function __construct($connect = true, $database = null, $server = null, $username = null, $password = null, $charset = "utf8", $port = null) { parent::__construct($connect, $database, $server, $username, $password, $charset, $port); if (parent::Error()) { parent::Kill(); } $this->ErrorMsgs = array(); }
function chapter_show_data($id) { $hmdb = new MySQL(true, DB_NAME, DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_CHARSET); hook_action('chapter_show_data'); if (!$hmdb->Query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "content WHERE `status` = 'chapter' AND `parent` = '{$id}' ORDER BY id DESC")) { $hmdb->Kill(); } $array_cha = array(); while ($row = $hmdb->Row()) { $data_cha = content_data_by_id($row->id); $array_cha[] = array('id' => $row->id, 'name' => $row->name, 'slug' => $row->slug, 'public_time' => date('d-m-Y H:i', $data_cha['field']['public_time'])); } $array['chapter'] = $array_cha; return hook_filter('chapter_show_data', json_encode($array, TRUE)); }
$_FILES = $HTTP_POST_FILES; } if (!isset($_SERVER)) { $_SERVER = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; } if (!isset($_SESSION)) { $_SESSION = $HTTP_SESSION_VARS; } if (!isset($_POST)) { $_POST = $HTTP_POST_VARS; } if (!isset($_GET)) { $_GET = $HTTP_GET_VARS; } if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '') { #echo "LAVORO LOCALE"; define("DB_HOST", ''); define("DB_USER", 'sil_booking'); define("DB_PASSWORD", 'lignano'); define("DB_NAME", 'kicero'); } else { } define("VAT_VALUE", 22); define("VAT_VALUE_X", 1.22); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; #require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/'; $db = new MySQL(true, DB_NAME, DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); if ($db->Error()) { $db->Kill("Errore connessione a DB"); }
-- SQL to generate test table -- -------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE `test` ( `TestID` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, `Color` varchar(15) default NULL, `Age` int(10) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`TestID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -------------------------------------------- */ // --- Open the database -------------------------------------------- // (Also note that you can fill in the variables in the top of the class // if you want to automatically connect when the object is created. If // you fill in the values when you create the obect, this is not needed.) if (!$db->Open("test", "localhost", "root", "password")) { $db->Kill(); } echo "You are connected to the database<br />\n"; // --- Insert a new record ------------------------------------------ $sql = "INSERT INTO Test (Color, Age) Values ('Red', 7)"; if (!$db->Query($sql)) { $db->Kill(); } echo "Last ID inserted was: " . $db->GetLastInsertID(); // --- Or insert a new record with transaction processing ----------- $sql = "INSERT INTO Test (Color, Age) Values ('Blue', 3)"; $db->TransactionBegin(); if ($db->Query($sql)) { $db->TransactionEnd(); echo "Last ID inserted was: " . $db->GetLastInsertID() . "<br /><br />\n"; } else {
if (!$db->Query($fullquery)) { $db->Kill($db->Error()); } $nbrlocalreq = $db->RowCount(); while (!$db->EndOfSeek()) { $row = $db->Row(); $dbd->Query($row->req); } $db->Query("update temprequet set stat=1 where stat=0"); // --------------------------------------------------- // Execute Remote requete on locoal server // --------------------------------------------------- global $db; $fullquery = "SELECT req,id from temprequet where stat=0 "; if (!$dbd->Query($fullquery)) { $dbd->Kill($dbd->Error()); } $nbrremotreq = $dbd->RowCount(); while (!$dbd->EndOfSeek()) { $row = $dbd->Row(); if (!$db->Query($row->req)) { $db->Kill($db->Error()); } else { $dbd->Query("update temprequet set stat=1 where id=" . $row->id); } } // --------------------------------------------------- // Insert log Last update // --------------------------------------------------- $nbrreq = $nbrlocalreq + $nbrremotreq; $lastmaj = "Insert into maj_sys(nbrreq,user)values({$nbrreq}," . $_SESSION['userid'] . ")";
