.`bodyStart`, \n                CoEl.`bodyEnd`\n                from `Pages` as Pg left join `ComponentsElements` as CoEl\n                on Pg.`componentElement` = CoEl.`id`\n                where Pg.`alias` = '" . $this->page . "'\n            ) as PgCoEl left join `Templates` as Te\n            on PgCoEl.`template` = Te.`alias`;";
     $mySqlHelper = new MySqlHelper($query);
     $pageData = $mySqlHelper->getDataRow(0);
     $this->pageData['alias'] = $pageData['alias'];
     $this->pageData['showTitle'] = $pageData['showTitle'] > 0;
     $this->pageData['cssClasses'] = $pageData['cssClasses'] != null ? $pageData['cssClasses'] : "";
     $this->pageData['componentElement'] = $pageData['componentElement'];
     $this->pageData['template'] = $pageData['template'];
     $this->pageData['isMainPage'] = $pageData['isMainPage'] > 0;
     $this->pageData['index'] = $pageData['index'] > 0;
     $this->pageData['follow'] = $pageData['follow'] > 0;
     $this->pageData['archive'] = $pageData['archive'] > 0;
     $this->pageData['componentElementName'] = $pageData['componentElementName'];
     $this->pageData['component'] = $pageData['component'];
     $componentElementPath = $this->componentPath . $this->pageData['component'] . "/" . $this->pageData['componentElementName'] . "/";
     $this->pageData['mainPage'] = $componentElementPath . "/" . $pageData['mainPage'];
     $this->pageData['printPage'] = $componentElementPath . "/" . $pageData['printPage'];
     $this->pageData['mobilePage'] = $componentElementPath . "/" . $pageData['mobilePage'];
     $this->pageData['head'] = $pageData['head'] != null ? $componentElementPath . $pageData['head'] : null;
     $this->pageData['bodyStart'] = $pageData['bodyStart'] != null ? $componentElementPath . $pageData['bodyStart'] : null;
     $this->pageData['bodyEnd'] = $pageData['bodyEnd'] != null ? $componentElementPath . $pageData['bodyEnd'] : null;
     $this->pageData['templatePath'] = "./templates/" . $this->pageData['template'] . "/";
     $this->pageData['templateMain'] = $this->pageData['templatePath'] . $pageData['templateMain'];
     $this->pageData['templateMobile'] = $this->pageData['templatePath'] . $pageData['templateMobile'];
     $this->pageData['templatePrint'] = $this->pageData['templatePath'] . $pageData['templatePrint'];
コード例 #5
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: pierodetomi/mysqlhelper

