コード例 #1
 function rebuildWorkspaceConfig()
     require_once TOOLKIT . "/class.mysqldump.php";
     $dump = new MySQLDump($this->_db);
     $prefix = $this->getConfigVar("tbl_prefix", "database");
     $data = $dump->takeDump($prefix . "pages", "DATA_ONLY");
     $data .= $dump->takeDump($prefix . "customfields", "DATA_ONLY");
     $meta = $dump->takeDump($prefix . "metadata", "DATA_ONLY", "`class` IN('page','customfield', 'section', 'master', 'utility')");
     $data .= $dump->takeDump($prefix . "utilities", "DATA_ONLY");
     $data .= $dump->takeDump($prefix . "masters", "DATA_ONLY");
     $data .= $dump->takeDump($prefix . "sections", "DATA_ONLY");
     ## Make sure the prefix is correct. We need it as 'tbl_' not the user specified one
     str_replace("`{$prefix}", '`tbl_', $data);
     ## Make sure we dont get metadata primary key collisions
     $meta = preg_replace('/VALUES \\(\\d+/i', "VALUES (''", $meta);
     $data .= $meta;
     @file_put_contents(WORKSPACE . "/workspace.conf", $data);
     if ($hash = @md5_file(WORKSPACE . "/workspace.conf")) {
         $this->setConfigVar("config_checksum", $hash, "workspace");
         return true;
     $this->log->pushToLog("ERROR: Rebuilding of workspace configuration failed", SYM_LOG_ERROR, true, true);
     return false;
コード例 #2
if (array_key_exists("begin", $_POST['action'])) {
    $start = time();
    $Admin->log->writeToLog("============================================\r\n", true);
    $Admin->log->pushToLog("Beginning 1.1.00 Migration", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true);
    ##Create Backup
    $Admin->log->pushToLog("Backing Up Existing Database...", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, false);
    require_once TOOLKIT . "/class.mysqldump.php";
    $data = "\nTRUNCATE `tbl_entries`;";
    $data .= "\nTRUNCATE `tbl_entries2customfields`;";
    $data .= "\nTRUNCATE `tbl_comments`;";
    $data .= "\nTRUNCATE `tbl_entries_types`;";
    $data .= "\nDELETE FROM `tbl_metadata` WHERE `class` IN('entry', 'comment');";
    $dump = new MySQLDump($DB);
    $data .= $dump->takeDump($Admin->getConfigVar("tbl_prefix", "database") . "entries", "DATA_ONLY");
    $data .= $dump->takeDump($Admin->getConfigVar("tbl_prefix", "database") . "comments", "DATA_ONLY");
    $data .= $dump->takeDump($Admin->getConfigVar("tbl_prefix", "database") . "metadata", "DATA_ONLY", "`class` IN('entry','comment')");
    if (!@file_put_contents(TMP . "/migration-backup.sql", $data)) {
        define("__SYM_MIGRATION_ERRORS__", true);
        $Admin->log->pushToLog("Failed.", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true, true);
    } else {
        $Admin->log->pushToLog("Done.", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true, true);
    if (!defined("__SYM_MIGRATION_ERRORS__")) {
        $Admin->log->pushToLog("Migrating Entries Table", SYM_LOG_NOTICE, true, true);
        $TFM = new TextformatterManager(array('parent' => &$Admin));
        $sql = "SELECT `id`, `title`, `body_raw`, `formatter` FROM `tbl_entries`";