Twig_Autoloader::register(); $loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem($APP_DIR . "/template"); if ($config->twig_cache) { $twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, array('debug' => $config->twig_debug, 'cache' => $APP_DIR . "/cache/" . $env)); } else { $twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, array('debug' => $config->twig_debug, 'cache' => "")); } //load extentions $twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extension_User()); // BootStrap framework object $cms = new bootstrap(); // Database framework object $db = new MySQL(); if (!$db->Open($config->db_name, $config->db_host, $config->db_user, $config->db_pass)) { echo "There was a error connecting to the database of ssa, please try again later."; @$db->Kill(); } $db->ThrowExceptions = true; // User object $user = new user(); //Set error settings if ($config->debug) { error_reporting(-1); ini_set('display_errors', '1'); } else { error_reporting(0); ini_set('display_errors', '0'); } // Stop loading stuff below, because its media if (strpos((string) $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "media/")) { $file = $APP_DIR . "/public" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
/** bảng danh sách thành viên */ function user_show_data($user_group, $perpage) { $hmdb = new MySQL(true, DB_NAME, DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_CHARSET); hook_action('user_show_data'); $request_paged = hm_get('paged', 1); $paged = $request_paged - 1; $offset = $paged * $perpage; $limit = "LIMIT {$perpage} OFFSET {$offset}"; if (!$hmdb->Query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE `user_group` = '{$user_group}' ORDER BY id DESC {$limit}")) { $hmdb->Kill(); } if ($hmdb->HasRecords()) { /* Trả về các user */ while ($row = $hmdb->Row()) { $array_use[] = array('id' => $row->id, 'user_nicename' => $row->user_nicename, 'user_role' => user_role_id_to_nicename($row->user_role)); } $array['user'] = $array_use; /* Tạo pagination */ $hmdb->Query(" SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users WHERE `user_group` = '{$user_group}' "); $total_item = $hmdb->RowCount(); $total_page = ceil($total_item / $perpage); $first = '1'; if ($request_paged > 1) { $previous = $request_paged - 1; } else { $previous = $first; } if ($request_paged < $total_page) { $next = $request_paged + 1; } else { $next = $total_page; } $array['pagination'] = array('first' => $first, 'previous' => $previous, 'next' => $next, 'last' => $total_page, 'total' => $total_item, 'paged' => $request_paged); } else { $array['user'] = array(); $array['pagination'] = array(); } return hook_filter('user_show_data', json_encode($array, TRUE)); }
function content_show_data($key, $status, $perpage) { global $hmcontent; $hmdb = new MySQL(true, DB_NAME, DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_CHARSET); hook_action('content_show_data'); $request_paged = hm_get('paged', 1); $paged = $request_paged - 1; $offset = $paged * $perpage; $limit = "LIMIT {$perpage} OFFSET {$offset}"; if (!$hmdb->Query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "content WHERE `key` = '{$key}' AND status = '{$status}' ORDER BY id DESC {$limit}")) { $hmdb->Kill(); } if ($hmdb->HasRecords()) { /* Trả về các content */ while ($row = $hmdb->Row()) { $array_con[] = array('id' => $row->id, 'name' => $row->name, 'slug' => $row->slug); } $array['content'] = $array_con; /* Tạo pagination */ $hmdb->Query(" SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "content WHERE `key` = '{$key}' AND status = '{$status}' "); $total_item = $hmdb->RowCount(); $total_page = ceil($total_item / $perpage); $first = '1'; if ($request_paged > 1) { $previous = $request_paged - 1; } else { $previous = $first; } if ($request_paged < $total_page) { $next = $request_paged + 1; } else { $next = $total_page; } $array['pagination'] = array('first' => $first, 'previous' => $previous, 'next' => $next, 'last' => $total_page, 'total' => $total_item, 'paged' => $request_paged); $all_content = $hmcontent->hmcontent; if (isset($all_content[$key]['chapter']) and $all_content[$key]['chapter'] == TRUE) { $array['chapter'] = TRUE; } else { $array['chapter'] = FALSE; } } else { $array['content'] = array(); $array['pagination'] = array(); $array['chapter'] = FALSE; } return hook_filter('content_show_data', json_encode($array, TRUE)); }