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
							Some examples of use
	---------------------------------------------------------------- */
require "lib/MySqlHelper.php";
require "lib/ConditionType.php";
require "models/Person.php";
$dbHelper = new MySqlHelper("", "root", "", "TestDb");
// Load data from a stored procedure (passing 1 parameter)
$people = $dbHelper->loadDataFromStoredProcedure(Person . __CLASS__, "getPersonById", array(2));
echo "getPersonById<br />";
echo json_encode($people[0]);
echo "<br /><br />";
// Load data from a stored procedure (passing 2 parameters)
$people = $dbHelper->loadDataFromStoredProcedure(Person . __CLASS__, "findPersonByIdOrName", array(2, "er"));
echo "findPersonByIdOrName<br />";
echo json_encode($people);
echo "<br /><br />";
// Load data from a stored procedure (without parameters)
$people = $dbHelper->loadDataFromStoredProcedure(Person . __CLASS__, "getPeople");
echo "getPeople<br />";
echo json_encode($people);
echo "<br /><br />";
// Load data from a table
$people = $dbHelper->loadDataFromTableOrView(Person . __CLASS__, "Person");
echo "Person table data<br />";
echo json_encode($people);
echo "<br /><br />";
// Load data from a view
コード例 #6
        echo json_encode(array("code" => "200", "mess" => '修改成功!'));
    } else {
        echo json_encode(array("code" => "110", "mess" => '修改失败!'));
} elseif ($m == 'LISTADDADDRESS') {
    $name = $_REQUEST['name'];
    $tel = $_REQUEST['tel'];
    $province = $_REQUEST['province'];
    $city = $_REQUEST['city'];
    $country = $_REQUEST['country'];
    $detail_address = $_REQUEST['detail_address'];
    $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
    $Mysql = new MySqlHelper();
    $sqlcheck = "SELECT id FROM sh_store_address where userid={$userID} AND delstate='N' AND state='ON'";
    $datacheck = $Mysql->FetchData($sqlcheck);
    $flag = count($datacheck);
    if ($flag > 0) {
        $state = 'OFF';
    } else {
        $state = 'ON';
    $sqlinaddress = "INSERT INTO sh_store_address  (userid,provinceid,cityid,countyid,detailaddress,createtime,tel,`name`,state) VALUES ({$userID},{$province},{$city},{$country},'{$detail_address}','{$time}','{$tel}','{$name}','{$state}')";
    $row = $Mysql->ExecuteSql($sqlinaddress);
    $sqlsearchid = "SELECT id FROM sh_store_address WHERE userid={$userID} ORDER BY createtime  DESC  LIMIT 1";
    $datasearchid = $Mysql->FetchData($sqlsearchid);
    if ($row > 0) {
コード例 #7
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: CompuProject/Forsazh62
 private function getAllLengs()
     $query = "Select * from `Lang` order by `default` desc;";
     $mySqlHelper = new MySqlHelper($query);
     $this->langs = $mySqlHelper->getAllData();
コード例 #8
ファイル: Plugins.php プロジェクト: CompuProject/Forsazh62
  * Получение списка параметров для плагина.
  * @param type $id - id плагина.
  * @param type $plugin - имя плагина.
 private function getPluginParam($id, $plugin)
     $query = "Select * from `PluginDefaultParam` where `plugin`='" . $plugin . "'";
     $mySqlHelper = new MySqlHelper($query);
     $this->pluginsParam[$plugin]['default'] = $mySqlHelper->getAllData();
     $query = "Select * from `PluginParam` where `plugin`='" . $id . "'";
     $mySqlHelper = new MySqlHelper($query);
     $this->pluginsParam[$plugin]['page'] = $mySqlHelper->getAllData();
コード例 #9
        new Log("", "订单号为" . $orderNum . "的订单确认收货失败,sql===" . $sqlGet);
        echo json_encode(array("code" => "110", "mess" => '确认收货失败!'));
} elseif ($m == 'BUYNOW') {
    $gdetailid = $_REQUEST['gdetailid'];
    $addressId = $_REQUEST['addressId'];
    $sdnum = $_REQUEST['sdnum'];
    $remarks = $_REQUEST['remarks'];
    $expressprice = EXPRESSPRICE;
    if ($remarks == '') {
        $remarks = '无备注';
    $orderNum = date('YmdHis') . rand(100, 999);
    $sqlInfo = "SELECT detailid,dprice,dnum,state FROM sh_store_goods_detail WHERE detailid={$gdetailid}";
    $Mysql = new MySqlHelper();
    $dataInfo = $Mysql->FetchData($sqlInfo);
    if ($dataInfo[0]['state'] != 'ON') {
        echo json_encode(array("code" => "110", "mess" => '该商品已经下架!'));
    if ($dataInfo[0]['dnum'] < $sdnum) {
        echo json_encode(array("code" => "110", "mess" => '库存量不足!'));
    $price = $dataInfo[0]['dprice'];
    $totalmoney = $price * $sdnum + $expressprice;
    $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
    $sqlInToOrder = "INSERT INTO sh_store_order (userid,ordertime,paystate,deliverstate,orderstate,money,discountmoney,countmoney,realpay,paytype,remarks,address,phone,`name`,expressPrice,ordernum) SELECT {$userID},'{$time}','N', 'NOT','PRE',{$totalmoney},0,{$totalmoney},0,4,'{$remarks}',concat(ar2.areaname,ar1.areaname,ar.areaname,a.detailaddress) AS address,a.tel,a.`name`,{$expressprice},'{$orderNum}' FROM sh_store_address a JOIN sh_store_area ar  ON a.countyid=ar.areaid  JOIN sh_store_area ar1 ON a.cityid=ar1.areaid JOIN sh_store_area ar2 ON a.provinceid=ar2.areaid WHERE id={$addressId} AND a.userid={$userID} AND delstate='N' limit 1";
    //new Log("","ssss".$sqlInToOrder);
コード例 #10

