$acceptCharsetHeader = "Accept-Charset: " . mb_internal_encoding(); header($acceptCharsetHeader); $head = "<html><head><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=" . mb_http_output() . "'></head>"; echo $head; } // Build connection object //if ($connType == "MYSQL") if ($_POST['Type'] == "MYSQL") { require "./mysql.php"; $oConn = new MySqlConnection($_POST['ConnectionString'], $_POST['Timeout'], $_POST['Host'], $_POST['Database'], $_POST['UserName'], $_POST['Password']); } // Process opCode if ($oConn) { $oConn->Open(); if ($_POST['opCode'] == "IsOpen") { echo $oConn->TestOpen(); } elseif ($oConn->connectionId && $oConn->isOpen) { if ($_POST['opCode'] == "GetTables") { echo $oConn->GetTables(); } elseif ($_POST['opCode'] == "GetColsOfTable") { echo $oConn->GetColumnsOfTable($_POST['TableName']); } elseif ($_POST['opCode'] == "ExecuteSQL") { echo $oConn->ExecuteSQL($_POST['SQL'], $_POST['MaxRows']); } elseif ($_POST['opCode'] == "GetODBCDSNs") { echo $oConn->GetDatabaseList(); } elseif ($_POST['opCode'] == "SupportsProcedure") { echo $oConn->SupportsProcedure(); } elseif ($_POST['opCode'] == "GetProviderTypes") { echo $oConn->GetProviderTypes(); } elseif ($_POST['opCode'] == "GetViews") { echo $oConn->GetViews();
if (!isset($oConn) || $oConn == false) { log_messages("\n" . 'MySQL Connection Object initialisation failed' . "\n\n" . @$error); } else { log_messages("\n" . 'MySQL Connection Object Created' . "\n\n"); } } else { $error = create_error('The files from the _mmServerScripts folder are for the server model PHP-MySQL. You try to connect to a database using a different server model ' . @$_POST['Type'] . ".\n\nPlease remove this folder outside the Dreamweaver environment on both local and testing machines and try again.", __LINE__); log_messages("\nError Sent:\n\n\t" . @$error . "\n\n\n"); echo $error . '</HTML>'; return; } // Process opCode if (isset($oConn) && $oConn) { $oConn->Open(); if ($_POST['opCode'] == 'IsOpen') { $answer = $oConn->TestOpen(); } elseif (is_resource($oConn->connectionId) && $oConn->isOpen) { switch ($_POST['opCode']) { case 'GetTables': $answer = $oConn->GetTables(@$_POST['Database']); break; case 'GetColsOfTable': $answer = $oConn->GetColumnsOfTable(@$_POST['TableName']); break; case 'ExecuteSQL': $answer = $oConn->ExecuteSQL(@$_POST['SQL'], @$_POST['MaxRows']); break; case 'GetODBCDSNs': $answer = $oConn->GetDatabaseList(); break; case 'SupportsProcedure':