$kga['server_password'] = $server_ext_password[$dbnr]; } if ($server_ext_prefix[$dbnr] != '') { $kga['server_prefix'] = $server_ext_prefix[$dbnr]; } } } else { if (isset($_COOKIE['kimai_db']) && $_COOKIE['kimai_db'] == true) { $dbnr = $_COOKIE['kimai_db'] - 1; $kga['server_database'] = $server_ext_database[$dbnr]; if ($server_ext_username[$dbnr] != '') { $kga['server_username'] = $server_ext_username[$dbnr]; } if ($server_ext_password[$dbnr] != '') { $kga['server_password'] = $server_ext_password[$dbnr]; } if ($server_ext_prefix[$dbnr] != '') { $kga['server_prefix'] = $server_ext_prefix[$dbnr]; } } } // =========================================================================== include WEBROOT . "libraries/mysql.class.php"; if (isset($utf8) && $utf8) { $conn = new MySQL(true, $kga['server_database'], $kga['server_hostname'], $kga['server_username'], $kga['server_password'], "utf-8"); } else { $conn = new MySQL(true, $kga['server_database'], $kga['server_hostname'], $kga['server_username'], $kga['server_password']); } if ($conn->Error()) { $conn->Kill(); }
$where .= " ( employee_name LIKE '" . $params['search']['value'] . "%' "; $where .= " OR employee_salary LIKE '" . $params['search']['value'] . "%' "; $where .= " OR employee_age LIKE '" . $params['search']['value'] . "%' )"; } // getting total number records without any search $sql = "SELECT * FROM `employee` "; $sqlTot .= $sql; $sqlRec .= $sql; //concatenate search sql if value exist if (isset($where) && $where != '') { $sqlTot .= $where; $sqlRec .= $where; } $sqlRec .= " ORDER BY " . $columns[$params['order'][0]['column']] . " " . $params['order'][0]['dir'] . " LIMIT " . $params['start'] . " ," . $params['length'] . " "; if (!$db->Query($sqlTot)) { $db->Kill($db->Error()); } //$queryTot = mysqli_query($conn, $sqlTot) or die("database error:". mysqli_error($conn)); $totalRecords = $db->RowCount(); //$totalRecords = mysqli_num_rows($queryTot); if (!$db->Query($sqlRec)) { $db->Kill($db->Error()); } //$queryRecords = mysqli_query($conn, $sqlRec) or die("error to fetch employees data"); //iterate on results row and create new index array of data while (!$db->EndOfSeek()) { $row = $db->RowValue(); $data[] = $row; } //while( $row = mysqli_fetch_row($queryRecords) ) { //$data[] = $row;
<?php /** * Xử lý kết nối database * Vị trí : hm_include/database.php */ if (!defined('BASEPATH')) { exit('403'); } /** * Gọi thư viện mysql */ require_once BASEPATH . HM_INC . '/database/mysql.php'; /** * Kết nối mysql */ $hmdb = new MySQL(true, DB_NAME, DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_CHARSET); if (!$hmdb->IsConnected()) { exit('Không thể kết nối đến cơ sở dữ liệu'); } else { if ($hmdb->Error()) { exit($hmdb->Kill()); } $hmdb->Query('SET NAMES "UTF8"'); }
} // blow away $cfg['language'] to ensure the language file(s) are loaded this time - it's our first anyhow. unset($cfg['language']); $language = SetUpLanguageAndLocale($language); // SECURITY == // Include security file only for administration directory $location = explode("/", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $php_src_is_admin_code = in_array("admin", $location); if ($php_src_is_admin_code) { /*MARKER*/ require_once BASE_PATH . '/admin/includes/'; } // DATABASE == // All set! Now this statement will connect to the database if (!$db->Open($cfg['db_name'], $cfg['db_host'], $cfg['db_user'], $cfg['db_pass'])) { $db->Kill($ccms['lang']['system']['error_database']); } // ENVIRONMENT == // Some variables to help this file orientate on its environment $current = basename(filterParam4FullFilePath($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); // [i_a] $curr_page was identical (enough) to $pagereq before $pagereq = checkSpecialPageName(getGETparam4Filename('page'), SPG_GIVE_PAGENAME); $ccms['pagereq'] = $pagereq; $ccms['printing'] = getGETparam4boolYN('printing', 'N'); $preview = getGETparam4IdOrNumber('preview'); // in fact, it's a hash plus ID! $preview = IsValidPreviewCode($preview); $ccms['preview'] = $preview ? 'Y' : 'N'; //$ccms['responsecode'] = null; // default: 200 : OK //$ccms['page_id'] = false; //$ccms['page_name'] = false;