include_once '../../Bin/MySqlHelper.class.php';
include_once "../../Bin/Log.class.php";
$Mysql = new MySqlHelper();
//$user = array('demo1','demo2','demo3','demo3','demo4');
$sqllimit = $_REQUEST['sqllimit'];
$page = $_REQUEST['page'];
//$page=0;  //获取请求的页数
$start = $page * 5;
$sqllimit = $sqllimit . " " . $start . ",5  ";
//new Log('',$username.'修改的sql语句==='.$sqllimit);
$query = $Mysql->FetchData($sqllimit);
echo json_encode($query);
コード例 #11
  * Получение параметров модуля.
  * @param String $createdModules - ID созданного модуля.
  * @return array - массив параметров.
 private function getModulesParam($createdModules)
     $query = "Select * from `ModulesParam` where `module`='" . $createdModules . "';";
     $mySqlHelper = new MySqlHelper($query);
     return $mySqlHelper->getAllData();
コード例 #12
ファイル: Slider.php プロジェクト: CompuProject/Forsazh62
 private function getSlidesData()
     $query = "select * from `Slides` where `slider`='" . $this->name . "' order by `sequence` asc;";
     $mySqlHelper = new MySqlHelper($query);
     $this->data['slides'] = $mySqlHelper->getAllData();
コード例 #13

include_once '../../Bin/MySqlHelper.class.php';
include_once '../../Bin/Log.class.php';
$userID = $_SESSION['coustomid'];
$m = $_REQUEST['m'];
if ($m == 'GETAREA') {
    $areaid = $_REQUEST['areaID'];
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM sh_store_area WHERE fid={$areaid}";
    $Mysql = new MySqlHelper();
    $dataArea = $Mysql->FetchData($sql);
    echo json_encode($dataArea);
コード例 #14
ファイル: test.php プロジェクト: heaven890922/jfycarlife
function test()
    $Mysql = new MySqlHelper();
    return $row2 = $Mysql->ExecuteSql("INSERT INTO test  (datatime,znum,onenum) VALUES ('2015-12-29',2,6)");
コード例 #15

include_once '../Index/head.php';
include_once '../Bin/MySqlHelper.class.php';
include_once '../Bin/Function.php';
$Mysql = new MySqlHelper();
$userid = $_SESSION['coustomid'];
$id = $_REQUEST['id'];
$sqlprovince = "SELECT * FROM sh_store_area WHERE fid=0";
$dataTableProvince = $Mysql->FetchData($sqlprovince);
$sqladdress = "SELECT * FROM sh_store_address WHERE id={$id} and userid={$userid}";
$dataTableAddress = $Mysql->FetchData($sqladdress);
$flag = count($dataTableAddress);
$sqlcity = "SELECT * FROM sh_store_area WHERE fid=" . $dataTableAddress[0]['provinceid'];
$dataTableCity = $Mysql->FetchData($sqlcity);
$sqlcountry = "SELECT * FROM sh_store_area WHERE fid=" . $dataTableAddress[0]['cityid'];
$dataTableCountry = $Mysql->FetchData($sqlcountry);
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="ResponsiveSlides/responsiveslides.css">
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="ResponsiveSlides/demo/demo.css">

 <script src="../Myjquery/JQUERY-CONFIRM/js/pretty.js"></script>
<!-- Add the minified version of files from the /dist/ folder. -->
コード例 #16

include_once '../Index/head.php';
include_once '../Bin/MySqlHelper.class.php';
include_once '../Bin/Function.php';
include_once 'action/config.php';
$Mysql = new MySqlHelper();
$userid = $_SESSION['coustomid'];
$sqlprovince = "SELECT * FROM sh_store_area WHERE fid=0";
$dataTableProvince = $Mysql->FetchData($sqlprovince);
$gdetailid = $_REQUEST['gdetailid'];
$sdnum = $_REQUEST['sdnum'];
if ($gdetailid != '' && $sdnum != '') {
    $flag = true;
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="ResponsiveSlides/responsiveslides.css">
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="ResponsiveSlides/demo/demo.css">

 <script src="../Myjquery/JQUERY-CONFIRM/js/pretty.js"></script>
<!-- Add the minified version of files from the /dist/ folder. -->
<!-- jquery-confirm files -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../Myjquery/JQUERY-CONFIRM/css/jquery-confirm.css" />
コード例 #17
ファイル: head.php プロジェクト: CompuProject/Forsazh62

global $_PARAM;
$query = "select * from `Jquery` where version='" . $_PARAM['version'] . "' and min='" . $_PARAM['min'] . "'";
$mySqlHelper = new MySqlHelper($query);
$data = $mySqlHelper->getDataRow(0);
$insertString = "<script type='text/javascript' src='./plugins/jquery/lib/" . $data['fileName'] . "'></script>";
echo $insertString;
//echo $data['fileName'];

コード例 #18

include_once '../Index/head.php';
include_once '../Bin/MySqlHelper.class.php';
include_once '../Bin/Function.php';
include_once 'action/config.php';
$mysql = new MySqlHelper();
$gdid = $_REQUEST['gdid'];
$sqlgoods = "SELECT * FROM sh_store_goods WHERE gdid=" . $gdid . " and state='ON' ";
$datagoods = $mysql->FetchData($sqlgoods);
$sqlgoodsdetail = "SELECT * FROM sh_store_goods_detail WHERE gdid=" . $gdid . " and state='ON' ";
$datagoodsdetail = $mysql->FetchData($sqlgoodsdetail);
$arrpic = explode("|", $datagoods[0]['gdpic']);
$userID = $_SESSION['coustomid'];
if ($userID == '') {
    $userID = '0';
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="../Carwash/ResponsiveSlides/responsiveslides.css">
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="../Carwash/ResponsiveSlides/demo/demo.css">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="jiaoben897/css/zzsc.css">
 <link href="spinner/css/jquery.spinner.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

<script src="../Myjquery/JQUERY-CONFIRM/js/pretty.js"></script>
コード例 #19
ファイル: UrlParams.php プロジェクト: CompuProject/Forsazh62
 private function checkPageAlias($alias)
     $query = "Select `alias` from `Pages` where `alias`='{$alias}';";
     $mySqlHelper = new MySqlHelper($query);
     $pagesInfo = $mySqlHelper->getAllData();
     return count($pagesInfo) > 0 ? true : false;
コード例 #20
 public function updateNums($orderid = 0)
     $Mysql = new MySqlHelper();
     $where = '';
     if ($orderid < 1) {
         return false;
     if ($orderid > 0) {
         $where = " where o.orderid={$orderid} ";
     $sqlInfo = "SELECT d.goodsid,d.num FROM sh_store_order o JOIN sh_store_order_detail d ON o.orderid=d.orderid " . $where;
     new Log("", "" . $sqlInfo);
     $dataInfo = $Mysql->FetchData($sqlInfo);
     $row = count($dataInfo);
     if ($row > 0) {
         foreach ($dataInfo as $Items) {
             $upsql = "UPDATE sh_store_goods_detail SET dnum =dnum-" . $Items['num'] . " ,salenum =salenum+" . $Items['num'] . " WHERE detailid=" . $Items['goodsid'];
             $upRow = $Mysql->ExecuteSql($upsql);
             if ($upRow < 1) {
                 new Log("", "更改商品数量失败,sql===" . $upsql);
                 return false;
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
コード例 #21

include_once '../../Bin/MySqlHelper.class.php';
$id = $_REQUEST['id'];
if ($id > 0) {
    $Mysql = new MySqlHelper();
    $data = $Mysql->FetchData("select dnum,dprice from sh_store_goods_detail where detailid={$id}");
    $num = $data[0]['dnum'];
    $price = $data[0]['dprice'];
    echo json_encode(array("msg" => "200", "num" => $num, "price" => $price));
} else {
    echo json_encode(array("msg" => "110", "num" => '0'));
コード例 #22
ファイル: carAction.php プロジェクト: heaven890922/jfycarlife
    $num = $_REQUEST['num'];
    $sql = "UPDATE sh_store_cart SET snum={$num} WHERE gdetailid={$id} AND userid=" . $userID;
    $Mysql = new MySqlHelper();
    $row = $Mysql->ExecuteSql($sql);
    if ($row > 0) {
        echo json_encode(array("code" => "200", "mess" => "修改成功!"));
    } else {
        echo json_encode(array("code" => "110", "mess" => "修改失败!"));
} elseif ($m == 'CHECK') {
    $strid = $_REQUEST['strid'];
    $flag = false;
    if ($strid != '') {
        $strid = substr($strid, 0, -1);
        $flag = true;
    } else {
        $strid = 0;
    $sql = "update sh_store_cart set checkstate=CASE WHEN  gdetailid  in ({$strid})  THEN 'ON' ELSE 'OFF'  END  WHERE userid={$userID}";
    $Mysql = new MySqlHelper();
    $row = $Mysql->ExecuteSql($sql);
    if ($row > 0) {
        echo json_encode(array("code" => "200", "mess" => "修改成功!"));
    } else {
        echo json_encode(array("code" => "110", "mess" => $strid));
コード例 #23
 private function getCategories()
     $query = "select * from `MaterialsInCategories` where `material`='{$this->malerial}'";
     $mySqlHelper = new MySqlHelper($query);
     $this->malerialData['categories'] = $mySqlHelper->getAllData();
コード例 #24
ファイル: LangHelper.php プロジェクト: CompuProject/Forsazh62
  * Конструктор.
  * @param type $tableName - название таблицы локализатора.
  * @param type $langColumn - название столбца хранящего информацию о языке.
  * @param type $selectionColumn - название столбца по которому производится отбор данных.
  * @param type $selectionValue - значение столбца по которому производится отбор данных.
  * @param type $lang - язык.
 public function __construct($tableName, $langColumn, $selectionColumn, $selectionValue, $lang)
     $query_ok = "select * from `Lang` as T1 left join `{$tableName}` as T2\n            on T1.`lang` = T2.`{$langColumn}`\n            where T1.`lang` = '{$lang}' and  T2.`{$selectionColumn}` = '{$selectionValue}'\n            limit 0, 1;";
     $query_default = "select * from `Lang` as T1 left join `{$tableName}` as T2\n            on T1.`lang` = T2.`{$langColumn}`\n            where T1.`default` = '1' and T2.`{$selectionColumn}` = '{$selectionValue}' \n            limit 0, 1;";
     $query_else = "select * from `Lang` as T1 left join `{$tableName}` as T2\n            on T1.`lang` = T2.`{$langColumn}`\n            where T2.`{$selectionColumn}` = '{$selectionValue}'\n            limit 0, 1;";
     $this->data = null;
     $this->keys = null;
     $mySqlHelper1 = new MySqlHelper($query_ok);
     $this->data = $mySqlHelper1->getDataRow(0);
     $this->keys = $mySqlHelper1->getDataKeys();
     if ($this->data != null && count($this->data) > 0) {
         $this->langType = 1;
     } else {
         $this->data = null;
         $this->keys = null;
         $mySqlHelper2 = new MySqlHelper($query_default);
         $this->data = $mySqlHelper2->getDataRow(0);
         $this->keys = $mySqlHelper2->getDataKeys();
         if ($this->data != null && count($this->data) > 0) {
             $this->langType = 0;
         } else {
             $this->data = null;
             $this->keys = null;
             $mySqlHelper3 = new MySqlHelper($query_else);
             $this->data = $mySqlHelper3->getDataRow(0);
             $this->keys = $mySqlHelper3->getDataKeys();
             if ($this->data != null && count($this->data) > 0) {
                 $this->langType = 0;
             } else {
                 $this->langType = -1;